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Married couple find out they are getting a baby |
"Well that was unexpected," JoAnn said. "What are you talking about Jo?" Steve asked. The two of them had been walking towards the horse statue in the middle of the arena when JoAnn stopped. "Well, I got a text message from Andrew." "Andrew? Who's Andrew?" "Oh, no one," she replied and continued walking. JoAnn and Steve were at the state's annual horse show. Their quarter horse, Bumble Bee, had been entered in the next event, and they were hoping she would win because they were really in need of the money. JoAnn had been trying to have a baby for the past three years, but had had two miscarriages. They wanted a child so badly that they were now thinking about a surrogate mother or adoption. They just didn't know how expensive it was going to be. JoAnn continued walking towards the stables when her phone beeped again. She didn't want to read it, but couldn't help herself. She was starting to feel excited. She glanced down at the text. It was another message from Andrew. "What is it honey," Steve asked. "Nothing." It was hard to contain herself, but she knew she had to. She needed to wait until after the show so that she could talk to Andrew before she said anything to Steve. Ten minutes later, Bumble Bee was in the arena showing the judges what she could do. She galloped and jumped and turned in circles. Everything was perfect. There were only two horses after her. Finally, the judges were finished. "And the winner of this year's Annual Quarter Horse Exhibition is Bumble Bee from West Chester, Pennsylvania, owned by Steve and JoAnn Holiday." It took all her might not to jump up and down, JoAnn was so excited. She grabbed Bumble Bee's harness and trotted her to the middle of the arena where the judges presented her with a medal and a check for $150,000. Now, JoAnn was ready. She needed to call Andrew right away. She pulled up the text again and read the message, "I've found someone." Walking back into the stable, JoAnn handed the harness to Steve. "Can you pat Bumble Bee down and put her in the trailer? I need to make a call," she said to Steve as she ran out the door to a more private area. She dialed Andrew's number. Her palms were sweating and her heart was racing. She hadn't talked to Andrew in years, but knew he was the only one she could contact when she was in a bind. The two of them had dated at one point, but knew they were better off as friends. He had moved away five years ago and they had lost touch. One day when she was on the computer she received an instant message from him. It had been an exciting moment, and had prompted a phone conversation. During the phone conversation she had told Andrew about the problems she had been having trying to have a baby. Andrew had been sympathetic and had wished her luck. She never knew this would happen. "Hello baby," a familiar voice answered. "Hi Andrew! I couldn't wait to talk to you, but we were in the middle of the horse show and..." "Hold on for a second. Slow down." "We won!" she screamed into the phone. "I couldn't wait to call you. Especially after I received your messages." "I have some good news for you. I have a friend who's daughter is pregnant. She is only fifteen. I told them about your situation, and they want to give the baby to you." "Give the baby to me? What do you mean?" JoAnn asked. "They want to let you adopt the baby." As soon as the word adopt was out of Andrew's mouth, JoAnn was jumping up and down and screaming into the phone. She was so excited. Things hadn't been going very smoothly for them in Pennsylvania. They hadn't been able to locate a surrogate mother, and the adoption fees had been really expensive. They had planned to wait until after the horse show to see if Bumble Bee would place, and even then didn't know if they would have enough money. "I have to tell Steve!" Andrew gave her a few more details and they agreed to meet with the family on Tuesday. JoAnn hung up the phone with tears in her eyes, and ran back to the trailer. "What's the matter," Steve asked. "We're going to have a baby!" "Oh honey, that's wonderful. You're pregnant again?" "No. Someone wants to give us a baby." She explained the text messages and the phone call with Andrew. She couldn't help but stare at Steve as his expressions changed from a look of confusion to a look of joy. He hugged her and walked her to the cab of the truck. To celebrate, he told her they were going to Roadies with the gang to tell everyone the news. Tuesday came and JoAnn woke up early. Her stomach had butterflies and she was so anxious she felt like throwing up. She couldn't wait to see the Lowerys today. Steve woke up a few minutes later, and the two of them dressed in silence. Both had smiles on their faces, but weren't sure what to say to each other or what to expect that day. After breakfast, they got into their truck and drove the four hours to Camden. Feeling both excited and scared, neither one said much during the trip. JoAnn had agreed to meet Andrew and the Lowerys at the Tasty Freeze near the high way. As they pulled into the parking lot the butterflies were back in her stomach. She couldn't wait to meet Jennifer, but she was also scared. "Will I be a good mom," she asked Steve. "Of course you will." As soon as they walked in the door, she saw Andrew sitting in a corner booth. He was with two women. As JoAnn and Steve approached, Andrew stood up. Andrew looked the same as he had five years ago. His dark hair was combed back, his dark eyes were open wide and his smile was very inviting. Steve shook Andrew's hand and the two exchanged glances. "Nice to meet you," Andrew said. "You too," Steve replied. "This is Kate Lowery," Andrew said motioning to the older of the two women. "And this is Jennifer." Jennifer stood up but looked at her feet. She was about five feet tall with long blonde hair. "Hi Jennifer, I'm JoAnn." "Hi," Jennifer's voice quivered. They all sat in the booth and began talking about the proceedings that would follow. Jennifer wasn't due for another eight months. During that time, she was going to continue going to school. Kate promised to bring Jennifer up to the farm to visit with JoAnn and Steve once a month and to keep them updated on her condition. During the last month of the pregnancy it would be summer break. JoAnn was going to come stay with the Lowerys so that she could be there the day the baby was born. All expenses were going to be paid by Steve and JoAnn. "Do you want to be able to see the baby after it's born?" JoAnn asked Jennifer. She had been thinking about it a long time. Although the baby was going to be her child, she wanted to make sure that the birth mother was allowed to make the decision as to whether or not she wanted to remain in the child's life. "Can I?" "Sure. We want you to be involved as much as you feel comfortable with. We want to make sure the baby understands what happened and that you're always a part of their life," Steve said. Jennifer began to cry. "I'm so happy that you want me to see the baby," she sobbed. "I wasn't sure what to expect from you. Andrew has been so kind to me and my mom. I was just scared that I'd never get to see the baby." Steve handed Jennifer a handkerchief and the group began to talk again. All arrangements would be made over the next week and all necessary paperwork would be signed the following weekend. JoAnn and Steve said goodbye to Kate and Jennifer and Andrew walked them back to their truck. "Thank you so much for this Andrew." "JoAnn, I'll always love you," Andrew whispered in her ear. "I am glad that I am able to make you happy." JoAnn turned to him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. With that, she turned and got into the truck to go home. "That was unexpected," she said quietly under her breath as she touched her lips with her fingertip. "What's that honey," Steve asked. "Ah, nothing. I was just thinking that by this time eight months from now, we're going to be parents. Who would have expected that?" |