Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1409858-Doubles-Curse-Chapter-1
by Azalia
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1409858
Two sets of twins, four very different people, endless possibilities.
Double's Curse
Ch. 1

Kaylin stared out into the town of Hayfeld from the top of a hill nearby. She could hear the screams of the people as thier homes were burning to the ground. She gasped when she saw something she had never wanted to see in her hometown, a demon.

Kindra looked down at the man that her sharp metal blades had just killed. She smiled, knowing that her work here in this town was coming to an end. She licked the blood from the blades and shook it from her wings. She flipped the blades back into thier sheiths. Kindra then looked down at the man, and caught a glimpse of what she had been searching for, a gold medalion. As she bent down to take it, she heard a noise and glanced up. She saw Kaylin standing ther with her staff in hand. Kindra took the medalion and stood up, staring Kaylin in the eyes. "So Kaylin, come all this way looking for me? Or did you just come back home for a visit?" Kaylin was frightened, she had heard the stories of Bladewings, but never thought that she would have to face her.

"Look at what you've done Bladewings! The whole town is gone because of you!" she was shaking with fury. Kindra laughed lightly. "Oh Kaylin you make me laugh. You are almost in tears right now! You are filled with rage but you wont attack me. Are you afraid of me Kaylin? Or are you smart enough not to fight me? Your family was foolish enough to try and stand up to me, now just look at what happened, they used my precious magic, died, and lost what they were protecting in the first place." Kindra let the medalion hang from its chain, it swayed to and fro in the breeze. Kaylin gasped, she knew that medalion, it was her father's most prized possesion. His body lay limp near Kindra's feet. "Father!" Kaylin screamed, "You murderer! Not my father...no." She fell to her knees with tears streaming down her cheeks. Kindra laughed, "Poor little Kaylin, all alone in the world. Just. Like. Me."

"No!" Kaylin shouted flying to her feet, "I am nothing like you!" She picked up her staff and pointed it at Bladewings, it began to radiate a green light. As she did this, Kindra started to laugh. This surprised Kaylin. "What? What are you laughing at?" Without a warning or even a sign of movement, the blades lashed out and cut deep into Kaylin's side. Kaylin gasped and cried out in pain as the blades crawled out as Kindra backed away. Then everything went black.

Kaylin awoke later in a place she had never seen before. She heard what sounded like farm animal sounds outside she she figured she must have been dreaming. There were not many farms anymore, especially near the town of Hayfeld. "Where am I?" She thought to herself. Then a voice came from outside the window. "Hey are you awake in there?" It was a boy's voice. Kaylin stood up slowly and walked to the window. "So you are awake then! Great. I'll Be right up!" The boy smiled and then walked out of sight.

"What happened to me?" Kindra said as she walked around the deserted, broken down, room searching for the way she had gotten in. She then came to a hole in the wall. "Could this be it?" She asked herself, crawling through and out into the streets of Hayfeld, sheilding her eyes from the sun's light. Something caught her eye, a few yards away, her staff floated, surrounded in a dark purple light. "My staff?" She wondered walking towards it. "What are you doing here?" She asked it. Demon staffs only show up if the demon it belongs to is in need or help. Up till this point, Kindra had been able to kill anyone at will with her powers. Then it hit her, "I didn't kill her!" Her memory came to her in a rush, while backing away from Kaylin, a sudden force had thrown her back into the burning building that she had woken up in. She reached forward and took her staff in hand. Then she quickly muttered a destruction spell and the town fell to the ground. "Done." Kindra then teleported from the town. Kindra reapeared near the forest that hid the farm where Kaylin was currently located. She cast an invisible spell on herself that was undetectable to sorceress'. She walked around the forest looking for Kaylin who was nearby in the house that was only a few miles away.

"This is great Danny, Thank you." Kaylin said smiling at the boy who had just made breakfast for the both of them. He laughed "Glad someone likes my cooking, Hey after we clean up do you wanna see the farm? Or do you have to go somewhere?" Kaylin, by now, had almost forgotten about Bladewings, and was having fun talking with her new friend. "Sure I would love to." She answered, eager to find out more about this boy. "Great! Not alot of people come around here, so its nice to have a visitor now and then." He replied, getting up and taking thier plates into the kitchen. "Do you not have any friends?" Kaylin questioned, He nodded. "Sure I do, but they don't come around here much, there are lots of demons around these parts y'know?" Kaylin's mind flashed back to Bladewings. "Oh, I see." He shrugged. "Most of them live in Hayfeld, so its a good hour or so travel just to see them anyways. You ok?" Danny asked seeing the pained look on her face when he had mentioned Hayfeld. Kaylin shook her head "Oh, just thinking, sorry." She answered. He smiles and then proceeded to show her around the farm, introducing her to every animal there was.

"Wanna go for a walk through the forest? There aren't many demons around here this time of day so its pretty safe." Kaylin nodded and followed him down the small path into the forest. They laughed and talked as they walked through the brightly lit trail. As they were walking Kaylin noticed something, someone ahead of them.

<More will be added later...Please wait a bit.>
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