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Rated: 18+ · Other · Detective · #1411044
after the teaser, buildup
Time passed, as she opened her eyes, the sun was peaking over the hill behind her home.  Had she really been recalling for four hours?  She looked down, pages filled, pages she once again didn’t remember writing.  Now it was time to review all that was written and hope there were details to narrow down the location of the crime.  So much for sleep till her son is off to school and her husband off to the lab for the day.  Her brain needed a bit of caffeine, the one vice she refuses to break. 
Down in the kitchen, she hit the button on the coffee machine for her husband.  She pulled out the milk and got the steamer ready for her hot chocolate.  The beeper went off for the coffee; her husband would be down any minute.  Foot steps from above coming towards the stairs indicated that Cade was on his way for his morning cup.    The uncomfortable dance was about to begin.  She dreaded this moment, but looked forward to human companionship at the same time. 
Cade trudged down the steep and narrow stairs case in the old farm house.  At each step the weight of his feet on the ancient farm house made a squealing noise.  He was rubbing his head in time with each step giving the illusion his head was making the noise.  She cracked a smile and went to get his coffee for him.  It was the least she could do after all but banishing him from his own bed once again last night.
“You cup o’tar dear.”  He liked his coffee black and thick.  When it comes down to morning drinks in their house, it was either you like what the other is having, or you detest it.  She hated coffee, too much caffeine made her hyper, moody, then quickly sleepy.  It clouded her mind.  Hot chocolate on the other hand gave her the kick start she needed in the morning with out the after effects.  He snatched up the cup and sat down at on one of the island bar stools.
Thinking she would head him off at the pass, she handed him the notes she wrote.  He scanned them, and as usual, took notes from her notes.  Her brilliant sounding board, he usually could look and listen to things with fresh eyes and not criticize.  Being a speed reader was a huge help.  His great epiphany this morning was, “Well we know it’s not the desert.  The murder likely occurred in this country by the sound of your voice while recording reenactment.  My guess is she is from the Midwest, ‘…get out of this alive,’ gave no noticeable accent from our own.  Usually you take on what ever dialect and accent of the case you are on.  You are on a case now, aren’t you?”
“Damn, I know I married you for a reason, I over looked that.  Thank you!”  He blushed.  Refilling the cup of coffee, he glanced at his watch.  Almost time to go off to the lab another day at work.
“We are finalizing those panic chips today.  We could have them in mass production in months if the marketing executive is impressed this afternoon.”  The chip idea spawned off a case that hit very close to home.  Young men disappearing from bars, only to wind up dead in the river days, weeks, even months later.  Police said, all tragic deaths were related to too much drinking.  When in fact the deaths were no drunken accidents at all they were murder. It was a mentally deranged man “cleansing the wayward boys” by drugging, kidnapping and submerging his victims in the water.  The last potential victim had felt someone was following him for a few weeks.  While at the bar one night he called his neighbor to come pick him up.  Cade was not there that night, but his young wife was. 
Upon the phone connection with her a touchstone was created.  Olivia saw the whole scene beginning to play out.  She urged him to call the police and get to the hospital.  He had been slipped a drug to incapacitate him; the bartender would ask him if he needed to sleep it off.  Taking him in the back room and out the back door to his trunk, tie and gag him, then on break bring him to the river and drown him.  God had told him he was to, ‘cleanse the sinners.’  What these, at least nine young men had done other then drink a bit too much was up for debate still to this day over twelve years later.  The young man heeded what she said and got the call to 911 out just before he began losing himself to the drugs placed in his drink.  He was rushed to the hospital and when he awoke gave a description of the man behind the bar to the police.  Cell phones were not as common place back then, but gaining popularity.  What if those other men had had them, could they have called for help?  This event spawned the idea in Cade for a discrete location chip for humans. 
The idea blossomed into a panic button for children, after the fifteen year anniversary of the Jacob Wetterling abduction.  Amazing how ones ideas change when you have a child of your own. 
Privacy advocates have been screaming about and putting the chips forward progress back for the better part of a decade ‘personal infringement the cried’.  It was only after yet another mass rash of child abductions and murders did the complaints quiet down, but never completely gone.  The truce was met, for those under the age of eighteen.  What if your child’s watch, back pack, or favorite bracelet had a panic button in it?  Hidden, so if there was ever trouble, it would flash up and alert police as well as the parents to the location.  The GPS chip could be turned on at any time to locate said child.  With the plain GPS version being used as the new micro chipping for pets, replacing the old out dated identification chips of years past.  All the information from the old chips put in conjunction with a locater.  The technology was affordable and accurate, for those who wanted to not lose their pet. It made a small fortune for the McCann’s. The pet panic version got through the privacy people with out a blink, Cade’s company hoped this new version for kids would pass the scrutiny and be able to be marketed; not just for the bottom line, but the betterment and safety of children. 
“Well dear, I am going to go to the lab for a bit.  Could you get ----- off to school in time for your interview?  I know it’s my day to do it, but with the guys coming this afternoon, I want everything perfect.  Ben got back into town last night and I have to get info from him and bring him up to speed when he gets in at noon.  Good luck with the interview today, and don’t fret about it; Heather will keep them in line.  She knows how touchy the program is about divulging too much.
Don’t forget to contact Wolfe; don’t delay, from the looks of it this hunter’s victim is not his first.
Try to get some rest right now, really.  I will think of some of the places it could be while we are having down time.”  And he was off to the lab on the other end of the property. 
She went in to lie down, only after checking on her son yet again.  A habit of comfort to rest a mind that would never get over a night two years ago, when a mad man had stalked her and tried to abduct her and her son while her husband was on an overnight trip.  She still couldn’t bathe or take a shower when the sun went down without her husband in the house.  Anxiety and panic attacks or post traumatic stress disorder she still couldn’t take a shower or bathe after the sun went down with out her husband in the house.
What ever illness you want to call it that was the last night that they had spent in their posh home.  So, from eastern Nebraska off to live in the in flat farmland of central Nebraska to the farm house they now resided. The farm house left to her from a teacher she had as a child.  The woman was like a mother or grandmother to her.  She was some one who made up for the lack of parenting from her own mother.  Leaving this wonderful old farmhouse and all its land to her in her will, along with a note saying, “someday it would be a welcomed retreat.”  That welcomed retreat was now home for two years.  Still, that night sometimes still haunted her days, just as Katy was sometimes present in her nights.
With Smokey at his post at the door way of her sons room, now across from their own, and Hope I spending more and more time in the whelping box her goal was to get a quick power nap before it was off to school for her son, and then onto the online teleconference.  She hoped her dreams would reveal more of the latest dream, what was that touchstone?  She needed more information before she went to her contact with the information of this hunter?
Her son safe in his bed, both dogs safe and sound in respective areas, she crept to her own and was asleep as her head hit the pillow.  She woke an hour later refreshed and ready to get to work.
Olivia knew it was time to touch base with her contact in the government.  The go to for all her premonitions.  He was the liaison with the local police.  She copied all her notes in the scanner and uploaded her voice notes as he taught her long ago.  Sending them off into cyberspace to a man that for all practical purposes didn’t even exist.    She waited as long as she could for him to reply.  Darn it all Wolfe, I am going to be late getting ----- to school.

             The hunter was reveling in the latest kill.  The stupid cow had agreed to meet with the hunter’s online persona.  In hope of making a true movie, not just the sleaze she had been making.  Making all her money by not just taking her clothing off, but also by letting people defile her body over and over and posting it on the internet.  She thought that is how she could make easy money.  Silly cow, didn’t she realize that any sick person could see the smut she was posting, get fixated to the point of ignoring his family, there would be hell to pay.  Silly cow, thinking it was not a crime, she would be safe.  She was dead wrong, The Hunter laughed at the pun.  The lock of hair cut from her head, placed with her picture and with the other three whores in the book of death.  Written and created by the hunter for the hunter.     
It was unbelievable that there was another one already.  The hunter was shocked it was seemingly one of their own.  Looking at the online history in disbelief how long had the hunter known this woman, not even realizing what she was?  Time blanked out more and more with the hunter.  This one was living so close, almost close enough to touch.  The family was fairly new to the community, but had made an impact with her husband generating so much for the small local economy with his business.  She was taking her place in the ranks of the PTO, organizing.  How many other men were lusting after this imperfect whore?  Who sold herself online, not in the traditional way as the others, but still sold pieces of herself none the less.  The hunter would try to make contact with her, and see if she was truly worthy of being a chapter in the book of death.
Mrs. Olivia’s perfect little family, the husband that adores her and the son that is eerily smart for his age. 
         For three days the hunter has been sitting and waiting for the twenty-four hour news networks to pick up coverage of the latest woman any connection at all to all of the others.  Had the cold weather kept everyone out of the far ends of the massive feedlot?  It was beyond comprehension that the hunter’s wonderful pet projects had not been connected.  Maybe with this one the nation will stop and take notice.  Someone was coming, time to leave, and not enough time to get rid of the images and clear the history.

         Andrea stood and stared at the screen in utter disbelief.  He was at it again, downloading smut.  ‘He doesn’t even care,’ she thought sadly, ‘not about me, our family or the life I have tried so hard to hold together.’  Six months ago, she had discovered that he had been downloading pornography off the internet on the sly.  It had devastated Andrea right to her core.  Ever since their child was born, he distanced himself.  She even entertained the thought of leaving him a few times. Then on accident she caught him at home busy on the computer when he said he was going out to run.  Yet again he was shucking his duty as a parent.  She hit the roof, but instead of leaving forever, she had a moment of clarity.  It explained everything.  In agreement of her not leaving he begrudgingly agreed to have the computer on lockdown.  It helped, but the trust was wholly gone, maybe forever. 
         Two months ago she noticed he was reverting back, distancing himself, porn appearing in the history folders.  How had he figured out the password?  Did he not even care he was killing her inside, tearing her from the inside out?  Not even hiding it anymore, just leaving it there for her to find, as if to gloat.  That heartless bastard she thought to herself. 
         She scanned further back seeing names she vaguely recognized from the first look six months earlier.  “The same women as before, he must be addicted.” She mumbled to no one in the room.  She noted some memorial pages for the rookie porn stars.  Good riddance she thought to herself.  Two online newspapers caught her eye.  Clicked on one, read it, sickened by it’s story readied herself for the second story.  Both were about these young women who her husband had forsaken their marriage bed for their images.  It was only noted in the second article that the women in that article was involved in online pornography.  Both women were murdered and gutted laid out on display.  She double checked the names with an online search.  Yep, both internet whores.  Both dead, but was there a connection?  Was she reading too much into this? 
         Looking more recent, she noted a psychic’s website.  She clicked on it again curious.  Olivia Ruben.  Wow, she looked just like Bailey’s classmates mother! She was pretty sure her name was Olivia too, different last name.  McCann was her name, same as the guy who hired her husband, Ben when they spun up the new chip processing building.  They had met at the spin up company picnic, and even a couple play dates.  She searched her name as she did the other women, finding tons of information on this woman.  One article really caught her attention, clicking on it there was a story about a break in and attempted kidnapping of her and her son dated two years ago.  What a nightmare she thought to herself, subconsciously making the sign of the cross.  An update last month on the comments caught her attention.  “Where is in the world is Olivia?  We haven’t seen her around town since that night?  The neighborhood misses you and the family.  The new neighbors suck!” Karen in Elkhorn.
She would have to worry about it all after she got done dropping off her son at school.  She tried to think, could this psychic be in their town?  Was this her husband’s new obsession, dead hoochers and psychics.  Was he trying to contact them to have after death hand time?  What in the hell was her husband up too?
Maybe it was time to formally meet Olivia.  Maybe she would even strike on a conversation with Ms. Olivia, after all their husbands did work together and their children both in the same accelerated learning class.       
What was her husband up too she thought to herself as she shut off the computer and hustled her daughter out to the car for school?                                                                                                                                                                    ************************************************************************
Olivia hurried her son into the classroom.  ‘Crap!’ she thought to herself, ‘almost late again.  Damn you Major Wolfe why didn’t you get back to me right away?  No use in blaming him,’ she chided herself.  ‘I stayed and waited for a call or an email, he didn’t make me.’  She felt someone watching, whipped her, body around so fast she almost slammed right into another kid’s parent.
“I am so sorry.  I wasn’t paying the least bit of attention.”
“Not a problem!  I am usually the one running in to any noun you can think of!  Person, place, things, dare I admit too even ideas!”
Olivia extended her hand in greeting, and to get a reading on her, “We all have those days!  Cade was so thrilled with the ideas Ben was coming up in the last couple months.  What a mind on him, you must be proud, after all behind every great man is his better half!”  Andrea clasped her hand finally; Olivia got a chill this lady was in some kind of danger.  Her inner voice said get out of there. “Um, It was nice to see you again, I hate to knock into you and run, but I have a teleconference I promised I would attend, then have to check on my Havanese that is about to give birth.  It’s our first litter!”
“It was lovely to see you again; I am off to see my Mother.  She hates when I arrive late.  And I think I am already tardy.  How I survived in that home, I will never know!  We should do lunch again if you have time sometime in the future, alright?”
“Yea, sure,” Olivia said with whatever enthusiasm she could muster.  ‘Talk about an odd conversation.’  She was both odd and quirky and that was why the vibes were off.  Then there was a weird aura connected to Andrea.  Weird as in Olivia who was wonderful at reading personalities and auras couldn’t put her hands on.  It usually meant someone in the brink of suicide, dying, or ill.  She looked happy and healthy enough.  She would deal with it later, if need be.  Till then she had to get a hold of Wolfe and get ready for that online interview.
************************************************************************ The hunter had to be cautious; if she noticed me here staring she would flip out again.  Maybe I will go up and introduce myself to the lovely Olivia thought the hunter.  “Hi, I am thinking I may kill you.  How are you today?”  Back into the shadows for now, just watch from the shadows.        *******************************************************
Major wolf’s phone beeped.  He had mail.  He tried to look at the message while jogging with his dog Sage.  The dark red dust mop was less then pleased her exercise was being downsized.  “A true bitch,” he joked to those who saw them together.  Smart, with a sour attitude when riled, but a damn good mother to her pups.  It was the owner of one of those pups whom his device was beeping about right now.
         There were only a handful of people who knew he existed in the truest sense.  Next to his immediate superior, two like him, there were just the seven.  All seven amazing minds the world has ever seen, or better yet, not seen.
         Opening part of the message, he saw the return address was from Olivia McCann his little crime buster.  He smiled to himself as he again took a quicker rush to get home.  The jog took another twenty minutes.  Once home, Sage rushed to her water dish, he to his laptop to download the full message. 
         She had grown from a little child to a woman before his watchful eyes.  Her parents so young and naive never realized that the free private schooling was a school in the eyes of the laws.  Reading, writing, arithmetic, and history were taught.  But, so were mediumship, premonition interpretation, past lives, and remote viewing.  Their four year old was exceptionally bright, and had talents they couldn’t even begin to understand.  Almost thirty years had passed; she graduated the best schools, married and had a child, all the while using her abilities to help better the world.
         Major Wolf’s sole duty was to seek out, and identify those with the most powerful of psychic abilities.  He was to mold them.  Mentor them.  Funding for these people was unlimited, as his job was a shade darker then black ops.  Those in the loop just referred to it as the program.  Information and intelligence gathered made it to the congress and the senate, but no on would ever know the sources.  They were all scientists and warriors, just non conventional in either area.  Most held normal jobs and lives outside of the program. Though it seemed the higher up on the food chain you were, the less likely you were to exist in the real world as it was with Wolfe. 
         He uploaded all the notes skimming at first, and then played the recording.  This was no dream, all his training shouted from with in.  This was too graphic from her, too violent and real.  She was no rookie at this, but one of the countries if not the worlds best intuitives.  Things were not as they seemed with this, as an intuitive, he could feel it. 
         It took three hours to get back and email a time for them to meet in person to discuss.  He packed up himself, Sage and patiently waited for her reply.  Knowing he would catch hell for taking so long to reply to his favorite little firecracker.
Olivia booked it home and went straight to the bathroom to try to make herself somewhat presentable for the internet teleconference she agreed to do.  She and Heather’s friendship went back almost the full scope of her son’s life.  She had only agreed to do this conference as a favor to both Heather and the program which Heather and a couple other friends were coincidently involved with too.  Her mind floated back three months to what they jokingly called Mommy-CON, which was any meeting of the four ladies.
Olivia was sitting at the table with three of her closest friends.  All of them the same zodiac sign, all dark haired with what could be described as uniquely beautiful eyes, children all born in the same month and same years and most amazing, all members of the program. They all first met on an online message board.  Olivia was the last to join at the Mommy’s board when the children were six months old.  She was seeking out help with what she thought was an allergic reaction to some solid food --- was eating.  It turned out to be teething on the upper portion of his mouth and would continue till all his top set of teeth was in.  The advice and friendship she got there had her hooked she posted regularly when not assisting on a case or when --- was napping.  She never really bonded with anyone till one day after three years into the board when another woman, Heather, asked if her husband was nuts about seeing someone out of the corner of his eye.  Olivia felt compelled to post back she was sure it was his spirit guide.  At almost that same time, another woman, Erin, was posting almost the identical thing.  The three became fast friends emailing often off the board.  As tensions and drama on the board grew, the last of the quartet arrived back on the scene feeling compelled to come back after over two years of being gone.  Desiree, Desi to her friends reemerged talking about her stalker.  Not giving much detail but the post caught the trio’s attention instantly.  Separately email Desi asking if it was because of something she wouldn’t do for this lady.  The answer was yes.  They didn’t go in depth, not feeling the need to for some reason.  Only to find out later on it was a woman who wanted her to locate the money her drug-dealing boyfriend hid before he killed himself.  The lady didn’t believe As their friendship off the board grew, some left it all together.  Olivia never told anyone but those three on the board who she was.  They told her they too had gifts.  Feeling and understanding the connection the four mothers decided to meet, with their families in Wisconsin Dells that coming summer. 
         Two months earlier then expected they all met in Las Vegas.  The Program called on eighteen of its fifty-six known members.  Olivia was told to attend as a group leader as she was their multi-tasker.  She was shocked as the room filled up and her friends began to funnel in. 
         Desiree was first in the group to arrive.  She was the top remote viewer in the country discovered by the program while she was in special operations.  So impressed with her abilities they plucked her and her fiancée out of Special Forces.  With the agreement she could be used whenever needed.  Her husband Garrett ducked out and became a successful contractor building multi-million dollar houses living his life as a civilian outside the government.  Shortly after their marriage in the tropics, she became pregnant with the first of six children and a stay at home mother unless she gets a summons from the program.  She refers to them as her littler of kiddos.  The oldest Xander nine,  the problem solver Celeste eight, the jock Anna seven, Princess Raya five,  the peacemaker in Nate two, and lastly the surprise, little Mia at just one year old.  If ever there was a professional mother, Desi was the mold used to make her. 
         Heather was next arriving in the conference room.  Her mind reading and mental manipulation got her into the program in her early teen years.  She fell in love with a Chief of police in a town she was working with her mentor Major Nicholas.  The Major became the Godfather to each of their children after getting Heather out of a case long enough for her and Todd to elope months after meeting. Nicholas at age eight, Cody is six, William five, Kim three, and Ashley just turning one a week before the surprise meeting of the cyber girlfriends.  Her mentor was also Desi’s and though they had never met in person, but knew of each other.  Neither made the connections of the names during all the chats online.  When the three began talking after the laughing and hugs were over, all expected the next person through the door to be Erin.
         Sure enough, glamour entered.  Erin, famous former actress and even better known medium was swept in to the program after a car accident as a teenager her talent became well known entered the room.  Her childhood was one big film role after another, quietly splitting time after being added to the program a decade earlier.  More money then she knew what to do with she went into a major bank to invest her funds wisely, coming out head over heels for the man she met that night.  Another whirl wind romance, and marriage.  She will be the first to admit it was hard being married to her at first with all the media interviews and talk shows she did in regards to her being not only a huge star on the silver screen but as her notoriety grew as a medium the public swooned.  She swore she would never quit acting then the first child Arren was born.  Nine years ago while she was carrying him she made her last on screen appearances.  Jayne came along four years later completing their perfect family.  She missed the idea of making films but used the talk shows as a substitute.  Motherhood fit her better then any Oscar ever would. 
         The girls were all but jumping up and down with joy at the fact they were all members.  From the doorway they could see nine others filter into the room across the hall.  Why were they being split up into groups?  Major Wolfe answered that in standing up and clearing his throat.  A swell of pride for Olivia, her guy was heading it all. 
         “Please have take seat ladies.” He said as he motioned to the chairs around the table.  Each sat next to their supervisor.  Desi and Heather sat down flanking Major Nicholas on either side.  Erin hugging Major Vetter then kissing both cheeks, true Hollywood one she was.  With Olivia at Wolfe’s side he began again, “We are here due to an evident terror threat in this city any time within the next forty-eight hours.  The chatter has ceased, and we don’t know as much as we would like.  Here is where you all come in.  Neither of you are new to the little quests we have asked of you in the past.          Looking each woman in the eye as he addressed them, “Erin we know one of the terrorist killed himself, I mean committed suicide last week, you need to make contact and extract everything you can from him.  Names, locations, any and everything you can.
         Desiree, you need to try to use some of these touchstones and make a connection.  Locate where these people are hiding, where they are attacking.  Locate them, so Heather can focus in on one or more of them and give us some incriminating evidence and catch them before it is too late.  Olivia, you do your best and help out all the ladies in anyway you can.  See if you can displace some component vital to the act.  We need to make them mess up, we need to catch them.  I and the other Major’s will assist you best we can.  We will be reporting directly to these men.”  Wolfe made a gesture to the men sitting against the wall away from the group.  Olivia knew them as the men in black, like the old movie but older and even close to as cool. 
         They caught the cell; put a stop to mass chaos in nine hours, fifty-seven minutes and twelve seconds.  They were thanked with a take home of three and a half million for each woman tax free and in cash.  They had the hotels for three days and decided to make a mini trip out of the remainder.  They still attended the Wisconsin Dells trip during the regularly scheduled time.  The trip there was more meaningful the, relationships deeper knowing they could talk openly about the secrets they each worked on for the program. 
         Olivia couldn’t believe years had pasts since Vegas it seemed only yesterday.  They sat at Burlington Express and at their Gyro’s from Nick’s, and Chinese from Joe’s.           “I still cannot believe some of the best food in town is located inside a gas station.” Erin said as she picked at her Chinese food. 
         “Actually getting technical, about it it’s in the same building, but not in the gas station itself,” replied Heather.  She dodged a bit of food Erin tossed at her. 
         “So, is the rumor I hear true that you are going back to teaching Heather?” 
         “Heck yea!  Online too, I love the internet.  I get to sit at home and teach what they are penning as abnormal studies.  Yes, the program is all over this, but something for me to do.  And I am going to ask each of you to come and talk.  Well, not come per say, but teleconference and give some brief info on what your talents are.  You can go as deep as you would like, remember you only have about twenty minutes.  Please, just remember to keep the program out of it.” 
It was Olivia’s turn for the interview.  She sat down and punched in the code Heather gave her, logging her in to whatever system she was going into.  God help me, she thought as she connected.  There were brief introductions then the questions began.
Heather:  So can you explain to my class, how did and when did you realize you had gifts?
Olivia: I was very young when a friend of the family noted my abilities and became a mentor to me.  My parents were clueless as to what to do with me, but wanted me to grow up normal.  He took me under his wing, guided me and showed me how to harness my gifts.
Heather: How did you become a notable name in the field?
Olivia: I was a teenager actually.  I discovered that I could locate items at a distance if I concentrated on said item.  I was watching a news cast about the Dutch museum heist.  I could see who did it, and where the artifacts were being held.  I knew they were going to be sold, and I had to tell someone.  Who on earth would believe a sixteen year old in America.  I called a family friend in law enforcement.  Surprisingly, he believed me.  The correct lines of communication were established under the assumption that I would not be made public at all.  Much to our dismay, I was.  The Dutch media went crazy; I was almost a pop star of sorts over there.  Guess the adage about assuming held very true in my case.  I was so happy when the media died down.
Heather:  Is that when you decided to begin writing?
Olivia:  Yep, I thought if I could write and people would pay for the books, I could help financially jumpstart my future.  I never thought that I would have written as many books as I have.  It helped clear my head, and people found them interesting.  Who knew that I could infuse my own thoughts, theories, and feelings into a fictional character and people enjoy? 
Heather:  In this newest book, you explain your views on the paranormal.  It’s a bit out of the regular thought process.  Do they differ from your main character in your nonfiction books?   
Olivia:  This is the first informative book I have written.  It was hard to write in all honesty.  Having the ability to have the safety net of nonfiction was more fun.  But I felt it was time to get it all out in the open as to my true beliefs.  Psychic phenomena, paranormal phenomena can, in my opinion are chalked up to a truly amusing mergence of both science and religion.  I will try to dumb it down best I can, thinking so deeply into physics and dimensions gives me a headache.  And Lord knows you don’t want it on a final as a question.  At least I wouldn’t.
Energy is infinite, that’s a fact.  Take water, tap, ocean, even a river water, down the molecular level there is energy.  Magnetic activity created by electrons bumping around creating electro-magnetic fields.  Humans are over seventy percent water.  Thus, meaning we are and emit energy.  Scientific fact shows that as living creatures, we have unique magnetic fields.  What do we call those fields?  Do we call them, energy field, vibes given off, aura, or even the soul?  What ever you want to call it, it is a proven fact.    We have that energy around us, it is created by every thought, movement voluntary or not with in us.  Thus, causing our fields to fluctuate, making it easier to read or harder depending on the circumstance.
It is also fact that there are people who are over sensitive to magnetic fields.  So if some of those that can sense fields realize and interpret the information, but notice no other phenomena, they are just highly sensitive and learn to avoid the confrontations.  Enter those who can pick up the fields that are given off by another person.  They are your sensitive’s, psychics, intuitives; they pick up on the same things others do, but do not shy away from the messages.  Why are they shunned, looked upon as wrong, scammers, and the likes?   
Enter religion, with the higher power, the creator.  Somewhere in the Judea- Christian beliefs few were not shunned for hearing the voice of God and embracing the gifts he bestows on his creations.  But it is horrible and the devil is at work if you hear him otherwise.  Now days, they just label you nuts and medicate you into a stupor.  Not trying to get robes in a bundle here, but let’s be honest, there was life before the bible.  Cultures all over the world dating back thousands of years talk about some form of communication with those who have passed or another life, and even near death experiences.  It had to some from somewhere.  Here is that amusing part I talked about before.  It is again as stated before scientific fact that energy is infinite.  We as creations be from a higher power or of dumb luck are in energy in its most simple form.  Where the energy goes after life has extinguished is the true mystery.  It cannot, by science just disappear.  Let’s again call that energy the soul for arguments sake.  Religion says you pass on to another dimension, heaven, another life.  Fine, science theorizes energy dissipates.  Where to?  To the outer regions of the universe we call them ‘the heavens,’ right.  Why? 
Heather: Remote viewing, same thing?
Olivia: Yes, it’s just connecting with energy.  Same bodes true with distance healing, telepathy and such. 
Heather: Do you think paranormal gift is inherited generation to generation?
Olivia: In my case, no.  Neither of my parents embraced abilities they may have had.  Neither knew their parents, so hard to say.  I don’t discuss my child’s abilities or lack of publicly so it is hard to say.
Heather: Do you believe the government has groups of psychics in their arsenal?
Olivia: Why not?  They have in the past admitted to a remote viewing program.  Do I believe it is some covert hidden group, nah, I think they would be just as boring as you or I?  Who is to say when you hear the media say “Government think-tanks,” they are not talking about a group of psychics?  Neither you are I are in the upper echelons of the government, so we are left to sit and speculate.  But, it sure is fun to do huh? 
Heather:  One last question for you Olivia before we let you go, any new books coming out?  It’s been a little over two years.
Olivia:  Yes, actually the publisher is happy to hear that I had begun writing and the next book is due out next month!  I will also start a children’s book collection slated for late this fall.
Heather:  Thank you for your time Olivia, I am sure the class will all be buying your new book.  Goodbye!
Olivia:  Goodbye all!

She disconnected her access and knew that Heather would be calling to talk about the interview.  She didn’t have to wait too long.
The phone rang and she explained the situation to Heather and asked for any input she could sense.  The answer was no, but she was going to keep putting her feelers out as she called them for Olivia.  The two friends disconnected after a while of chit chat about life and everything.

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