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A vampire uses online dating to find his victims. |
Three new e-mails. Anton smirked as he checked them, each one from a different girl on the website. While others of his kind resisted the world's ever increasing industrialization, Anton embraced new technologies wholeheartedly. Why should they deny themselves the modern conveniences that everyone else enjoyed so thoroughly? Sure, these new things took time to learn how to use, but it wasn't like time was in short supply. With minimal effort, Anton was able to develop a functional understanding of most human inventions, but none fascinated him as much as the Internet. It was a marvelous interconnected system of users, all of who could keep in touch with one another instantaneously. While the prospects of keeping in touch with others of his kind held mild interest for him, the real fascination was with these so-called "social networking" sites. Users sign up and create profiles to share with other users. Some sites were people looking to reconnect with old friends; others were for those seeking people with similar sexual proclivities. One really could find anything on the internet. More importantly, one could pretend to be anything on the internet. After some searching, Anton found a dating website dedicated to helping singles find love. It was a veritable treasure trove of lonely, single and, in many cases, desperate people that were hoping to make a connection with someone. For Anton, it was like a farmer's market of selection. Endless women, most of whom were alone and wouldn't be missed, at least for some time. What Anton enjoyed most about these websites was the skill it required to seduce someone online. It reminded him of his human days, when he had to rely on his own charisma to impress women, rather than his supernatural allure. He liked the challenge of trying to bait a woman, conversing with her for a while, pretending to get to know them. Anton delighted in toying with these women, pretending to care about whatever banal hobbies they found interesting. He enjoyed manipulating them and toying with their emotions before typing his favorite line: WLTM IRL - Would Like To Meet, In Real Life When they agreed, he knew he had them. He would often insist on making the dinner reservation at a public place, to give his dates a false sense of security, before leading them to someplace more secluded, where he could conduct his affairs in private. His date tonight was Marta. She seemed like a nice enough girl. Perhaps a little socially awkward, and on the heavy side, but otherwise completely unremarkable. Anton's piercing eyes cut into her, sizing her up and weighing his options. He was charming and debonair at dinner, and Marta was soon helplessly enamored with him. It wouldn't be difficult to convince her to come with him. And that's exactly what she did. When Anton suggested a nice walk on the beach, she readily complied and followed him out of the restaurant without a hint of reservation. They walked along the beach for some time, the silver moonlight glistening off the waves lazily crashing on the shore. They picked a spot to sit, and Anton immediately advanced upon her, kissing her deeply, with a passion that Marta had never known. It was a good thing she was sitting down... she felt her body tremble and go slack in his powerful embrace. She was embarrassed to admit, but his continued kisses alone ignited the passions inside of her, arousing the deepest parts of her from a long dormant slumber. Her body ached for his touch, and he gave it, working his way down her jawbone and along the length of her neck. Marta was panting desperately now, her body quivering on the verge of climax. When he lowered his fangs to her throat, Marta let out a feverish moan as an orgasm swept over her writhing, convulsing body. She could feel her life slipping away, but at the same time felt more intense pleasure than she had ever felt in her life. Her eyes reflected pure bliss, ecstasy etched on her face as her life slowly drained away, leaving her eyes dull and hollow as she passed. Anton groaned as he felt the rush of the kill coursing through his veins. He always felt so alive after a feeding, like he could do anything. He quickly set about disposing of the body, carrying her over to a deep grave he had prepared ahead of time further up the beach... quickly burying her and covering up any trace of what had just transpired. Three days later, Anton was hungry again. He powered up his computer and selected his next victim... a pretty young girl from what he could tell from the provided picture. Her name was Kerry, and she insisted on picking the place for dinner. Someplace safe that she knew well. You can never be too safe... She messaged him. Of course, my dear... Anton typed back. These days, you never know who's behind the keyboard. They both signed off and Anton went to prepare for his date. Later that night, he entered the restaurant, surprised to find it empty. Anton moved further inside and called out. "Hello? Kerry?" His superhuman ears picked up a soft twang and a slight woosh. He screamed in pain, feeling something penetrate his shoulder before he could react. Looking down, he saw a silver-tipped crossbow bolt protruding from his collarbone. He staggered back in surprise, turning just in time to get another bolt in his leg. From out of the shadows, a man emerged, wearing urban camouflage and decked out in vampire-hunting regalia. "Nice to meet you," the man said, firing another stake into Anton's other leg. "The name's Kerry." Anton winced and slumped to the ground, his injuries beginning to get the better of him. He looked at the man in front of him, confusion in his eyes. "Don't look so surprised, Anton. 'You never know who's behind the keyboard', remember?" Kerry fired another crossbow bolt into Anton, this time straight through his heart. As the searing inferno scorched his body and turned his skin to ash, Anton scolded himself for not being more careful. After all, one could pretend to be anything on the internet. (1,040 words) |