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lives of soldiers between two factions (script for machinima series) |
EPISODE TEN BATTLE FOR THE BRIDGE PART 2 Epps continues charging towards the Federation Base, with Charleston and Aaron close behind. All are holding their guns up and firing madly at the disoriented Federation Team. Cracker and Eddy hide behind the remaining jeep, while Stevenson fires madly from its mounted gun. CRACKER (Shouts) "Eddy! Go find Blake! He took one hell of a hit!" EDDY "Why do I have to go?" STEVENSON "Because I'm ranked higher than you! Corporals over Privates! You're more expendable than me!" CRACKER "I was gonna say cause he had the first aid kit, but that's a good reason too, Stevenson! Keep that shooting going. Eddy, get moving!" EDDY (Shouts) "Dammit!" Cracker gets up and lets off several rounds while Eddy sprints off to the destroyed jeep. Eddy arrives and finds Blake pinned under the back of it. EDDY "Are you alright, Blake?" BLAKE (Shouts) "Oh my god! Stevenson was right! You do ask stupid questions! I'm pinned under a fucking jeep for Christ's sake!" EDDY "Yeah, it looks pretty gnarly." BLAKE (High-pitched shout) "Everybody stop taking my catchphrase!" EDDY "Sorry." Eddy pulls Blake out from underneath the jeep. He examines Blake and finds no serious damage. EDDY "Can you stand? Can you fire a gun?" BLAKE "Yes for the second, no for the first." EDDY "Good enough." Eddy tosses Blake a pistol and then runs off to join the others. At the edge of the bridge, Epps, Charleston and Aaron catch up with Twimby who is on the ground hiding and weeping. TWIMBY (Sobs) "They're trying to kill me!" AARON "They're trying to kill all of us you idiot! Get up and start firing!" EPPS "Help me with the launcher!" Charleston goes over to Epps and helps him load another rocket. Epps aims at the last remaining Federation jeep and fires. Stevenson spots the rocket coming. STEVENSON (Mutters) "Oh, shit!" The jeep is hit and is sent tumbling off the side of the bridge. Cracker is now alone and firing by himself on the bridge. CRACKER "Help me!" Eddy arrives and throws a grenade at the Trivial's, forcing them to move back. EDDY "We need to retreat sir!" CRACKER "And let the enemy have our cable TV? I don't think so!" EDDY "For god's sake..." Epps leads Charleston, Aaron and Twimby back towards the bridge. EDDY "We surrender!" CRACKER "No we don't!" EDDY "Yes, we do!" CRACKER "He's only kidding, we don't!" EPPS "Which one is it?" CRACKER "We do not surrender!" EPPS "Very well." Each of the Trivial's raise their guns and prepare to fire. CRACKER "What ever happened to our terms?" EPPS "What terms?" CRACKER "You guys get the bridge if we get a POW." EPPS (Whispers to his team) "There were terms?" AARON "Yes sir." EPPS "Who was the POW?" AARON "Twimby." EPPS "Very good, yes, we agree to the terms. We're sending over our POW now. You must vacate the bridge immediately with your wounded!" CRACKER "Okay!" Cracker and Eddy carry Stevenson and Blake back to the base, along with their POW, Twimby. Blake sits down while Twimby puts himself in the brig. TWIMBY "Cool, my own room!" Cracker and Eddy look at the seriously wounded Stevenson. CRACKER "Is he alive?" EDDY "Barely, He needs a doctor." CRACKER "Call one in." Eddy nods and heads off to make the call. At the Bridge, the Trivial's stand triumphantly having won the battle. EPPS "Job well done boys." ALL "Thank you sir." Up on the mountain, a soldier lays on the edge of a cliff with a sniper rifle. He aims until the crosshairs are on Epps' head. SNIPER "Bye-bye." The sniper fires... |