Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1418223-Demon-Throne-pt-III
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1418223
It's about a girl who accidentally is bound to a demon in an underworld contest
Wha-what the hell was that?!" Seito screamed, struggling under the mass of the tall blond suited man.
"I don't think she liked your company." The man said calmly, bringing his knees onto Seito's chest. "Girls don't like boys who force them against their will."
Seito gasped for air as the man stood up, grabbing Seito's shirt collar and dragging him up with him. A crowd had gathered around the two men, muttering. The man brushed off Seito's shirt and turned to look at the crowd.
"Do you people want something?" the man asked, turning back quickly to avoid a sharp jab from Seito.  The man simply just reached out and pushed Seito into the crowd with a heavy force. Hikari wasn't sure if the man had knocked Seito over or if Seito ran away but all she knew was that the man was coming towards her. Hikari was still sitting down, she'd sat there in shock, unable to really understand what happened. She didn't really understand who he was, why did he attack Seito and why wasn't he running away, infact, he was walking towards her.
"Are you okay?" the man asked. Hikari sat back in her seat, this was definitely a strange occurance. The crowd, like Hikari didn't seem to know what to do. The man reached for Hikari's shopping backs and picked them up.
"We should get going." he said softly, looking at her. Hikari slowly sat up, staring at him. He was a strange thing. His appearance was nothing she'd ever seen before. From a distance, she thought he'd simply looked like a tourist from America but now, she couldn't tell where he was from, his skin was far to pale and grey to be American. He had neck length blond hair with a longer strand of hair tied with a piece of red string. His clothing was fairly normal, a black suit with a sharp read tie, the strangest part of the outfit was the tie, a golden eyeball seemed to float around in the center, looking around at the world around it. Even the strange bulges over his shoulder blades didn't compare to his face. He was handsome at first glance but second glance proved him to be to strange to be fully handsome. His eyes were black and sunken in, his pupils seemed to take over the whites, his nose and cheek bones were fairly normal, well defined but normal. His lips were thin over a mouth which always seemed open, as Hikari walked along, though he didn't speak, his mouth seemed to gape. What disturbed her about his mouth was the series of sharp teeth she saw. But even his strange mouth didn't make competition for his ears. When she saw a fantasy adventure film, certain mythical races in them often had long pointed ears, this man, had similar ears. Long and narrow, he seemed to have them coated in long cuff like piercings and tiny rings.
"Uhm..." Hikari started, unsure of what to say, this stranger who had just attacked a harmless ruffian with the same calmness as breathing was now ushering her somewhere. She didn't have the nerve to say anything to him, even though he seemed to mean no harm, she never could tell, freaks like this existed everywhere. What did he want with her? She'd been always taught to not go anywhere with strangers, but why, without a single complaint did she follow him. Why didn't she hit him and demand her bags back, why did she simply  go with him as if he were some sort of god. She felt nervous and wanted to protest but she felt almost as if she was under a spell.
"W-where are we going?" Hikari finally said.
The man stopped walking and looked at her.
"I'd expect you'd want to go home after such a long day." He said, his voice calming but at the same time, filled with something black and evil. His voice was airy, as if he was hissing softly while he spoke.
Hikari stared at him, suprised. The man simply smiled, tilting his head slightly.
"Were you thinking something else?"
Hikari opened her mouth slightly and looked at him.
"Come on, it's getting late." He said, patting her on the back as he started to walk. Hikari followed him. She looked up above the skyline and saw that the sky was starting to darken.  Hikari quickened her step and got to his side. This man was indeed a mystery, almost creepy. She didn't know why she wasn't more worried about him, why wasn't the fact that he knew which train stop she took home worrying her more then it was? Hikari heard the man sigh as they stopped to wait the coming train.
"Thank you, for what you did back there." Hikari said quietly. The man looked at her, his open mouth curled into a smile.
"You're welcome, it is my job after all."
Hikari's heart stopped almost.
"W-what do you mean?" she said, her voice, thin.
The man tilted his head again.
"What do you mean?" He questioned.
"You said... 'it's my job'" Hikari said, a questioning view upon her face.
"I thought you knew, I mean... you did summon me after all."
Her jaw dropped, images flashing through her mind of the past night. She reached her hand into her bag, her mind searching back through what she'd read. A demon summoning, she thought it had failed, but maybe something happened after she blacked out. How did this happen? She wanted to summon a tiny, bat demon.
"You're k-kidding me, right?" She said quietly.
The demon shook his head.
"No, I'm a very honest person." He said shrugging gently.
Hikari stood speechless as the train pulled in. Slowly, the demon stepped onto the train and  pulled her along after him. Hikari felt so confused, she didn't know what was going on right now. Was this some kind of joke? She felt as if she was on a show, one of the types of shows that play pranks on people then film them. She awaited the man to suddenly jump and say 'Got you' but he never, he sat there, looking as if he was living life for the first time to it's fullest, staring at the ads, his hands gripping her shopping bags. He had long, jagged nails that seemed black, his fingers, bruised.
"What happened to your hands?" Hikari found herself asking suddenly. The demon looked at her, his gaze lowered to the floor.
"I had to get here somehow. It's hard to get here from where I'm normally from." He said, his normally pleasant tone, now almost a bit melancholy.
"Oh." Hikari looked back to his fingers, wondering what he meant, did he have to dig with his hands? The train was crowded again, people were coming home from work. There was a surplus of men mainly late 20's, early 30's carrying large bags full of posters and comics, looking dead except for a gleam in their eye which wanted only to get home and gaze fully upon their treasures. Hikari looked over at the demon and noticed he was focusing strongly  on one mans shopping bag. He looked as though he'd never seen a grown man holding a bag featuring a drawn teenage girl.

After a good hour of quiet, the train finally arrived at the stop. Hikari stepped off before the demon, who had struggled slightly picking up the bags he was carrying for her. After the train rolled away, Hikari reached out and grabbed onto one of the bags.
"Thank you for carrying them, but I should get home, my parents will be worried." she said, pulling the bags from his hands. The demon simply looked at her quietly as she turned to walk away. She quickened her pace, she hoped he wouldn't follow her again. He really did confuse her and she knew she didn't want to see him again.

When Hikari arrived home, her mother looked as if she hadn't seen her daughter for years.
"Oh Hikari, where have you been? Aya called me a few hours ago to ask if you got home but you hadn't and I was so worried!" Hikari's mother pulled her into a hug.
"You didn't even call to tell me where you were staying last night."
Hikari pulled away from her mother.
"Don't worry mum, I was fine." she said as she set her bags near the stairs that would lead up to her room.
"Are you hungry?" Her mother asked, wringing her fingers. Hikari nodded and walked towards her mother.
"I haven't eaten since lunch and even that wasn't much." She said rubbing her stomach. Hikari's mother walked to the fridge and opened it.
"I suppose your lucky that I just put the dinner in the fridge, it should still be warm enough to eat." she said pulling it out of the fridge, closing the door. Hikari took the container from her mother and walked slowly over to the kitchen counter, pulling a drawer open and took out fork, setting it on top of the container and walked the few short steps it took to go into the families living room. Hikari set her food down on the small glass coffee and sat on the couch. She turned the TV on and pulled her feet up onto the couch. She reached over to her food and pulled it onto her lap. Today had been a long day, she almost couldn't even comprehend what had been happening. It was almost too weird. The food inside the container was rice with steamed and salted vegetables and fish. Slight steam came from the food when she opened it, setting the lid on the coffee table. Hikari flicked on the TV and raised the remote, flipping through the channels she finally settled on a music news channel, talking about some pop stars new album. Hikari rested against the arm rest as she slowly ate the leftover meal. She tried to pay attention to the program but she found her mind kept wandering to that man who said he was a demon she summoned. She was so confused, she just didn't know what to think about the day, she wanted to call Aya, tell her about it but Aya would just tell her 'you're being delusional'. Hikari exhaled deeply and slumped back into the couch, continuing to eat.
"I thought she was supposed to be encouraging." Hikari muttered to herself, turning off the TV and kicking her legs onto the ground, standing up. Hikari took the empty food container and set it in the kitchen sink. Her mother was sitting on the family computer, reading the news, unaware of her daughters movement. Hikari's father worked until late at night, normally eating before transit since he could never make his family wait for dinner until 9PM. The final member of Hikari's family was her little brother, Kyo. Chances were, Kyo was in his room, playing some video game. Hikari grabbed her bags and made the sixteen step walk up to her room. Hikari's house was fairly far from the center of the city but it was a good size, there even was a spare room in their house, a rare thing in her neighborhood. Hikari felt good about her house, even though sometimes things could get a bit weird. Some nights knocking could be heard out from the walls, normally Hikari heard it, when her family was out but once, Kyo had heard it as well. Kyo was only eight so he still easily frightened. Hikari tried to blow it off as something normal but it was to strange. No one but her and her brother had been home so it was a bit suspicious. Hikari shivered, wondering why she always seemed to attract weird things or be drawn to them. Her eyes scanned the hall before looking down at her bag and sighed, she couldn't wait to get in her room and try on her new clothing. It had been almost a year since she'd heard knocking though the walls of the room, she was thankful, it freaked her out. Hikari bit her lip and reached out for her door cautiously. Hikari had always found herself wondering what the cause of the sounds had been over the years. Kyo probably had forgotten it completely, he was after all, a little boy, little boys didn't seem to care about anything these days if it wasn't digital or related to sports. Hikari turned the door knob and pushed the door open with her back before turning into her room and then closing it with her foot. The light switch was quickly turned on before she looked around, exhaling with relief, she liked being back in her room. Hikari's room was fairly small and plain, basically a small box with an exerted window, a bed, a closet, a desk with chair and a few shelves were really the only furniture in the room. The walls were a pale aqua and plastered with posters and drawings. The remains of a childhood wallpaper lining was visible around the roof but it was faded and covered with other paper. One part of the wall was extremely bare and that was where the mirror was. A large mirror coated sliding closet door served as her mirror. Hikari dropped her bags in front of the mirror and started searching through the bags, pulling out her spoils and dumping them on the floor. Hikari had spent most of her money left over from her last job. People didn't really understand how much people paid girls to stand outside in frilly dresses and pass out fliers. Hikari had been a flier girl for almost a year before quitting after her boss said he wanted her to work full weekends plus another weekday. Hikari had worked three days a week already including Sunday half time, two more days of that insane job would have driven her to the nut-house. Yelling all the time, freezing her ass off and get numerous paper cuts for what? Just so a bunch of creepy old guys could gander at her and buy some electronics? Even though pay was good, it had to be, no girl in her right mind would do it for less then twice the minimum wage an hour, she was happy it was over. Her only regret about quitting was now, she didn't have a steady income flow. She'd survived off the money she had left until now, but her little spree probably bit an uncomfortable chunk from her funds. Hikari sighed as she picked up a black tank top with a tattooed design up the side. She waved it around a bit before setting it back on the floor before pulling off her current shirt, a long sleeved pink blouse. Hikari then picked up the shirt and pulled it on. She smiled and looked at herself in the mirror but her expression quickly changed at the sudden notice of a black shape, perched on her bed. Hikari screamed shrilly as the shape lunged at her, a pale hand covering her mouth.
"Don't." a calm voice said in her ear as the form holding her lowered her to her carpeted floor on her back. Hikari gazed up in fear at the black shape, shimmering and shifting above her before slowly reforming into a solid creature. Hikari tried to scream again but the strong hand smothering her sound kept its place. The black mass formed into a human shape before a face started to appear. The faces mouth was curled into a sharp smile, a familiar one.
Hikari muttered something but it was inaudible from the hand until it removed itself. She then found herself being lifted to her feet. The face in front of her belonged to the very man from earlier. Hikari found herself lost her words in every way, even her mind seemed to be blank. The man simply looked at her, his hands gripped firmly on her shoulders, his sharp mouth slightly open. Her eyes gazed only at the eye upon his chest, a chest which seemed stationary, as if he didn't breath. Hikari faintly heard the footsteps of her brother, running down the hall, to his own room. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest, had she not been heard, didn't she scream?
"Did I startle you?" The man said, releasing his grip on her shoulders. Hikari felt the sharp sting of where he had gripped her. She felt as if her skin had been cut open but she was afraid to look away from him, this strange man. Hikari suddenly felt herself nodding to his question. He bit on his lip lightly, his face looking almost worried.
"I'm rather sorry to have startled you." he said turning slightly, looking to face her window, "It wasn't my intention to scare."
Hikari still found herself unable to speak, shock took control of her and all she could do was stand, her mouth agape, staring. The man turned back to her and took a few steps foward, examining her state. His face was wrought with distress as he looked at her. Under his breath, she heard him mutter something and found herself gently being lifted onto her bed, the last thing she saw before a great blackness filled her eyes was the strange face of her assailant, a face which would haunt her uneasy sleep.
© Copyright 2008 Whitechapel (pixelante at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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