Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1411523-Some-story-ch-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1411523
i havent written anything for years so my style is sorta rusty criticism is always welcome
(cry i wrote this when i was bored in class but i forgot the way it was supposed to go =[ (even the most important part) so sorry it sucks it will get better later maybe.)

  "He really has grown into a fine young man hasn't he? Of course it was always believed he would he's been such an amazing boy since childhood, even if no one would admit it but me.
  "Definitely better than anything this tired body could have produced." She sighed turning away from the window. "And certainly better then that monster."
  "Madam, you put your self down." he said sadly , easily hiding his true delight at this, relatively, unexpected turn in events. He inwardly smiled. He had not thought it would take much convincing on his part to name Hansel as her successor, she was ever so fond of him, but he didn't think she would come to it on her own.
  "Are you sure about this?" he finally asked. He looked up at her in concern as her eyes came to rest on his face.
  "Heh, Yes and stop pretending you aren't." She smiled not hiding the laughter in her eyes before she turned back to look out the window at her soon to be son.
  "No, I will be able to rest easily knowing he will rule my people. Ha, ha, and of course you come with the package right?" She grinned at him a little mockingly. "Really Rein stop pretending you aren't happy. You will be his adviser right? A good one too.
  Truly, I mean you've practically been running this place for the last seven years haven't you?"
  "Madam don't be ridiculous-"  he was cut off as she turned to stare at him, observing his face, she noticed again that he had barely aged a day in the last seven years. Several emotions played across his face, all the right ones to convince someone of his innocent concern. She smiled.
  "Okay, I'll allow you your false modesty."
  She wondered again how much he had realized she knew. He still put on the act, but she knew he must have known she had seen through it a long time ago. They both saw through the other one's act ages ago but they would never admit to it, for doing so would mean they must admit they had been putting on an act in the first place, and so they continued to pretend just for the point of the thing. That being said she wondered how much she really knew about him.
  She continued before he could deny it.
  "I suppose I will have to announce it then? How about next week? Write me a speech."
  "If I may madam?" deciding he had played the concerned friend long enough he cleared his throat, "Madam as you can well guess this is going to make," he paused looking at her, "several people angry. Namely your kind brother and his....supporters. If I can give some advice? Put it in your will but don't have it announced until after your death madam. It will be hard enough on the boy, no reason to put him in {i } unnecessary danger."
  She stared at him for a moment. Heh, so he wanted the element of surprise? Very well she had been dreading her brother's reaction anyway. Let him deal with him when she was gone. She smiled again.
  "Very well, do what you think is best of course." She sighed and continued in a more thoughtful voice,
  "He is like a son to me you know. He has been like family since he was a child."
  "I know" She looked at him.
  "Of course you do Rein. Of course you do."
  "Then I will take my leave?"
  "Yes, yes" She waved him away. After he left she sighed and sat down in his abandoned seat.
  "I suppose I've just signed my death sentence. Oh well, I'm bored of this anyway. Bored of this sickness, this game." She smiled as she thought about Zinar, "and you will make a fine duke. My son."

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