Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1422064-Goodbye-and-Thank-you
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Personal · #1422064
saying goodbye and thank you to WDC

I am writing this letter to say "good bye" to all of you here, on WDC. I would like to say "Thank you" for all of your support and honest opinions. As much as I would like to stay, I will not be able to for awhile, due to financial issues, I have to discard my account here. Plus, I'm going to turn my essays into a book. I have completed a letter to my mother. Titled, "Dear Mother, remember me?" Boy, did I tell her a thing or two... I wasn't disrespectful in anyway, just honest, It was very hard to write and to complete. The one to my father wasn't as intense. When I do come back, and I will, I will have my three essays, my letters to my parents, and a testimony completed into a book or novel. It will take me quite some time to finish this project... So, for the length of time to complete this project, I won't have the financials to keep my portfolio up.

I want more to concentrate on saying Thank you for you good people here, on WDC. I've received so many helpful, not hurtful opinions and advice here. I couldn't have the courage to put my work on here if it wasn't for Judity, Lilyvonschtup and Lorilady. You guys are awesome friends. You may never know how much you guys helped me out during those dark days... I also thank the writers who also took the time to read and rate my work. Without you guys, I wouldn't have the courage to continue. Some of you said I helped you to identify to your own terms of Depression... I hoped I really helped, not made it worse.

To show all of you who supported me here, I'm going to evenly give out all of my gift points to you. I'm not going to need them. Why let them go to waste?
I'm not going to get this edit, or anything. I don't have much time before I'm cancelled. So, please over look the grammar mistakes.

Well it's time to say Goodbye, and good luck to all...

Joyceanna aka Grissom's butterfly
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