Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1418602-Demon-Throne-pt-V
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1418602
It's about a girl who accidentally is bound to a demon in an underworld contest
HITSUGI. room I.

The bright light from the room he'd stepped into blinded him slightly. Hitsugi preferred the dark, his eyes were more adapted for it, after all, he was after all, a bat of demonic origin. His eyes saw in the dark better than they did in the light, the light hurt his eyes and a room  that was pure white so that the light reflected into such an intensity for his eyes that it took him a few seconds to adjust. He squinted under his hands protection around at the room. It was small and everything was white. Hitsugi pursed his lips, of course everything was white, it gave a more sanitized feel to the place. The things that filled the room was a tall white locker, a white laundry basket, a white door and a few small signs,  each numbered. Hitsugi walked fowards, looking at the signs until he found a sign with a large 'I' on it.
Dear Demon, we congratulate you in joining this most honorable contest. This is only the first step of many on the stair way to victory. Many will fall, including you possibly but perhaps a strike of fortune shall befall you, causing you to make it to the treasure that awaits at the final flight of the stairs. ->'

Hitsugi rubbed his face and moved on through to the next sign, which, according to the arrow, was to his right.

After you have been checked, diagnosed, treated and any other thing needed of you, you and your human will proceed to the official sign-up where you're information will be entered into the system and you will be ready to start getting your right deserves. ->'

We now will ask that you remove your clothing and place it into the lockers provided. Your possessions along with your clothing will be protected by Genetic Locks. After you remove your clothing, we ask you to use one of our complimentary robes for the rest of your examination. ->'

Hitsugi looked over at the lockers and saw a small hole in each but one. He took the few steps to the lockers and pulled one open and looked inside. Inside the locker was a small sign.

'III a.
Please put your clothing in them then run your finger over the hole provided. This will lock the door and allow you to open it when needed in this locker as well as the one sharing it's dimension in the other side.
Please take everything out with you when you leave, anything left behind in an open locker for more then two demon hours will be devoured.
-Thank you.'

Hitsugi with out another though started to untie the tie around his arm and throw it in the locker, followed by his shirt, blazer and pants, then finally his red box and shoes. Hitsugi walked around the room, looking at the signs, getting a quick look before walking over to the lockers again. He opened and closed each of them, looking for the complimentary robes talked about on sign three. There wasn't much in the bright room, just now the laundry basket was left. Hitsugi cautiously looked inside and to his surprise and displeasure, saw a few folded white squares of fabric. He picked up the first one and slid it on to his naked body. Hitsugi's face had grown redder since he first read the instructions about removing his clothing, it made him uncomfortable to be in this place. He didn't know this place besides what he'd been told and he didn't know if the keeper could still see him. He knew she'd be waiting for them on the other side. As Hitsugi tied up the belt that had been coiled around it, he found himself looking down at his own bare chest, the marking was so large and was starting to swell. He touched it lightly and cringed as pain shot through his body. Hitsugi rubbed his arms, feeling the chill of the room thanks to the chill of pain and looked at the next instructional sign.

Now that you are wearing one of our sterile examination robes we request that you read our 'Helpful hints' before proceeding if you wish, thank you for your cooperation and we hope you have a pleasant examination.'

Hitsugi grimaced as he looked down at his robe. It was plain and white, looked like it had been made from an old bed sheet. He had looked over the tips, they were mainly things like 'Please respect your surroundings', 'We require your cooperation in everything, sometimes you will feel uncomfortable but just follow along, it's for the better of you and your partner' and his current favorite 'your examination is being taped for scientific purposes'. Nothing made him feel better then to know that while he was getting his eyes shone in and every hair on his body examined for human diseases he would be watched from all angles by people he didn't know and probably never would.

We now request that you proceed through the door to your right which will take you to the physiognomy examination.'

Hitsugi nervously scratched at the back of his neck as he looked at the door. It was a glaring white like the rest of the room and obviously the room that it led to, would be blindingly white as well. He sighed knowing that the only way to get out of here quickly was to just get it over with, after all, he couldn't turn back now, he'd probably get killed.
"I wonder how Hikari's dealing?" He asked grabbing the sliding door and pushing it back, walking into the next room.
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