Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1413587-Drop-Dead-Gorgeous-Ch-3
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1413587
Mr. Gorgeous makes an appeal to Kat.

My day was far from boring.  I was so surprised how much had happened in a mere 9 to 5 work day.  I guess this was better than sitting on the couch and watching All My Children and General Hospital while munching on some chips.  I was getting a little chubby...  But today...  Mr. Gorgeous was on my mind ever since I laid my eyes on him.  What he said to me had been replaying in my mind ever since he ran out of the diner like a deer in headlights.  "It's nice to see you smile again."  Again?  What did that mean?  I had been racking my brain trying to figure this guy out.  He was stalking me; I knew that had to be it.  He was following me around and watching what I did all day.  That was the only way to explain it.  How else would he know where I would be walking so he could "spill" his coffee on me?

And how else would he know where I worked and come in and catch me dancing and singing like an idiot?  Panic gripped me at the thought.  Mr. Gorgeous was Mr. Psycho?  Why?  Damn...  I'm going to have to get a restraining order...  Messy...  "Kat? Is that you?"  I entered the house a little more than exhausted and went into the kitchen.  Sarah was making some dinner.  "Hey, Sarah," I greeted.  "I'm making you some dinner," she replied.  I took a seat at the table and nearly collapsed.  "Just as long as it's not pizza..." I said reluctantly.  Sarah laughed as she put on her oven mitts.  "How was your first day?" she asked nervously.  Should I tell her that I have as stalker following me?  That he came to my restaurant and spilled coffee on my new uniform?

Naw...  "It was good... Different than my usual routine.... But I like it, I guess.  It gives me something to do.  Stella is great.  She's pretty old, but really nice.  She also taught me the ins and outs of the restaurant.  It was good overall," I said.  Sarah smiled, obviously pleased with me and herself.  She had done something very smart; something good for me.  "That's great to hear, Kat," she replied.  We ate a nice home cooked meal; Sarah made some potatoes and bought some chicken from the store.  After we ate, I was so tired that I just tried to make an effort to get to my room.  I plopped onto the bed and shut my eyes like there was no tomorrow.  The next thing I remember is my phone vibrating and almost falling off my dresser.

I got up and retrieved the phone from the floor.  I looked at the call; a call that I didn't recognize.  I generally wouldn't have answered a call I didn't recognize, but for some reason, my gut told me to answer it.  "Hello?" I said cautiously.



"I need to talk to you.  It's important.  It will help save your life."

Okay, this was getting creepy.  I was tempted to hang up the phone, but I didn't.  "Okay, I'll bite.  Who the hell are you and why is my life in danger?"

"I can't really say that right now.  Just meet me outside on your back porch."

"The hell I will!"

"Kat, please, just do this."

"How do you know my name?" I demanded.  There was no answer; just the click of the phone and the sound of silence.  What is going on?  That voice sounded familiar... Where had I heard it before?  Well, one thing I knew for certain was that I definitely wasn't going to the back porch...  And suddenly before I knew it, my feet were carrying me down the stairs and out to the back door, onto the back porch.  I must be insane...  I did however take a little weapon along with me, my letter opener.  I cautiously got out on the porch.  I made sure Sarah was preoccupied; she was asleep on the couch watching one of her reality TV shows.  I stepped into the shadows and began to feel fear creep into me.  Don't be stupid.  Why are you even out here? 

"Kat..." I heard someone whisper behind me.  I turned sharply to see a silhouette of a figure that was very tall.  I grew afraid and gripped the letter opener behind me.  "Who are you and what the hell is going on?" I whispered with some intensity in my voice.  The figure began to edge closer to me; I backed away with panic.  "Don't come any closer.  I have a letter opener and I know how to use it!" I warned, showing my little weapon.  The figure let out a hoarse laugh.  He was laughing at me now?  Who the hell was this character anyway?  "Fine; I'll step into the light," he finally whispered.  Wait, was this going to be like the Phantom of the Opera or something?  Did he have some hideous scars he was trying to hide in the darkness?  Come on, Kat, be serious.

The figure moved to a section of the backyard that was lit up by the porch light.  As soon as the light touched his beautiful face, I almost went into shock.  "Mr. Gorgeous?" I whispered as he came into view.  He looked at me like I was crazy.  "What?" he asked as I tried to recover from spilling my nickname.  "Nothing.  What are you doing here?" I demanded, no longer afraid.  Although, shouldn't I be?  This guy may not be the Phantom, but he's my stalker.  So why was I being drawn in again?  That word... Again...  "What did you mean when you said, ‘it's nice to see you smile again'?"  Mr. Gorgeous looked like he was getting nervous.  "A slip of the tongue.  I didn't mean to say again, really."  I eyed him with a look that said I definitely wasn't satisfied with his answer.

He let out a little sigh as if he was giving up.  Okay, so maybe I'll finally get some answers out of this guy...  "I did say again, and it wasn't a slip of the tongue," he admitted.  "Okay, so why did you say it?" I asked, coming closer to him.  "You... remind me of someone," he finally said.  Oh, that's not the exciting answer I was hoping for...  "This girl I once knew... we were in love.  Today when I bumped into you, you were the spitting image of my girl...  And when I came to the diner, and you were laughing, your laugh looked just like hers.  That's the reason why I said again," he finally explained.  "So you're not stalking me?" I asked.  What a dumb question.  Of course he wasn't stalking me.  He was just pining for a lost love...  Wait, we were getting off subject.  Mr. Gorgeous had called and said my life was in danger.  How did I get so off track?

"Now, will you please explain why you're on my back porch telling me that I'm in danger?" I demanded.  Mr. Gorgeous grew more nervous.  "Look, Kat, I can't really explain right now.  I just need you to come with me so you can be safe."  Was he serious?  Maybe Mr. Gorgeous really was Mr. Psycho and he was trying to replace his lost love with me.  I resembled her, so maybe he was trying to fulfill some fantasy of his.  "Are you kidding me? Why would I go anywhere with you? I don't even know you," I stated with some anger.  Mr. Gorgeous inched closer, putting out his hand.  "Please, Kat.  I need you to do this before it's too late," he pleaded.  He grabbed my arm and that's when I began to panic.  "How do you know my name?" I asked angrily.  Why was he touching me?  Mr. Gorgeous didn't answer.  "That's it; this is all getting too weird for me.  I need you to leave right now, before I call the cops," I warned.

Mr. Gorgeous suddenly gained some gusto.  "No, you're not.  You're coming with me, and that is final; got it?" he said as he gripped my arm tighter.  I don't know why, but instead of jabbing the letter opener into his chest, I dropped it.  I got so scared that it fell right out of my hands and into the grass.  "I... I can scream really loud.  You wouldn't want anyone to hear, would you?" I said with fear gripping me.  What was going on?  Mr. Gorgeous gained some composure and loosened his grip on my arm.  "Kat, I'm not going to hurt you.  I would never hurt you in a million years, okay?" he replied.  Okay, now is my time to bolt for the door.  His grip isn't as firm... He really has nice muscles... Stop it, Kat!  Pay attention.  That's when I yanked my arm out of his grasp and fled for the door.  I got into the house and locked the door behind me.  But I was far too curious not to look back.  As I gazed out of the window and onto the porch, I saw Mr. Gorgeous staring back at me, as if he was disappointed in me.  I had seen that facial expression on my mother many times before.  But why would he be disappointed?

I saw him throw up his hands and head back into the shadows of the night.  He seemed as though he was defeated.  Hah! Now he can't have his little fantasy of me replacing his girlfriend.  Kat 1, Mr. Gorgeous, 0. 
© Copyright 2008 Amy Joyce (meahrva at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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