Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1419156-Story-of-Callie-Michaels
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Family · #1419156
This is the beginning of a story I started writing.
Chapter 1

Callie Michaels had never been known to get in trouble. Sitting in Mrs. Kaligaras' office, she thought about this. She always cleaned her room when told, made her curfew every night, and was a straight A student. The lowest grade she could remember getting was a 91 on a French test in 9th grade. All the way up until now, as a 16 year old junior in high school, she had never been in trouble. Especially not in school.
Mrs. Kaligaras returned to the office and sat behind her desk. "So Callie, you were caught making out with your boyfriend, Jarett, behind the gym. Am I correct?" the 60 year old principal asked. She was a kind lady, but Callie still didn't like this feeling of being caught doing something she knew was wrong. Callie only nodded in reply.
"Well, I've tried calling your father's office several times. There was no answer so I had to leave a message," Mrs. Kaligaras informed her. Figures, Callie thought to herself.
Callie's father, Charles J. Michaels, worked constantly. His office sat in a tall building downtown. It was the type of place that required a pass to get in the front door, and another one to enter his office. In the lobby, you had to take the elevator up to the 22nd floor, walk down what seemed like a mile long hallway, turn left and walk down another hallway to get to the office. As a little girl, Callie loved crawling into her father's lap and looking out of the huge glass window that covered an entire wall in his office. She could see all of downtown from there. It had been her favorite place in the world. Her brother had hated it because he had always been afraid of heights. But Callie was fearless, thinking that as long as everything looked as beautiful as it did, nothing bad could ever happen. Callie learned that wasn't the truth when she was 11 and her mother died. No matter how beautiful some things were, they ended eventually.
Just as Callie had, her father had aged. After her mother's death, he worked even longer hours than before. At home, he kept to himself in his office. He'd hired a nanny for a couple years. She cooked and cleaned and looked after Callie and her brother until her dad could come home. When Callie was 14 though, the nanny had to move back home to take care of her sick father and she and her brother were left to take care of themselves. Last year, Brandon, her brother, had graduated and got accepted at Columbia University in New York. He came home on breaks and Callie wrote to him at least once a week. They'd always been close and luckily him being away hadn't changed that. Still, Callie found herself alone a good portion of her time.
Not that she minded much. She almost liked the silence. Nobody bothered her, she could do as she liked, listen to music however loud she wanted, have her friends over anytime without anyone complaining, and was free to keep to herself if she wanted. It was liberating in a sense. Of course she missed eating dinner with her brother and both of her parents. She missed their Sunday afternoon ritual of going as a family either to eat or to the park or lake. But those things vanished when she was 11 and Callie knew better than to waste time wishing to have them back.
Mrs. Kaligaras eventually let her go, only giving her a warning. Callie gratefully flashed her million-dollar smile and let herself out the door politely. In the parking lot, Jarett was waiting by her car.
"How'd it go?" he asked. "Got a warning. You?" she replied. "Same thing. Do you have volleyball practice today?" he asked. She shook her head.
"I'm all yours today," Callie said. Jarett pulled her towards him and kissed her gently on her head. "Just how I like it," he said and smiled down at her. Callie agreed to meet him that night at his dad's boat. She'd go home, shower, and meet him there for dinner at 6:30.

Callie loved how manly Jarett acted around his brother and the basketball team and everyone else, but he always grinned like a little boy when he saw her. She admired this as she walked towards him that night.
"Hey," Callie said softly and smiled at him. As he gave her a long hug, Callie enjoyed the smell of his shampoo and laundry detergent. Jarett lightly ran his finger up her side. She let out a small giggle and grabbed his hand. Jarett smiled. He knew how ticklish she was.
"Come on. I have dinner ready on the boat," Jarett said as he gave her hand a small tug. She followed him gratefully onto the boat and down into the cabin where the small table was. He'd lit a candle and placed it tenderly on the table.
Callie wasn't a material girl. And Jarett was not a material type of guy either. They both knew this and accepted it. Still, Callie loved how thoughtful he was about everything they did together. He was constantly doing the smallest things that made a big difference. In the movies, he always rubbed a finger across her knee. When they ran together, he made sure never to get behind or ahead of her. She challenged him, seeing if he'd drop behind. But no matter what he stuck beside her. When they walked next to each other, he was constantly putting his hand on the small of her back reassuring her. Small things like this everyday made her smile. Tonight, it was the candle on the table. She smiled as promised and watched him sit down across from her.
"What?" she asked as he gazed at her for what seemed like an hour. "Sorry. You just look really beautiful tonight," Jarett said. He blushed just a little bit and she knew he was nervous. This was new. She'd been dating him for almost a year and he'd never once been nervous around her. Callie knew she wasn't ugly. Most people were intimidated in her presence. One thing she had gotten from her mother was her looks. In her twenties, Callie's mother had been a model. She was strikingly beautiful and had passed it on to Callie. Jarett was aware of this, but it never seemed to phase him. He knew Callie was self conscious about it and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
"Thanks," Callie said, not sure what else she should say. Jarett told her she was beautiful before. He'd told her a lot of other things too, but that was besides the point. This kind of conversation and awkwardness was new. Jarett was quiet.
"Jarett? What's going on?" Callie asked. "Nothing. I'm sorry if I made things weird," he said. "It's okay," Callie told him, "Let's move on." Jarett let out a breath and things slowly went back to normal. Twenty minutes later they were putting up their plates, laughing at a joke Callie had told. No one else would've noticed, had someone been watching, but Callie felt Jarett's hand on the small of her back. Yet another small reassurance of his love. Callie felt so light and free inside. To her, this was all there was in the world. Just the two of them, on his dad's boat, laughing at a joke, hanging on every word and breath the other let out.

Chapter 2

"Brandon!" Callie screamed and threw her arms around her brother. It was Saturday and to her surprise her brother was home for the weekend. "Hey sis. I missed you!" Brandon said and picked her up into a big hug. Brandon carefully sat his younger sister back down and looked at her. "You grew a couple inches I think," he said out loud. "Or maybe you shrunk," Callie offered and gave him an amused smile.
"I'm so glad you're here. It's great to see you!" Callie squealed. When it came to her brother, she never could hide her excitement. "Well, I don't have class on Monday. And what better way to spend a three day weekend than with my favorite little sister?" he said. "Hmm, good point. I can't think of a better way really," she told him and smiled again.
"Where's dad?" Brandon asked hopefully. "The office. You know Saturday never stops him. Lately, not even Sunday keeps him from working," Callie told her brother. He nodded understandingly.
"Well, if it's just me and you, what do you want to do?" he asked. "I'm kind of hungry. I was gonna just go to Alyssa's house but we can go out if you want," she said. Brandon agreed and together they left the house and went downtown.
"You choose," Brandon said. "You're the one who's home for the weekend. You get to choose. I can eat any of this stuff whenever I want," Callie told him. Brandon decided on Chinese and Callie gratefully followed.
"How's school?" Callie asked. "It's going great. Coach is going to let me play starting center forward this spring," Brandon said enthusiastically. "That's great. You'll do wonderful," she said. "What about you? How's Jarett and volleyball?" Brandon asked. Luckily, Brandon accepted his sister's boyfriend and was generally interested.
"They are both good," Callie said. She felt blood rush to her cheeks at the thought of Jarett and the night before. "How is dad doing? I haven't talked to him in a couple weeks," Brandon said, lowering his voice. "He's about the same. You know the drill. Get up, get coffee, shower, work until late, come home, go to bed, then do it all over again," Callie said. Brandon nodded.
The siblings knew how their father was. They worried about him sometimes, but they both knew it was just his way of dealing with their mother's death. Or not dealing with it, whichever it was. Silence hung in the air for a moment until Brandon said, "Well, dad will be dad I guess. As long as he's okay, I guess we shouldn't bother ourselves with it. Tell me about Alyssa and Brooke. How are they?"
This was bait Callie couldn't resist. Alyssa and Brooke were her best friends. The three of them made one complete person. What one lacked, the other gained. It was a perfect balance. Callie never resisted talking about them and Brandon knew this.
Together in a booth at a downtown Chinese restaurant, Brandon sat listening as Callie went on and on about her two best friends. She informed him on their families, boyfriends, volleyball practices, and everything else that made up her life. When Callie smiled, so did Brandon. Just like with her friends, when one was happy so was the other. Callie loved her brother for being able to enjoy her life as much as his. She knew when everyone and everything else failed her, like her mother, she could always count on her brother to be there. That was something that she knew couldn't ever change and she cherished it.

"Callie! Brandon!" Brooke called out. Callie smiled and rushed towards her two best friends. "Hey, you guys," Callie said, hugging Brooke then Alyssa. "Brandon, Brandon, Brandon...haven't seen you in awhile boy," Brooke said and Brandon grinned. He'd always loved all his sister's friends, but especially Brooke. He hugged each girl politely and Callie watched as Brooke checked him out from head to toe.
"Damn, boy. I guess college makes you even hotter than before. As if that's possible," Brooke said with a smile and toss of her hair. Alyssa and Callie shook their head at this. They were used to this. Ever since the three girls starting hanging out together, Brooke had a thing for Brandon. Not that he minded. Any guy would be insane to not like Brooke Sawyer flirting with them.
"Can we eat please? So when you make me throw up there's at least something in there?" Callie asked. Brooke pretended to be offended and Brandon just shrugged it off. They all followed Callie to a booth and of course, Brooke had to sit next to Brandon.
"You know, Brooke, he is my brother," Callie said. "So what? Never stopped me before," Brooke replied casually. "Shut up already. Both of you," Alyssa said and pulled Callie down into the booth next to her.
"So Brandon, how's school?" Alyssa, always the peacemaker, asked. "It's actually really great. Coach put me as the starting forward on the team so I was happy about that," Brandon replied. "That's awesome. Maybe we'll all come up and see you play one day," Alyssa offered. "Yeah, that's a good idea. We should do that," Callie agreed. "Only if you guys promise not to flash anyone," Brandon said.
"Oh my gosh, that was in the 9th grade, Brandon. And that wasn't even at your game," Callie pointed out. "I can't promise anything. Flashing is my specialty after all," Brooke mused. Brandon only shook his head. Brooke was known for her forthright flirting outrageously with boys. It barely even phased Callie anymore. But Brooke and Brandon, Brandon and Brooke...that was just weird.
An hour later, lunch was finally over and Callie and Brandon were on their way back home. "Well, I guess Brooke hasn't changed any since I've been away," Brandon said. "I don't think she ever will. But I love her so I guess it doesn't matter," Callie told him. "I'm gonna have to head back tonight probably. I have some studying to do tomorrow before class on Tuesday. I don't want to be too tired," he said. "I wish you could stay," Callie said and looked over at her brother. "So do I. I'll come back soon though. I promise," Brandon said and Callie hoped he meant it.

Chapter 3

The next few weeks went by slowly for Callie. At school, everyone was studying for tests before school let out for spring break. The weather was changing, people were tanning, and skirts seemed to get shorter everyday. All Callie could focus on was spring break and not having school. The only thing that got her through was her friends and Jarett. Callie couldn't wait until all she had to worry about was sleeping late, spending time with Jarett, and her trip to the beach with Alyssa and Brooke.
"O.M.G! Callie Michaels! You are totally the girl I was looking for," Callie heard a girl squeal behind her one day as she was walking to Chemistry. Callie spun around and before she could say anything, Penelope Williams was in her face. "Okay, so we totally need your help!" Penelope said.
"Um, help with what? Who is we?" Callie asked, confused. "The prom committee! Of course!" Penelope said with a huge grin as if she'd just invented the world's greatest hair dryer. "Okay...why do you need me? I'm not on prom committee," Callie told her. "Yeah, well, I realize that. But we need some more people to help out. Because Lindsey got expelled for the E in the bathroom, Christina broke her leg, and Marcie is too bitchy," Penelope told her, as if it was obvious. Although Callie didn't know any of these people she was talking about. "Okay. Um, what did you have in mind?" Callie asked carefully. "Oh, you know. Just decorating, planning, and things like that," Penelope informed her. Brooke and Alyssa were waiting down the hall for Callie with a confused look on their face as well.
"I'll think about it," Callie said. "Great! OMG! This is just completely totally perfect!" Penelope squealed. Callie turned and walked off in a hurry. Penelope Ann Williams was probably the most annoying, preppy, and cheery girl in all of Harrison High School. Maybe even in the entire planet. Callie already had a headache from talking to her 5 minutes. No way could she decorate for prom with her and all her just as annoying friends.
"What was that?" Brooke asked, clearly amused. "I don't even want to talk about it. Basically, she wants me to help decorate for prom," Callie said and took her two friends by the arm and kept walking towards Chemistry. "Are you going to?" Alyssa asked. "The hell I am. Do you know how annoying those girls are?" Callie told them and they laughed. "Well, I might just have to help her then," Brooke said. "What? Why?" Callie and Alyssa asked in unison. "I don't know. I think it sounds kind of fun. I could be preppy too you know. Wanna see?" Brooke said and prepared her imitation. With a couple flips of her hair, Brooke said in a high pitched voice, "Like OMG! I broke a nail! Oh, oh, oh this is just horrible. I mean, what will I do without that precious little nail?!?!? Oh girls, girls, help me!"
Callie and Alyssa busted up laughing. "I don't think anyone can help you, my dear," Alyssa told her and they laughed all over again. When they entered the Chemistry lab, late of course, they were still laughing. Mr. Kiji was already lecturing and he gave them a death glare. "Class started 3 minutes ago, girls," Mr. Kiji simply stated. "Oh, but Mr. Kiji, I was having the most terrible cramps in the lady's room. And you see, my wonderful two best friends, Callie Michaels and Alyssa Davis, were so kind enough to pamper me. I'm so grateful and lucky to have such amazing friends. Don't you think, Mr. Kiji?" Brooke lied. Callie and Alyssa giggled behind her but tried to control their laughter. "Well, Brooke, that would be such a wonderful story. And you'd be very lucky indeed. If it were true. Now take your seats," Mr. Kiji said and turned back around to finish lecturing. Brooke shrugged and slid into her seat. Callie sat down behind Jarett who raised an eyebrow. She only smiled. God, she really loved her friends.

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