Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1419901-Infinity-WIP-part-2
by Johara
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1419901
Chapters 11 to 20

Chapter 11


         At the gate to Tarklan, the guards gave them only a cursory inspection. They knew everyone but Claudia, but she wore the blue cloak of a Rider and so was accepted. Thorn was extremely nervous with so many people and animals crowding his senses. He kept close to Arraci's mount but it was Claudia murmuring to him that kept him from bolting. Trying to keep herself calm for Thorns sake, Claudia was nonetheless overwhelmed by the sights. There were many blonde Anru, with an occasional Utlein and a couple other peoples that she hadn't seen before. Following the group closely, Claudia was thankful to see the livestock yards. Never having been claustrophobic before now, she was not sure how much longer she could have kept it together. Having lived alone with no human contact for the last year she was extremely sensitive to the ebb and flow of emotions she could now feel.
         Varn led the group through the gate and down a long road that curved to the northeast corner of the city. There among the livestock yards was the townhouse and stables that the Cre ranch owned. It was a nice two-story building with strong wooden corrals. It had a blue shingle roof, and matching blue trim. On the door was painted the Cre crest - a long blue cloak with the head of a shaflin on top of it. Claudia was still shaking slightly when they rode up to the stables and started unsaddling. Arraci came up besides her and laid a calming hand on her shoulder. When she turned and caught his eye, he smiled gently. "You're doing great my friend." Claudia smiled back.
         The house and stables had been cleaned and aired within the past week in preparation of their arrival. A blue skinned male came outside and greeted them. "Welcome back to the city. Has Master Goben come on this trip?" Arcben's face fell. "Yes, but there was an accident. He will be here later tonight or early tomorrow. He is traveling with an Utlein farmer because of broken legs." Turning to Varn, Arcben asked "I'll leave you in charge of the shaflin while Henk shows me the inside." Varn nodded, and the two of them disappeared inside, with the blue skinned Henk wringing his hands in dismay.
         Claudia tied the two blacks to a hitching rail, then led the reluctant Thorn inside the spacious stables. Both the stables and the house were two stories and L shaped, forming a large inner square that held a handful of pens. Inside one wing of the stables were 4 rows of 8 stalls, 2 rows on each story. Each huge stall was approximately 20 feet square, with thick multi-layered bedding. When she turned him loose inside of one, he investigated every inch. Claudia laughed as he picked his footing so daintily then pawed the bedding. "Don't eat it boy, I'll be right back with some real feed." She was smiling now, relaxed. The blacks easily followed her in, and she stabled them in the stalls on either side of Thorn. He nickered as she led them in, his head out over the gate. Varn had his four in the stalls next her three, and she followed him over to the water trough first then to the feed room. He showed her how to measure the grain and pellets, and advised her to feed only a half ration to Thorn tonight. "He'll need a few days of rationing so he can acclimate to this food. The others are used to it, so we can give their full portion."
         Telca and Arraci's shaflin were in the second story of the stable. Claudia was fascinated by the muffled sounds she could hear above her head. They had finished first, then lead Arcben's string inside and stabled them across from Claudia. "How are you and Thorn settling in?" Telca was concerned. "This city can be overwhelming to new travelers."
         Claudia nodded. "It is indeed. I will survive." She grinned. "Poor Thorn is taking it harder I think. I am thankful, I must be strong for his sake, and it helps."
         Arraci smiled "Lets get settled in the house next. The shaflin seem to be happy. We'll come check on them in a little bit." Claudia followed them out of the stables, listening to them chatter about this and that. She learned that the first sales were in 3 days time, and that only the grays would be in that one. The rest of the shaflin were for sale by private showings only. They made a detour to show Claudia the spacious arena that was housed in the other wing. The walls were thick wood like the stalls wing, and the footing was soft grey sand. Once they were inside the house section, Varn split off to go find Arcben. Claudia followed Telca and Arraci to where the rooms were. Each of them had a bedroom to themselves. Varn's was closest to the door, then each Rider took one down the hall. There were 8 bedrooms on this hallway so there was plenty of room. The rooms were a basic square, slightly smaller then the shaflin's stalls. There was a bed in the corner, a wooden dresser at the foot of it. Claudia dropped her bags on the bed, then stepped back outside to find the bathroom. Telca pointed out the two closest, one on each end of the hallway. "Lets go find out when dinner will be ready, then we'll discuss duties and salary and things." Telca lead the way into the other wing of the house.
         There was a long dining table with large sturdy wooden chairs. Henk was setting out plates and wooden silverware as they approached. He motioned them to sit down, then disappeared through a pair of double doors. Seconds later he reappeared carrying a covered platter, followed by two other servants also carrying covered platters. Telca had Claudia take the seat on the left of the table head, then sat beside her. Arraci sat next to Telca and sniffed the air appreciatively. "Smells good!"
         Varn and Arcben strode into the room at that point. "I agree, it smells quite good." commented Arcben. He took the seat across from Claudia, with Varn on his right. "Normally Goben will be sitting here at the head of the table. When he is, we wait for him to say blessings before eating. When he is not here, we just eat." Arcben winked. "We've sent out a carriage to find him and bring him back faster. He should be here in a couple hours. In the meantime, let's eat."
         Henk and the servants set their platters down and uncovered them. In one were slabs of red meat in gravy, in the second were piles of what looked like potatoes and a few veggies. In the third were large fish filets in a buttery sauce. Claudia's mouth was watering, all they had eaten today were the dry traveling rations from the morning. For the next little while there was no talking, but there was plenty of contented sighs as everyone ate their fill. After dinner they went back to the stables to check on the shaflin. They had all settled in well, even Thorn. When Claudia peeked in on him, he was laying down snoozing. When she called his name he lifted his head and nickered at her. Claudia smiled, checked on the blacks and headed to bed. Everyone but Henk and Arcben were asleep when the carriage finally rolled in with Goben.
         He was quickly taken into the master suite where a local doctor was waiting to check on his legs. After confirming Telca's prediction of full healing, and replacing the splints with stronger casts the doctor left Goben to sleep. The next morning Arraci brought in a pair of crutches. Telca vetoed the idea of handing them to Goben so soon. "He needs to rest. No putting weight on those legs for a couple days!"
         Arcben shook his head. "He is not going to be happy. He's got someone coming over tomorrow to look at the shaflin. You know how he likes to meet every new owner himself."
         Varn chimed in. "We can set up a chair and shade tent out in the yard. He'll still be able to keep an eye on things that way."
         "I'd like to take Claudia on a walking tour of the city if we've got the time." Arraci asked. Varn nodded. "That'll be fine. Claudia, do you have any currency?" At her blank look he chuckled. "Telca, could you get a few coins for her?" Turning back to Claudia, he said "As a Rider you'll earn a small stipend each month plus a bonus when the shaflin you've been training are sold. We come here to Tarklan three times a year. Goben will work out a bonus for your help so far." Claudia nodded, listening intently. "Goben will want to go over duties and salaries and other things once he's feeling better. For today, enjoy yourself." Varn clasped her hand in his. "You're a blue Rider now, one of us. We don't care about your past, your actions have proven yourself to us. Just.." He paused. "Just be careful." He squeezed her hand and released it. Claudia knew there were undertones, hidden meanings in that conversation but she couldn't figure them out. Frowning, she followed Arraci back to the bedrooms. Arraci was practically bouncing as he walked.
         Telca met them at Claudia's door carrying some folded clothes and a small pouch. "Here are some clothes for you Claudia. Yours look well made, but they are farmer's style. There are a few silver and bronze flares in the bag, enough for you two to buy lunch and perhaps a trinket." She raised an eyebrow and glared at Arraci. "No bar fights. Stay away from the docks. I'm sure they haven't forgotten the last time you were there." Claudia giggled and Arraci tried to look solemn. With a wink to Claudia, he replied "Just a fun tour of the market area, gotcha." Claudia ducked inside her room and changed clothes. Telca had even included underwear in the pile of clothing. They fit well, down to the high black boots. The blue leggings were like a second skin with the blue sleeveless tunic over it. A soft rope belt completed the outfit. Claudia tied her cloak on, marveling at the softness, then tied on the bag of money. That reminded her of the bag of trinkets she had, so she dug them out of her saddlebags and walked outside holding it.
         "I do not have currency, but I do have gems and carved trinkets. Would these be useful for trading?" She dug into the bag and pulled out a couple carved jade fetishes and a marble sized star sapphire. Both Telca and Arraci's jaws dropped. "By the Goddess! Claudia, put those away and do not show them to anyone but Goben!" Telca closed Claudia's hand. "You must keep a low profile. There are no Hunters known to be here, but you cannot be too safe. You are our Malspa, our sister by Fate, but we can not protect you from Them." Telca pointed at Arraci. "Stay safe. That is an order."

Chapter 12

Tarklan, pt2

         After Claudia put away her bag of trinkets, Arraci led her to the kitchen where they filched a few pastries before heading out. Claudia did try to ask him what Telca had meant back there, but Arraci would not reply other then to say "Wait for Goben to call a council." and wink at her. Feeling very mystified, she told herself to be patient. The first couple hours were spent walking among the livestock yards and admiring the many shaflin, gilbarn, belrin and other animals. Because Arraci was both well known and well liked, they were able to enter a few private yards. Having been an animal lover since she was a child, Claudia enjoyed walking to each pen to give the animals a treat and a pat. The variety in color and pattern among the shaflin amazed her. Bay, brown, black, white, creams, brindles, spots, stripes, pintos, there seemed to be far more variety then found in the horses on earth and Claudia delighted in seeing each one.
         Arraci finally tired of boasting on how these shaflin were inferior to their own, and dragged Claudia away. Laughing, she followed him out of the livestock yards, past a couple blacksmith barns and into the maze of streets that was the city proper. The buildings were predominantly made of stone with wooden roofs. Many of the windows were made with tinted glass, mostly green and yellow. When asked about it, Arraci told here those were the colors of the city flag, and most buildings would have at least one window tinted that color. After a few residential streets they entered the merchant quarter. Many stores had a table or cart outside with a display of their wares, and a shopkeeper nearby watching over things. There was yellow fruit, red fruit, green, purple, even a pink and yellow striped melon. "Eck, those are for baking. Not to eat as we walk!" proclaimed Arraci. "I smell larnos baking, they are a type of stuffed bread, so good." Just as colorful as the produce were the people. Blonde Anru, dark Utlein, blue skinned Diri, short Elim and what seemed to be a few hybrids.
         Arraci laughed. "You look like a tourist! Wide eyed and everything." Claudia poked him in the ribs and smiled. "This is my first time here, I can not help it."
         "We will be here a month, you'll get used to it by then. Aha, there is the larnos baker! Just in time too, I am starving!" He wended his way across the street to a deli with a white bird printed on its bright yellow awning. Claudia followed him inside, breathing deeply. There were many wonderful smells all battling for supremacy. Fresh baked bread, honeyed ham, fried onions, and most delicious of all to her, smoked meat. "Four larnos, one of each style." Arraci paid the shopkeeper, then pushed Claudia over to an empty table. "They will bring it out to us when it is done. We'll split them, so you can get a taste of each one. They are all so good that it is hard to pick a favorite!" He grinned happily. "Plus, it is good to sit down. I prefer to ride then walk all day!" Claudia giggled.
         It was not long before their meal was served. Arraci spent the time instructing Claudia on the differences between the 4 types. From his descriptions, two were from farm-raised birds, somewhat larger then a turkey. Breast meat was used for these larnos, one type was smoked before cooking with an aged cheese while the second was marinated in honey and spices. The third type was from a pig like animal with pink meat. It was slow cooked then slathered with honey and stuffed with a starchy potato like root. The fourth was stuffed with seaweed and a white fleshed fish that was bought fresh each day from the wharf.
         A short while later, they were both groaning with pleasure and holding their full bellies. "Those were so good, I am too full to walk!" Claudia pushed back her plate and sighed happily. Arraci laughed. "Yes, I make sure to come here every time I come to Tarklan. Here is the best larnos baker in town. There are other shops that bake them, but none as half as good as the Laughing Heron. Are you ready to brave the market again?" Claudia hesitated before answering. "Could we be finished? I am tired, head aches. So many people here."
         Arraci nodded sympathetically. "Sure. Our shaflin could use some exercise too, and it is always soothing to work with them." He smiled and led the way out. Claudia walked nearly on his heels, there was allot more people out and about now and her head was spinning. Claudia was grateful to reach the relative peacefulness of the stables, and went directly to Thorn's stall. He was nickering and pawing at the door waiting for her as soon as she walked inside. She laughed softly, rubbing his forehead. "Such a good boy Thorn, I'm so proud of you settling in so fast." Slipping the halter over his head, she unlatched his stall and led him down to the arena. Once inside he took off at a gallop and circled the arena twice before coming to a prancing halt in front of Claudia. She rubbed his forehead, then leaned against his shoulder and hugged him.
         Arraci bringing in one of the young geldings interrupted their reverie. With a nod, she led Thorn outside and put him in one of the pens. Bringing out the two black shaflin, she put one in the pen with Thorn and the other she took into the arena. Arraci guided her in the long lines techniques that the Riders used. After working the blacks, she helped both Arraci and Telca with their strings. By the evening meal, she was worn out but it was a very satisfying feeling. She barely made through dinner without falling asleep, but a quick shower afterwards gave her a second wind. She found Telca walking through the stable and asked about Goben. "He's doing good, thanks largely to your help. The doctor kept him sleepy all day, but tomorrow I'm sure he'll be walking around on those crutches. He legs are healing nicely, in another week he'll be using just a cane. If you had not been there to power up my meager healing skill he would be on those crutches for several months instead of days."
         "I am glad to have helped." Claudia could feel herself blushing and hoped that it was not noticeable on her skin. "Good night." "Sleep well." Claudia took a treat to Thorn and gave him a final pat before heading to bed. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, and it was first light out before she awoke to someone knocking on her door.
         "Wake up, sleepy!" It was Arraci, waking her for the morning feeding. With a long yawn, she was dressed and out the door after him. After feeding all the shaflin, they mucked the stalls and scrubbed the water tubs before heading into the dining hall to join the others for their own quick breakfast. As they were finishing, Varn asked Claudia to come with him to visit Goben. "He's looking forward to really meeting you. We've never hired someone without his approval before." He smiled reassuringly at her widened eyes. "Don't worry, he's not going to throw you out on the streets."

Chapter 13

Leaving Tarklan

         A short time later found her and Varn upstairs, knocking on Goben's door. "Come in!" He had a very deep voice. Varn opened the door and motioned her in, and followed her in. Goben was lying in bed, propped up. He had a couple notebooks opened on his lap, with papers strewn about. He had pale blue eyes, dark blonde hair with no grey despite his age, and a short full cheeked beard. Claudia walked up to him and clasped the hand he held out. His firm grip steadied her and she smiled back at him. "So my dear, I'm pleased to meet the Foreseen One."
         Claudia blinked. "Foreseen one? Sir, I'm not sure.." He squeezed her hand. "Your coming was prophesied generations ago. I have the entire prophecy woven into a tapestry back at the ranch. Once you read it, you will know. Trust in the fates, this is the now you were always meant to be in." He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. "I am honored that you are wearing the Blue of my Riders. Arcben and Varn will be able to instruct you in the duties expected of all Riders until they let me out of this blasted room!"
         He was growling, but the sparkle in his eyes told her he was not really angry. Claudia smiled at him. "Minaldrine, Goben. It is I who am honored to wear your Blue." He huffed, pleased, and then waved them away. "I have paperwork to do, go work with my shaflin."
         The next couple days were much the same. Early mornings to feed and clean the stables, a quick breakfast, and then exercising the shaflin. A buyer would show up sometimes to watch, but Arcben and Varn was there to shepherd them. After all the shaflin had been handled, Claudia would take a quick shower then Telca and Arraci would give her lessons in language and culture. The prophecy that Goben had spoken of was not mentioned, and Claudia did not bring it up. She wasn't sure how she felt about it yet, and wanted to reserve judgment until she had read it. So she learned the finer points of Common, as well as the root words in Anru, the language of the shaflin riders. Telca was a great history teacher, knowing many of the bard songs. From Arraci she learned of the customs. Who she was to bow to, what class level she was above, what titles to use. After a couple hours of lessons, they went back out for the evening feeding. Claudia usually took Thorn out again for a last gallop around the arena before the evening meal and collapsing into bed.
         They all went to the auction with the grays. Arcben and Varn were pleased with the price they commanded, and after making sure they would be well treated on the outbound ship, they departed. Arraci took Telca and Claudia out to eat at the Laughing Heron, then it was back to the routine for another handful of days. Goben started showing up to watch, first from a covered platform then from his crutches as he strode about. Claudia was amused at his gruff exterior, knowing how well respected he was for being an honest and just person. Goben and Varn now showed around buyers. Nearly half of the shaflin had been sold, and Arcben was rarely seen. During one of their lessons, Claudia asked about him. "Hmm. His true passion is not the shaflin. Were he not Goben's only son he would have a shop here in town, or perhaps in a larger town even, where he would carve sculptures." Telca paused a moment. "He still has shaflin blood in his veins, and will make a good leader in his turn, but his reign will depend more on the shoulders of his Riders. When he can be spared, he likes to go visit his artist friends. We'll be done here in a few more days, then we'll all head out together."
         Finally the day came when all of the shaflin they had brought was sold. Henk organized a magnificent feast that night, with so many platters that the table was groaning. After a most enjoyable evening, they lingered over desert, telling outrageous stories. Claudia's favorite was a tale about Arraci's rescue of a newborn shaflin from a flood. She was still giggling later as she climbed into bed.
         Before dawn she was up with the Riders saddling up for the ride home. Goben had hired a light cart to travel in, and they were all able to throw their packs in with him. It was a joyful group that set out, and once they were outside the city gates Telca's voice rose up in song. Arraci and Claudia would join in for the chorus and even Goben lead for one song. It was early afternoon when they came to where the road turned. Claudia stopped, and gazed thoughtfully up the fork she had come down a few weeks ago. The group pulled up when they realized she had stopped, and Arraci called out. "That leads across the End Mountains, into the other countries by means of a narrow death-filled passage. Come, home is this way!"
         She smiled at him, took one last look northwards, then swiftly cantered to catch up. "He was right." She thought. "Home is this way."

Chapter 14

Loose shaflin

         They camped that night on the farthest edges of ranch land. Goben had a thoughtful look when he watched Claudia turn Thorn loose.
"Claudia, is that something you could teach our shaflin?"
"I am not sure. With Thorn, once he bonded with me, I was the lead mare of his herd so he never strayed far. Let me turn them loose with Thorn, he will keep them together."
"And if they are gone in the morning?" Telca had an eyebrow arched up and a grin on her face.
"They will not be." Claudia tried to show more confidence then she actually felt.
         Goben roared with laughter and slapped his knees. "Let her do it. If they do take off, they will only head for home. Tracking them down will do you all some good!"
Not sure if that was a compliment or not, and disconcerted from everyone staring at her, she walked over to Thorn and buried her face in his neck for a quick hug. While rubbing his forehead she talked softly to him, reaching out with her mind. "You are the herd stallion, keep these guys in line, alright?" She walked up to each shaflin and one at a time lead them over to Thorn. Slipping off each halter, she would scratch their neck and tell them "Stay close, follow Thorn." When all 6 shaflin stood in the group she slapped Thorn on his rump and walked away. With a snort, Thorn tossed his head, then leads the group down to a nearby stream.
         The others set to finishing their small camp. Arcben was frying dinner over a small fire, and the bedrolls were tucked here and there. All through dinner Claudia could see them surreptitiously checking the darkness for  the shaflin. She knew it made them nervous, but she also knew her trust was not misplaced in her own shaflin. After the quiet dinner, everyone turned in and soon slight snores could be heard.          
         Claudia awoke at first light, but she was not the first one up. Goben was still snoring, but Telca and Varn were both sitting huddled in their cloaks with cups of hot tea. Wrapping her own cloak around her, she joined them with a yawn. "Good morning." They both nodded sleepily. Varn pointed to the south, Claudia turned and grinned. Thorn could be seen with his little bunch meandering this way, taking bites from the frosty grass as they walked.  By the time the shaflin made it all the way to camp, everyone was awake and either eating or packing up their bedrolls. After a quick brushing, the shaflin were saddled and hitched up, and they headed out. The morning air was cold but everyone was in a good mood. Claudia was feeling particularly proud of herself. She hadn't been using any magic since she met the Riders, and she was happy to know her passive skills were still working. She had, after all, only got them about a year ago. Thinking back over the last winter, she reached into a pocket and pulled out the carved jade horse she had created then. She had been carrying it around, using it as a worry stone. Its smooth grain made rubbing it very soothing somehow.
         Goben was driving his cart just behind her and noticed her pull it out. "Claudia, what is that pretty green thing you are holding?" Startled, she held Thorn back until Goben was even with her.  Holding it out to him she mentioned its beginnings. He grumbled thoughtfully. "Very interesting. I've never seen a stone like this. You said you found it to the northwest of here?"
         She shook her head no. "I created it, after similar stones carved in my home world."
         He turned a piercing eye her way. "Created it? As in carved it from an existing stone?"
         She shook her head negatively again. "Created it, from a plain pebble into that carved jade." Thorn jigged underneath her, not liking how tight she was holding her legs against him.
         Goben sat back against the carts bench and held the jade piece up to the sky. "It is quite beautiful. I am not sure we understand each other perfectly. Can you show me how you created it?"
         Her heart was going double time as she halted Thorn and picked up a loose pebble. Her own sack of valley pebbles was stored in her bedroll, out of reach. Goben had halted his cart, and the Riders had stopped also. Feeling quite faint, she swung up on Thorn and rode over to Goben's side. Showing him the plain rock pebble, she closed her hand over it, took a deep breath, and changed it. Opening her eyes Claudia could see Telca shiver and look her way with surprised eyes. Opening her hand, she offered the jade bear to Goben. There was no mistaking the delight and awe in his eyes when he took it and compared the two pieces. "Claudia, what a power you have!" Claudia nearly wept with relief.
         "Come, lets keep moving. I do want to reach the ranch before nightfall." Goben clucked to his shaflin, still marveling at the jade. "This does raise... concerns.. over your heritage Claudia." Keeping Thorn even with the cart, she wondered why. "There have been others, women with great powers, who have tried to tear this world apart with their wars. This ability to change something into something else completely, it is one of their powers." Seeing her pale, Goben hastened to add "But you are the Foreseen one. It is known that you have a good heart, and powers enough to defeat those mages. Riding your wild shaflin is proof enough of that. Were your heart and soul dark, you and he would not have bonded." With a smile he asked "May I keep these? I'd like to have them sent off to Manzi, a short journey by ship from Tarklan. There is a scholar there that would delight to appraise them."
         Claudia nodded. "I also would like to hear what he finds out. I have a small sack of other carvings, you may have your pick of them to keep or send off as you like." She smiled shyly. "I was not much of an artist before I came here, but they helped pass the time last winter." Goben laughed. "You will be much busier this winter. Before you know it, spring will be here and we'll be twice as busy with young shaflin."
         As they traveled south the scenery changed from high altitude grasslands with an occasional evergreen forest to low altitude grasslands with sparse groves of yellow leaved trees lining the waterways. The grass was still abundant in many places, despite the late season. Claudia was pleased to see it, knowing the animals here would have plenty to eat all winter. She had not seen a wild herd of shaflin since she left the valley, but she did occasionally see other animals grazing in the distance.
         Around midday they came to the first gate. It was wide enough for a pair of carts and taller then Claudia could reach were she to stand on Thorn's back. It was made of blonde colored wood, like many saplings grown into a braided arched shape. Claudia thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, stopping Thorn directly underneath it so she could place a hand on it.
         Telca stopped next to her. "Can you feel it?" Claudia turned to her in amazement. "I think it is singing!" Telca smiled and nodded in approval. "They were created many generations ago by the prophet who foretold your coming. Anyone with a fair gift can hear the singing, some clearer then others. We will pass through one other on our way in to the ranch house. The buildings each have a beam or two of the same wood. It is truly wonderful to fall asleep listening to the songs."
         As they rode on, Claudia asked Telca about the ranch. She was told about the 2 other Riders, left to tend the stock while they had gone to Tarklan. Mencal, the blue skinned Rider who preferred the long solitary stays out with wintering shaflin. Shari, the pale blonde Anru who had worked with Goben longer then any other Rider. Telca spoke some about Goben's master breeding plan, and described the studbooks that had been started by Goben's ancestor 6 generations back when they founded the ranch. She heard about the main stallion Murdo, who was a creamy brown with wild striping and a large blaze; how his coloring had been passed down from a great grandsire and most shaflin of that color were directly related to him.
         With a wry smile Telca told Claudia "Any time I get to talking too much, tell me! You'd think my sire was a bard, with how much I can get to talking about shaflin." Claudia laughed. "You have never talked too much. I am enjoying hearing all about the ranch. It makes me feel at home." They continued chatting, Telca was homesick for the ranch and it showed in her continuous praise. A couple hours later they crossed under the second wood gate. Claudia had to stop and place her hand on this one too. The song filled her, making her limbs tingle and lifting her spirit even higher. She had a smile on her face the rest of the way to the ranch.
         Claudia and Telca were riding last, until everyone in front of them had stopped in the shade of the cliff. They had been riding through a few steep hills for the last hour, winding through a canyon or two beside a small bubbling brook. Just ahead of where everyone has stopped the canyon opened up into a wide plain. Arraci had a big grin on his face. "Come on slow pokes, home is just around the corner!" Everyone moved aside so that Claudia could get the first look. 
         The little brook bumbled down the trail and lazily made its way across the plain. Claudia's attention was caught by the bright wooden buildings she could see in the distance. There were several fenced areas, and multi colored shaflin in each one. At first glance the buildings seemed to be made of living wood, all golden and brown. "Home."  Arraci came prancing up on his mount. "So.. what do you think?!" She just grinned at him. Goben drove his cart up on her other side. "Quit blocking the road, youngsters!" He clucked his shaflin into a ground-eating trot, and they all hurried to catch up.
         Shari met them midway. "Welcome home boss!" His pale blonde hair was salted with grey, as was his short full beard. He was riding a stout golden shaflin, it matched his hair and tanned skin well. He rode up to Goben's cart and clasped hands. "Good to see you again Shari. It has been a long month away."
"I hear your time was more entertaining them my own was Goben" He had a nice deep laugh.
" Yes, entertaining is one way to put it. Meet Claudia, our newest Rider. She will tell you her story herself at the feast."
Shari's eyes sought out Claudia. She held his gaze for a moment before bowing. When she looked up he was staring at Thorn. "Is that truly a wild shaflin stallion?" His voice was quite soft. Thorn snorted, tossing his head. Claudia laughed, and patted his neck. "Yes, he is. Nearly a year ago I caught him in a valley to the far north. We have been constant companions since."
Shari nodded, then rode up beside and held out his hand in greeting. Clasping his hand Claudia said "I am pleased to meet you." "As am I."
After he greeted each Rider, they headed for home.

Chapter 15

Meeting Mencal

At the ranch were the few farmers that lived on the Ranch year round and the blue skinned Rider Mencal. Goben leaped out of the cart and clasped hands with each one of them. Arcben leapt off his shaflin and grabbed the forgotten cane from the back of the cart. "Father, use this contraption before you break your legs again!" he scolded him.
With a roaring laugh, Goben grabbed the cane from his son's hand. "Such a nag, I feel great!"
Claudia was briefly introduced to everyone. When she clasped Mencal's hand she felt a tingle. Sure that her eyes mirrored his surprise, she asked "You too have a gift!?" She smiled up at him, but was surprised at his suddenly angry visage. Mencal pulled away from Claudia and stalked off around the stables. Arraci laid a hand on her shoulder.
"It is alright. Mencal is a quiet person, and grew up having to hide his gift. He will need some time to get used to your presence. Know that he is a good person at heart."
Claudia turned to Arraci and impulsively hugged him. "Minaldrine, you are a wonderful friend."
That night there was a feast in the yard. There was a fresh roasted wild pig, a handful of stuffed fowl, a spicy stew and several freshly baked breads. There was much joking and telling of stories around the campfire, aided by a strong fermented drink. Claudia was called on to tell her story. A little shy with all the eyes on her, Claudia faltering told of her adventures.
Her description of the stone circle caused a few gasps, but when she talked about taming Thorn there was no other sound but her voice. When she briefly talked about feeling the spring life-force, she noticed Mencal staring at her intently. She almost skipped the part about the kobolds, for thinking about it still gave her chills. Telca noticed her hesitation and had a feeling it involved her powers. "Tell us, Claudia. You need not fear keeping secrets from us." Staring into the fire, Claudia told of her dreams and how they pulled her to the canyon, of the kobolds swarming out of the cave and her decision to cause a landslide down on them, and.. her voiced failed her for a moment. "Their deaths, I can still feel the moment that they died." Telca got up and hugged her. "Those creatures have raided settlements before. They are evil beings, they love only slaughter and worship death. Do not regret your decision."
Trying to keep the story light, Claudia continued on, telling of her journey south out of the valley, and into the stormy evening just outside of Tarklan. At this point Arraci and Telca chimed to tell their side of it. After some good-natured ribbing at Goben's expense, everyone turned in for the night. Claudia had been given a room along the living beam of the bunkhouse, and she fell asleep snuggled in a soft blanket, listening to its soft hum.
The next morning began with Claudia learning the routine. Feeding, hauling water, cleaning a few stalls, then hitching up a feed cart to supplement the winter pastures. Back to the yard, and it was time to work with a few young stock. Allot of groundwork, a little bit of saddling practice. By the afternoon they would be working with the horses that needed miles put on them. For the first week Arraci or Varn would ride with Claudia to make sure she would not get lost, but after that she would spend a few hours each day alone with just a shaflin for company. She didn't always have time to ride Thorn, but occasionally he would follow her on the afternoon rides.
When she did have some free time she taught Thorn to drive. Long lining him was fine, but the first time she tried to hitch him to a cart he bolted. After a few tries he quieted down and accepted the cart. Claudia began to drive Thorn with a black shaflin in a paired harness for the morning feedings. During the days when it was snowing, she was always glad to have her shaflin in the traces. No matter how bad the snow, Thorn would know the way home.

Chapter 16


There was a thaw in late winter, but no one was happy about it. There was mud everywhere, and Riders started coming down with a nasty coughing, liquid in the lungs disease. The first day of the thaw Mencal and Varn were sent off to the outer pastures with a small herd of broodmares each. On the seventh morning Goben called Claudia into his office. Between bouts of coughing, he gave her new orders.
"This blasted thaw is lasting longer then I had anticipated. Varn and Mencal will need to be resupplied, Telca is running herself ragged trying to keep us healthy, and you are the only other Rider not ill. Will you take Thorn and a pack shaflin out? Varn is closer, you can be there by midday. Mencal is up to the northwest, you'll need to take 2 packs, he'll be staying there until spring so he'll need a weekly supply trip."
Claudia nodded. "I can leave within the hour. Is there anything special that each needs?"
Goben shook his head. "Have Shari help you pack. The sooner you are out of here, the better."
Claudia kept Thorn to the high ground as much as possible and made good time down to Varn's camp. He had his band of mares up inside a tree-topped upland. She found his campsite first, and tied the pack shaflin nearby then gave a high-pitched whistle. Hearing an answering whistle, she turned Thorn in that direction. Varn was sitting on a tree stump watching the mares graze on a small well-drained meadow. Claudia rode up beside him and they shared a quiet moment.
"Any news? Good preferred." Varn half smiled. "It is quiet out here."
Claudia sighed. "No good news my friend. Everyone at the ranch but Telca and me are sick. I've left you a shaflin with supplies back at your camp. I'll be heading north next to bring supplies to Mencal."
"He'll be hard to find. Look for cliffs, there are several caves that make great shelters up there. He'll most likely be in one of them."
"Minaldrine." Goben's directions had consisted of "Go north, follow a stream north west for half a day, and then look for shaflin."
Claudia said goodbye with a handshake, then she guided Thorn back to the ranch. Without a second shaflin to lead, they made much better time but it was still long after dark before they made it. Claudia gave Thorn a hot mash with his feed then headed to bed. The next morning she gave Thorn another mash, then headed off to find Shari. She was dismayed to find him in bed with a fever. Telca met her outside with grim news.
"It is getting much worse. I sent a messenger bird to Tarklan for a doctor yesterday morning, but it'll be tomorrow before anyone gets here. You need to get those supplies up to Mencal, you're the only one able to."
When Claudia tried to protest "Surely you could use me better here, helping you!" Telca shook her head. The guys left here with only a weeks worth of supplies. Mencal knows how to live off the land, but that can only stretch his supplies, not extend them indefinitely. Go! Shari packed the bags yesterday."
Claudia chose a pair of calm geldings and loaded them up with supplies before collecting her bedroll and Thorn. With their late start today, it would be tomorrow before she'd reach Mencal's camp. As she was riding out of the yard Arraci came out. He was looking terrible, with dark bags under his eyes and gaunt cheeks.
"Be careful Claudia. There will be a freeze tonight and a storm tomorrow I think. The wind smells of snow."
Claudia reached down and clasped his shoulder.
"Always, my friend. I will return in a few days, may your sickness abate before then."
With the wind whistling at her back, she urged Thorn into a ground-eating trot, the geldings easily keeping up beside her. She headed north, up the road to Tarklan until she hit the inside gate, then headed northwest for the mountains. Darkness fell, but with plenty light from the moons she pressed onward for another hour before making camp in a grove of trees. There was shelter away from the wind, and plenty of brush for a small fire. Claudia heated up a cup of tea to drink before wrapping her cloak around her and falling asleep.
The next morning was cloudy and grey. Light snowflakes drifted down occasionally through the trees. After saddling up, Claudia ventured out from the shelter of the trees. The silver lining was the lack of yesterday's wind, but the snow clouds were ominously dark. Claudia kept heading north by northwest, and found the cliffs around midday. She could see where they ended to the south, so started following them north. It was slow going, with lots of brush and small but steep hills to wind around. There was only an hours worth of daylight left when she found the cave shelter. Claudia gratefully rode the shaflin up into it as heavier flakes began falling. Seeing no one in it, but signs of recent use, she quickly unsaddled the pack shaflin and put them behind a flimsy fence. There was grass and water already in it, so Claudia hopped back on Thorn and headed out to find Mencal.
There was a trail heading down into a gully, she kept Thorn to a dangerous speed but she was deeply worried. For Mencal not to have the mares sheltered with a storm riding in on the darkness meant that something was wrong. Thorn slipped once on a snow-covered slope, so she reluctantly pulled him to a slower pace. Past the gully, up over a hill and through some trees, she finally caught a glimpse of the mares. They were huddling in a circle, and Claudia's heart leapt into her throat.
Thorn needed no urging to pick up the pace again, and they came galloping up to the mares. Claudia slipped off Thorn's back and in between the mares. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Mencal standing, but it was short lived. He was barely conscious, leaning against one of the mares. When she grabbed his shoulder, he snapped awake. "Who? Where are we?"
"It's Claudia. We're still out on the range. Mencal, what happened?"
Claudia saw him try to put weight on both his legs just before he passed out. She was able to slow  his fall to the ground, just barely. With Thorn snuffling her back, she worriedly got Mencal as comfortable as she could before taking a look at his legs. As soon as she put her hands on the left she could feel the breaks. "Damnation!" She cursed shortly. Telca was unavailable, and several days away even if she was. Claudia would have to do her best, alone.
Leaving Thorn to guard Mencal, she took a quick walk to the nearest trees and broke off a couple of small saplings. Cutting off a slice of her saddle pad, and then making sure the bones were in a reasonable straight line, she fashioned a makeshift splint from his ankles to above his knee. All the while, she was pondering a way to get him up to the shelter.
She finally decided on carrying him like a child on Thorn's back. She convinced Thorn to lay down right next to him, then pulled Mencal into a sitting position against Thorn's shoulder. After sitting astride Thorn and grabbing Mencal under the shoulders she asked Thorn "Gentle, Up boy."
Thorn carefully, slowly, stood up. Trying not to overbalance Thorn, Claudia was able to pull Mencal up over Thorns withers and across her lap. Slowly they made their way back up to the shelter, with the broodmares following on their heels.
Glad that Mencal was still unconscious, Claudia had Thorn sit as close as she could ride him to the fireplace that was deep inside the cave. Half dragging Mencal, she got him laid out on top of his bedroll, then made a fast fire. Rummaging around in the packs, she got a couple pots of water boiling. In one she started tea steeping, figuring that Mencal was likely dehydrated.
After the cave was fairly warm she took her knife to the splint, then to his leggings and boots. Once the breaks were open to the air she bathed them in the hot water to clean away the blood. One piece of bone had broken through the surface, but had since pulled back in. When he started moaning she brought him the warm tea, and managed to get him to drink much of it.
When he fell back asleep, she could no longer put it off. Sitting down next to his broken leg she took a long deep breath, then another. Reaching deep inside of herself, she placed her hands on his legs and tried to channel the power as Telca had trained her. It took awhile, and she felt so very drained, but just before she gave up she felt the tingle.  It started deep inside of her, then spread down her arms and into her fingers. Sobbing with the joy and relief and giddiness it caused, she could feel the bones start knitting back together, the muscles and tendons  healing.
Stopping just before she blacked out, she could barely crawl over and throw a couple logs onto the fire before lying down next to Mencal and falling into blackness.
She woke up when she sensed Mencal moving around. Sitting up, rubbing her eyes, she first noticed how cold it was, then saw Mencal attempting to restart the fire. Jumping to her feet she ran the few steps to his side. He snorted in amusement. "I'm not walking on it, no need to panic."
She grinned at him. "You look much better today. I was so worried." She got the fire started while he scooted back to the blankets. After setting some water to heat, she checked on the shaflin. Thorn was standing guard right next to them, and she gave him a grateful hug. Next she checked each of the mares, they seemed to be in good health and snuffled her happily. The pair of pack shaflin still had their packs on, but they had hay and water left over. She untacked them, giving them extra attention. Leaving the gate down, she hauled the packs back to the campfire.
Mencal watched wearily as she put together a pot of porridge and a cup of strong tea. She brought the tea over first, then checked on his leg. It was healing well, but she was still too drained to help it along further. "It is doing good, Telca would be pleased."
"How is the thaw, the yard? I'm guessing you weren't up here to call me home, judging by the supplies you brought."
"No, everyone but Telca and I were down with the lung sickness. Telca had called for a doctor from Tarklan while I was down taking supplies to Varn, he should be there now. We'll need to stay here for at least a few more days, getting sick while injured is a bad idea."
Mencal just grunted softly. Before he would fall asleep she brought over a bowl of porridge. "You need to eat this first. I can only help your body heal so far, it needs nourishment." With her nagging, he finished most of it before falling asleep. She arranged the blankets on him, then walked over to Thorn and leaned against him. Breathing in his musky scent brought her peace.
After awhile she wandered over to the cave entrance. It was still snowing outside, but not nearly as much as it must have done last night. There were large drifts everywhere and the trees had a heavy coating on every branch. She could see where Thorn had broken a trail down to the closest stream, but their hoof prints were nearly covered.
Shivering, she turned back into the cave and added more fuel to the fire before wrapping her cloak around her and lying down next to Mencal. She was sound asleep a heartbeat later. When she woke next it was dark but she was feeling much better. After adding more wood to the fire, she checked on Mencal and the shaflin. He was improving nicely, and the shaflin were all squeezed into the pen asleep.
Three days later, Mencal was walking around on makeshift crutches under Claudia's supervision when Arraci came riding up.
"Arraci! You are looking much better!" Claudia was delighted to see him.
"Feeling much better too, between Telca's healing hands and the doctor's nasty concoctions, the ranch is slowing getting back into shape. Goben sent me to find you, we were getting worried."
Mencal shook his crutches. "I had the poor luck to break my leg. Claudia arrived just in time, Telca has been a good teacher."
Claudia was trying hard not to blush. She had been attracted to his deep voice from the start, and this forced togetherness was wearing on her.
Arraci slid off his mount and started unsaddling. "If the mares are up to it, we can start heading down to the ranch tomorrow. Arcben wants to take them to the eastern range until spring."
"As long as Mencal does not overstress his leg.." She gave him a stern look. "He is fine for traveling." He just grinned at her, his brown eyes twinkling, then went hopping up the path to the cave.
Arraci raised an eyebrow. "You two seem to be getting along better." Claudia did blush this time. "Better, yes. Not closer however." She sighed and he gave her a quick hug. "I haven't seen him looking so cheerful in a very long time. Don't lose hope." With his arm over her shoulders, they walked up to the cave.
Dinner that night was festive. Arraci had downed a few birds on his way up, and they were roasted over the fire. Mencal and Arraci chatted for a long time, keeping Claudia amused with tales from their youth. They had only a few hours sleep before the sun rose the next morning. All three were yawning as they saddled up. Much of the supplies they stored in the cave for the next Rider to use so they were only lightly burdened and made excellent time. Leaving just past dawn, it was dusk when they rode into the yard.

Chapter 17


Meanwhile, the little sack of stones and fetishes that Claudia had created and given to Goben had made its way to the scholar Nogan in the river town of Manzi. After a few weeks of testing and puzzling over them, the black bearded dwarf packaged one off with a letter to a colleague.

Malrif, What do you make of this stone? It is not known to my people, and that is very puzzling. It shares some properties to tespin, but there is enough difference that it cannot be just a variation. Could this be an Otherstone? There has not been a new one found in generations, but I cannot think of what else it could be.
                             Nogan Metzwite, Scholar

Nogan tipped the courier well, it was a month long journey over rough winter seas to reach journey's end.

Chapter 18

Spring, Romance

It took several weeks before the ranch was operating close to normally again. Goben and Shari had aged greatly in that one week of illness, and neither were taking on as many tasks as the younger crew. Arcben often had a worried frown that winter, and Telca did not leave the ranch for longer then an afternoon.
Eventually, the winter snows melted and green buds began to show up on the trees. The shaflin kept in the yard grew restless, and every Rider had to brush the shedding fur for hours. Breathing deeply, Claudia could smell the fresh greenness of spring and walked around with a grin on her face. Mencal never fully withdrew into his former aloofness, and they often spent the afternoons riding together. Arraci was her partner in crime, helping to keep her and Mencal working together.
From the couple of intense looks she had caught him sending her way she knew he wasn't completely against the idea, but she had to do the pursuing for the first time in her life.
As time went by and spring hit in full force the shaflin grew muscled and sleek with the long hours being ridden. On one warm afternoon, Claudia was out riding a young shaflin by herself when she came across a tumbling stream and a clear, deep pool. Unable to resist, she unsaddled the colt and bade him stay nearby, then quickly undressed and dove into the pool.
The water was cold, but so refreshing. Splashing happily, she swam and dove and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Coming up for a breath, she was surprised to see Mencal leaning against a rock. Treading water, she smiled at him. "Come on in, the water is excellent." He was staring at her with a deep brooding look, but when she raised an eyebrow at him he stood up and shucked off his clothes before diving in. She lost sight of him, and shrieked when he grabbed her ankles. 

Chapter 19

finish previous scene when not at Starbucks!

Chapter 20

Goodbye, Mencal

Their continued romance was not that of lifemates, but more of close friends. Mencal began to teach Claudia how to focus in on the energy of the plants better. They would ride out sometimes and he would have her tune into and grow plants without losing herself in the process. He had a deep empathy with plants but no active power to change it.
One evening he had her sit cross-legged in front of a small delicate plant. He sat close behind, wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Focus in. Remember to ground yourself, reach deep into the earth, find the stability of the rocks and make it your own. There, you have it. Reach out for this little plant, give it a trickle of your energy. Too much. Yes, just like that."
Claudia could feel the life-force of the land, rippling and flowing like water. The plant he wanted her to focus on was a tiny little spark, and she gently began to fan the flames. Twisting and growing, it grew into a river.
"Come back, don't lose your grounding. Claudia."
With a gasp she pulled back into her body and opened her eyes. Before her grew a huge patch of delicate purple flowers. "Wow that was amazing."
With a chuckle, he reached around her and plucked a flower. He tucked it into one of her braids before kissing her. She twisted to a more comfortable position, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.
It was a great spring. Even during the occasional thunderstorm, the ranch kept busy. There were a handful of newborn shaflin to play with, as well as the older ones to keep in shape. Goben took Arcben and Shari with him for a springtime sale in Tarklan with six shaflin. Varn kept the ranch moving along for the three weeks they were away.
**fill in, have Thorn become a herd sire?**
During the summer heat, the ranch had a surprise visitor. Claudia was out riding a young shaflin when she felt Mencal call for her. Heading back in, she worried over what it could mean. As she rode into the yard, she was startled to see a second blue skinned man standing near Mencal, talking solemnly. When she walked over, Mencal pulled her into the nearest doorway. He closed it behind him and leaned against it.
"What is wrong my friend? You are looking sad, and I.. I do not like that look."
"That man outside is my brother."
"Yet, you are not happy to see him." She walked up to him and placed her hands on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair.
"I am called home. I will not be coming back." His voice had dropped to a whisper. "I never thought this day would come so fast. I will miss you, holder of my heart."
Claudia could feel the tears running down her cheeks. "I will miss you too. I have been so happy."
He kissed her tears away. "Do not be sad now. Keep me as a happy memory." With a final long kiss, he walked outside. She could barely stand to watch him climb into the visitors cart and drive away. Arraci came up to her, sorrow in his eyes. She held out her hands and he grabbed her into a hug.
"I am so sorry Claudia. Know that he was happier this year then I had ever seen him."
Claudia could only sniffle and wipe away her tears.
She left a few minuets later on the young shaflin, heading out to find Thorn and his little band of mares. She spent the next couple nights with just Thorn for company, not sleeping much at all. Staring at the stars gave her some solace, as did breathing in Thorn's scent and galloping with the wind blowing in her face. After a few days of mourning, she found herself back at the ranch.
Telca greeted her with a hug. "Let us ride together today." They talked as they rode, with Telca speaking of fun times with previous Riders and Claudia telling some stories of the trail rides she used to give in her old life. Back at the ranch in the evening, she felt (reborn, comforted).

© Copyright 2008 Johara (ahinahina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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