Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1411206-Little-brother-big-problem-Part-4
by Doomz
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1411206
Part 4, Please Review!
Matt got up groggily, his head was throbbing. He remembered that he was so full yesterday, that his belly kept him up forever. He slowly sits up and rubs his head.

"Aw man, I need to get more sleep" He muttered to himself. Suddenly he let out a huge belch filled with the flavors of last night's sundae, "Buuuuuuurrrrppppp!!!!" He smiles and giggles.

"Matt! Get up, it's time for Church!" Mom called out as she knocked on his door

"Alright, mom!" Matt replied as he went into his closet to put on his church clothes. As he tried to pull his pants up, he found that they were getting really tight. "Comon, button you stupid" Matt muttered as he tried to button his pants.

"Having trouble with your pants?" Amanda smirked as she stepped into Matt's room

"Augh!" Matt exclaimed in surprize as the button popped off and the zipper unzipped

"Don't worry, I've had those days too" Amanda sympathized

"Aw man, now what am I going to wear?"

"Don't worry, I'll get you one of Devon's old church pants" Amanda said as she left the room and returned with a pair of pants that looked just like Matt's old pants.

"I don't think those pants will fit me" Matt admitted embarrassed

"Sure they will!" Amanda reassured as she got behind Matt and tried to pull the pants on him. "You're just really lucky that Devon was a chubby little six-year-old too!" Amanda groaned, trying to pull up the pants. Her hands brushed Matt's chubby belly and she smiled widely.

"No, stop, wait, it hurts!" Matt whimpered

"Just suck in your stomach!"

Matt sucked in his stomach quickly and Amanda buttoned the button. "See? fits perfectly!" Amanda panted, exhausted

"They're really unconfortable" Matt muttered, trying to loosen the pants

"Don't worry, you can take it off after church, then you and I will go to the carnival! Just like I promised!" Amanda smiled

"Oh that's right! Yes!" Matt punched the air

"Alright then, comon!"

"Aw man, that was torture" Devon complained as he took off his tie

"Why do we even go to church if we don't even understand half of what their saying?" Alexis added in

"Well at least it's over now," Amanda chimed in, "Comon Matt, change quickly so we can get to the carnival!"

"Yes!" Matt excalimed as he ran upstairs and came down in a casual T-shirt and shorts, "Let's go!"

"Alright then" Amanda chuckled as she ran after him

"Aw...man..." Matt panted. "I...never realized...that the park is so...far away!"

Amanda smiled next to him, she was tired too, but she was used to it. "Comon, let's hurry inside!"

Inside, there was everything fun a little kid could think of! Carnival Games, a ferris wheel, rollercoasters, snack boothes, and much more! But the one thing that caught Matt's eye was the pie-eating contest!

"Oh Amanda! Can I participate in the pie-eating contest?" Matt asked eagerly

"I don't know..."

"Oh please, Amanda! I really want to try!"

What was she saying? This was a perfect way to make Matt gain more weight!

"Yeah, go ahead! In fact, I'll join you!" Amanda said with a smirk

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The carny began, "Welcome to the pie-eating contest! Whoever eats the most pies before the time runs out, is the winner!"

Matt quickly around himself, his competition was a couple of kids his age and then some older than him, "This is going to be cake" He smirked

"Ready! Go!" The carny shouted and everyone started eating. Matt had a really big competitive streak, no matter what sport he played, he just had to win. And he wasn't going to lose this one.

Matt shovelled plate after plate of pie into his mouth, his pants getting tighter by the mouthful. He looked up a sec to look at Amanda, who was working at lightning speed too. He quickly picked up the pace and threw away his fork to tackle the pies head on.

Amanda looked up at Matt and smiled widely, this was the most clever plan she had so far! She knew Matt couldn't stand losing, and the more she ate, the more he'll eat!

Matt looked up once more and he saw that Amanda wasn't even slowing down! He couldn't eat another single piece but his competitiveness fueled him on. He took one more bite before plopping his face down in the pie in defeat.

"And the winner is, this young lady right here!" The carny exclaimed

Amanda smiled a pie covered smile and went over to stand by Matt who was whimpering and clutching his belly painfully.

"You ok there?" Amanda asked with concern

"Yeah, I just ate too fast. I can't believe you ate so quickly, and you didn't even slow down!" Matt replied in amazement

"I had a lot of practice" Amanda smiled as she took a cloth and started wiping the pie off Matt's face

"I wish someday I can be as good as you"

"I'm sure you will" Amanda smirked, "Now comon! We have to see the rest of the carnival!"

Matt tried to sit up but as soon as he did, he had a feeling of pain shoot into his stomach and tumbled back in his seat in pain, "Ow...my belly..." He whimpered

Amanda stood behind Matt and started massaging his belly, "There, feel better?"

"Yeah, that actually feels pretty good"

Amanda moved her hands in big circles so she could feel every part of Matt's belly, she smiled from ear to ear at what a good job she did. "Now comon, champ! Let's go!"

"Alright..." Matt groaned pitifully as he tried to sit up and started waddling after her. Amanda looked at Matt's face and clothes all covered with pie and thought of something.

"Man, we should get you cleaned up." Amanda noted as she ruffled Matt's hair

"What?" Matt asked as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, "I look fine"

Amanda smiled and took out a pair of clothes from her backpack, "Come on, we'll get you cleaned up"

"Aw, I want to try a carnival game though!" Matt whined

"You can do it after, now come on!" Amanda beckoned as she walked into a changing stall. Matt walked in after her and sat down on the bench, his belly still aching.

"Now arms up" Amanda ordered as she slid Matt's shirt off his pudgy body. She gaped as she saw the progress from yesterday.

Matt's body had really plumped up, not so much that anyone could have noticed, but from a dangerously underweight kid, this was a big improvement. She took a washcloth and wiped off his face and belly

"Stop, that tickles!" Matt giggled when Amanda scrubbed his belly. Amanda snapped back to reality and put on Matt's new shirt with some difficulty. "Alright, now the shorts"

Matt looked down at his shorts which were stained with pie filling. "There's nothing wrong with my shorts!"

Amanda smiled and pulled down Matt's shorts mischieviously

"Hey!" Matt complained as Amanda broke out laughing

"A little privacy please!" Matt exaggerated as he turned his back toward Amanda and pulled down his shorts. That was long enough for Amanda to look at Matt's chunky thighs, how his butt has gotten even more plumper. And his thighs were finally touching, but they didn't rub against each other when he walks...not yet.

Matt struggled on his new shorts and turned back to Amanda, "Alright, I'm done! Now let's go play some carnival games!"

"Yeah...yeah, let's go!" Amanda said snapping back to reality

Matt raced out of the changing stall and ran over to a water-chooting game. Amanda followed after him dazed, "This is going better than I ever thought!" Amanda smirked to herself.

© Copyright 2008 Doomz (iamsoawsome at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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