Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1413738-Day-and-Night
by Chase
Rated: E · Short Story · Mythology · #1413738
A folk-style story about the creation of night and day
        Long ago when man had grown in small numbers, the earth was a barren wasteland. Evil spirits and demons roamed the land and man was defenseless to all.

         The people cried "oh Lord, we are grateful for the life and land you have given us but this world is cold and bare. We are very sick and we will surely die if we do not find food. Give us something so our crops may grow and the sick may be cured. With that the sky opened and the people looked up to find an angel perched above them. "Anguished people, the Lord has heard your cries" spoke the angel.

         So the Lord created the spirit Day for the people. Day cured the sick amongst the people and shone brightly in the sky so man's crops could grow.

         Time passed and man grew. Day continued to heal the diseased, and man's crops flourished. Soon great storms stuck the people. Fiends and demons slaughtered and stole from the people. Again the people looked to the sky. They cried "oh Lord, we are grateful for the spirit Day. It has brought us many riches through food and health but these new troubles have left many of us weak and dying. Give us something that will protect us from the blades of our foes and shield us from the wind and rain". Again the sky shone and the angel appeared. "Worthy people, the Lord hears your pain."

         So the Lord created the spirit Night for the people. Night slew those who assaulted man and protected the people from the tempests of the earth.

         Time passed and the people grew. Their crops remained plentiful. Soon the people grew deceitful and greedy. They used Day to make profit with its curing abilities and used Night to invade other peoples. Finally the angel returned but was not welcomed. "Oh Lord" spoke the people, "we are wealthy and strong. We no longer need your help or protection." But the angel shook his head. "Foolish people" he said, "the Lord sees your greed and deceit and for that he removes your spirits Night and Day which you so greatly misuse. The people became frightened. They cried "oh angel of mercy, does the Lord not wish for us to endure in this world? How will we survive?"

         The angel became silent but soon spoke. "You have dishonored the Lord a great deal" spoke the angel, "but the Lord is kind and merciful". He pointed to the east and said "Day shall live in the sky with the sun. You will have light so you may see and heat so your crops may grow but no longer will you be cured of sickness or disease." Then the angel pointed to the west and said "and Night shall live in the sky with the moon. You will have darkness so you may hide from your enemies but no longer will you be protected from their impairment or the wrath of nature."

And so it has remained to this day.

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