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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1419334
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(Daniel's Diary)
Sioux Falls, South Dakota March 5, 2024
So much has happend since this started, that I don't even know where to start. Before this all started I was a cashier, now I am the leader of eight people, not counting their kids. I just hope, that I am doing a good job. My wife tell's me not to worry. I can't help it though. Thirthy people have died trusting me. I guess that will come later though. I have ordered the eight lucky people that survived this mess to write a diary, starting with the day this started and to end it with the day we started writing. I think Robert and Kaylie don't think we should write the diary's but I talked them into, I hope. It started on December 13, 2008, I think. Four years earlier then scientist's predicted. The human race was unprepared, 99.9% of all humans were wiped out, only thirthy-eight people survived in the whole world, only eight survive today. I lived in Sioux Fall's when it happend. I guess you would call it a pretty big city. It had a zoo, a average sized mall, and about every store you could think of and more. I was eighteen when it happend. I was at work, at a store called Wal-green's. I was a cashier there. I remember the day being cloudy. There was snow on the ground up to your knee's. I was behind the cash register. I was talking to my friend Carrie. She had the longest red hair I have ever seen, it went down to her belly button. She was wearing a black shirt, I think, with blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. I remember what we were talking about. Robert. Ha. It's funny now that I think about it. Robert's probally one of the nicest people I know, but I guess that's what happen's after you work for a demon. You tend to straighten up.
"You know what happend in Virgina?" She asked this knowing the answer was no, because I don't watch the new's. So I just shrugged.
"Robert escaped from the jail down there." She said this fast.
"Who?" I asked and her mouth dropped opened up in shock.
"Robert, he raped and murdered a shit load of people." She said this a matter- of- fact tone.
"Well at least he is not here right." I said this and laughed.
"It's not funny. This guy is fucking nut's" She said this in a scared tone.
"Don't worry, he is miles away from here. Plus if your right then he can't just get on the next bus to Sioux Falls, South Dakota." I said this and a woman came into my line. She was the most beutiful girl on the earth. I thought I was going to melt from her gaze.
"Uh...excuse me," she said this in the sweetest tone and I just sat there like a idiot, "excuse me, excuse me, sir." She snapped her fingers and I awoke from my day dream state.
"Sorry mam, I just, uh, got lost in thought." I said this and scanned the first item chapstick.
"My name's Daniel by the way." I said this and scanned the second a first aid kit. That's when her cart hit me. She had alot of item's. I scanned the third a twenty-four pack of moauntain dew.
"Linda," she said this and I smilied at least she was nice.
"So what do you do?" I asked, I tried to stop myself but I couldn't.
"Im going to school to be a zoologist. I am going to be working in the zoo here in three years." She said this with such grace.
"Really, um... if you don't mind me asking... how old are you." She smilied and I scanned her tenth item item which was nail polish.
"Nineteen and you?" She asked and I scanned a roll of tissuse paper.
"Im eighteen my birthday was september 1st." She laughed.
"Do you always tell a girl this much when you first meet?" She asked and I smilied.
"No, I don't actually." I said this and scaned some toilet paper. Her cart was almost empty now.
"So do you have a boyfriend?" I asked and I slapped myself. Well I felt like it anyway.
"Yes, but even if I didn't, your more of a friend type anyway." She said this and I scanned the last item a box of tampons.
"Thats okay. I wasnt going to ask you out anyway." I frowned.
"So whats my total?" She asked.
"One-hundred and seventy four doller's even." I said and she took off, the purse that was on her shoulder. It was black and had a gothic tinkerbell on it. She pulled out her wallet which had a monkey on it and took out her credit card.
"Here you go." She said. I took it from her and swiped it. That's when a bang filled the air all the glass exploded. I jumped over the counter and pushed her down. A peice of glass went right through my hand and I screamed in pain.
(Kara's Diary).
Beverly Hills, CA March 5,2024
Hello journal. My name is Kara and I live in Beverly Hill's, Calafornia. You know, Beverly Hills, born like a celebrity. I guess noone would remember that song unless you were one of the lone eight's. That is the name I have decided to give us. I guess were not alnoe anymore now that we all have kids. Well I can't say all of us after Robert's wife died he can't have a kid. Even though I believe Kaylie's son is his but will soon find out when we read these diary's. It started on December 12, 2008. I was still living in Beverly Hills. I had a baby on the way, I was actually seven month's pregent to be exact. I wasn't in Beverly Hill's though I was actally on set of a new movie called, "In the end," it was a movie about a man who goes insane and gut's his wife, it was the true story about Robert actually. I was behind all the camara's and equipment. My husband was on a set that was a replica of a kitchen. My husband had a wig on. It was black and the hair went down to her shoulders. He was sitting down indian style next to a women who was suppossed to be his wife. He held a plastic knife in his right hand. He stabbed down with such force that blood spewed out. Well pig's blood anyway. I looked away, I hated blood. I could still hear the noise it made though coming out in a noise that would make anyone sick. I would out of the double door's just in time to see a tram, The word's, "Universal Studious Hollywood," on the side. Tourist's started taking picture's of me as soon as I hit the asphalet outside. I turned around and saw lot 16 and turned the other way and saw 14. My husband was in lot 15, when I came back he would be in lot seven. I walked, no, ran foward and called for the tram to stop. It did stop and I got on sitting next to and old guy. The tram started up again. I checked my watch it said it was 9:00 in the morning. When I got off, I checked my watch again and it was 9:35. I got out of the tram and walked to the ext the theme song to "Jaw's" playing the whole time. To the left was the brand new "Simpson's Ride." To the right was waterworld and if I went left and then straight and if I went down the stairs I would be at the JurassicPark, but instead of explaining my day let me tell you about myself. I am (Was) a spoiled brat. I got anything I asked for when I asked for it. I never even had to lift a finger unless I really wanted to. Trust me thing's have changed alot. I can now use a bow & arrow which is my all time favorate weapon now a day's. I have used a crossbow before but nothing compares to a bow & arrow. I am also married to a priest. I've said to much already though, everything will come through time. I was on the Jurassic park ride when it happed, my watch said 1:30 when the blast happend. The ride stopped. I looked up to see a giant medal canister falling from the sky. It was split in half though and a giant fireball exploded from it. I jumped in the water just in time to see the boat and everything in it turn to ash.
(Maxwell) Wichita, Kansas March 5,2024
Faith is a powerful thing. I know. I have been through hell and back with my faith. Let's see in december of 2008 I was priest in Wichita, Kansas. Let me say one thing first. There was nothing in Wichita, and nothing in Kansas. I was a priest in a church call "Trinty. It was sunday when it happend. I only remember that because I used to have a calender with me. I remember that there was only ten people in the church at the time. We were doing are morning prayer which was so many year ago, I dont even remember it anymore. The church was average sized and like every other church in the world had on the left and right side of the door was holy water. There was six row of benches before you got to the front where a giant cros hanged on the wall. Jesus was on it his mouth open, his eyes closed, blood made out of plastic came out of his hands and feet and his hair line. That cross gave me the chills just looking at it. In front of the cross was the alter where I stood. The church was usally full, and I remember being surprised that it wasn't. Not even the Browski family was there and they came every week. I should have known something was wrong, thinking back now maybe they knew something, I didn't. That's just silly though. We all said, "Amen," and sat down. "Welcome to trinty church, god smiles down upon you all." All eyes were on me now, all there beady eyes always focused on me, "Open you bibles now if you will to Revelation, chapter 13," I heard the bible pages turning and stopping as they hit the page. I read the verse, " And I saw a beast coming up out the sea, having seven heads and ten horns: and upon his horns, ten diadems: and upon his heads, names of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard: and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength and great power. And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death's wound was healed. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast. And they adored the dragon which gave power to the beast. And they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him? And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies: and power was given to him to do, two and forty months. And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And power was given him over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. And all that dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb which was slain from the beginning of the world.any man have an ear, let him hear. He that shall lead into captivity shall go into captivity: he that shall kill by the sword must be killed by the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."
I read more about the end of the world according to the bible but it is silly to tell you all about know that I have seen it happen. The sermon went on like this for another two hours. When the clock hit 12:16 a explosion filled the air and a flash of light happend. Explosion slammed me against the cross and I fell to my hand and kness and turned around looking into jesus's face, and screamed.
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