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Ripcords™ - Original exercise bands, fitness bands, resistance bands, resistance tubing
<u>Incorporating Exercises When on Vocation</u>
There are many activities that can be incorporated into your exercise regime whilst on a vacation. Whether the vacation is taken by a beach, in a caravan or a near mountains and snow there are many ways to fit exercise into your daily routine.


If the vacation is by a beach or a pool then swimming is an excellent sport to take as a daily exercise. It is one of the best to take up whilst away. It will make the body fit and healthy working every muscle and giving you strength and vitality. It will, also, burn lots of calories compensating for all those extra foods eaten. If you cannot swim, then just simple movements such as jumping or walking in the pool will help.


This is another exercise that can easily be taken up on vacation. An hour walk a day can make the world of difference. Take a walk to the beach, to the shops, sightseeing walks or stroll after dinner in the evening. It doesn’t have to be a strenuous walk, just easy steps to give you some movement whilst on vacation.

Water Skiing

If you are an avid swimmer and love water sports, then water skiing is a good exercise too. Take the chance and get out there in the water. Show off your talents at this sport. Be a devil!

Pedal Boats

Hiring a pedal boat at the beach can give you some form of exercise if you pedal it. It will work those leg muscles and keep them in shape whilst away. You will not have to worry about having to work out at a gym.

Ride A Bicycle

Hire a bike and pedal around. This is an energetic way to keep you in shape whilst eating your favourite foods on your vacation. It’s a brilliant way to tone the body too and burning all those excess calories that have been eaten.

Horse Riding

If this is available as an excursion sport such as taking a ride along a beach or through countryside then take the opportunity of doing it. It’s still exercising.


If you are on a skiing vacation, then skiing will be the ultimate exercise here. If you cannot ski then learn. Even the smallest of movements will be helpful.

Wind Surfing

This is, also, a beach one. Wind surfing can keep the body in tone, as you are using your balance to keep afloat. So, if you love this sport then do not hesitate doing it.


If you are able to surf or can take lessons, then this will tone your body no problem. The movement and balancing effect is an excellent form of exercise.

Using a Gym

If your hotel has a gym then definitely take advantage of this. Visit the gym once a day after breakfast or even before. This would be a great way of not having to loose out on your daily regime whilst being away from home. It’s not something that most people want to do when away, but it will still keep you in shape.

Overall, I would say that swimming, walking, skiing and pedalling a boat to be the most used form of exercise for the majority of people whilst on vacation, but all of the above are still good ways of keeping yourself fit when away.

Tips For Staying Active Into Retirement
by Allison Whitehead

For many of us retirement means a chance to relax after years of working hard five days (or more) a week. Yet it is easy to let that relaxation get the better of you, leading to low fitness levels, too much time spent indoors and poor health.
Thankfully there are several simple ways to make sure this doesn’t happen – and none of them require a gym membership or running shoes!

1 – Make small changes daily to ensure you stay active.
There may be no need to go out at all some days, but if you do – even if only for a short walk – your overall health will benefit. Why not leave the car at home when you need to pop into town? That brisk walk first thing in the morning to grab a daily paper will set you up for the day, and the fresh air will do wonders for waking you up!

2 – Stay in contact with friends.
Staying active is much easier and much more enjoyable if you have someone to do it with. There’s nothing better than a country walk with friends… especially if it ends up at the local pub for lunch. Golf, swimming, bowls and many other activities are also ideal for two or more to enjoy together.

3 – Staying active doesn’t just mean in a physical sense – it helps to stimulate the brain too.
Going from a full time job to retirement is a huge shift in anyone’s life. Taking it easy is one thing – stopping altogether is quite another!
Find out about volunteering at your local charity shop, or helping in the community in some other way. Not only will you stay active, you’ll make new friends - and make a real difference as well.

About The author:

The original Ripcords exercise bands as seen on TV with kickboxing champion Michael McDonald's resistance training program.
For more details:

Ripcords <a href=“http://www.ripcords.com” title=”exercise bands”>exercise bands</a>

Title: Too Tired to exercise?

You’ve had a long, taxing day at the office and you’re ready to head home and collapse in front of the T.V. You promised yourself you’d do a thirty minute workout but feel too exhausted to even think about it. Does this sound like a familiar situation? Two of the most common reasons people give for not working out are lack of time and fatigue. After all, a long day taking care of family or working at the office takes time and energy. Unfortunately, you still need exercise for both fitness and relaxation. What can you do to motivate yourself when you’re too tired to work out?

Too tired to exercise: Have your iron levels checked

If you already exercise and find you’re approaching your daily workout with excessive fatigue and lack of motivation, see your doctor and have your iron level checked. Your doctor can do a blood test called a ferritin level which measures your body’s stores of iron. Aerobic exercise can cause slow depletion of iron levels with iron being lost through sweating and through leakage of small amounts into the gut with sustained movements. Plus, it’s not uncommon for women of child bearing age to be iron deficient. If you’re iron deficient, iron supplementation may make all the difference in your energy levels and your attitude towards exercise.

Too tired to exercise: Exercise when you awaken in the morning

If you feel tired and less motivated to exercise in the evening, try setting your alarm thirty minutes early and get your exercise session out of the way before the day starts. An early morning exercise session can help to energize and motivate you for the rest of the day. Plus, you can look forward to an evening of relaxation knowing you’ve accomplished your goal. This can be a simple solution to the problem of being too tired to work out.

Too tired to exercise: Do it anyway

Sometimes the best cure for fatigue is a vigorous exercise session. Have you ever noticed how you can walk into the health club exhausted but after thirty minutes of motion you feel energized and invigorated? There’s nothing like exercise to get your blood flowing and zap fatigue. If it’s difficult for you to get motivated to make that trip to the club, promise yourself a small reward after you finish your session if you follow through. Just make sure it’s not a jelly donut!

Too tired to exercise: Lighten up your workout

On nights that you’re too tired to work out, follow a lighter, less rigorous routine. To motivate yourself to take the first step, tell yourself you’ll only exercise for ten minutes. After ten minutes have elapsed chances are you’ll feel so invigorated that you’ll want to keep going.

Too tired to exercise: Change your exercise format

If you feel fatigued with a lack of motivation towards exercise on a particular evening, change your workout entirely and substitute something fun. Instead of walking thirty minutes on the treadmill at the club, take your dog for a brisk walk or do thirty minutes of stretches while you watch your favorite T.V. show. You can get back on schedule the next time you exercise and the variety will be good for you both physically and mentally.

Give these tips a try and soon you’ll no longer need the old excuse of being too tired to work out. Plus, you’ll look and feel like a new person.

About the author:

The original Ripcords exercise bands as seen on TV with kickboxing champion Michael McDonald's resistance training program.

Ripcords <a href=“http://www.ripcords.com”>exercise bands</a>
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