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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1418081
chapter 5 and 6 to Zaila the Last Aether
Chapter 5
         The man name Rorke is Demetri's Capitan, I found this out by Artemis, apparently Rena and Rorke are very attracted to each other. Have been since Demetri and Rena were to be married, but they could never be together, like my price and me. We have been riding to Cavalla for two days, by sundown I will be in the walls. I look around, the guards all have green and gold on, a symbol is on all of there shirts and shields. These are the royal guards, they were sent to get Rena, why?
"Just over that hill is Cavalla, ladies."
"Rorke if you call me a Lady again, you won't reach home." Artemis is riding beside me, we all got a horse to ride. How did they know more were traveling with the two? My horse is black, and huge, bigger then all the other ones, I like him, he is a warrior and a loner. Anoka didn't want one, they didn't even have one for him, he is riding in the wagon. Rena has a beautiful white female, and Artemis is on a brown male. I start to look forward hoping to see the wall of Cavalla.
"Right over that hill is Cavalla, it's a amazing site." I look to the voice, right beside me on a gold horse is a man. The most beautiful man I have ever seen. I look to Artemis, she is looking him up and down. Staying more to the middle, and why not, he had no shirt on, thank the Goddess. He had hair to his shoulders, each strain was like fine gold, he had to be 6 feet tall, tan and very well built. He looked like a god. And to top it off on his left pec is a tattoo of a sun. His eyes met mine, also gold, he was like the sun it self. "Hello..." His voices is like a song, "my name is Array." I look over at Artemis, my heart does a flip flop. What is going on? Is my heart so easily switch? Artemis's eyes were on Array and his to her. My heart was feeling Artemis's heart. It was her hearts fire, a new power.
         We reach the top of the hill, my breath leaves me. What I see before me is a world I should have never known. Walls that reach the sky, painted with the sun. Soldiers running back and froth on the high walls. People going in and out of the tall wooden gate, people everywhere. I just couldn't look away. We  ride into the city, more people, shops and so much noise I couldn't hear anyone next to me. I start to look at everyone in the city, everyone talking or yelling, is this how every day is?
"Come one, come all. See the Amazing Hawk Girl."
         My eyes go to the middle of the city. Next to a big gold fountain is a group of people, all colorful, skin that was like sand, and black and life of it's own hair. All were beautiful and have seen life. Out on there makeshift stage came a girl about my age. Like the others she had black hair, curly, and eyes that were big and alert, the color was yellow with some blue. But what made her stand out was her skin, white like the clouds. But I don't see why they call her hawk girl, I stop my horse, who I have named Borka, I watch the girl. She is dancing, she looks like a gypsy in the fire. That feels so long ago.  When I look back to start up again, everyone was gone, I look into the crowd I couldn't see them anywhere.
"Come on Borka..." I lead him to the group in the middle, watching the girl dance to the drums and bells. She has a robe around her back, the music is reaching the climax, she takes off the robe under it was wings. Long beautiful wings, that go across the stage, Hawk Girl.
         I look to the sky, I wonder if she could fly. To fly... that would be a feeling. I take notice that the sky is growing darker, night time is coming. I must find the others. I walk to the road, it's almost deserted, people were walking and not making eye with anyone. Borka is flowing me, I have his rings in my hand. I look back to the gypsies, they were packing up.  The road was made of gray rock, building were closing up, the fog was coming in. Night has taken the town. I feel myself slow my fear.
‘keep walking, the castle that was were they were going, just keep walking.' Someone was behind me, I look back no one was there. I could feel him, the shadows where moving. My heart was about to jump from my body. I make Borka move closer, he was scared also. I turn into a ally, there was no where out, I back up to the wall.
"I know you are there." I sounded scared, I couldn't get it together. I was alone, just like I was back in prison.  Darkness came in front of me, a body came from it. I fell to the ground, I was going to die in the ally. Borka walk up to the shadow, ready to fight. A hand came to him.
" Females should stay with her group." A face step forward, a man came from the darkness. A face I have seen before, Array. I couldn't be, he was the sun a the man before me was darkness it self. He was tall like Array, but his skink was like the moon, pale. His hair was black night, fell to his shoulders and eyes like the stars, sliver. He had black bottoms on, like Array on his pec, the right one, was a moon.
"What are you doing here?"
"I lost my way, I stop and they went on." I stand, this man was so cold, nothing came from his voice. He step closer to me, I had no were to go, he looks at me, up and down. My heart went faster, Borka is on the other side, shadows were moving up and down, I felt cold.
" Don't wonder in the Darkness, evil things lurk here." and just like he came he was gone. I run out of the ally, and jump onto Borka, we ran until I was lost... again. I see a pub near. On a sing that was dancing in the wind said Black Unicorn, I walk in. At the tables in the back were the gypsy group, and the hawk girl was at the bar. I walk up, I needed to get a drink, something hot to take off the fear. The bar tender smiles at me. I sit next to the girl.
" How much is a hot tea, sir?"
" 5 silver." I take out my money, I only had 3 silver and some copperheads. I lay it on the bar. I really want to get back to Anoka.
" What can I get with this?"
" Here I have it." I look over to the girl, just like that she helps me. "Hi, my name is Sora." Her wings were out, she was taller then me, white skin but not as pale as that shadow man, hair like the wind blown through it everyday and eyes with knowledge. My hot tea comes up, I drink it. What a day.
"So, what's your name?"
"Zaila." My tea was sweet with honey and I could smell the blackberry. I look at her wings again, I guess she could tell where my eyes where.
"They are real. My wings"
I look down at my tea, I couldn't help but look. When I look up again Sora is smiling at me, I guess she gets it a lot, but then again how many times do you see a girl with real bird wings walking around town.
"So, Zaila where are you going?"
Do I tell her? I couldn't come up with anything else. I mind was going through all the stories I could come up with, all didn't sound very believable, "well, I got lost from my group, they should be at the castle by now."
"Hello beautiful." I turn my attention to the voice, tall dark and ugly, looked like he fell asleep with the pigs, I could smell the beer coming off his breath. "How about you come to my room, and I could teach you many things... baby." I have to get out of here, and I feel my tea about to come up again from his odor, I take his arm and swing him to the bar, his face looks up in surprise. "Oh, you like it hard huh?" I am far past being nice to this drunker, I knee him in the manhood. He won't be moving tonight with someone. I walk out of the bar, trying to shake his smell off, I am out the door and looking for somewhere to go or how to get to the castle.
‘Anoka is going to kill me.'
"Hey, wait, Zaila!" I look behind me, Sora is running to me, what is she doing?
"Hey, are you really going to the castle?"
"Yes I am. My friends are there waiting for me." I hope, and the friends part yes, well minus Rena, who I could live without. "Why?"
"Well, just so happens I need a job, and well, you seem like a good sort and.."
"Wait! Why do you want to come with me, I can take care of myself, I don't need someone to take care of me or anything. And for another I don't have money to pay someone to follow me everywhere, so sorry but I don‘t have anything for you."
"That is true. You don't need someone to take care of you, I can tell that from that bar man, but what you do need is a navigator. You couldn't find your way out of a paper bag. Now... the castle is this way.." I didn't move, great more people to hurt when they find out my real plan. I can't let feeling take me down, my life is in this mission. I want my life back. "Well, are you coming or are you just going to stand there?" I follow, Sora is the friend sort. I just hope I am also, because I don't want to hurt her.
Chapter 6
"Are you sure they know you are coming?" I gaze to where Sora was talking about, two guards stand at the gates, looking very mad. "because those men don't look like they are going to let us in. Maybe you should talk to them, go on." I step forward, maybe they didn't come here, maybe they are at a safe house or something.
"Stop where you are! What is your business here at the palace?"
‘think Zaila..think... tell them your name, surely they told them you would be coming here'
"My name is Zaila, my friends came here." 
"We know nothing of you. If you had friends here they would have told us of your coming."
‘Oh mother goddess! Rena, I am going to kill her.'  I could feel myself losing control, all I wanted was a nice warm bed, I look in the night sky, rain was close. And as if nothing else could go wrong tonight, I feel water on my face. It started to pore, just perfect!  "One of my traveling partners was Princess Rena." I stop, there faces show they knew who Rena was. But in the next minute I hated her, because I could tell they knew who I was, and she told them to not let me in.
"No one is to know she is here. Seize them!" I didn't fight, at that moment I just didn't feel like fighting, I wanted to straggle that princess with her perfect crown. I guards push us to the wet ground, I could feel water dipping off my face. But it was red blood, that big fat guard took a cheap shoot to my face. They were being very rough to me, Sora was already handcuff, yet they were pulling my hands with all the force they could have.
"Hey! Stop!"
The guards get off me, I stand up ready to fight, I am done with being nice, I nail the guard who took the shoat to my head, a good right hook should wake him up. He falls to the ground. I am about to take another hook to his face when someone grabs my arm and swings me to face them. My breath leaves me, everything just stays still. In my face, holding my arm, inches from my lips, so close I knew he could remember me, was my prince. The rain was coming down full force, his eyes were all I could see.
"Are you going to play nice, or do I have to lock you up for the night. Because I don't have more guards for you to beat up." His voice was like sweet music, I nod my head. He lets go off my arm, he has a good hand hold. Sora walks to me, rubbing her arm also. "Now men, this is Zaila, she was with riding with Rorke. And what her step father told me, she got lost in the city." he was right in there face now, I kind of feel sorry for them, but then the pain in my head hurt the kind of went to not. "Now, I don't know who told you to keep her out of the palace, or maybe you just forgot? Maybe a night in the dungeons well clear your minds." Well, the kind feeling came back, stupid feeling for others.
"It's ok, your highness. I am sure they just forgot, I am ok and so is my friend. Nothing has been to hurt here." He smiles at me, I could get lost in his eyes.
"Alright then. Here lets get inside before someone gets sick. And you need to see a healer for your cut. Come on." I follow him in, and Sora is right behind me.
         The rain is coming down to hard for me to see what was around me, my hair was in my eyes rain drop falling off each dark piece. I feel the mud on my bottoms, not that it will do much my bottoms already had two weeks of travel on them, I felt dirty and in front of me was Prince Demetri, I could never win his heart looking more manly then he did. We enter an outside hall, cover from the rain. No one was there just the night guards.
"here we are ladies. Lady Zaila..."
"I am no Lady, your highness."
" And I am no Your Highness, just Prince Demetri well do. This Guard well show you to your room." He is looking at Sora, she looks up to me, eyes asking should I leave you, I give her a nod. She follows him, meeting my gaze. I look to where she turns and in the corner of my eye I see a shadow go after her.  I am about to go to the hall after Sora, the shadow was to alive to be just a dark spot in the night.
"This way. Your friends are worried about you."
‘ Sora could take care of herself, don't worry'
He turn his head to me, I didn't look up. If he saw my eyes he would remember me from the prison. " Why were you traveling with Princess Rena and Lady Artemis anyways?"
"We met on the road. Both going to Cavalla, so we stay with each other. Why are you up? Shouldn't you be getting sleep?" He smiles at me.  "I heard you were going to marry Princess Rena, when is the wedding?" He doesn't answer, something about his silent face tells me more then if he should speak.  I follow him, and all the noise in the castle was my shoes and his.
© Copyright 2008 S. Langman (sileny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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