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Rated: 18+ · Other · Detective · #1419180
intro to the Olivia's best friends
"Mommy-CON" three months earlier

         Olivia was sitting at the table with three of her closest friends.  All of them the same zodiac sign, all dark haired with what could be described as uniquely beautiful eyes, children all born in the same month and same years and most amazing, all members of the program. They all first met on an online message board.  Olivia was the last to join at the Mommy's board when the children were six months old.  She was seeking out help with what she thought was an allergic reaction to some solid food --- was eating.  It turned out to be teething on the upper portion of his mouth and would continue till all his top set of teeth was in.  The advice and friendship she got there had her hooked she posted regularly when not assisting on a case or when --- was napping.  She never really bonded with anyone till one day after three years into the board when another woman, Heather, asked if her husband was nuts about seeing someone out of the corner of his eye.  Olivia felt compelled to post back she was sure it was his spirit guide.  At almost that same time, another woman, Erin, was posting almost the identical thing.  The three became fast friends emailing often off the board.  As tensions and drama on the board grew, the last of the quartet arrived back on the scene feeling compelled to come back after over two years of being gone.  Desiree, Desi to her friends reemerged talking about her stalker.  Not giving much detail but the post caught the trio's attention instantly.  Separately email Desi asking if it was because of something she wouldn't do for this lady.  The answer was yes.  They didn't go in depth, not feeling the need to for some reason.  Only to find out later on it was a woman who wanted her to locate the money her drug-dealing boyfriend hid before he killed himself.  The lady didn't believe As their friendship off the board grew, some left it all together.  Olivia never told anyone but those three on the board who she was.  They told her they too had gifts.  Feeling and understanding the connection the four mothers decided to meet, with their families in Wisconsin Dells that coming summer. 
         Two months earlier then expected they all met in Las Vegas.  The Program called on eighteen of its fifty-six known members.  Olivia was told to attend as a group leader as she was their multi-tasker.  She was shocked as the room filled up and her friends began to funnel in. 
         Desiree was first in the group to arrive.  She was the top remote viewer in the country discovered by the program while she was in special operations.  So impressed with her abilities they plucked her and her fiancĂ©e out of Special Forces.  With the agreement she could be used whenever needed.  Her husband Garrett ducked out and became a successful contractor building multi-million dollar houses living his life as a civilian outside the government.  Shortly after their marriage in the tropics, she became pregnant with the first of six children and a stay at home mother unless she gets a summons from the program.  She refers to them as her littler of kiddos.  The oldest Xander nine,  the problem solver Celeste eight, the jock Anna seven, Princess Raya five,  the peacemaker in Nate two, and lastly the surprise, little Mia at just one year old.  If ever there was a professional mother, Desi was the mold used to make her. 
         Heather was next arriving in the conference room.  Her mind reading and mental manipulation got her into the program in her early teen years.  She fell in love with a Chief of police in a town she was working with her mentor Major Nicholas.  The Major became the Godfather to each of their children after getting Heather out of a case long enough for her and Todd to elope in LasVegas months after meeting. Nicholas at age eight, Cody is six, William five, Kim three, and Ashley just turning one a week before the surprise meeting of the cyber girlfriends.  Her mentor was also Desi's and though they had never met in person, but knew of each other.  Neither made the connections of the names during all the chats online.  When the three began talking after the laughing and hugs were over, all expected the next person through the door to be Erin.
         Sure enough, glamour entered.  Erin, famous former actress and even better known medium was swept in to the program after a car accident as a teenager her talent became well known entered the room.  Her childhood was one big film role after another, quietly splitting time after being added to the program a decade earlier.  More money then she knew what to do with she went into a major bank to invest her funds wisely, coming out head over heels for the man she met that night.  Another whirl wind romance, and marriage.  She will be the first to admit it was hard being married to her at first with all the media interviews and talk shows she did in regards to her being not only a huge star on the silver screen but as her notoriety grew as a medium the public swooned.  She swore she would never quit acting then the first child Arren was born.  Nine years ago while she was carrying him she made her last on screen appearances.  Jayne came along four years later completing their perfect family.  She missed the idea of making films but used the talk shows as a substitute.  Motherhood fit her better then any Oscar ever would. 
         The girls were all but jumping up and down with joy at the fact they were all members.  From the doorway they could see nine others filter into the room across the hall.  Why were they being split up into groups?  Major Wolfe answered that in standing up and clearing his throat.  A swell of pride for Olivia, her guy was heading it all. 
         "Please have take seat ladies." He said as he motioned to the chairs around the table.  Each sat next to their supervisor.  Desi and Heather sat down flanking Major Nicholas on either side.  Erin hugging Major Vetter then kissing both cheeks, true Hollywood one she was.  With Olivia at Wolfe's side he began again, "We are here due to an evident terror threat in this city any time within the next forty-eight hours.  The chatter has ceased, and we don't know as much as we would like.  Here is where you all come in.  Neither of you are new to the little quests we have asked of you in the past.          Looking each woman in the eye as he addressed them, "Erin we know one of the terrorist offed himself, I mean committed suicide last week, you need to make contact and extract everything you can from him.  Names, locations, any and everything you can.
         Desiree, you need to try to use some of these touchstones and make a connection.  Locate where these people are hiding, where they are attacking.  Locate them, so Heather can focus in on one or more of them and give us some incriminating evidence and catch them before it is too late.  Olivia, you do your best and help out all the ladies in anyway you can.  See if you can displace some component vital to the act.  We need to make them mess up, we need to catch them.  I and the other Major's will assist you best we can.  We will be reporting directly to these men."  Wolfe made a gesture to the men sitting against the wall away from the group.  Olivia knew them as the men in black, like the old movie but older and even close to as cool. 
         They caught the cell; put a stop to mass chaos in nine hours, fifty-seven minutes and twelve seconds.  They were thanked with a take home of three and a half million for each woman tax free and in cash.  They had the hotels for three days and decided to make a mini trip out of the remainder.  They still attended the Wisconsin Dells trip during the regularly scheduled time.  The trip there was more meaningful the, relationships deeper knowing they could talk openly about the secrets they each worked on for the program. 
         Olivia couldn't believe years had pasts since Vegas it seemed only yesterday.  They sat at Burlington Express and at their Gyro's from Nick's, and Chinese from Joe's.           "I still cannot believe some of the best food in town is located inside a gas station." Erin said as she picked at her Chinese food from Joe's. 
         "Actually getting technical, about it it's in the same building, but not in the gas station itself," replied Heather.  She dodged a bit of food Erin tossed at her. 
         "So, is the rumor I hear true that you are going back to teaching Heather?" 
         "Heck yea!  Online too, I love the internet.  I get to sit at home and teach what they are penning as abnormal studies.  Yes, the program is all over this, but something for me to do.  And I am going to ask each of you to come and talk.  Well, not come per say, but teleconference and give some info on what your talents are.  You can go as deep as you would like, just remember to keep the program out of it." 


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