Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1413185-Me-N-Lisa
Rated: XGC · Other · Other · #1413185
Just recollecting the beloved middle school years
Kinda like a second helping of chicken soup:

We were in p.e. when the idea occured to me. Our p.e. teacher, whom we called Coach was giving us instructions about what to do for the day. We were to run around the infamous 'circle of pride', wich was an asphalt circle surrounding an american flag, for ten minutes without stopping. If we stopped, he would add five minutes to the time. We set off, anxious to get it over with and began running at an extremely slow pace. There was only one exception to this no stopping rule, and that was that you had to be morbidly obese. There were two of them in that class. Kelly Spanton, who i had known since the first grade, and Lisa Cupps, who was one of those new kids from some far away state. The duo would actually become good friends later on. I dont know where the idea came from, or why exactly. It seems as though my mind likes to formulate a lot of really awful ideas. After p.e. was art class. That was the easiest class of all time. We would sit for a half an hour lecture on what art should be, and then spend another hour and a half just dicking around with paper and pencils. In my best handwriting, i utilized the time to write a love note for Lisa Cupps. I dont remember what the note had said anymore, but i do remember explaining that i had been in love with her since i first saw her. Cheesey this and lovely that. She would like it. I even signed it as her secret admirer and stuffed it in her locker when i told the teacher i needed to use the bathroom. I did this everyday, writing that i loved this movie or that band. It wasnt too hard, because a large majority of middle-schoolers and high school aged kids like to exploit their interests on the cover of their binders. I got an immense gratification out of seeing her happy and blushing every day as she observed every individual face in the hallway, looking for possible secret admirers to give themselves away. One day i told her to meet me behind the school, where i would reveal my identity. She had already told all her friends about the notes. They all sat around at lunch every day against the wall and read them and giggled and blushed. After school that day, i waited for Lisa with a rose and a small box of caramels from wal-mart. She flounced around the corner grinning and blushing. I got down on one knee and gave her a flower. Taking her hand, i kissed it and asked if she'd go out with me. She said yes and i jumped up to kiss her on the lips. She stopped me, told me we should take it slow, and said we should probably wait until we were married anyways. I agreed, saying something about how jesus didnt want us to have premarital sex anyways. She understood, and was grateful that i believed in god too. We spent a few silent moments looking at eachother and 'falling in love'. I grabbed her hand and paraded out towards the buses. I told her that i wanted everybody at school to know we were in love. We got a lot of funny looks and snickers. I didnt care, they'd find out eventually anyways. My friends thought i had gone insane. Lisa and i rode different buses, so when we departed i hugged her for a long time and we exchanged phone numbers. They made fun of me on the bus. On Lisa's bus they probably congratulated her. Others didnt make fun of her to her face. They had some sort of decency ensure that she didnt know they were disgusted with her. I got a call as soon as i walked in the front door, from Lisa. She told me she couldnt wait to hear my voice, as she was probably excited at the idea of finally having a boyfriend because she had low self esteem. I told her i was just about to call her, but she beat me to it. She giggled and i wanted to kill her. We talked about television shows that i hated and she liked. I pretended to like them. We talked about church, where i go, where she goes. I made it up. She talked about cheesecake for a very long time, talking about how hungry she was. I patiently listened and allowed her to boast. She had to go do homework, i said i did too, and we hung up. It took a while before we actually hung up. She said she loved me, i said i loved her more. No, she said. I love you more. It was a battle. Eventually it got to the goodbyes. Ok, goodbye. Bye. Bye. BYE. Hang up! No, you hang up! I asked you first. And so on. That took at least another twenty minutes. Every day i wrote Lisa a poem. I made them as stupid as possible, but i guess its the stupid ones that count more. We held hands at lunch every day until our palms sweated and slipped out of each others grasp. We hugged and talked about the children we would have later on in life. We called each other and talked on the phone for hours about moving to hawaii after college. She was considerate of others and she helped me out when i didnt understand my homework assignment. I even introduced her to my family, and she loved to come over and feast on massive amounts of mexican food. My mom likes to cook, Lisa likes to eat. I had lost a couple friends in the process, the kind of friends that dont support your decisions and ultimitely disown you if they dont like something you did or said. It was okay though, i found out most of them are car mechanics now anyways. I prepared myself to spend the rest of my life with Lisa. I even proposed, and gave her a promise ring. We both had one. I went to the mall and discovered a little shop that specializes in putting things onto shirts. I paid twenty five dollars to paste "i love lisa" on the front of one. I did my best to suprise her every day. I really just wanted to woo Lisa. Then, one day, another boy expressed his feelings for Lisa. I didnt worry too much, because Lisa said she loved me. We were going together for about a good month and a half. Kelly Spanton, as mention earlier, had started calling Lisa. They got along pretty well. Kelly even went to the same church as her. I had gone to hers once, saying that i liked mine more. She asked if she could come to mine, but i said you had to have a membership. She didnt ask about it anymore. Things were going swell until valentines day came along. I had spent about a week in preparation, writing her a love ballad on the piano. I invited her over earlier on in the day. I was walking out to lunch, to meet Lisa by the swings. She wasn't there. I took a quick look around and couldnt find her. I thought about how strange it was, for her to leave on valentines day of all days. Maybe she was sick. I hoped she was alright, as i would probably end up spending the rest of the day at Lisas house by her bed while we held hands. I was walking inside to ask the nurse if she had seen liza go home when i saw them. Kelly and Liza, holding hands in the hallway. I was infuriated. I felt the blood rush to my face and my fist ball up. I ran as fast as i could at them, grunting and screaming the whole way. I have never seen anybody look so afraid for their life before. Their eyes bulged and mouths dropped. They were mortified. Kelly winced. He knew i was running for him, and he knew that i was going to try to kill him. I ran and pushed him down with all my might. He flopped backwards and was struggling to get up when i began kicking him in the belly. I heard stops and donts and felt Lisas fists pounding on my back as she pleaded with me. I didnt stop. I heard crying and screaming over my own screaming and crying. I think all three of us were crying and screaming. Lisa was running away. I couldnt let that happen, so i lunged after her, tackled her down, and began to beat her face repetitively. She needed to know i was angry. I spat on her facial wounds, and hit her even more. Kelly had come to intervine, pushed me aside, and began trying to comfort Lisa. I called them twats. They cried. I kicked kelly again, this time in the face, and he smacked the back of his head against a row of lockers. A large pool of blood begain formulating from underneathe his face. He didnt get up. I turned to see Lisa crawling away as quick as possible, bleeding and sobbing loudly. I ran up to her and let all of my weight land directly on her back. I heard a loud crackling sound, and thought that i had broken her back. She rolled over jumped up again, trying to get away. Maybe i just popped it. She was screaming for help when i pulled her back by her hair and allowed her to plop backwards, directly on her back. She hit her head hard and bit her tongue at the same time. She bit a hunk off and it sailed and splatted against the lockers. There was blood everywhere, and in the battle, i had ripped off her shirt. She wasnt wearing a bra that day, and began to mutilate her breasts with my fists. First i punched them so hard that the bruises started seeping blood. Then i hit her in the face a couple more times, this time with open hands. She screamed and wailed and nobody came to her rescure. I began slapping her breasts with open hands, and eventually ended up groping them. I felt my jeans tighten around the crotch, and realized i had an erection. I thought about the situation i had just created, and decided it coldnt possibly get any worse. I was going to fuck Lisa. Lisas screaming multiplied when se saw me stand up and pull my pants down. She screamed, no, please dont. I told her to shut up through gritted teeth and when she didnt stop screaming, i shut that bitch up with a quick swift cock to the mouth. I pulled in and out, watching warm blood build up and drip down the shaft of my penis. Then she bit me. My penis, that is. I screamed, and angrily pinched one of her pancake nipples with all my might as i pulled up and twisted as much as possible. It started to bleed. Maybe i should knock out all her teeth, then fuck her mouth. I hit her a couple more times, only to realize that it was completely futile. I wasnt strong enought to knock out all her teeth, and besides, i just needed to get off as soon as possible. I settled instead on raping her vaginally. I quickly pulled down my pants and hers right after, only to be accosted by the most grueling, animal smelling scent from her vagina. I was utterly repulsed. I gagged and vomited on her stomache. I jumped at the opportunity to be meaner, and rubbed me penis in my own vomit and told the slut to suck it. She pleaded, but i hit her in the face again and she opened her mouth, vomiting as she gave me fellatio. She didnt stop puking. not even afterwards when i began forcibly fornicating her vagina. SHe pleaded the whole time, between vomit sequences, for me to stop. I didnt stop. I raped lisa so hard that she shat herself. I took the opportunity to shovel a good handful of her own steamy shit into her mouth while i reached climax. It was wonderful. And afterwards, i wiped my dick off in her hair and kicked her in the belly. Kelly was still passed out and continually bleeding. I pulled down his pants, with a little difficulty, and began shoving my fingers up his ass. When i pulled them out and discovered shit on my fingers, i became enraged again. I began forcing more fingers in, this time harder, trying to make his anus as large as possible. I progressed to my whole fist, where i became so violent that i just kept on punching his anus with all my might, letting my arm slip inside all the way up to the elbow. I tore something somewhere. His anus perpetually seeped blood and fecal matter and pooled around his ass on the hallway floor. Then, finally, Mrs. Reisinger came in and saw what i was doing. By now i had wiped off my arm and body with kellys shirt and was just about to make my escape. Mrs. Reisinger looked petrified, and ran at me, attempting to aprehend me and drag me off to be punished somewhere. She was too fragile and old. She was probably pushing eighty. I was suprised to see her run. When she got to me, i punched the old bitch as hard as i could, knocking her out cold. I proceeded to kick her in the face a few times, and then pulled up her skirt to see what an old womans vagina looked like. when i saw it, covered in hair, i was instantly disgusted with her droopy vaginal lips and body hair. She looked like my dads back looked. Looking around, making sure no one was looking, i kicked her in the cunt a couple of times. It made a squishy, sloping sound that made my stomache churn and throw up the last of its contents all over her.
© Copyright 2008 Louis Laroah (louislaroah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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