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Rated: E · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1409912
Starts with a poem ends as a story. Seto Kaiba has had quite a few bad years.

Once I was on top
Now I feel like I’m about to pop
Once surrounded by fans
Now I’m left without even a ceiling fan
Throwing me in the gutter
Like damage butter
Doors shut in my face
I leave without a trace
Humiliated forever
It feels like it’ll never get better
My brother taken away
What is there but wither away
Heard of Motou’s gang
How successful they’ve become
Motou with his title
Will never go without income
Ha! I once was there
One step behind yes
But I still was there
But one slip up
And they all forgot
Gardener, with her friendship speeches
And dreams of dance
Got far in her goal
And now she’s a pro
I’m sure that even after all her friendship speeches
Now she wouldn’t pass even a single glance at me
Taylor, no matter how stupid or naive he is
He was able to find a steadier job than me
Bakura, left for Egypt
Digging into pasts
Of once known acquaintances
That’s the only thing that I can say
But one puzzles me
That of Wheeler
Who I ridiculed day in and day out
The one who I’ve heard
Disappeared and never returned
Where does a person like Wheeler go?
What were his dreams?, what were his goals?
I guess we’ll never now
At least not me
Years went by
The jobs that I could get
Weren’t able to pay my rent
I guess that I was to mean
And now I’m being punished
Until this day
I don’t know why
I heard of a job at a prestigious company
And decided to try
I was curious to see
Who it’s mysterious CEO could be
As long as the CEO
Wasn’t like Dartz or Pegasus
I new I’d lived
When I was led in
The guard curling his nose at me
What surprised I had
At the man to be seen.

Wheeler?????, I said totally shocked at seeing him. It truly couldn’t be mistaken, it truly was him. With his dirty blonde hair and hazel brown eyes, there was no doubt it was him. The only difference was that his hair wasn’t a mess like it always was when we were in school, and it was a bit longer and he had a brown suit on that fit very nicely. How did a mutt like you, end up in a place like this?, I said sneering, almost immediately regretting it, not knowing what had come over me. His eyes unnerved me as he doesn’t say anything, his calculating stare passes over my person and he frowns at the state of my clothes. “I advice you to hold your tongue, Mr. Kaiba. If you expect to get a job here, you’re lucky enough as it is, being where you are”, he says narrowing his eyes and with an educated voice. I noticed immediately the change of his voice; he didn’t have the harsh Brooklyn accent anymore. “And why is that?”, I questioned, with a bit of fear that he would be thrown out. “Being who you are, and the way you’ve ridiculed me for years, why should I have given you a chance. But I know that you’ve have had a rough few years, losing Mokuba..” Here I tensed up not wanting to think of that. “Losing your business, your life, your money, and no one giving you a job. It must be tough”, he says in a tone that I didn’t recognize. “It’s none of your business! You would never understand, you’ve never past through that!”, I screamed mad, believing him to be pitying me, I hated when people pitied me. Wheeler started laughing and it made me shiver. “Have you forgotten so easily, how my life was back then or where you too blind to see it for what it was? When I was a kid, my mom took my baby sister from me and I never saw her again for years, until we were teenagers. I was too poor to buy things that I wanted, and no one wanted a street rat working for them and other things like that.”, he says. “I’m sorry, it’s just been difficult”, I say to him. “Yes, I know.”, Wheeler says nodding. I’ve got a few things you must follow if you take this job”, Wheeler says looking at me. “What are they?”, I ask curious. “You will call me Mr. Wheeler or sir, no more no less, you’re superiors demand respect, you will get weekends off but you will never take the week off unless you have authorization from me personally, you will get here at 7:00 and work till 9:00, and that’s it for now.”, says Mr. Wheeler. “Yes, sir. Umh, if I did get the job where would I be working? From what I’ve heard you own different companies. You’ll be working in the gaming company, when I think you’re ready to move somewhere else, I’ll notify it. So will you take the job?”, asks Mr. Wheeler. I think for awhile and I think that this is the best chance that will ever come. “Yes, Mr. Wheeler, sir, I’ll take the job.”, I say shaking Mr. Wheeler’s hand. “Excellent, welcome to Ayustak Corp.”

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