Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1413359-Forever-Searching-Crystal-Genesis
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1413359
Collection of breif stories refering to the history/creation of the world knows as Terra.

Since before the beginning of time itself, Illuveal and Vvarden have waged war with each other in an endless struggle to prove which god was the more powerful. The gods, being what they are, gods, can not be killed nor completely destroyed. Their war rather than based on destruction, has been based on creation. When one of them could no longer outdo the other, they would accept defeat.

Vvarden created the Great Void. At first the Great Void was plain and not too impressive, so he filled it with flying rocks of various shapes, sizes, pigments and materials. Sometimes the rocks would collide and create massive explosions that to him were quite entertaining. He laughed with great pleasure as Illuveal took his time decided what to do in response.

Using the Great Void to his advantage, Illuveal spread droplets of his power throughout the void. These globes of light he named, stars. The stars served a multitude of purposes, Not only did they permit Illuveal and Vvarden to visibly see the rocks, rather than sense their presence, their ability to draw in their surroundings for fuel caused some of the rocks to circle around the stars. These rocks he renamed planets. Illuveal sat back and marveled at his alterations. These new systems of planets, moons, and stars were spectacular to behold, and from the planets, they could see the remaining rocks fly by creating wondrous streams of light and cloud in their wake.

Seeing that many of the planets had unstable paths around their stars, Vvarden created guided some of the rocks to start circling the planers. These rocks he named moons. The moons helped offset the pull of the planets and the stars, balancing their courses into more circular paths. The moons were more capable of being seen in the sky than the flying rocks because they were near the planets at all times. Vvarden didn't like the smooth surface they would show when reflecting the star's light, so he riddled the moons with small flying rocks that he deemed comets, forever scarring the surfaces.

Illuveal once again needed to take time and consider what to do to best his ethereal kin. After a great times passing, Vvarden tried to claim he had won. Illuveal explained that his brother was premature in his ruling, and with a wave of his hand, a large planet appeared circling one of the stars, and with it, two great moons. He explained that the great green and blue planet was called Terra and the sister moons were Mrehndi, the purple moon that would give the planet's air movement, and Mlindreh, the yellow moon that would lessen the pull the great planet had on its surface. Upon closer speculation, Vvarden could see that the colors were more than just pigment of rock, but rather the blue was a liquid, flowing throughout the planet, and the rocky surface was painted with a soft green that he didn't quite understand. Illuveal explained that the liquid would be called water, and it would give life to the planet, and the green was to be named vegetation, the life of the planet. Many different species of vegetation grew in different parts of Terra and some came with other colors than the traditional green, but all used the water and light from the stars to grow. Vvarden grew hardened with rage when he saw that there were creatures roaming the land, swimming in the waters, and gliding across the sky. These new types of creations were amazing to see and the balance created between the plants and animals was another set of cycles and systems that he had to find a way to either improve or destroy altogether.

Vvarden was very angry and could not think of another way to use the rocks and stars or this new factor, life to make a greater creation than Terra. Then it dawned on him. He would create greater beings than the vegetation. Channeling his true destructive side, he started creating sentient beings much like himself, but with much less power as to not pose a threat to his supremacy. His creations were almost complete when Illuveal caught on to the real design behind the creatures. They were not merely a creation greater than the vegetation; they were made to destroy it. Illuveal looked over the unfinished set of beings, their grotesque forms and green skin, and he devised a plan. While Vvarden rested before completing his creations and giving them life, Illuveal created his own sentient beings, good at heart and fair of skin. When the time came, he would be prepared to defend his creations.

When the light from the closest star had risen above the horizon and shined upon the great continent, Vvarden was ready to pronounce his creation. Standing in a straight line were the creatures, ready to be named from the tallest to the shortest. Each stepped forward as Vvarden announced their name, first came the strongest of the group, the Ogre, whose enormous strength would allow him to push through anything in his way. Then came the Orc, not quite as strong as the ogre, but a little smarter and designed to be a tactical fighter. Next he named the Troll, still somewhat on the taller side but now much slimmer than his predecessors, allowing him to be a bit faster. Again Vvarden had a creature step forward, this time it would be the hobgoblin, a bit smaller and faster than the Troll, and now the creations were starting to be crafty in their thinking. Then came the Goblin, even smaller, quicker, and smarter. Then last was the gremlin, very small, and very smart, but its weakness put it on the bottom of their hierarchy which was designed thinking brute force would be the only way to survive. The green and grotesque forms stood awaiting the final gift of free will, from the tall muscle clad Orc to the short and slim gremlin. Soon they would wreak havoc on the land. Vvarden commanded his brother to behold the Galbinus, the wondrous creatures that would rule Terra.

Knowing what Vvarden had in mind, Illuveal interrupted him, before he could set them loose upon the world. Illuveal explained that he would not sit by and let Terra befall such harm from the Galbinus. Illuveal was ready to bring forth his sentient creatures, but he had taken a different approach with his creations. They would not just be hardened fighters of various skills ranging from strongest to smartest, but rather he looked to Terra for inspiration, and as the frail looking creatures exposed themselves from their hiding places, Vvarden thought them to be weak and helpless. He soon learned that they were capable of harnessing the elements found in Terra and were not creatures to be underestimated. Illuveal took pride in announcing their entry. The first were the High Elves, in a bright flash of light, the protectors of the light were the most in tune with the stars and were excellent at focusing the power that was held within the light. Then from rising from out of the waters, the Sea Elves walked upon the land. They were made to protect the waters and all the animals that called the water home. Dropping down from a nearby tree was a shorter breed, which he called a Wood Elf. This elf was to protect the forests along with the other woodland creatures. Next was a much lighter, pail in white pigment, was the Snow Elf from up in the mountains. This elf was to protect the mountain and it inhabitants. From the shadow of a great rock came the next elf, the Drow. A very dark skinned elf deemed the protector of the shadows. Then last came smallest of the bunch, an elf he named, a Pixie. Extremely small but also extremely magical, the pixie was to be the eyes and ears of Terra, capable of getting information quickly from one area to another to call for help.

Vvarden stared at the Elves as a deep hatred brewed inside of him. With a great scream that echoed throughout the Great Void, he filled the Galbinus with the will to destroy and conquer all they saw. The elves quickly set in to protect their given lands and help each other where needed.

And henceforth has been the way of the Galbinus and the Elves...

The Sentient Circle

Hundreds of years had past since the creation with no headway for either the Elves or the Galbunis. Both sides remained steadfast in their fight for control. The protectors versus the destroyers. Neither side ever conquering the land, but both sides vieing for control. Vvarden and Illuveal started to grow tired of the battle and were considering ways to tip the battle in their favor. Both knowing that there could be no greater creation than another variation of the beings they set loose so many centuries ago, Vvarden and Illuveal began designs for more races.

Illuveal chose a similar design, much like his elves. The slightly smaller, but much stronger races he would call collectively, the Terren seeing as how they were of the planet Terra and reflected their native lands. Individually he grouped and named them. The first group he called Terr, they would be his perfect balance, as smart as they were fast and as fast as they were strong, with a lightly tanned skin to  be easily blended into various surroundings. From there he created the Redguard, dark skinned as to be able to handle the hot light from the Great Star and much faster on their feet, as they would run the plains to protect the wildlife of the dry lands and need to cover great distances very quickly. The pale skinned Nords came next. The very light skin and blue tinted hair help them to blend into their snow covered habitats. Moderately fast and smart, but very strong. Then came the stubborn Dwarves, very short and stout in stature, the strong dwarves made great warriors, but were set in their thinking. They would have nothing to do with the sorcery of the other races. Soon came the Halflings. As small as the Dwarves but mush slimmer, they are slightly faster than the Terr, but slight less quick witted. Last came the Gnomes. Very short and pudgy, being at most half the size of the dwarves, they are quite fast and extremely smart. This group, the Terr, would be Illuveal's addition to Terra.

Vvarden turned to the creatures of the land for muse. He chose creatures that were quite capable of handling themselves in various lands and reshaped them to be more like the other races of Terra. From the jungles he chose the great cats. Using them, he created the Kotturic, the feline people of the jungle with great agility. From the plain he chose the steadfast bull, and created the Minotaur, strong and good at all forms of physical combat. Vvarden looked deep into the caves of the world and decided upon the bats, and form them came the Pterod, tall winged beings with great intelligence. Out in the desert, he observed the lizards and chose to form them into Varanus, tall, tailed, and scaled skin lizard people who were capable as warriors and casters. From up high in the mountains, Vvarden selected the spectacle known as bears to the people of Terr. He formed some of them into the Ursinae but the great trick he enjoyed was that although they are great in size, they are much more for casting then throwing their weight around. Having one more spot to fill in this army, he decided an average group would not do. He searched for the one creature capable of many feats. Since the world contained no such single being he sought out the group that came close. The powerful dragons of Terra. Some breathing great fire, some poisonous liquid that would eat though the toughest armor. Form the dragons he created the Dragonian, upright, scaled beings with great tails and wings. This group as a whole, he called the Beast-kin, brothers to the creatures of the planet.

Observing each other's new group, Vvarden and Illuveal accepted the sets as complete and gave them life, and will. As time passed, the races of the world began to form alliances and treaties. The Terren would often manage to form mutual bonds with other races and thrived quite well. The Beast-kin spent much of their time focusing on protecting their homelands. After some time passed, Vvarden and Illuveal started to share a fear that the two groups would remain neutral unless coerced, but their original pact was that they were to not directly interfere. They agreed that one new group should push things along.

The next group would be deemed the Spirits and they would be the link between the physical world of Terra and the spiritual world of the gods. Illuveal, being a being of creation, chose to make three beings that would shine light upon the other races of Terra and show them the great gain by choosing to protect the planet. The Fallen was to be strong, yet capable of  small feats of magic. Then came the Archangels, warriors of great strength and accuracy. Last for Illuveal came the Sprites, another extremely small race, but his one would be the most intelligent of all Terra. Vvarden, being a god of destruction and decay, took a much different approach. His first group would be the living dead or rather the Undead. Beings that had already been taken from Terra once, let to roam the world once more. Then he made his Demons, overall good at all combat, but also very smart. Last he made the Golems, beings that manifested as the elements, but were very susceptible to decay when materialized. When they believed sided would be chosen quickly, but they were wrong. As the anarchy that was the world and all of its inhabitants, was revealed before their Spirits, it was understood that many of the races would be very hard to convince to change.

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