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CHAPTER 3.Girl meets another boy

It was the middle of 9th grade that Jesse met a guy named Dean Watson. He had blue eyes,short light brown hair, she thought he was soo cute. He would talk to her and flirt with her at school. Jesse wasn't really sure if he really  liked her cause he was dating her friend Kate Wilkins. Jesse had started being friends with Kate a couple years  before, She was nice but tended to make up and exaggerate stuff 
sometimes. Kate told Jesse she really liked Dean so Jesse did not try and get with him.

  That summer after 9th grade Jesse and Cheyenne spent most of their time at ShadyVille Lake. It was a place in there small town where a lot of kids they knew hung out. Jesse and Cheyenne had  been best friends since the 5th grade they  were always hanging out and sleeping over at each other's houses. Cheyenne was tall, thin and shy, and never had a boyfriend. She had a  crush on  Bryan woods a popular guy who never noticed her . One afternoon Jesse was at the lake and she saw  Dean there. He stared at Jesse awhile then finally came over and talked to her her. as they were talking he told Jesse he wasn't seeing  Kate anymore.

All the time  after that Jesse would go to the lake, and hope to see Dean there. When she did  he would still look at her and flirt with her as he had before. Jesse really  was starting  to fall for him but wasn't sure if he really liked her very much or was just having fun with her.
  One afternoon Jesse was  sitting at a table at the lake by herself drying  off from swimming when Dean came and sat with her. Jese was surprised, he had never approached her this way alone before, did this mean he really did like her? He began staring at her in her two piece bathing suit and smiled and then  for some reason he started talking  about sex and said to Jesse, you  couldn't handle  me.  Jesse  didn't  want to say  she  had  never done it, so  she  smiled  and  said, yeah  well we'll see.

    Jesse  was  sitting  right downtown shadyville, a few days later when she saw Dean again. He  had someone  with  him. It  was  Corey!  the first guy  to  break  Jesse's heart. Jesse  didn't know  what  she  should  do  when they both came over to her and  started talking to her. Corey said  he  still loved  her  and thought about her then he said I would lay  my heart out right here on the sidewalk for  you. Dean laughed and said  yea and  then I  would  stomp on it. Jesse  was  just  starting  to like Dean ,Why was Corey doing  this now? If he loved her so much why  did he dump her before and break her heart?

  After that Corey started  calling her again he said he was sorry for hurting her and wanted  another chance. Jesse wasn't sure if she should  trust him and she still wished she knew how Dean felt about her. But she did agree to give Corey another chance. maybe it was to make Dean jealous or to see if her and Corey could work out this time, it seemed every time she would want to tell Him no all he had to do was look at her with those blue eyes and she would forget why she should tell him no

  So Jesse agreed to meet  Corey a few days later at the lake. Corey was there and so was Dean. As Jesse walked  past Dean  while holding hands with Corey She saw Dean watch them. Was Dean Jealous? Did he really like Jesse after all?It didn't feel right to her But Jesse still stayed with Corey. They sat and talked and kissed a while at the lake. Then the decided to walk down to the park and sit in the gazebo. Cheyenne was there too. Then Dean walked over to them. He asked Jesse Why are you with Corey? Jesse said cause I thought you was never going to ask me out. I'm not going to sit around waiting for you to make up your mind and make a fool of myself. Do you like me or not Dean? 

  Dean took her by the hand and they away the where Cheyenne and Corey couldn't see them. Then he kissed her and said yes I do like you. This is what Jesse had wanted, to be with Dean. She didn't even think of Corey or what he would think cause he had a chance  and had  hurt her. Dean looked at her in a way no guy had before it made her heart beat faster and said do you want to go somewhere alone and do something? Jesse  said ok. At that moment  she liked Dean so much she would have followed him anywhere and done anything he wanted. 

  He again took her by the hand and started walking away from the park down a path into the woods and as they walked they started talking. Dean said I have liked
you for a while Jesse  but had  been  waiting for the right time. Well why didn't you just say so? you know I like you more than Corey. Jesse replied. Oh so you was hoping to make me jealous then? asked Dean with a sexy smile. Yea something like that said Jesse. Did it work? Well lets find out, Dean replied. Jesse knew what Dean meant as he moved closer and put his arms around her and softly said are you ready? Jesse was scared again, but not the same as with Corey. She was still  only 15 but wanted to find out what the big deal was with sex.

  They started kissing again and took some of their clothes off. Jesse lyed down and Dean lyed  on her, he tried to make love to her but was unable to do it. Jesse had still not told Dean she was a virgin. was that why it wasn't working? Finally he gave up and they stood and put  their clothes back on. Jesse was feeling embarassed and disapointed now. Did he know why it hadn't worked? Would he still like her after this? They walked back to the Gazebo where Corey and Cheyenne were still sitting there. Then Dean walked away.

  Jesse and Cheyenne then decided to go  back to the lake. They had only been there a few minutes when a younger girl Jesse had seen  at the lake a  few times walked up to Jesse and said, Dean and Corey are going to fight over  you at the  basketball court by  the park! Jesse couldn't believe it she hurried over to see. Jesse saw Dean and Corey and a few others standing on the basketball court. she could tell  they were arguing. Jesse didn't know what they were saying  or if she should say or do anything so she just watched to see what would happen.

  Corey was the first one to swing at Dean. They  pushed and hit each other a few more times then Dean managed to push Corey down. Neither had  really hurt each other so after that everyone walked away. Jesse walked back with Cheyenne  to stay the night at her house. Both Corey and Dean were given the number to call her that  night.  When the phone did ring and Cheyenne's dad handed it to Jesse she hoped it would be Dean she said hello and it wasn't Dean, it was Corey!  He
wanted  to know where She had gone with Dean and what they  had  done. Jesse wouldn't tell him anything  but that they had went for a walk and  talked.

  After Jesse hung up the phone Cheyenne also wanted to know what had  happened earlier that day.  Jesse told her. Cheyenne said "Jesse you shouldn't do that." Cheyenne was waiting for marriage to have sex. Jesse didn't want to wait that long. She wondered would she ever meet a  guy who would want her for more than sex and want to marry her? A couple days later Dean finally called her! Jesse was soo excited, this had to mean he still liked her and she had another chance to be with him. He wanted her to meet him the next day at the lake, Dean said he would bring condoms with him and they would try again  but Jesse's mom had to ruin their plans by forcing her to take her 9 year old sister along this made it impossible to do what they had planned.

A few days later Jesse went  on vacation with her family. Soon it was time to start 10th Grade. When she saw Dean at school he didn't talk to her because he was already dating someone else. It hurt Jesse to know she had meant so little to him,  he had lost interest in her and moved on so soon. Jesse knew it had to be about sex. Kate Wilkins told her Dean and his new girlfriend were having sex already.

Soon it was time for the homecoming dance. Jesse wanted to go but with who? no one had asked her. Tina Thomas said she knew a guy that wanted to go with Jesse, but he was too shy to ask. The only thing he did was write her notes. Jared  Walters was a grade ahead of her and seemed nice enough if only he would talk to her. His Dad drove him to pick Jesse up. He still did not talk to Jesse he just smiled at her. They got to the dance early so they had to sit and wait, and Jared did finally talk to her for a few minutes. Then Tina Thomas showed up and there was Dean with his new girlfriend. Jesse wished she were there with Dean instead.

Jesse did dance  with Jared a couple times but then he started hanging out and flirting with someone else.  Jesse was standing by  herself when a guy she recognized named Zane Stevens walked up to her  and asked her to dance. Jesse knew he was a lot older than she was,he had long hair, and he was wearing his  leather Jacket and vest. Zane said you look soo good in that dress, would you want to go out with me? I don't know Jesse replied let me think about it and I'll let you
know at school ok? Just then Jared came back and actually had the nerve to insist
Jesse dance with him. then it was time to leave the dance.

Chapter 4. Girl meets yet another boy!

Jesse saw Zane a couple days later at school and she did agree to go out with him . He waited for Jesse  and they  held hands as he walked her to classes that week.a few days later Zane asked if he could come to her house the next monday cause they had off school, he said he knew were she lived so Jesse said ok .

  When Monday came Zane showed up on his bike wearing a leather jacket again.so Jesse went outside to meet him. They started Talking  & he asked if she would go for a walk with him. They started down the road,and Jesse had a feeling what was gonna be next. Zane stopped &  started kissing her. they then started 
walking into the woods. They went a little ways back then Zane stopped & started kissing her again.
  Zane then asked Jesse if she has ever taken a trip on the wild side & she said  no but she would like to. Jesse was 16 and wanted to finally find out what it was like to be with a guy. So then Zane took off her clothes & they began making love. shortly after,Zane had to go home, so he rode his bike back  home.

  After that day Zane would come over almost everyday after school. zane said he had a brother that lived right down the road. they walked down to his brother Neil's. then  Zane introduced his girlfriend to some of his family. then he took Jesse to the shed in his brother's back yard. there wasn't much in there just a  couch & a bunch of junk.  Zane and Jesse clothes came off they then got onto the couch & had sex again So after that almost every day they would go to the shed & have sex.

  Soon it was December. Zane's brother's dog had puppies & Jesse found one she wanted to have. It was  friendly & all white & was limping on her back left leg. but the dog also had a twin &  Zane & Neil were going to switch the one Jesse wanted with the twin and tell her the one with a limp was fine & the other one died but Jesse knew otherwise. Jesse's mom didn't want her to keep it, but she  insisted on keeping the dog. Zane named the dog bamma. Zane started staying nights with Jesse she would put a blanket on the floor in her room and Bamma would sleep on it.
  The bad thing  was when Jesse & Zane were going to kiss Bamma would get in between them. when they would  try to have sex it was not a good thing with bamma around.Jesse's bra would fly across the  room & the dog would bring it back or if they were in the heat of passion & a cold wet nose would go somewhere it shouldn't. Bamma was supposed to be Jesse's dog but she listened to 
zane. the real good thing about bamma was she would not hurt a  child or cat. Bamma, Zane, and Jesse would lie on Jesse's waterbed in her small bed room.

  One night Jesse  wanted to have sex on the waterbed, but zane was afraid that the waves would make too much  noise.  the bed did start hitting the wall & Jesse's mom & sister did catch them. the next day after school  Jesse came home & found  her bedroom door gone! After that Jesse was forced to go get birth control shots or not be allowed to see zane. She loved him & didn't want to 
lose him. Zane would tell her he loved her & would never want to leave & if they did break up, they should always try to get back together.

  Jesse learned Just about all there was to know about sex and love from Zane. They raised bamma together, went fishing, went for walks & had lots of sex every chance they got.Jesse loved being with Zane. When she was in his arms it felt nothing else in the world existed or mattered. Once they were joking around & Jesse said to zane who do  you  think I am?  He  replied my girlfriend, lover, &  best friend, And that was exactly what Jesse wanted. They spent so much time together and Jesse loved zane so much she never wanted to be without him.

  Then one day they were walking home from zane's brother's house, when suddenly, Zane looked at Jesse and said I want to break up with you. Jesse couldn't believe it! she just stopped right where she was walking and started to cry. but why Zane what did I do wrong? nothing he replied it's me. Jesse continued to cry as they started back inside her parents house. When he saw how upset she really was becoming Zane hugged her and said nevermind it's ok. After this things did get back to normal for a while until the day Zane turned 21. Then everything changed.

  All Zane wanted to do was go out and drink, and of course Jesse at 16 could not go. They had been together 6 months. and now Jesse knew she was going to lose Zane, She knew while he was out he would find older girls he would like better than her. But Zane was her first love and she did not want to give him up ever. Zane and Jesse spent almost all of that next summer together doing the things they had fun doing before, mostly a lot of fishing, playing with bamma, camping and sex. So Jesse decided maybe she would get to keep Zeek with her longer after all.

  When summer was finally over and it was time for another school homecoming dance, Zeek did not want to go with Jesse, He had graduated the last spring. But somehow she convinced him to go. A few days before the dance Jesse and Zane were coming back from the creek behind her house, when they walked inside and saw a guy Jesse recognized as Andrew Richards. Andrews dad was friends with Jesse's dad and uncle. she had seen Andrew and his brother when they were younger but was not sure how old he was now.Jesse had just recently turned 17.

  Andew started talking to Jesse and he seemed like a nice guy. lay on the trampoline and talked awhile. Andrew asked Jesse what she wanted to do with her life, and she told him she wanted to leave the small town she had lived in all her life and see somewhere else. Andrew said he would like to do that too. So Jesse became friends with Andrew, but as they spent more time together he said I want to be your boyfriend, will you break up with that moron Zane and be with me? Jesse then finally asked Andrew how old he was. He was only 15. Andrew also told her he was a virgin, but Jesse had heard otherwise.

  A few days later Jesse was outside talking with andrew while Zeek was inside in her room. Andrew wanted to kiss her. Jesse was curious what it would be like so she did walk into the back yard with him and let him kiss her. Jesse was surprised to find she did feel something when they kissed, but was not sure why she would be falling for this guy when she loved Zane so much. She later told Zane about it and was not surprised when Zane replied, "good well why don't you you go out with him then? how can I do that said Jesse.I still love you.

CHAPTER 5. Loving Zane

The day of the dance Jesse was not sure if Zane was going to show up.
a few hours before it was time to go Andrew come over. He said I hope that
Jerk don't come and I would go with you to the dance. But shortly after that
Zane did get there. Jesse had gotten a red dress and when she let Zane see her
in he did like the way it looked. he even kissed her and Gave her a look he always
had before and Jesse knew what he was thinking he said I want to take that off you
and make love to you. Jesse would have let him but they were in her parents bathroom and Andrew was still outside.

  So after that Zane and Jesse did go to the only nearest place they wouldn't be caught, his brothers shed and made love. While at the dance with Zane, Jesse was surprised to see Cheyenne there,with a guy Jesse recognized from school. Things between Jesse and Zane seemed ok that night. They danced and talked to some friends. But Jesse was confused She had never thought She would like another guy cause she loved Zane so much.  Jesse would find herself wishing she could see Andrew more. He did come over a couple more times to see Jesse but he was always with his Dad and Jesse never got a chance to be alone with Andrew without being watched by their dads.

  One night Jesse and zane were at walmart with her mom, and they saw Andrew there, He started talking to Jesse and seemed happy to see her, Andrew then asked Jesse when is her Birthday cause he wanted to get her a christmas present. by this time Zane had already walked away from them and was on his way to the car. So Jesse told Andrew she has to go. As Jesse was leaving a little while later she passed Andrew and his brother playing a video game. So she stopped and talked with him of course. Then as Jesse was again walking away from Andrew across the walmart parking lot andrew yelled. I LOVE YOU JESSE!! right in front of everyone there and Zane.

    A couple days later Andrew showed up at Jesse's house with a Christmas
present for her. It was a pair of earings. They were Saphire blue the color of Jesse's birthstone. Jesse took them out of the box and put them in. and said thanks to Andrew.Then Andrew Started talking about how his family was going to be having a Christmas party. He wanted Jesse to come to it with him. Jesse said I would like to,but I don't think my mom would let me. So andrew said well ask her and I will call you later. The first thing her mother said when Jesse asked her was what about Zane? Jesse replied well I really like Andrew  and want to go. Then her mother said well I think you should make up with Zane I'm not going to allow you to date

  So when andrew called Jesse had no choice but to tell him she wasn't allowed to see him anymore. The night of the party was Christmas Eve so instead of going with Andrew Jesse called Zane and Convinced him to come and spend Christmas with her. So Jesse and Zane Slept in her water bed that night and made love several times. Then Jesse Cried and told Zane She loved him and was sorry for how she had been with him,never wanting to let him leave.I will try and change Jesse told Zane if you can forgive me and give me another chance.
Zane Kissed her and said Jesse it's ok, I still love you and will be with you.

Jesse really did try to change after that night but she was still soo afraid of losing Zane, but she just tried not to say anything about it as she had before. but Jesse still knew someday she would have to give him up but was still not ready to. They were still together at the end of 11'th grade. It was  June one warm night they set up a tent in Jesse's yard and slept in it and made love.but Jesse could feel something not right in the way he looked at her and kissed her that night. She hoped she was wrong, but in the morning Zane said he had to go, he was leaving this time for good.

  She did not want him to go but could think of no way to change his mind. They had been together one year and 8 months and Jesse had known for a while this day would come, but it still broke her heart to lose Zane. That was the day Jesse decided She would never get that close to or love a guy again it hurt way to much. Jesse spent most of that summer alone or with her family since she was no longer friends with cheyanne. Jesse had gotten so involved with Zane
Cheyenne had decided to end their friendship earlier that year. Jesse knew it was going to take a long time to get over zane, She still thought about him all the time, especially when she would play with bamma it reminded her of all the times with Zane and bamma.


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