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by LoNfan
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1415346
The year is ending and finally Aura confronts the monster. A terrible sacrifice is made.
I needed one last thing. A spell I haven't got down yet, the amplification spell, capable increasing a fireball into a Gaa Flare and a Gaa Flare into a burning inferno capable of killing an entire village. The only catch was that the Amplification spell would leave me nearly drained of energy. I went back into the library and found the book that had information on the amplification spell. I had only a day to memorize it. I couldn't help but feel a looming danger in the air.
         "Damn this I really complicated." I said aloud in the empty library.
         I had to perform specific movements while weaving a spell that could take five minutes to form. But first I had to memorize the pattern. I closed the book and took with me out of the library without signing it out. What can I say, it didn't seem like a priority with all that was happening.
         I ran to the archery range and saw Spay and Fri waiting for me, laughing at some joke Spay had made. I got to them out of breath and hugged Fri since no one was around.
         "What's up?" he asked with his gorgeous smile.
         "Nothing, I found what I needed about the Lady of the Forest so we don't need to go to library, but I do need to go to the Area and practice a spell."
         "Oh really? What spell?" Spay asked.
         I sighed, "The amplification spell."
         "What!" Fri snapped.
         "I know, but I can't help but feel like I need to know it." I said lightly. "Just incase." I added.
         "What's a matter with the amplahlah spell?" Spay asked stupidly.
         I rolled my eyes. "The amplification spell is very difficult to cast, especially for a beginner who doesn't know how far his magical capacity can go. It will increase the effectiveness of a spell exponentially. Making a fireball capable of turning a building into rubble."
         "So?" Spay asked clueless.
         "SO, if I mis-cast the spell I could end up draining all my energy and killing myself!" I shouted.
         Oh! Oh! Is that all he can say?!
         "I- I wont let you." Fri mumbled.
         He took on a deep sad and serious manner. His eyes looking at the ground; his fist clenched tightly.
         "Fri." I said lovingly and placed my hand on him fist. Slowly it unclenched and he held my hand. "I won't mis-cast it. You know me, I'm a sorcerery genius."
         "I know." he looked up and smiled.
         With that we headed off into the forest to our training area. It was awkward, the last we were hear we were attacked by a lesser wolf demon. We acted as a team and almost defeated it. I wonder how much better we could do now. With all that's happened I feel stronger and I think my magic has become a lot stronger.
         Spay examined the marks on a tree I had made over several months of slinging spells at it. Fri sat in front of me in the center of the ring of trees. I was reading the book containing the amplification spell. I studied the pattern it describe. I slowly tried to form pieces of the weave in my head.
         Strands of light in my head weaved around and through each other. I was keeping track of several of them, but once all of them began interlacing I lost track and they became jumbled. I snapped back to reality for the sixth time breathless.
         "I told you it's too hard for a novice." Fri said more caringly and less ‘I told you so'.
         "I have to get it." I said to myself more then any.
         "What's the problem?" Spay said doing a hand stand.
         I shot him an annoyed look. "I lose track of the weave once they all begin to interlace."
         Spay thought for a second, putting his hand on his chin and making a "Hmm" sound. Supporting himself upside down with one hand, and doing some kind of one handed push up, he thrust himself into the air and landed on his feet in a cat-like pose.
         "Do it backwards." Spay said as if the answer was as clear as day.
         "What do you mean?"
         "Yea, I'm curious to know as well." Fri added.
         He thought for a moment. "Well, you know how the weave is supposed to end up right?"
         I nodded. "Go on."
         "Well, just unweave it, it can only unweave one way. Then once you get it memorized that way you'll know how it is supposed to go."
         OH MY GOD!
         That was the smartest thing Spay has every said ever!
         "I'm speechless Spay." I said with open mouth.
         I noticed Fri was just as shocked. I looked at him and he gave me a nod telling me to go ahead and attempt it.
         I focused, visualizing the completed weave. It was complicated and filled with lots of colors. I mentally sighed. I searched for the strand to pull for the unraveling to begin. Then I found it, the starting strand, which is also the ending strand. A bright green lace. I mentally pulled on it. And all the strands came lose and I traced them backwards, pulling them out from under other strands and so on. It took a bit longer then weaving it forwards, but at least I got a general idea of how the pattern went.
         When I snapped to reality it was already dusk. Fri was sleeping in the same spot where he was sitting, looking peaceful. Spay sitting up against a tree.
         "Did that help?" he asked concerned.
         "Yes a lot, but it took way too long, I think if I go through it again I can get it."
         "That's great."
         I looked into sky. There was something I needed to get off my chest. I had this feeling or horrible things about to occur. I was going to be fighting a battle that I may not come back from.
         He looked childishly. "What is it?"
         "I know I may act a bit mean to you sometimes. I burn your things and blow you up a lot and I know I have anger problems, but I just need you to know that you're one of my closet friends and I consider you family." I was almost in tears.
         "I know." he said as if it was obvious.
         "You do?" I asked, wiping my eyes.
         "Yea. I wouldn't be your friend if I thought you hated me." he said and started carving into the tree.
         I smiled and went back into a trance. When I came too, it was dark. All the stars were beaming and Fri was still asleep in the same position. I wonder how long it took me that time. I heard a snap come from in front of me in the woods, so I gathered a fireball in my hand instantly and readied for attack.
         "It's just me." Spay said and jumped out of the darkness.
         I let the fireball dissipate and I lowered my hands exhausted.
         "Don't do that." I said, heart racing.
         "Whatever. So you did that much faster." he smiled.
         "How much faster?"
         He thought for a moment. "About an hour."
         It took me five hours the first time, and now just an hour. It was amazing.
         A bright light caught our attention as we exited the woods and entered school property. It was very large and looked like an attacking spell.
         "Come on!" I commanded and took off running.
         Fri stumbled, being half asleep still and Spay caught him and helped to get him sturdy again. I was running as fast a I could. I just knew it was the monster and the Dr. There were fighting on the other side of the school and were casting some pretty powerful attacks.
         We got to the other side out of breath, stunned by what we saw. Ruse, in his typical brown suit, standing in his cool posture and the Dr magically bound to a tree with his arms spread eagle.
         "Ruse." I whispered in horror and shock.
         But it wasn't Ruse, it was the monster. His calm posture and mannerism, his face down to the cold eyes was Ruse, but it wasn't.
         "Shocked to see an old friend?" the fake Ruse asked.
         This completely stunned us, my mouth dropped open.
         "Is that all you can do in the company of a friend? So rude." he said condescendingly.
         The only thing I could muster, the only word I could think of,
         I knew Fri and Spay were thinking the same thing.
         "Glad to see you've entered the conversation-"
         "Kill...it..." Dr. Stein interrupted. His head was hanging low and he hadn't even bothered to lift it. I could see the bruises on his face, his lab coat was torn and blood spilled from his lips.
         "That was rude." the monster snapped and pointed a finger at Dr. Stein. An invisible force pressured him into the tree and I could tell it was taking all he could not to scream, or maybe he didn't have the energy to.
         "Stop!" Fri yelled. "Please."
         The fake Ruse gave Fri a pathetic look and nodded his head, which sent Fri flying into the building behind us.
         "He was the one that tried to steal you, Love." the monster said smiling at me. "But now we can be one and make each other happy." it said, almost with the innocence of a child.
         "Fri!" I ran over to his unconscious body.
         The monster's face contorted for a moment then returned to Ruse's normal visage.
         I checked Fri's pulse, still there. He was breathing too. I sighed and felt my pounding heart. I focused on this anger, I would need this power to stop the monster, but I need to lead it onto the trap I set. I wasn't going to let this thing roam around and kill people I love.
         "To bad, Love." the monster said in my ear. I turned and there he was, Ruse, in my face. His breath was warm and I felt it on my neck. I shivered. I tried to push him away, but it was useless. He grabbed my arm and I heard a snapping sound. It was too much, I let out a scream and gave in to the monster as he pushed me up against the wall.
         I didn't even squirm. Hot tears fell down my check and burning pain seared my arm and spine. I felt like I was about to collapse at any moment.
         "Sorry, Love, but I ont let you put up a fight or get away again." he whispered in my ear and licked the tears off my face. His tongue was long and hot. I looked the other way and saw Spay's unconscious body laying on the floor, he must have taken out spay when I was checking on Fri.
         The fake Ruse moved his hands lower on my body, feeling me, slipping his hands into my leggings.
         "Please, don't." I begged.
         He looked at me and smiled, the smiled that Ruse sometimes gave me, but this wasn't Ruse. I felt sick, I wanted to puke but I don't think anything would come out.
         The Monster found his way into my mouth an out lips met. Immediately all I could think about was the kiss I had dreamed of when I was sick. It felt exactly like it and I was lost in it once again. I didn't notice when everything had gone black. But I was still conscious!
         The kiss faded. Now it was when I was fishing with my dad at Lake Houla in Dencover. It was such a warm day and the fish were biting so well we ate lot of food until we were sick that night. But it was also at my fifth birthday party and I was opening my present. It wasn't the toy I wanted so I started to cry. I was so angry with my father for not buying the right one. A great wind started to blow everything away in the house, and suddenly no one could breath except for me. I saw my father on the floor turning blue and collapsing.
         Now I was drinking and with the girl I loved. Out in the woods we started having sex on a tree and then it was all black. Empty.
         "Don't... give..." it was Dr. Stein's voice. Dr. Stein, why did that sound so familiar.
         The monster!
         I could feel my arms in the darkness, they were at my sides. One of them was broken, yet I couldn't feel the pain. The one arm I could use I lifted and placed in front of me. It was warm, like a person.
         I pushed as hard as I could and I felt something being pulled off my face, or out of my face. I pushed until I could see out of the corner of my eye. I could make out Dr. Stein still on the tree, mumbling and Spay unconscious.
         I blasted the area in front of me with force, sending whatever was on me into the air. My vision was blurry, but quickly came to. It was Ruse, or the monster in the form of Ruse. My eyes widened at the realization of what was just happening.
         The monster was trying to absorb me. The fake Ruse landed on his feet, his face partially that of the monster from where we must have been connected. I quickly checked my face for anything that might be wrong, but it was okay. I sighed.
         "You are becoming very tiresome." it snapped and pointed at Dr. Stein. And in that instant, his head exploded. The doctor that saved me. Ruse's friend. Pieces of him landed near me. I looked at his headless body drop to the ground, the binding spell being lifted. Blood poured from his neck, becoming a crimson puddle.
         I started hyperventilating.
         Oh god! Oh god!
         "Now where were we?"
         I quickly formed the amplification spell in my head. This time it came so natural it sacred me.
         "Oh yes, you were about to be mine."

Grant me your wisdom and strength
to strike down my enemy.

         I chanted the amplification spell.
         "If you kill me I'll just come back even faster then before with more power. That's how it works, Love." he said coolly.
         "Too bad."

Holder of a human form,
As punishment for your crimes.
Master of the greatest ruin,
Hotter then hell fire.

         "Gaa Flare!" I threw out my arm.
         I focused the spell on his particular spot and replaced him with a towering inferno of white flames. His ashes spilt into the wind. I started to cast a recovery spell as best I could on my arm, that way I could cast an even better one on Fri and Spay. I managed to wake up Spay, but Fri remained unconscious even after the healing spell. With combined efforts Spay and I carried him up to the hospital wing where we met with the lead nurse. (Apparently all the doctors had left) She assured us everything was going to be fine and had us place him on one of the beds.
         Spay fell asleep within moments of sitting down. I was drowsy, but couldn't manage to sleep, I was too worried about Fri. He looked so peaceful on the bed as if he hadn't been flung into a wall, but if he was just sleeping. I felt a tinge in my heart, a sudden sorrow I couldn't explain.
         The nurse finally came in and I gave her a scornful look when she walked passed me so she couldn't see. It took her about an hour to get in here and I KNOW there were no other patients. She examined Fri, checking his scalp and body for bruises. At one point she lifted his shirt and touched his chest. This, of coursed, pissed me off and I was about to fling a chair at her, but I restrained just incase it was proper procedure.
         "He'll be fine. He just needs time to recuperate. He's breathing normal, and healing just fine. That was some recovery spell you cast on him, probably kept him from falling into a coma." she said cheerfully.
         I sighed so hard I got dizzy. I felt my eyes begin to water. I was so relieved, that when she left I gave a slight chuckle and got into bed beside Fri.

         I woke early the next morning. I had had a nightmare about the monster standing beside the bed, watching me and Fri sleep, then he crushed Fri's head with his hand. I spent half an hour holding on to Fri. I thought over my options.
         If what the monster said is true, he would return faster and even stronger then he was before, and he was pretty powerful before. I had to use that trap I set up, even if it meant sacrificing my life. The monster wouldn't stop until I was merged with it and it was going to kill Spay and Fri if it had too. It was too much of a risk.
         I had to fight the monster alone or I would be too distracted by Spay's and Fri's well being.
         I got up off the bed and approached Spay. I tapped him on the shoulder,          "Wake up. Spay, wake up."
         I shuck him ruthlessly and he made some kind of weird gurgle and snort and woke with a start. He sharpened his claws and placed them at my throat.
         "What the hell!" I snapped and grabbed his wrist and nearly snapped it in two.
         "Sorry, you scared me. You're a very scary person." he said calmly.
         I rolled my eyes, ignoring the comment.
         "I need you to go back to the room, I need to talk to Fri alone."
         "Okay." he said with sleep in his eyes.
         He left sluggishly and nearly fell when he turned the corner. I quickly shut and locked the door. I looked nervously at Fri. I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I felt like I needed to. After today we may not see each other again, we WILL not see each other again. Not if I wished to stop the creature, and that's if the trap I set up works.
         I made my way to the bed, Fri opened his eyes. The light from the window made his blue eyes glow. I was stunned for a second.
         "What's wrong?" he asked.
         I shook it off, "Nothing."
         I got to the bed and sat on the edge. Fri got up and sat beside me. I adverted my eyes, my hands shook, I was so nervous. He placed his hand on mine and his face grew serious.
         "Aura, what's wrong. Why are you shaking?"
         I didn't answer, I didn't know how to tell him. I couldn't tell him. Today was our last day together and I wanted him to be happy.
         "I love you, Fri."
         "I know." he smiled.
         My hands stopped shaking. I looked into Fri's eyes, deep and long. I was ready. I placed my hands around him and brought him down onto the bed so that I was on top of him. Our lips met and I felt his hands on my back roam to my sides.          
         "What are you doing?" Fri asked between kisses.
         "I'm ready." I said, and that was all. He understood and I started to take off his shirt and undo his leggings.
         I removed my shirt and leggings as well. I kissed down his chest to his navel and felt his warm body against mine. I could feel heat coming from his manhood. He sighed with pleasure, I let one escape as well. Today was our last day and I was going to make him happy.
         We lay in bed together afterwards. He had a big smile on his face, and I have to say I was feeling pretty darn good as well.
         "I love you." he said, kissing my forehead.
         "I love you too, and-" I cut myself off, unable to finish.
         He looked at me awkwardly.
         "And what?" he asked.
         It was now or never, I had to do it or I would lose the fight against the monster.
         "And I'm sorry."
         He retracted his head in confusion.
         "Sorry? For what?"
         I smiled, with sadness in my eyes.
         "For this." I mumbled and kissed him on the lips.
         He fell unconscious as soon as our lips parted.
         "I'm sorry Fri. That should keep you asleep for a while."
         I rolled off the bed and cast a sleeping spell on Spay. I headed for the door and froze, taking one final look back at him. I ran off to meet up with Spay.
         Spay was still asleep when I got to his room. He was snoring on his bed, sprawled out like doll. It made me think of a throw pillow. I chanted my spell and cast it towards him. Another sleeping spell that would keep him asleep for awhile. He was half demon, so it might not last as long as the one I put on Fri, but hopefully I wouldn't need much time.
         I quickly exited Spay's room and went into mine. I sat down on the small twin bed and grabbed a note-pad I kept there. Unused, it was a gift Fri gave me before we started going out to take notes in class, I never needed it though.
         I jotted down my last will and testament explaining why I am doing this and so on. It was all very sad, so I tried not to think about it. Still, I couldn't help but shed a few tears that landed on the paper.
         I was never going to see them again. I actually was going to miss Spay's inappropriate banter and sarcasm. I was going to miss Fri's eyes, his touch, and his lips. But most of all I was going to miss the feeling of being safe when I slept in his arms.
         I tore the paper from the note-pad and placed it on the table and used the note pad as a paper weight. I wiped my eyes and I was off to the Sect, where I would wait and ambush the creature with my spell.

         The sounds of chirping crickets woke me with a start. I had that feeling where your head hurts and you're more tired then when you fell asleep. I sat up on my bed and rubbed my temples.
         It was dark already?
         I shot up and went to go check on Fri and Aura. Aura had asked for some alone time, I think I understood what that meant. He was scared about what was going to happen. Mr. Stein was killed by that monster with a simple flick of the wrist, there was no way any of us where powerful enough to take it.
         I ran past Aura's room and halted when I saw his door was open. I creaked it open slowly and made sure it was clear. No one. I made a quick examination of the room, the monster could be back at anytime and he was going after Aura, so where better to find him then in his room?
         Clear. I saw a piece of paper with writing on it. I know this was a time of crisis, but I couldn't resist invading Aura's privacy. What can I say? The kid really needed to lighten up.
         He really was a great person. He befriended me, ignoring the fact I a half-demon, most people can't look past that fact. And Fri too, he was an elf so it was even more shocking that he could look past it.
         I scanned the note and my mouth fell wide and my eyes began to water.
         I'm sorry I put you guys to sleep, but I can't focus on defeating the monster if I am worried about your guy's well being.
         I love both of you very much and you will always be a part of me.
         See ya on the other side-
                                       Auracle Maika

         I dropped the note and ran out of the room, down the hall to the hospital wing. I peered into the room and saw that Fri was Still sleeping. I didn't have any spells capable of waking him so he would have to remain asleep for now.
         I ran outside the building and locked onto Aura scent, yes his scent, I know its very odd, but I am part wolf you know. I followed it around the school and realized it was coming from the Sect. When I got around I saw Aura chanting a spell and a brilliant light formed in the middle of the Sect. A beautiful woman with long black hair and forest green eyes stood before me. Blackness takes over.

         I waited near the Sect. An invisibility spell cast on myself, but I doubt that it would keep the monster from seeing me now. It was almost nightfall, just a little sun left. I tried preoccupying my mind with thoughts not about suicide and leaving my friends. I had been waiting for several hours, going over battle plans and strategies to stop the monster, but they all failed. The monster was going to be way too powerful this time. My only bet was to get it into the center of the Sect and cast the spell invoking the power of the Lady of the Forest.
         As I pondered, cold hands wrapped around me. One across my mouth and one around my chest. I jumped and almost let out a scream.
         A familiar voice whispered into my ear.
         "Oh love, I can see you always." Ruse's voice said lustfully. "You want me to play with you. Play and then I can have you if I win?"
         He pressed his private area against my ass and I could feel heat and throbbing. I let out a sigh. It was disgusting, wasn't it? I couldn't help but feel slight comfort in Ruse, but it wasn't Ruse and I was with Fri. I felt sudden sickness, the invisibility spell wore off.
         I struggled to get free, but the monster held me tightly.
         "Let me go!" I ordered.
         The monster let me go and looked at me with Ruse's stunning and at times, cruel eyes.
         "Let's play then. If you can hide from me until nightfall, I will let your friends live. If I catch you, I will take you as mine and you will become one with me."
         Great, an ultimatum.
         "Lets play then." I said and took off running.
         Hopefully this works. I quickly wove the amplification spell and chanted a fireball.
         I turned and the monster wasn't even there. The fire ball died in thin air with my loss of concentration. I turned around to get even further away, and there he was.
         "Hello love." He said pressing his lips against mine.
         I formed a fireball in my hand and slammed it into the side of his face. Nothing and he still had his face to mine, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moaned in disgust, trying to get free.
         He parted and grinned maliciously.
         "I win love." he smirked and tore off my shirt. "Now I get to have you."
         All the air escaped my body. I just gave myself to someone for the first time. I didn't intend on giving myself to anyone else. So I decided to act on desperation.
         "Wait." I said, but he still tried to remove my leggings. "Please, love." I said, almost puking.
         The monster looked at me with curiosity and lifted his an eye brow.
         "Can't we play just one more game?"
         He gave me another look, but I could tell he just wanted to have me.
         "Please." I said innocently. I kissed him, yes that's right, I planted a big fa tone on him.
         He looked into my eyes and smiled.
         "Just one more Love."
         "Okay." I said with devilish intent. "Let's race. If you win I'll do whatever you want." I said lustfully.
         The monster looked at me with an awkward expression. I could tell I was about to lose him.
         Thinking quickly I added, "WHATEVER you want." I winked.
         He smiled and quickly nodded in agreement.
         Man this thing is sick, and desperate.
         "Okay then. Lets race to the Sect. Whoever gets to the center of the Sect first wins."
         Before I could say go, the monster leaped for the Sect. Wow! I was shocked at how far it was willing to go to "have" me.
         I made a dash for the Sect, hoping he wouldn't see the invisible candles right away. The sun was almost completely down, only a sliver could be seen on the horizon.
         "I win love!" it shouted like a child like happiness. I almost felt sorry for it. It had no idea what it was doing was wrong. It had no soul, which meant no conscious, it just did what it liked, like a child would do without supervision.
         "Yes, you do." I said kindly.

Grant me you infinite wisdom and strength
To strike down my enemy.
I call upon you greatest power,
I call upon the forest spirits
I pray that they make a servant to a higher power
And I offer you the ultimate sacrifice

         I cast the amplification spell along with it to make sure it worked. The flames from the invisible candle lit themselves and appeared to be floating flames around the creature. The flamed burst into giant pillars of light and enclosed on the monster. And within the light I saw a beautiful Black haired woman with a simple tunic made of what looked to be leafs, both green and golden. Her eyes were forest green.
         I knew who it was immediately. It was the Lady of the Forest, in the flesh.
         "You do a great thing and you must pay a heavy price." a voiced echoed in my head. Everything seemed to be calm and still. I couldn't see anything besides the goddess due to the blinding light.
         "I know. But I have to keep my friends and my loved ones safe. Even though the students aren't too nice, they don't deserve what's happening to them."
         I said with a sense of accomplishment. I single handedly summoned a goddess from the Deva plane with a makeshift spell and ritual. I was feeling pretty amazing.
         "Here is the creature, imbued with divine magic, something that has not been done for a long, long time. But then again, you are not like them are you, I sense a bit of power about you, power that could destroy even a god."
         A small ball of light appeared and formed into a feline like shape. Long pointy ears with long hair on the tips. Wide owl like eyes and a six foot long tail. Instead of the normal white boots some cats have, the cat had black fur around each one of its feet and one black ring around the end of its tail.
         "Th-that's the monster?"
         She nodded. "Are you ready to give the ultimate sacrifice?"
         I nodded, tears in my eyes. "Yes I'm ready. Take me."
         She smiled, "I'm afraid you are mistaken."
         The words snapped and ripped the peace I was feeling.
         "What!" I snapped.
         "The ultimate sacrifice isn't you. It's him." she said and pointed.
         I looked over and in the faint blinding light I made out the form of Spay. He was standing there, motionless. Was he stunned? This was the goddess of his people after all.
         "What do you mean?" I managed to get out over my hyperventilation.
         "I am the goddess of friendship, remember? The ultimate sacrifice isn't you, it's your closest friend, Spay."
         "No! No, no, no. NO!" I snapped. I gave the goddess and fierce look, but she wasn't intimidated. "That's not fair! I misunderstood, don't please. Take me instead." I begged.
         "I am afraid that is not how it works. This is how the ritual goes, it has always gone this way and this is how it will go now." She said unwavering. "As for you friend, all hope is not lost. He will be frozen in time forever, unless you can cure it. Only a true friend will be capable of a task like this."
         She disappeared in the light and left behind the cat. I shut my eyes and fell to my knees.
         "NO!" I screamed and slammed my fist on the ground.
         The cat meowed and laid down next to me. It started purring. I felt footsteps nearby, and not by the cat. I jumped up in joy, expecting to see Spay walking around, but was shot down.
         It was only a girl, and a very pale one at that. It wasn't only a girl. There were a few people. People that I hadn't seen around for awhile. I heart soared for a moment, forgetting about Spay, I saw Ruse. He was laying in the grass with a confused look on his face.
         "Ruse." I said kneeling beside him.
         "Aura? What's going on?"
         I smiled and explained all that had happened. He didn't seem to understand, but he probably just needed time to take it all in. The other overheard my little tale and were all shocked and horrified. I guess they could remember anything that had happened after they were absorbed.
         "Is it gone now?" asked a shy, depressed looking girl. The one I had thought was Spay.
         "Yea it's gone." I replied.
         The cat meowed and jumped up onto my shoulder.

         After everyone had gone I spent some time in the dark with Spay. He looked normal, but he was frozen in a stance where he was covering his eyes. He felt warm as if he was alive and his hair moved in the breeze, but he was extremely heavy. I tried to lift him to take him into the hospital wing for treatment, but I dropped him on his face and broke a rock he landed on.
         I guess being frozen in time makes you indestructible.
         With futile attempts to move him any farther, I left him on the ground and decided to see if Fri was awake yet.
         To my surprise he was still sleeping peacefully, as if none of this had happened. I smiled and got into bed next to him.
         I awoke that night to an empty bed and I had been fearing this. Fri was probably upset with me, not just upset but furious. I mean he had to be. I got our closest friend frozen in time. I cast a spell on him with out him knowing and he had no idea I was planning to sacrifice myself.
         I got up slowly, feeling sick to my stomach from anticipation, but Fri walking in the room with a smile and breakfast. We ate in silence, I was too afraid to talk, I was afraid vomit would come out if I did. So I chewed on a piece of sausage.
         "I'm sorry." he said.
         I looked up into his eyes and felt tears forming.
         "Why are you sorry?" I asked, glad to see no vomit spewed from my mouth.
         Tears fell from my eyes now. I didn't even try to hold them back.
         "Because. Ruse told me all that happened. He told me how you saved everyone and stopped the monster. He told me what happened to Spay as well."
         I broke my gaze and looked at the plate in my lap.
         "It's my fault." I sobbed, "It's all my fault." I cried heavily and Fri grabbed me and held my in his arms.
         "Shhh, it's okay." he said rocking me, "You didn't know."
         I didn't know what to say, I didn't know. I thought I was going to give up my own life.
         "It's not fair." I whispered through my sobs.
         "It never is." Fri replied. "Don't worry Aura, I know you'll find a way to cure him."
         I didn't answer. I just rested in his arms for awhile.

         I spent the next few days with Fri in the hospital. School was returning to normal and students were coming back with the news that the monster had been destroyed. The school board decided to go with "destroyed" instead of turned into a cat with a soul now. It was easier to say and made the parents feel confident.
         Ruse came into visit me when Fri was gone to get lunch for us. He told me he was grateful and even offered me a place to stay since staying with Fri was out of the question. I felt bad about not wanting to stay with Spay before, but I placed it in the back of my mind, which was probably unhealthy.
         I accepted his offer and felt a little pressure lift. The next few weeks of school went by fast, as I spent most of my time sleeping and not doing much anything else. There were only a few more weeks left of school and the teachers were going to pass me automatically for defeating the monster.
         Some students decided to thank me for either saving them or their friends. The pale girl from before, whose name I found out was Sarah-Bella Covington, thanked me and started hanging around Fri and I at lunch.
         She was okay, not very talkative and she was an A+ student like me. She was really skinny, as I noticed. She did talk about her father, who she loved a lot, but I was sorry when she said he had died when she was five.
         I tried making her more social, but that failed horribly and I decided that besides being with Fri, I would also come back to school next year to help her fit in. Also, I needed to cure Spay.
         I was surprised to discover that Sarah was one of the first people absorbed and I had her in all my classes. We I felt a bond with her, a sisterly bond mind you, and often gave anyone I heard whispering about her a bloody nose with a small hex.
         She was the type that seemed to attract bullies, but with me by her side she was safe. She even went as far as laughing for the first time in front of me when I made a boys alchemy concoction explode all over him when he said something rather crude about a girl he slept with.
         On the last day of school I met with Fri and Sarah. I told them goodbye and even went as far as kissing Fri in front of Sarah, who was shocked and looked away blushing. With a smiling face I was off on the carriage with Ruse to a town by the name of Yorkshire, next to the demon village of Tolsca. I looked at my friends' silhouette in the setting sun and at the frozen demon boy laying face down in the dirt.

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