Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1409582-ch-67-circle-of-dreams-lies-and-love
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Drama · #1409582
a story about a girl tring to find love with the right guy
CHAPTER 6. Free at last!

That September Jesse turned18 and Started 12th grade. Jesse wondered what Andrew was doing and now that she was free to be with him she wanted to see him again. So Jesse found a way to get his number and called him but he was away with his dad for the weekend and she left a message for him to call her.Andrew did call a couple days later and was surprised to hear from Jesse. He said he wanted to
come see her.

So soon after that Andrew showed up drive a blue chevy truck with
big tires, and wearing cowboy boots and hat. Jesse was so happy to see him, so she got in the truck with him and then she found out what kind of Driver Andrew was. He went really fast and loved to smoke his tires. Jesse thought it was fun but was also a little scared, but never would have told him that. For the first time Jesse thought maybe she could forget about Zane and have some fun with Andrew.

He was Driving really fast to take her to his parents house when suddenly they
were pulled over by the police. Where are you in such a hurry to go? the officer asked I clocked you at 125. We are going to my dads said Andrew and if we don't get there on time he will be mad. So Andrew got a speeding ticket and they continued ot the way to his parents. as they pulled in the drive his younger brother met them and said, where is your ticket? how much is it?Jesse wondered how he could possibly know about it. She soon found out when they went inside that Andrews dad had a scanner that had said andrew's name on it and what had happened.

Then for some reason Andrew went into the kitchen and got in a fight with his brother. Andrew hit his younger brother and broke his glasses. then his parents told him to stop so he went back and sat an the couch by Jesse and put his feet up and turned on the tv just as if nothing unusual had happened. a little while later Andrews parents decided to order out for pizza. so they all ate and talked for a while then it started getting late so Andrew said he would take Jesse home.

So his dad et him take her but warned him to slow down with his driving. Andrew did go slower but not a lot. As they got onto Jesse's dirt road Andrew pulled the car to the side of the road so they could spend some time alone for a few minutes. they listed to the radio ands talked a while then Andrew wanted to kiss her. A song came on the radio that Andrew liked and he started singing it and said it was weird that the words described them and it should be their song.

Some of the words were "i've never been this close to anyone and I can hear your thoughts and see your dreams I wanna spend the whole night in your arms" Jesse had to agree it did make sense for that moment. but she knew she could not allow herself to fall in love with andrew, she wanted to spend time with him and have fun but never to get close enough to get hurt again.So andrew walked her to the door kissed her again and they made plans to get together again in a few days

Andrew picked Jesse up a couple days later to take her to his parents again. This time his dad decided to take them to a nearby mall. they walked in some of the stores with his dad for a while then went on their own. Jesse and Andrew walked to where they had a food court and he asked her what she wanted to eat. They decided to get some ice cream. So they sat and ate and talked a while. Why did you decide to call me? asked andrew. Well me and Zane broke up a few months ago and now that I'm 18 my mom could not stop me said Jesse. So did you miss Me then? he asked with a smile. Yea I did said Jesse i'm glad I'm here with you now.

They were done eating and decided to walk around outside. Andrew led Jesse to the truck where his dad had parked it and they got in. Well now were finally alone again said Jesse what do you wanna do now? Andrew smiled and said this. as he put his arms around Jesse and started kissing her and soon all the windows were fogged up so Andrew turned on the truck and drove it to another parking place so his dad won't find them he said. they then continued kissing. after a while his dad did find them and let Andrew Drive Jesse home again.

Andrew again stopped on pulled over on Jesse's road. they started with just kissing again but it was starting to go a little farther than that, Jesse knew it wasn't a good idea to go any farther this soon but she really liked being with Andrew and wanted him to like her and this was the only way she knew to show him that. So they made love for the first time right there on the seat in his truck. But then Andrew had to leave so his dad would not be mad.

After that a few days went by and she didn't hear from andrew. jesse knew it had to be because they had went to fast. Jesse still liked him but wasn't sure how he felt about her now.He Andrew seemed to have lost interest in Jesse the only time she would talk to him or see him was if Jesse called him and she did a few times and he would take her to his parents like before.

One night Jesse got in a really bad fight with her mom and so she called Andrew and asked if he could come get her. So he showed up with his parents to pick her up. They took Jesse back to their place to stay the night. Jesse had thought this would be a chance to spend some time time with andrew but again he really didn't seem interested. Jesse stayed their a couple days then Andrew desided he wanted her to go home. he didn't want a girlfriend anymore especially not one staying at his house. so they dropped her off and left.

CHAPTER 7. Another try at love

Jesse Still had Her and Zane's dog bamma and it was then that she realized bamma was pregnant. Jesse thought about calling Zane but was too scared he would refuse to talk to her so she decided not to. A couple days later Jesse was alone in her room wondering what she should do now that Andrew was gone when she thought of someone she knew would never refuse to talk to her and that was Corey. As Jesse had hoped he was happy to hear from her and immediatly asked if she wanted to go back out with him. Jesse Guessed he had forgotten about how things had ended last time with Jesse Choosing Dean over Corey. But Jesse did like Corey in a way. He had always been there for her as a friend with everything she had went through with Zane. So Jesse thought maybe if she spent some time with Corey again he Might be able to Help her Forget about Zane AND Andrew. So Jesse said Yes I would like us to try again Corey.

They did start to spend some time together and Jesse Did start to forget about Andrew. Corey would have his Grandparents drop him off after school so he could spend some time with Jesse. Corey and Jesse Stayed up late one night after her parents went to bed and things started going farther with them again. Corey again asked if he could make love to her but Jesse still would not let him. Even after already being with two guys she was still scared to make love with Corey. Jesse didn't want to hurt him again and was soo scared he would break her heart again if she let him. So things stayed the same with Corey for a while after thatJesse got a part time Job after school and so did Corey. soon Bamma had her puppies 8 of themthey were soo cute and Jesse again thought of calling zane to tell him but still did not cause he had said to leave him alone when he left.

New years Eve that year Jesse went to a party with Corey. His grandmother picked up jesse a few hours early and took them back to Corey's for a while before the party. Corey took Jesse To his room with him and put on the radio and they layed on his bed, and for once he didn't try and make out or have sex with her he Just lyed there and held and Kissed Jesse. at that moment when She looked in his eyes and he smiled at her Jesse knew If she let herself she could have real feelings for Corey. They Went to the party after that and there were several people the they knew from school. There was Alcohol and Corey decided he was going to make mixed drinks for himself and Jesse and others there. They had fun for a while but Corey drank too much way to fast and ended up sick in his friends bed for most of the night after that. Jesse went in to lye with him there was a few others in the room. But every time Jesse went on the bed with him Corey would start making out and trying to have sex with her there in front of the others in the room so jesse went in the other room and talked to a few people there that she knew.

When it was almost midnight jesse went in and saw Corey was up out of the bed, so she went to him and hugged and kissed him. They went back out with the others after that and a lot of people started going outside cause there was now a fire out there so Corey and Jesse went out to sit by it. It was about this time Jesse heard someone say they had to use the bathroom but couldn't get in. A guy that had showed up who was not well liked by many people there had went in and locked himself in there and gotten sick and passed out from drinking too much. soon many others also had to go and were getting very mad at The guy in the bathroom. They were pounding on the door and yelling OPEN THERE DOOR AND COME OUT OF THERE OR I'M GONNA BREAK IT DOWN AND KICK YOUR ASS!! but eventually he did come out several hours later it was actually that guy who gave Corey and Jesse a ride home that morning. Corey camet o see Jesse again at her house a few days later it was cold so they lyed in jesse's room under her blankets and again he really didn't try and take things farther than Jesse was willing to.Jesse guessed it was cause he realized she was not yet ready to do that with him cause she was too confused and scared about her feelings for him. that and Jesse knew in her heart she still missed and loved andrew but did not think she would hear from him again.

That is why one night Jesse was so surprised when Andrew did call her. it had been about 6 months since he had said he didn't want to be with Jesse anymore and left. Why was he calling her now?? Jesse was soon to findout. Andrew said I have missed you and want you back now. Are you seeing anyone else? Jesse said she was but would still take andrew back she had missed him too. So yet again Jesse had to hurt Corey. but She was happy she would get another chance with Andrew. So when Corey called a few Days later she had to tell him she was getting back with Andrew. Corey was hurt she could tell but she wanted to be with andrew so much she did it anyway. The next Day Anrew came to see Jesse He took her to his parents to stay the night. after Andrew's parents went to bed andrew wanted Jesse to lye on the couch with him so she did and he lyed beside her and held her. It was one of those moments Jesse so badly wanted to hold onto, to just be with a guy and feel loved and safe with him. So she just lyed there and let him hold her and tryed to store this moment in her heart so that even if things did not work between them she would always have this moment to remember. Andrew did not want sex from her or anything else just to hold Jesse and love her.

But after that night things began to change again. Andrew never called Jesse and never seemed to want to see her but Jesse really wanted things to work with him she would just give him more time.then one afternoon Jesse was home at her parents when an old friend from school, Kerry Waters showed up. Kerry said she was living nearby and wanted Jesse to come and stay a couple days with her. When Jesse told Her who her boyfriend was Kerry said well ok he lives right down the road from me you could go and see him. so Jesse went with Kerry and went to Andrews to see him hoping for once he would want to see her. He did not seem very happy to see Jesse there. Andrew said he was too busy to come to Kerrys and see Jesse but for some reason as Kerry and Jesse were leaving he changed his mind so he did come to kerry's for a while but things still did not seem right between andrew and Jesse. This was all so confusing to Jesse. why had Andrew wanted her back and now was ignoring her and pushing her away?

One night Jesee was at Kerry's and they got some others to come over Kerry's brother chris and a friend of his and also Kerry's new boyfriend John. Someone got the idea that they should get some wine coolers and beer so Jesse paid for it and they had someone over 21 buy it. Once they got it everyone started drinking. after having 6 wine coolers and 4 beers Jesse decided she really wanted to see Andrew So she started walking towards his house and Chris and adam followed her and told her Andrew was not home he was away for the weekend with his dad. So Jesse kept walking with Adam and Chris She still had a beer in one had and wine cooler in the other. Somehow they all ended up walking into a cornfield. And then Adam, who Jesse had Just met earlier that night convinced Jesse to have sex with him, right there in the field. it all happened so quick and Jesse was so out of it. that afterwards she couldn't even remember letting him do it.

After they all went back inside Kerry's and Jesse lyed on the couch and went to sleep. the next morning Jesse woke up to Adam trying to make out with her. she was completly sober and did not want it so she stopped him.
Later on that day jesse left for a while to go to a cousin's wedding. after it she had someonedrop her off at andrew's. Andrew met Jesse outside and he was MAD. Someone from Kerry's had told him what happened the night before. Jesse convinced Andrew to let her stay so she could explain it all to him. So they went inside and Andrew's dad was there sitting in their kitchen. Andrew had even told his dad what jesse had done. they both were asking her what had happened. Jesse explained how she had been drinking too much and had wanted to see andrew but
was told he was not home and had went for a walk with the two guys and was too out of it to really realize what she was doing and the guy named adam had taken advantage of the fact.

She told andrew she was really sorry it had happened and didn't even know that guy or have any feelings whatsoever for him. so Andrew let Jesse stay the night. His parents left for a while Jesse and andrew could be alone to talk. They did talk awhile andf it seemed andrew wasn't so mad at her anymore. he sat beside her and kissed her then they started making love right there on his parents living room chair. as they were still doing that his parents came back
so they hurried and got dressed. soon after that Andrew's parents went to bed and so did andrewhe wanted Jesse to come in his room and lye with him awhile,so she did. they lyed in andrew's room and he held and kissed her and they made love again. then Jesse decided she should not fall asleep with him cause his parents wouldn't like it. He was after all still only 17.

After Jesse went home the next day Andrew again started ignoring her so Jesse let it go for a while and just hoped he would change his mind if she gave him time. It was the end of may now and the last week of school before jesse was to graduate high school. One day that week Jesse realized she had not seen bamma in a while so she started calling her and looking for her. finally Jesse's dad said he would tell her what happened. Jesse began to get really scared now he told her bamma had been hit on the main road near their road and killed. She was burried back in the woods behind their house. Jesse started screaming and crying and threw herself on the ground just like a kid but she didn't care she had loved bamma and that dog had been her last connection to Zane. Jesse finally went back and sat where her dad had burried bamma and cryed. when it started getting dark Jesse had no choice but to go inside.

Jesse still went to graduation a few days later and andrew even came, Though Jesse did not see why cause he still barely talked to her.a couple weeks later Jesse had a graduation party at a nearby park and invited Andrew. And to her surprise agin he did show up and actually seemed interested in talking to and hanging out with Jesse for once. they drove around the park a little bit in andrew's truck then he started driving faster and smoking his tires and of course someone seen it and the cops were called but Andrew went home before they got there. After the party was over Jesse again had someone take her to andrews to see if he would let her stay. Andrew said she could stay but a little while later he left and went to one of his neighbors and did not want jesse to go.

So Andrew ended up not even staying the night at his own house while Jesse was there. This was all too confusing for jesse again, she only wanted to spend time with andrew and for him to love her again but it seemed he didn't really care if he saw Jesse or not. so the next morning andrew took jesse home and she didn't even have a chance to talk to him them cause he let one of his young cousin's that was there come along and ride between them. after he dropped jesse off at home that time Jesse did not see or hear from andrew for a long time. then one night she got a call from him saying they were through, he had been told from someone at Kerry's jesse has been sleeping with someone else again. well how was I to know if you even still wanted to be with me?said jesse. You never act like it anymore. well I don't now said Andrew I don't want to be with a whore that cheats on me. so that was it Jesse and Andrew were really through this time and
she knew he wouldn't be back like last time.

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