Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1417394-Alice
by wrtsar
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1417394
first thing ive written creativley:typical girls normal day...turnFor the worst suggestion
Alice was on her way home from school she had large earphones on her head blocking out all of the sound that surrounded her the foo fighters blasted in her ears and as she walked there was a dance in her step occasionally at the chorus she would spin around her lips constantly Screaming along with the song even though she made sure no sound came out this routine was the only way Alice could survive another tedious walk home the same blocks seen every day and same blank faces crossed she got tired of trying to read them everyday trying to imagine that persons life it was to depressing and she was doomed to the same depressing life you could say it was the fault of Alice's negative attitude or the way she threw herself about on the street but that walk home would not be like any other she continued on as she passed that same alley between Duane Reed and Pizza 2 Perfection someone stepped out and grapped her by the waste with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other he pulled her to the back of the alley and then opened his jacket just enough for her to see a tint of silver glisten she knew it was a knife fear flashed through her face, he could tell and then he said "scream and you'll get to see the whole thing" he removed his hand and Alice didn't make a peep, if she was better off that way no one knows he shoved her onto the the garbage bags that were behind her she couldn't see his face not really he was just a blur an idea he was "the attacker' she didn't care if had blue eyes or how handsome he was she didn't care if he had a smug look on his face or if his eyes were filled with guilt his words and movement even her own faded into the backround before she knew it he was pulling up her blue dress and pludging himself at her she was being tossed around the only thing she was aware of was her fear how much she wanted to stand up and run away but her legs had gone numb and her eyes shut she was pretending it was a dream she almost convinced herself that she had made it home and done her hw and talked to her friends online and now she was just in an awful dream that she would wake up from anytime now throw up was rising up her throught she couldnt controll where she aimed "the attacker" was twisting her about running his hands over her body before she knew it she was drenched in throw up and he was, she hoped he shouted in anger and jumbed up he pulled out his knife and swung his arm at her in the last second he stopped and she ran she sprinted the 5 remaining blocks back to her house
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