Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1409577-Ch12-circle-of-love-and-lies-REVISED
Rated: E · Chapter · Drama · #1409577
story about a girl trying to find love and keeps going in a circle with the same men.
The circle of dreams, lies and Love

Chapter 1

" Warning! Warning! Nerd alert! Geek alert!" This is what Darren Edwards heard as he was on his way to math class at Shadyville middle school. It was Breann
McCloud and Jesse Evans again. He continued walking down the hallway, but they persisted with the teasing.
Breanne was tall, thin and wore too much makeup in Darren's opinion so he yelled "leave me alone covergirl" Both girls Started laughing so Darren suddenly turned around and slapped Breanne. The truth is Jesse was only teasing him with Breanne because she liked Darren. Jesse was nothing like Breanne. She had long brown hair, was a little overweight, and had no idea what to say to boys.
Darren was short with messy brown hair, and blue eyes. Jesse just thought it was funny the way Him and his Friends Drake and Ryan mills were always getting into some kind of trouble.This was one of those times. "Darren go to the office!", yelled the math teacher. Darren slowly walked to the familiar principal's office. "Have a seat Mr. Edwards, Principal Slacker will be with you in a minute", Said the secretary. Darren sat down several minutes later Drake and Ryan walked in. Darren laughed and asked, "What did you guys do now?" " we was just at lunch when David Lackey threw his corn at me and called me a loser and Ryan here had to go and punch David in the face!" Drake replied excitedly. "You should have seen it man, it was funny" the jerk had it coming to him" added Ryan. David lackey was always giving the brothers a hard time. He was handsome, rich and popular and loved to tease anyone who was not. "NO TALKING HAVE A SEAT BOYS!! The principal will see you now Darren" Said the Blond haired secretary. Darren reluctantly entered the small office. "Now What seems to be the problem today, Mr.Edwards?", asked the principal in a stern voice.
"This is the third time I've seen you this week!" he continued. The Middle School principal was a chubby balding man, as he started yelling his face was turning red. He looked so funny to Darren he couldn't help but start laughing.

Meanwhile, Jesse and Breane were still at lunch sitting at a round table with Cheyenne Whitaker,another one of their best friends."Darren is such a nerd, I can't believe he actually slapped me."said Breanne Jesse's face turned a little red, as she said quietly "I kindof like him" "he is a geek!
How can you say that, Jesse? Breanne asked with a disgusted look on her face. "I like guys with blue eyes" replied Jesse.as she quickly took a long drink of her chocolate milk "I still think Bryan Woods is hot." Said Cheyenne." Well he doesn't like me anyways" said Jesse, with a sigh. "I may never get a real boyfriend."Darren moved away later that year.

CHAPTER 2. Girl meets boy

As Jesse looked around the crowded room, she
thought to herself, I don't want to but I guess I have to
go in there now. It was her first day at ShadyVille High School. It was lunchtime. Jesse didn't have many friends and the few that she did have weren't in the room. She slowly walked in and found an empty table. As she was sitting there by herself, wishing she could make herself invisible, a guy she had never seen before walked over to her and said "My name's Corey" He said. "What's yours?"
"Jesse." She replied quietly. He was short and overweight with glasses, but as he smiled at her jesse couldn't help but stare into his light blue eyes.
He then asked "why are you sitting alone?" "Cause there's no one to sit with around here.", she answered. "This is my first day at this school." "Oh ok well if you need me to show you around I could." said Corey hopefully That's ok" Jesse quickly replied. ok well I guess I'll be seeing you around then." he said and walked away.
After that first day, every time Corey saw Jesse, he would start talking to her. "I like you Jesse, would you wanna go out with me?" he asked one day." I don't know. Let me think about it. replied Jesse She had never had a real boyfriend before and wondered what it would be like..
Corey continued talking to her at school every chance he
got. At first Jesse thought it was kind of annoying him following her around talking to her and looking at her. Then a couple days later Tina Thomas walked up to Jesse in the school hallway and loudly announced "I gave Corey Miller your phone number. He's a nice guy, give him a chance" said Tina. Jesse had met Tina a few years ago in middle school. She tried to be nice to her, but Tina was always trying to start some kind of drama or trouble. (Like in seventh grade Tina had actually started hitting and fighting Jesse in the hallway and had gotten them both sent to the Principal's offices and suspended for three days.)
So that night after school Corey did call Jesse She somehow ended up talking to him for two hours and she did start to believe he was a nice guy. So Jesse finally said "ok I will go out with you" The first time he kissed her was the next day at school. They were walking into Jesse's class in the library. the teacher was not in the room yet, and Jesse noticed there were a lot of popular kids there, that had teased her cause she never had any boyfriends. So she let Corey kiss her right in front of all of them. They all stared. Then the Teacher came in and said for Corey to leave. When everyone asked Jesse about it she said " yes, I'm going out with him, so what?"

Corey continued to call her every night and they would talk for two or sometimes three hours. One night he asked Jesse "You want to go to a fair with me tomorrow after school? "I'm going with my grandparents" he said. "ok" Jesse relied so the next day after school they met to leave. They rode there in the back of his grandparents station wagon. All the way there Corey kept kissing her and touching her. This was all new to Jesse so she let him.

When they got to the fair Corey's Grandmother said. "Corey I need you to go to that building over there and pick up my things I entered in that contest. Ok he replied and took Jesse by the hand and led her to the large brick building.but as they entered he suddenly stopped in the lobby He took ahold of Jesse by the shoulders and started kissing her. hey! there's people here. Jesse protested who cares replied Corey casually and continued making out with her. a couple people looked but no one said a word. Jesse had practically no experience with kissing a guy, so all this was becoming kind of fun to her.

Corey then held her real close in his arms and proceded to teach her how to french kiss. It was another first for Jesse but she wanted to learn so they continued kissing passionatly standing there. Then Corey suddenly stopped and said wanna sit down over here and try? on the floor how? jesse asked. Like this, Corey said and sat on the floor nearby. Now what should I do? asked jesse hesitantly. Come on my lap replied Corey Staring at her with a smile. So she did.Do you like this Corey asked softly as he held her as close in his arms as possible and kissed her. yea I like it. Jesse said just as softly as he had and continued kissing him wrapped in his strong arms right there on the hard floor.

But after about 5 more minutes of it as fun as it was they again had to stop and stand back up. I'm gonna go find a chair said Corey. he walked into the next room. There was an empty chair there and he started to pick it up to take it when an older man sudden yelled angrily, My wife's sweater is on this chair you can't have it!! and you kids better stop that out there too!!

So they decided to go outside for a walk.It was a fairly warm September night Jesse was wearing a short sleeve red Shirt.and tight stretch jeans, Corey Starred and said "you look real good in that shirt" But she was caught off guard when he held her close in his arms and said I love you. they had only been going out about ten days. This is too soon thought Jesse, But she wanted it to be true so much so she went along with it. Jesse kissed him and said I love you too Corey. She was only 14 and had no idea what it was like to be in love. but this felt so right it just had to be.

Soon Corey'sGrandmother came and asked Did you pick up my entries? The line was too long, said Corey. He just didn't want to say they had been too busy making out. They then left and went to Corey's Aunt's house nearby. He took Jesse down to the basement and wanted
to make out again.But this time he wanted to take things farther than before.When He started touching under her shirt that's whenJesse started to pull away but Corey said "It's ok". but she was not ready for this. Then Corey unzipped his pants and put her hand on his penis and said "I want to make love to you." I can't, what if someone comes down and sees us? jesse asked They won't he insisted, but Jesse was not convinced. Just as Corey rezipped his pants his brother did come down. What are you guys doing down here? he asked." with a knowing look. I was Just teaching her to play pool" said Corey. but it was obvious that wasn't true

They then went Back upstairs where his Aunt and Grandmother were. they too asked what the couple had been doing in the basement so long. "We was just playing pool" Corey again insisted but they weren't believing that
either. After that they took Jesse home. Corey walked With Jesse to her Door Kissed her and he gave her his necklace to wear. Jesse quickly went inside and called Cheyenne to tell her what had happened with Corey. As Jesse explained what Corey had wanted to do with her Cheyenne was not impressed.

Corey still called Jesse every night and they would
talk for hours.The Next place Jesse went with Corey and his grandparents was to a nearby hospital to see his dad.They went in and saw him then they left the room so Corey's grandparents could visit with him. They searched until they found an empty waiting room and again started to make out. If there wasn't such a chance they would be caught Jesse would have finally agreed to make love with him right there. Corey was sitting on a chair and Jesse was sitting on his lap facing him with her legs wrapped around him and kissing, and she could feel his hardness pushing up against her. This is how his Grandparents walked in and found them. Jesse quickly got up. They then all left and took her home again.

Corey still kept calling Jesse saying he loved her. But
then a few days later at School he didn't sit at lunch with
her. Jesse saw him sitting with a girl she knew was named Jaime. she walked up to Jesse and said, Corey wants his necklace back so she gave it to her. Now Jesse knew what it was like to date a guy, start to really like him, and then get dumped and hurt by him cause she wouldn't have sex with him. Jesse had just turned fifteen the day before, and she wonderedis that all guys would want from her is sex? Jesse hoped not.

Corey only went out with Jaime a few days. After that every time Jesse would walk past Corey at school he would watch her. Jesse tried to remember why she had liked him so much, and then she remembered his blue eyes the time she had spent in his arms.and he said he loved her. But all Corey did was watch her, he never talked to her.

© Copyright 2008 rain8100 (rain8100 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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