Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1415520-the-perfect-storm-part-one
Rated: E · Short Story · Religious · #1415520
the sky was riped open by savage bolts of lightning
Jarrett was a loner drifting out in the massive breath taking seas, going from port to port never staying in one place for long; he let the wind take him where it willed. He left the people who meant so much, behind to become a memory. Though he always ferries people from place to place at times, he lives alone, his only company is a big gruff Labrador named Sam. He and the dog have traveled all over the world; he's seen the grandeur of Venice and the beautiful shores of Australia. The beautiful things and the things no one should ever see. He's heard the heart beat of the world and listened to the breathing of the oceans, the songs smells and sounds of the ocean he has heard. It's an easy and free life.

And yet... Something's wrong. Something is hurting him, making him angry. He's unstable, and he finds him self sailing head on into a huge storm. He knows it's suicidal but yet he doesn't stop.

The waves are crashing to his left and right. The sky is torn apart with gigantic bolts of lightning and the wind is howling a melancholy song into his ear. The freezing rain stings his face and his boat is tossed around like a cork in a washer. The decks are slippery and he struggles to find his balance against the wind. The boat lurches and he is flung head first into the mast. He feels him self losing consciousness. His vision blursand he felt him self self falling. His limbs grow heavy; he stumbled towards the railing and with one final lurch he was flung overboard. He was completely powerless against the rage of the storm. He thought he was going to die, it fitting though that it would happen at sea. Then, Sam swims up to him. He clung to her collar. His last thought before he passed out was he wished Sam had stayed on the boat

He woke up. He was lying face down on sandy ground. He felt tired, the waves where licking his legs. For a moment he couldn't move. He lay there helpless in the sand. Then the pain came. His whole body ached and his head felt like it was split in two. His thoughts where marred and confused but he realized that his dog was with him. Other than that the only sounds he heard where of the wind and the waves. Another moment passed and he willed him self to crawl on to dry land the sun was on fire with the golds and reds of the sun set. He looks around and finds him self on a long beach. sam pranced infront of him and proceded to lick his face. He growled and feebly pushed her away. He managed to stand but his knees colapsed and he fell to the ground.He tried agin and managed to stand up his legs swayed but held. He scaned the beach for some sign of human life
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