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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1409847
Joe, come's out of a black out to find he is lost.
Chapter 1 a LOST ~

The high beams burned his eyes, he didn't know who he was or for that fact where he was, all he knew was that he had better get out of the middle the road before he was an unfortunate john doe lying dead in the road. So the nameless man sprinted towards the sidewalk narrowly being missed by a semi, who in turn blared his horn, bringing Nameless further to conciseness, he was a man of medium height and medium build, his face felt as though it hadn’t been shaven in about a week. The stubble was course beneath his smooth hands, he was wearing blue jeans and a green t-shirt that read lucky, but he had the look of a man who was down on his luck as if maybe he had lost big, and indeed he had, Nameless was lost, he had no idea where he was or for that fact who he was, so the he decided to do the most sensible thing he could think of at the moment and checked his pockets where he found a wade of cash consisting of five ones, and two twenties, and he thought to himself,
"at least I'm not broke,"
he also found a Days Inn hotel key fob, and resolved to first to get some food, then he would call a cab to take him this hotel.
The idea to go to a hospital crossed his mind but as he had no wallet, identification or insurance. So he felt it best to get some food in his stomach and then head to the hotel and go from there. So the young man walked until he came to a 7/11, the parking lot was empty of cars save for one white Honda hatch back parked along the side
“must be the employees he thought to himself,” and that's when he noticed the license plate. Washington, the Evergreen state, this made the nameless man smile, although he had no idea why. The store clerk's name plate read Earl on it, Earl was a fat man in his mid-twenties and indeed he looked like an Earl
"what can I do ya for you tonight?"
Earl asked in a tone that sounded bored and well rehearsed, Nameless responded quickly and without thinking,
"can I get a cab pick up, a pack of Marb lights and a hotdog,"
Earl responded without hesitation by calling a taxi as he picked out the ciggs and the hot dog,
"hey can I get a pick up for ehh, "what's your name again bro,"
Earl asked, and again the nameless man responded without thinking,
"the names Joe,"
"Err, Joe what?"
with obvious annoyance rumbling from the fat clerks voice "its just Joe" in a flat tone ignoring the question for a last name, mostly because he didn't have an answer for him at the moment.
Earl finished up on the phone and told Joe that the cab would pick him up in about fifteen minutes. Joe paid for the ciggs and the dog, grabbed some matches, and went out side to wait for his cab.
The hotdog was gross, and the bun was as hard as a rock but he ate it never the less as he stood there ideally thinking to himself how this dog had probably been sweating on the grill all day.
The cigarette however was more than satisfying, in fact it was comforting, whether he knew who he was or not, his body obviously knew this old friend, and he enjoyed it immensely as he waited.
The cab was not yellow; it was black with no identifying marks except for a number printed on the passenger door, the number was 77, and some how this number struck Joe as odd.
In fact Joe had not realized it was a cab until the old wrinkled driver rolled down the window and asked
“hey kid, you looking for a ride or what I ant got all night, times a money,”
Joe took another drag of his cigg, flicked the smoldering cigarette into the ash tray and got in without a response to the grumpy cab driver.
“Names Bob, Bob the driver, where we going tonight Joe?”
Joe was stricken with panic by the driver’s knowledge of his name. His first thought was to run, but he resisted and calmly asked the old driver
“so Bob, how do you know my name?” Bob, chuckled and looked Joe in the eyes, Joe looked back into Bobs and noticed his were icy blue and full of intensity hinting at something more then just a grumpy old man. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, and Bob finally answer the question,
“Earl told me on the phone, what do you think, I’m some kind of gypsy mind reader? Come off it kid, for the last time where the hell am I taken you tonight, I thought I told you times a money”
Joe wasn’t going to let his guard down but decided Bob the driver didn’t exactly look like a threat, in fact the man looked as if he could have been in a nursing home he had to be at least in his late seventies, but there was something about the old man that made him feel uneasy.
Pulling out the key fob he read the address to the Days Inn and asked Bob,
“so about how much is this going to cost me tonight,” “well” answered Bob “its Friday night fare is $2.50 a mile and we are about ten miles out so you do the math sonny.”
This was a relief to Joe because he wasn’t sure just how far the hotel would be or if he would even have enough cash to get there. The drive to the hotel was uneventfully but Joe did finally realize where in Washington he just was, the hotel was right across from the Sea-Tac International airport, which Joe knew was in Seattle, and he also knew had been to Seattle many times before although he didn’t know why or for what reasons.
The hotel smelled like a hotel, Joe was unimpressed as he walked into the brightly lit lobby, which felt soulless and empty.
So; Joe walked up to the front desk and rang the bell twice.
She was taller then Joe, but not by much, “heels do wonders for her” he thought slyly.
Then again, he thought how do I know she’s even wearing heels, all Joe could discern from this woman was her soft olive skin and jet black hair,
Heidi’s eyes stuck Joe, and he was very impressed and he told her so,
“god himself painted your eyes with the golden fire of the setting sun.”
Heidi voice was soft but full of energy when she looked Joe back in the eyes,
“Joey, you always know just what to say to make me smile, how was your trip to Portland?”
Joe did not miss a beat,
“well you know, boring business meetings and such,”
“Joe, not to be rude or anything but you look like really run down,”
Joe felt as if he had run a marathon and then been tortured for many hours so he wasn’t surprised by Heidi’s comment. What happened next though was very surprising, and he was not uncomfortable in the least bit.
Before Joe knew it Heidi was in front of him and pulling him towards her firm body. She smelled of sweet vanilla perfume and her lips tasted full and refreshing, even though Joe had no recollection of Heidi, he really didn’t care at this point. Joe was in need of comfort, so he went with it. He kissed her back with deep passion.
Heidi pulled away and looked at Joe with a mischievous grin and said,
“we should go play some where more comfortable, the master suite is available,”
and the two left the empty lobby, together.

Chapter 1b ~ Wolf in Silk Sheets

She was good in bed, Joe was enjoying himself immensely the fact that he was apparently suffering from amnesia should have bothered him, he should be seeking medical help, he should have been worried for himself, oddly he wasn’t. He felt as if he were out side of himself watching a movie of him self acting a part that wasn’t not so foreign, but just a little different from the norm.
She was getting dressed, while Joe was on the balcony enjoying a fag, he could see the city from a distance. Seattle was beautiful in the night, air was cool but not cold, and it had not rained in this rainy city, at least not yet but it was looking like it would. There only light conversation between the two but nothing deep or meaning was really said, now that Joe had his fix he turned to see a chrome 45 caliber handgun leveled at his head it was fitted with a dark black silencer.
“That’s what I get for sleeping with strange women,” thought Joe. “What the fuck are you doing?” asked Joe. “I thought we were having fun.”
“I couldn’t agree more Joe, the fun is just beginning.”
You where an excellent lover Joe, but orders are orders and I’m afraid our time has come to an end” you where the best Joe, I always looked up to you.”
“The best?”
“The best at what, what are you talking about, who the fuck are you?”

Joe, knew he was in danger, he knew his life was about to end but he found a calmness that he should not possessed. He should be pissing his pants right now, he should be shaking uncontrollably, but he wasn’t he was calm and collected and his only worry at the moment was figuring out who Heidi was and who she thought Joe was, or rather who Heidi knew he was.
“You’ve been wiped Joe, the only reason your not dead already is because the agency wanted me to do it, I’m being promoted, you see, she stopped.”
“Why the hell am I telling you this you have know clue, all you need to know is your dead.” She pulled the trigger.
The bullet was hushed by the heavy silencer, He moved like someone possessed clearing nearly eight feet, as she pulled the trigger. He had her by the legs knocking Heidi to the ground.
Joe was bleeding but not dead. She fired another shot as feet to the ground with Joe now on top of her. She was incredibly strong but Joe was stronger. He held her pistol hand pinned to the ground.
She reacted in a blur slamming her tiny rock hard fists into Joes face.
He kept her pistol hand pinned to the ground with a vice like grip on her wrists but he was stunned by the power of her blows, then out of no where something inside took a hold, this was different from survival mode, this was Joe.
It he no longer felt as if he were looking down on himself as if he where in a dream, Joe was fully awake at this moment and he felt alive.
Joe elbowed the bitch right in the mouth with his free arm, knocking her out coldly. Joe got up pistol in hand and cold hate in his heart, the thought of ending her crossed his mind, but then he thought to himself,
“like the bitch said the fun is just beginning.”
When Heidi woke up she found she was blind folded, gagged naked, tied to one of the suites chairs. She couldn’t believe,
“that motherfucker got the best of me.”
“How could he have gotten the best of me?”
She thought she had the upper hand. He was wiped, she knew it; he should have been harmless. It was obvious now that whoever did the job did not do it correctly, if she lived through this she thought to herself “that someone would die a slow and extremely pain full death.”
Heidi was a killer, some people are born without a soul.
Heidi was born without a soul, she never knew love and never knew hate, all Heidi knew was death, she was a reaper. Those with the misfortune of living without a soul only crave to take them. She took her first soul upon birth, killing her mother during labor. She took her second, at the age of four, by pushing her playmate down a flight of stairs for not sharing a cookie with her, she felt no remorse it was not in her nature.
There are devils that kill for the fun, for the excitement, for the thrill. These devils are usually not very good at dealing death they are sloppy and usually always caught. Heidi killed because she had to kill; to Heidi killing was like breathing.
There are people who seek such talents, Heidi worked for such people and Joe did too until just recently.
Joe was smoking on the balcony, holding a blood soaked cloth to his head,
“Shit, has hit the fan he thought to himself,”
The wound he had received should have killed him, and it would have if he had not lunged when he did, incidentally the bullet deflected sideways on his forehead cutting a deep gash from his forehead to just above the left temple. He should have been dead, he thought to himself as he inhaled deeply.
“Who the fuck am I,”
and he and began too remember something, it wasn’t clear to him, it was foggy, more of an impression of a memory. He felt like he was a tool of death, as if he where akin to Death’s sickle. It didn’t make sense but at least he had a understanding of what he was, a wolf. Joe was a predator.

© Copyright 2008 Gary Youngmen (drumfirelife at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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