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Rated: E · Editorial · Political · #1419612
This is a mini-editorial free-write from English class.
"People give too much weight to a small number of vivid observations." Ironically, this is one of the principles from my economics textbook as to why people aren't always rational in their decisions. This statement perfectly describes the rising of the Concealed Carrying of Weapons on Campus. Of course, Virginia Tech and NIU were tragedies, but in some sense out of the people's hands. No one was going to change the minds of the trouble students, similar to the way no one could have changed the fact about Columbine High School. However, students parading their "concealed" weapons is not the answer. The bottom line is more guns on campus just allow more access to anyone who would want to use them for harm. The other undisputable fact is that a gun's only purpose is to cause harm, whether it's killing an animal for food, use it as protection, an instrument for murder, etc.

If you've lived in a dorm/residence of the university, you know how open and accessible they can be. Most students leave their doors unlocked. Yes, to have a gun in most states you need to be twenty one, have a permit and such, but what is to stop a supposed criminal from just walking into a room where he or she knows a gun is and taking it? Who is going to question that person when now it's suddenly had become socially acceptable to see any person carry one? Also, taking into the communal living situation on campuses, why should a roommate have to be okay living with someone who possesses a weapon if they themselves are not comfortable with the concept? How is that not taking away from their rights? Universities are not always so prompt or willing to make adjustments for living situations and it seems unfair a student should have to live with that. Also, let's face it, drinking and other substance uses go on all over college campuses. What's to stop someone from handling their firearms while under the influence? Because as those of you who are so pro-carry say, how can you pick and choose when their rights come into play? As a student, why should I just sit back and accept it and "hope for the best" in that type of situation?

Also, I know some seem to know exactly what is right for everyone else, but studies show the part of the brain responsible for judgment is not fully developed until the age twenty five. So, should I really trust a twenty one year old newly licensed gun owner to determine the severity and outcome of a high-pressured situation? Would you feel comfortable about a newly licensed sixteen-year-old under immense stress of driving a car full of crying children or injured persons with no adult supervision? I don't believe that the campus police we employ are there for looks or to be glorified parking meter watchers.

I find it extremely demeaning that so many arrogant people feel the need to tell me and fellow students how we should feel and what is good for our protection and well-being. I don't trust the person carrying the gun for "protection" anymore than the criminal with the intent. Both have the means and if both are strangers to myself, as far as I'm concerned they are both equally dangerous. There is no guarantee that this person carrying for protection is going to save my life with his weapon, just as there's no guarantee he or she won't use it for harm. And if everyone has their own gun, in a type of situation that has occurred on campus as of late, imagine the chaos if everyone started firing.

Also, why then, Second Admendment advocates, stop at college campuses? Events happen in high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools daily that can threaten the well-being of students and faculty in the school. Should the teachers and staff be outfitted with a firearm as well? What is that teaching our youth? Reason and talking are out, but just use physical action and assault to fix the problem.

The issue of school safety definitely needs to be addressed and reformed in all aspects of school systems. Students, especially under-developed and irrational young people, taking authority over police and taking matters in to their own hands is not the answer in any way. Making weapons more accessible is not in the best interest of anyone's safety and should not be thought of as a "safety precaution" but a heightened threat to people around it.
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