Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1418218-Demon-Throne-pt-II
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1418218
It's about a girl who accidentally is bound to a demon in an underworld contest
Hikari's eyes flickered open to the sound of a small beeping. Slowly, she sat up, rubbing her sore head. She breathed deeply and looked around. Beside her was the book from the previous night. Hikari gasped and stumbled to her feet, running to the corner of the room where a black handbag sat. Hikari fell to her knees and rummaged to her bag.
"Oh god, what time is it?!" She said in a panicked voice as she ripped out a small pink phone, littered with fake jewels and a charms, flipping it open, she looked at the missed call notice and the time. Hikari's mouth opened in shock.
"Not good..." Hikari muttered, rubbing her face, standing up. She grabbed her bag and ran over to the book that was laying open, on the floor. Hikari picked it up and shoved it in her bag, running out of the room and down the stairs. She cursed the friends who had left her behind. She didn't remember what had happened, she had just been reading and suddenly, everything was black. Despite the fact that it was Saturday, Hikari had been supposed to meet her cousin at the near by shopping center at 10AM to go shopping for the holiday season with her. Now not only was she late, but she was still in her uniform. Hikari had gone straight from school to her friends house to try and find the book, not bothering to change into casual wear, now Hikari either had to be another hour later or go see her cousin, looking like she did now. She sighed, maybe she could do her makeup on the train, she'd done it before and even though she didn't enjoy doing it, she would rather do that then be anymore later. The building Hikari had taken her friends to had been an abandoned house, close to school. Hikari felt stupid now, not only had she passed out, she also had fallen victim to another supernatural sham.

The train ride to the shopping center was a long one. Long enough to do her makeup and try to adjust her uniform to look a bit more... casual. Calling her cousin was simple enough, she lied that she'd gone to a friends house to study and fell asleep, much less embarrassing then passing out during a phony summon. Hikari huffed, a bat demon would be so cool, she could maybe train it to be a pet. No one had a pet bat, let alone a bat from the underworld. It could maybe bite people she didn't like and steal her bits of fruit. Hikari giggled to herself senselessly as she undid a few of the buttons on her blouse, thinking about what would be possible with a demon at her side. Something cute and small, everyone would have been totally jealous. A cute girl with a cute pet. Hikari was a vain girl, she took care of her looks better then almost everyone she knew. She tanned daily, sitting out on the deck of her parents small apartment, or if it the sky was clouded over, she'd venture to a salon. She felt awful going out into public looking so haggard, even with all the makeup she carried with her daily to school, she just never felt right. She was dirty and a loving mess. With her current appearance, Hikari would have rather went home and hid in her room or have taken a really long bath, possibly both but Hikari had made a promise.
"Why do I do these things to myself?" Hikari muttered as she finished applying mascara to her eyes. Hikari's future goal was to get into acting on televised drama. She had learned at a young age how to apply the same type of makeup her idols did, cutesy but dramatic makeup on tanned skin with light hair, Dark eyes with light lips. Hikari knew enough about makeup to do it professionally but the teenager had better things to do then put makeup on other people. Hikari smiled and flipped open a small mirror to look at herself one last time before the train would come to a stop. Shoving it back into her bag, she stood and carefully walked to the sliding doors which in a matter of seconds, would open, letting the mass of passengers flood out before a new mass would flood in. It was a bad time of day to catch a Saturday train ride, hoards of teenage girls, middle aged working class and underground nerds poured from the mall to go their separate ways. Some people would have to walk only a few minutes only to have to take another train to their locations, while others, more determined would walk to their supposed locations. The shopping center was a 15 minute walk from the station through the thick of the urban jungle. Hundreds of people would crowd along the streets, shopping or making their way to work or some other place, more would be in the shopping center. Hikari rubbed her nose and started rolling up her skirt to make the hemline higher, it was more fashionable that way. Hikari's cousin Aya, had already started with out her, just making her own way around the shops that were situated around the center. Aya had whined to her on the phone about how she hated waiting, how it made her feel awkward to sit in a small cafe on the lower level for almost an hour, waiting. Hikari had apologized many times and promised to make it up to Aya. Hikari only planned to buy her lunch or something but she knew Aya would be expecting to get a pair of earrings or something of the like. Earrings were much more expensive then some eatables and a drink.

Hikari flipped her phone open and looked at the time, which sat against a pink cutesy background that featured a young anime character in a poofy dress with small angel wings. The time read 12:29. Hikari sighed and examined the shopping center. Sixteen stories high and covered in windows and advertisements. People stood outside handing out flyer's or shouting about their shops amazing deals. Chaos was everywhere. Hikari rolled her eyes and walked up to the electric doors, tightening her hands around her bags. Aya stood out among the crowd of brunettes. Aya was considered a jewel among her peers, tall, blond and pale, thanks to an American mother. She was extremely popular and often hassled. When Hikari saw Aya, she quickened her step until she was on her cousin. Hikari hugged her older cousin as Aya simply looked surprised at first before returning the embrace.
"What took you so long?" Aya said as they separated. Hikari giggled lightly.
"The train ride was a lot slower then expected, sorry." she said pleasantly but embarrassed. Aya smacked Hikari on the back playfully as they started walking. Aya was three years older than Hikari and legal.  Aya was big on the party scene and often smuggled Hikari along with her, not that she could complain. Hikari liked the attention she got at the places her cousin hauled her along to. Everyone commented her on her looks and no one ever asked her age. Hikari was meant to be out of place at th parties she went to, she was sixteen, normally everyone there were at least nineteen, able to go buy their own drinks and smokes. Hikari's peers used to be able to get their own, back when vending machines were easy trick, now they had lasers that  read  IDs and  declined alcohol to girls her age. Aya could get Hikari into any place and Hikari appreciated that.
"So, you sure must have studied hard?" Aya said, mocking Hikari.
Hikari smirked.
"Of course, do I look like the kind of girl who'd just fool around instead of study."
Hikari and Aya looked at each other before laughing. Hikari was smart, but would rather go to a park with her friends then study. She knew Aya probably was thinking that Hikari probably stayed up drinking then studying, then passed out. Hikari did pass out, but not from over consumption.
"So, how've you been since I saw you Tuesday?" Hikari asked her cousin, trying to make a conversation that didn't revolve around her night.
Aya touched her finger to the corner of her lip and glanced upwards.
"Well, I've been wonderful, Thursday I went out to the bar and met a man who said that he photographed for Fashion bit-bit and he said I'd make an excellent model to feature!"
Hikari grabbed Aya's arm.
"No way!" She said her voice ecstatic. "I'm jealous! I'd give my left lung to be featured in that magazine!"
"I know, I would have too."
"Looks like you didn't in the end"
The two girls giggled to each other as they continued walking, looking in at the booths, deciding if they'd go in to look. Hikari and Aya were on the hunt for summer clothing, bathing suits especially. Hikari had emailed a picture of a bathing suit she wanted to Aya and Aya told Hikari about a store that was having sales on dresses. They often shared what they wanted and shopped together, though they were cousins, they were also friends.
As Hikari walked along, chatting to Aya, she kept noticing someone watching them, a tall blond man, handsome and well dress. Hikari blushed as she passed, his eyes following them. His skin was pale and he was obviously a foreigner. She grabbed Aya's sleeve and leaned in, "Aya, did you see that guy looking at us?" Aya looked over her shoulder then leaned over to whisper to Hikari.
"I didn't see any guy looking at us."
Hikari turned and looked behind them, not seeing the man again.
"He was there!?" Hikari said with a whining tone.
Aya giggled and punched Hikari playfully.
"You're imagining people looking at you, how cute." Aya said smiling before dragging Hikari into a shop. Hikari turned around briefly and saw him again, the tall, blond in a black suit, closer. His face, though handsome had a strange look to it. His mouth was slightly open, as if he was saying something to himself. Hikari thought she saw teeth like a sharp fish or cats through his mouth. She blinked, shaking her head slightly and when she looked again, the man was gone.
"Weird." Hikari said to herself.
"What's weird?" Aya said turning away from the sunglass rack she was standing in front of trying on various pairs, at the moment she had a pair of large white rimmed sunglasses.
"Oh, it was nothing, I thought I saw someone."
Aya snickered at Hikari.
"How long has it been since you had a boyfriend?" Aya asked with a cruel, mocking tone. Hikari slapped Aya's arm.
"What does it matter to you?"
"Well, you just seem to be having delusional behavior Hikari."
Hikari glared over at Aya.
"I'm not being delusional Aya!"
Aya shook her head and shrugged.
"Look, I'm just being honest, really how long has it been?"
Hikari looked away from Aya and walked over to a small stand covered in hair clips and little bejeweled tiaras. She picked up a tiny tiara clip and lowered towards the mirror on the counter to see how it looked, ignoring Aya, who was now, patting her on the back.
"Don't be embarrassed, what has it been a year? You can tell me!" Aya whined. Hikari bit her lip and stood up, setting the tiara back on the counter.
"Give it up Aya." Hikari said turning away from her cousin to leave the booth. Aya ran after Hikari.
"Oh don't be so stingy Hikari." Aya said trying to grab Hikari's arm to link but Hikari pulled away.
"Come on, let's go look at some bathing suits." Hikari said trying to sound pleasent. Hikari was annoyed with Aya for calling her delusional and not believing her about the man, who she now, was seeming to see everywhere she went. Hikari rubbed her face and exhaled deeply, she thought that maybe something happened to her last night. Maybe she'd been drugged. Aya took her into a large shop flooding with other teenage girls.
"I saw an ad for a sale that was going on here today." Aya said pleasently. Hikari smiled and looked around, obviously there was some form of sale, so many girls in one store could only mean a sale.
"What's been discounted?" Hikari asked.
Aya turned to her.
"I dunno, mostly everything in the store is."
Aya looked extremely pleased with the sale, Hikari would have been too, except for the creeping feeling of being watched and the mystery of the one watching. Hikari looked around to see if anyone was looking at her but no one was, everyone was gaping at the shelves, looking at sizes and colors. Hikari sighed, she needed to ignore this, it was probably nothing. Hikari walked over to a rack covered in shorts and started looking through.

"That was a good find" Aya said holding up a pink mini skirt with black and aqua stripes and hearts. Hikari nodded and stuck them back into one of the girls shopping bag. It had been a few hours since Aya and Hikari had first started shopping and unlike Aya, who wanted to continue, Hikari felt like ending the spree. Hikari was slowly leading them to the  food court so she could sit down and rest. Aya didn't catch on until they were walking down the rows of chairs.
"Hikari, I spent like an hour here this afternoon, I don't think I can stay here for long enough for you too eat."
Hikari shrugged and stopped in front of a small booth and looked up at the sign, reading the meals.
"If you want to continue shopping just go on without me." Hikari said stepping behind a person who was in the line. Aya frowned and patted Hikari on the shoulder.
"Fine, call me if you want to meet up later." Aya said waving before leaving. Aya reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet, a small pink thing with a cat stitched into it. Opening it, she started pawing through it, pulling out the change she would need to buy the food she wanted. Hikari coughed gently as she stepped up to the counter.
"Hello, what can I get you?" The worker said with a smile.
"Can I get a pokari sweat and a kitsune udon please."
"750 Yen please"
Hikari pulled out the desired change and set it on the counter before moving to the side to await her food. Hikari's mind kept wandering away back to that man, she hadn't seen him for awhile, it was almost relieving, not to have that face stare at her from a distance.
Hikari gave her food receipt to the cook and took her tray of food from him and went off to find a table. Hikari felt a bit akward, she rarely ate lunch by herself, especially in such a social place like the mall. It was weird to walk alone, let alone eat alone. Hikari unscrewed the lid from her drink and took a short sip before setting it back on the tray. She pulled her bags up from the floor and set it on the chair beside her and started eating. Food felt good to eat, she hadn't ate since yesterday afternoon so she'd be really quite hungry. Hikari shoveling the food into her mouth, every bite seemed joyous.
"Now why are you here alone?"
Hikari turned to look over her shoulder at the person who talked to her. A tall boy, one she'd seen before around her school stood behind her. He was one of those boys who was always fighting, some juvenile with died hair  and a thug like appearance. Hikari bit her lip, "I'm eating, what does it matter to you?" She said turning back to her food.
"Well I just hate seeing a girl like you alone. My name is Seito, you're going to keep me company." He said, sitting down on the chair across from her. Hikari laid her hands on her bags, about to leave but the boy grabbed her arm and forced it on the table. Hikari's eyes widened with fear, she didn't know this buy but she knew he wasn't the kind of guy she wanted to talk to. Violent and stupid, nothing she wanted to be around.
"Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you." He demanded. Hikari looked up from her bags to him and cringed, he really was an ugly brute. She didn't even know his name.
"What do you want?" Hikari said trying to move her stinging arm from his grip.
"Just to keep yo- " Seito's words were cut short as her flew from the table, another man on top of him. The food court came alive as Seito from before struggled under the strong grip of his attacker. Hikari gasped as she looked at the man who had attacked. Even from the back she could tell who it was, the attacker was the man she'd been seeing all day, watching her.
© Copyright 2008 Whitechapel (pixelante at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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