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by Jason
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1409072
Poetry anthology
Love of Thee, Lovely

Love, how I love thee, do I have the words?

Like the elements, calling to thy blood:
Rushing waves dashed upon the rocky shore,
Howling stormy winds swirling clouds on high,
Rampant hungry flames raging through the fields,
Pungent fertile loam, rich beneath our soles.

Like the vast heavens, pulling at thy soul:
Brilliant golden sun blazing for all time,
Nine massive planets spinning through the void,
Wild silvered moon a-shining like thine eyes,
Bright dancing stars, our watchers up above.

Love’s Letter

I write, and write, and write, and write to you,
You don’t reply; I feel so sad and blue,
When I’m alone, locked up behind the door,
I wonder – do you love me anymore?

Perhaps, I’ve just got too much time to think,
And can’t distract my mind with drugs or drink,
I think about you every day and night,
In this deep darkness, that’s my only light.

I need your help; there’s something I must ask –
A little thing, love – this is no hard task –
Pick up a pen and tell me how you feel,
Do you still want me?  Honey, what’s the deal?

I want to phone you, long to hear your voice,
But, at this moment, that is not a choice,
Although I’ve asked you time and time again,
What’s your number?  Don’t make me wait in vain.

It’s been four weeks since you last wrote to me,
This hurts me deep inside, love, can’t you see?
So, please, have pity; just for pity’s sake,
If you don’t get in touch, my heart will break.

I love you, darling, and I always will,
Of crime and prison, I have had my fill,
I want to be with you when I get out,
These words are true, of that, there is no doubt.

Are you still where you were?  Have you moved on?
You said you might, I don’t know, have you gone?
Are all my letters getting me nowhere?
I send them to the house; but you’re not there.

Or do you want our wondrous love to end?
To know me still; but only as a friend?
I’m strong, my love, in heart and soul and hand,
Just let me know exactly where I stand.

For, at the moment, I hold on to hope,
But, if that’s gone, you know that I will cope,
It’s when I don’t know, one way or the other,
That makes my whole world grey – devoid of colour.

Have you decided on some body else,
While keeping me in storage on the shelf?
Let me hang, then tell me, in a while,
You’ve found another man to make you smile?

I must admit – I cannot understand,
Why you ignore my letters, out of hand,
Am I unfair?  Has someone lost the mail?
Then let me know – it’s easy – phone this jail.

Call Mike, or Norman, they can let me know,
Pass on a message; that way, you can show,
You’re not just selfish, that you really care,
And, if you’ve moved, at least let me know where.

I feel like I am talking to myself,
Which is not good for my poor mental health,
I don’t expect a visit, way up here,
Just tell me how you feel, make your self clear.

I can’t go on with ambiguity,
I’ll go insane before they set me free,
Or, maybe, exorcise your memory,
Remove you from my heart, if that must be.

Sometimes, I think, you just ignore my words,
They mean as much to you as trilling birds –
Pretty to the ear; no more than that,
Or do you play with me, like mouse and cat?

How can I trust you, when you act this way?
Have faith in you each long and lonely day?
While you ignore me – days add up to weeks,
And still no word – this situation reeks.

It makes me angry, that’s how I react,
You know me well – we’ve been to Hell, and back,
In this place, where I must be calm and still,
I feel I might explode; one day I will.

Is that what you desire, is that your game?
I can’t believe that, love, we are the same,
But you don’t realise, it hurts me so,
When you leave me to guess – I’d rather know.

I’ve said all this before, I’m getting tired,
I’m getting mad; more crazy and more wired,
Is any of this getting through to you?
This isn’t just a threat, these words are true.

There’s no excuse, it’s sick and cruel and low,
When you ignore me, treat me like I’m slow,
I know that it’s not easy, all alone,
It might help if we chatted on the phone.

I’m hoping that, at last, you will take heed,
And read these words, then give me what I need,
A simple honest answer – no or yes,
Instead of leaving me alone to guess.

I understand that you have your own woes,
The ones you trusted turned out to be foes,
Love, don’t you understand?  I’m on your side –
If they’ve hurt you, they’d better run and hide.

They mixed things up – I’m out the fourth of May,
Just over three months, give or take a day,
This Wednesday, I will be up in court,
Then they will bring me back to this resort.

Last Thursday, your friend, Eric, came in here,
And I will have a quiet word in his ear,
But not just yet – he’s locked behind the door,
For shitting like a dog on his cell floor.

And, so, I’ll end this rhyme now, Alaleh,
For I’ve said everything I have to say,
If you don’t answer, it will cause me pain,
But I will NEVER write to you again.

Love’s Lexicon

Love.  I feel affection for you.
Love.  I adore you.
Love.  I worship you.
Love.  I’m devoted to you.
Love.  I care for you.
Love.  I find you irresistible.
Love.  I’m keen on you.
Love.  I’m fond of you.
Love.  I’m partial to you.
Love.  I’ve a weakness for you.
Love.  I’ve a soft spot for you.
Love.  I go for you.
Love.  I fancy you.
Love.  I cherish you.
Love.  I’ve a thing about you.
Love.  I’m attracted to you.
Love.  I esteem respect admire you.
Love.  I want need desire wish to be with you.
Love.  I’m mad about you crazy for you you drive me wildly insane.
Love.  I urge to nurture protect tend support watch over nurse provide for you.
Love.  I feel ardour friendship adulation tenderness fondness
feeling reverence devotion passion veneration towards you.
Love.  You’re my darling dearest beloved sweetheart honey angel sugar pet.
Love.  You’re my Sisyphus Rock Ixion wheel Icarus wing Prometheus brand Oedipus curse Achilles heel wrack ruin and whirlwind all rolled into one.
Love.  I fucking well hate you.

Love’s Lost Lament

Time flies so swift, like a bird on the wing,
One day, we cry, then the next one, we sing,
No one can know what the morrow may bring,
Still, I will be here, love, for anything,
What we both shared was more than a fling,
When you were my Queen and I was your King,
Those days are gone, though I still have your ring,
We remain best friends, despite everything.

We stayed together, through thick and thin,
I can’t cast stones, I was not without sin,
Life’s hardest knocks we both took on the chin,
But things got too much, our world ceased to spin,
Souls in the gutter, our hearts in the bin,
Too much to bear with a shrug and a grin,
We tried our best, but we just couldn’t win,
Each of us hurting too much deep within.

All that is past, now, I know this is true,
Still, every day, I still think about you,
Do you feel happy or lonely or blue?
Is your road straight, or have things gone askew?
I think, since I left, that inside, you grew,
Worked to make of yourself somebody new,
Despite that, no matter what you may do,
I’ll always see that wee girl I once knew.

History passes, a little each day,
So everything changes, blue skies and grey,
It doesn’t matter what others might say,
We’ll always be close, dear friend, come what may,
God listens, I know, sometimes, when I pray,
At night-time, no matter where I might lay,
He hears, and in His mysterious way,
Keeps you from harm and makes sure you’re okay.

Please, heed these words, because, maybe, I’m right,
The whole world is darkness, love is the light,
True love cannot die, it’s just not as bright,
When flames are not fed, by touch, scent or sight,
Then, when you think that all we did was fight,
Understand, please, most things aren’t black or white,
We shared great pain, yet we shared great delight,
Two little children, both lost in the night.

Half of my life, I’ve had you in my head,
I shared your breath, joy, warmth, sorrow and bed,
Love, life and laughter; we wept and we bled,
Sweat, blood and tears, for each other were shed,
We followed the path as far as that led,
Sad, happy years, from the moment we wed,
All I am saying, when all’s done and said,
I’ll dream of our love long after I’m dead.

My love, my life, my dove, my wife: always…


Echoes resound in my heart,
Of the song our two hearts sang,
         Together forever,
Laughing through the stormy weather.

Shadows are teasing me, still,
Weak wisps remembered - how you danced,
         Delightful graceful,
No other thing so wonderful.

Feelings and dreams bring me back,
The shrine, divine, of your arms,
         Rapturous marvellous,
Let the cruel world wash over us.

Time, that fabulous beast, shall not erode,
Love’s essence – divine force much more true.

Love You Forever

Let them drive this distance between us, love,
Our souls are as one, though we’re apart,
Verily, they cannot break us, my dove,
Every day, I feel you, here, in my heart.

You are my true life’s blood, all that I need,
Our love is stronger than chains forged from steel,
Until that day comes when I shall be freed,
Forget about them, love, feel what I feel.

Only one thing truly matters right now,
Remember those times we loved and we laughed,
Even the stars on high could not know how,
Vast worlds cannot grasp love’s mystical craft.

Essentially, all that this small rhyme says:
Rose-red beloved, I’ll love you always.


The fire is lit,
Let it rip,
The fire is burning,
The world is turning.
Tackling a fight every day,                    
Getting higher every day.

My heart is speeding,
Sometimes bleeding,
My mind is unfolding,
Going golden,
All the things I have to say.

My heart is reminiscing,
What has gone missing?
My mind is reaching,
Sometimes regressing,
But still surviving,
And I am alive.

Our bodies dancing,
Souls entwining,
Gentle shelter,
In any weather,
Winter nights storming,
Swimming on the wind.

Dreams peaking in trio,
Symphony in a quartet harmonising,
The Quintus content, flowingly a-floating,
So long; although in time.

Sometimes, time seems so long,
Riding on the waves of time,
Sometimes, it feels so small,
With you in my mind,
Strengthening my heart.

Happiness is not a crime,
It makes you guilty every time,
So long ago, although in time,
Away back at the start,
Opening up the heart,
Dissecting each other’s minds.

Through the pages of each other’s minds,
Searching through our eyes,
Finding emotions, paralysing resistance.

We read each other’s minds,
Slowly, one page at a time,
Each day a new page imagined,
Recalling the old times behind.

Heightened emotions paralysing resistance
In the ticking of time.

The real truths are so simple,
The real truths are so real,
The real truths are created,
By all we knowingly feel.

My Fair True Love

My sweet seductive Angelheart,
You are my life, though we’re apart.

For every soft caress, each kiss,
And holding you close in my arms,
I find my heart all full of bliss,
Rose-red delight, I  your charms.

There is no other thing I need,
Riches cannot make me whole,
Until that day when I am freed,
Each moment, you’re here in my soul.

Loneliness, my love, I will endure,
One thing alone can keep me sane:
Verily, that I’m entirely sure,
Eventually, 2 shall be 1 again.

My Mystery

My rare exquisite gem, my perfect silken rose,
My midnight requiem, my poetry, my prose,
My Angel in disguise, my cloak of many hues,
My sight for aching eyes, my wonderful, my Muse.

My never-fading star, my rainbow way up high,
My every waking hour, my rationale, my why,
My wild tempestuous storm, my calm in velvet night,
My reason for reform, my morning sun, my light.

My softly whispered name, my eloquence and art,
My fierce impassioned flame, my absolute, my heart,
My deepest wistful dream, my sense of self inside,
My whiskers in the cream, my lady-love, my bride.

My ward against the dark, my guide when clay feet stray,
My inspiration’s spark, my consciousness, my way,
My vision when I’m blind, my spirit unto death,
My ties by which I bind, my oxygen, my breath.

My want for nothing more, my serendipity,
My ship upon the shore, my mystery, my me,
My word, all I might say, my everything each day,
My Goddess when I pray, my love, my Alaleh.

My Secret Song

Guess I’ll call this one my secret song,
Locked it inside of me for way too long,
Now that it’s out here, I must close my eyes,
Nothing so sad as a man when he cries.

But I can’t stop the tears from falling,
I can’t hold onto this pain,

Daddy loved me just a little too much,
Body tainted by his jealous touch,
Can’t remember when it wasn’t this way
God, He won’t answer, though I pray and I pray,
It hurts every day,
But it was so long ago,
What can I say, love?
You can’t ever know,
So I have to go,

Years have flown; I’m still feeling the shame,
Yes it’s true; some things don’t ever change,
I have scars, on my skin, deep inside,
God help me, daddy, how I wish you would die.

No, I can’t stop these tears from falling,
I can’t hold onto this pain,

Daddy loved me just a little too much,
Body tainted my his jealous touch,
Can’t remember when it was not this way,
God, He won’t answer, though I pray and pray,
It hurts every day,
But it was so long ago,
What can I say, love?
You can’t ever know,
So I have to go,

I’ve seen him since, on the street, walking free,
Served his time, for his crimes, others and me,
It isn’t right, isn’t fair, just shouldn’t be,
What the hell can I do?
Well, now daddy, we’ll see…

Fuckin’ hate you, wanna kill you,
Maybe then I’ll know peace,
I wanna take you, hurt you, break you down,
Make you feel where I have been.

Yes, I want all these things,
But that just isn’t me,
Want your blood on my hands,
But it just cannot be,
I’ll be damned if I turn into you.

Daddy loved me just a little too much,
Body tainted my his jealous touch,
Can’t remember when it was not this way,
God, He won’t answer, though I pray and pray,
It hurts every day,
But it was so long ago,
What can I say, love?
You can’t ever know,
So I have to go,

So you’ve heard me singing my secret song,
It was locked inside of here for way too long,
Now that I’ve sung it, I’ll just shut these eyes,
Nothing so sad as this man when he cries.

And I just can’t stop these tears from falling,
I won’t hold on to my pain,
No, no, no more,
No, no, no, no, no, no.


Often, I see nothing, blind as the heart,
But sometimes, I make up for that in spades,
See, darling, thou art as a work of art,
Even God’s own rainbow can’t own these shades,
Reaching inside myself for sum of you,
Vainly delving deeper, where lies the soul?
Abruptly realise: I am not whole,
There is no wonderful, this world in blue,
Instead, I muse, love is a simple thing,
One secret: you dress just for you, not me,
Nor other men, who watch, as those hips swing,
Insight shows, only I touch what they see,
Sublime epiphany, you and me: we,
Matter eternally, what will be: be.



Ode to be Sotted

Forgive me, my love,
my impetuousness,
unmanly lack of calm,
the moments, all in black,
when I accurse your name
to parry insecurity’s
ever-mounting sense of shame.

Condone me, darling,
for casual causal cruelties
and capricious causes,
the twistings serpentine,
when I gleefully refrain
from sensitivity:
choosing self-indulgent blame.

Anoint me, mine Angel,
thy liqueous baptisms:
moist kisses, melting tears,
deep musk saltiness
of Earth, yet oceanic,
adrift in loving seas,
wild waves I cannot tame.

Salt of this tired Earth, dear, juicy skin,
sigh out to thee each day: let me in.

One and a Ton Things I Hate about Jail


The dogs.  Day and night, they never fuck up.
Words condescending: son, lad, boy, young pup.
The wind’s haunting howl, lost souls come to mind.
Pounding dance music.  THUMP-THUMP.  All the time.

Rattling cell-keys that mock freedom’s song.
Cruel sirens screeching when something goes wrong.
Heavy doors slamming.  Steel finality.
Sobs in my pillow, for lost dignity.

Seven a.m. bells, incessantly shrill.
The air-vent’s dumb whining, my heart wants to kill.
Football-match chanting; divisions made clear.
Arguments with myself, when none can hear.

Worst of all noises: the silence of night.
The strains of my heart, they just don’t sound right.


Watery custard: skimmed milk out-of-date.
Over-steamed food, it’s the blandness I hate.
Golden Virginia.  I want Marlboro.
Thick phlegm in my throat.  Cough, cough, snark hurrah.

Cheap, pretend-coffee in blue plastic mugs.
Smoke.  Rank and oily, from second-rate drugs.
Nicotine-finger when I chew a nail.
The trapped, stinking air, polluted and stale.

Sharp blood in my mouth: I got in a fight.
Red G.M. apples, sour juice in each bite.
Powdery toothpaste squeezed out like white sap.
Foul, tepid water spurts out of the tap.

But worst of all tastes: my own misery.
Dry dust and ashes.  When will I be free?


Coarse, over-starched sheets on my greying skin.
Weak, wasted muscle, as I get more thin.
Harsh hands search my body.  Where have they been?
Filthy wee fleabites.  This leper’s unclean.

Rough toilet-paper, I bleed when I crap.
Scratchy detergent.  Or have I the clap?
Cold floor each morning, like ice on bare feet.
Backache and piles from my hard plastic seat.

Thin, lumpy mattress on wooden-board bed.
One skinny pillow to nestle my head.
Dull, rasping razors that pluck more than shave.
Hot cell in summer.  In winter, a grave.

The worst thing I touch is nothing at all.
No soft caresses, here, inside the wall.


The high, acrid stench of dirty piss-pots.
Stinking urinals, my guts twist in knots.
My own rotten breath, though I brush each day.
Dead, reeking farts that will not go away.

Sweat’s rank miasma pervades everything.
Industrial bleach makes my nostrils sting.
Sheets smell of semen poured out in despair.
Screws cooking real food is too much to bear.

Sweet, pungent petrol from my source of flame.
Terrible odours of sadness and shame.
Cowshit and slurry-stench borne on the breeze.
Mystery-parcels more ripe than Swiss cheese.

Worst of aromas: my rare salty tears.
How much more prison?  I have endured years.


My pale, sunken face: the sick jail-house tan.
Watching the riot-squad beating a man.
The tormented eyes of others like me.
Looking outside, only greyness to see.

Dumb television to fill our small heads.
Manic-depressives confined to their beds.
Uniformed monkeys whose sneers say, ‘Disdain.’
Those who get pleasure when others feel pain.

Cage’s dimensions: some twelve feet by eight.
Tattoos on bodies parading pure hate.
Spiteful oppression of poor, disturbed souls.
Heroin-addicts, their veins full of holes.

Worse than all these sights, when I look inside.
Something that once might have been good has died.


Knowing that, near me, are sick, evil men.
Are we all animals, locked in this pen?
Tedious boredom makes each day so long.
This is not my home.  Not where I belong.

Too many hours stuck inside my own head.
Having no reason to crawl out of bed.
All this time wasted, what does it achieve?
Every day wishing that I could just leave.

Not trusting others, this life on the edge.
Ask any question, the screws always hedge.
Dark, swirling currents that often erupt.
Knowing the system is deeply corrupt.

Worse than all these thoughts: it wasn’t the crime.
But for being caught, that I’m doing time.


Offended by words misogynistic.
Heads stuck up arses: so unrealistic.
Just one hour a week, to be my true self.
Feeling how this place is ruining my health.

Witnessing others break under the strain.
The same inane routine, again and again.
Trying to hold on to love and to hope.
Lost at sea, drowning.  How long can I cope?

Masking emotion, lest I appear weak.
Does the world judge me as some kind of freak?
Longing to change things, but not quite sure how.
They preach the future.  My hands full of now.

Worse than these feelings: contention’s cruel bone.
My Love, she suffers, not just I, alone.


Above all of these, I hate myself more.
I gave them the keys and helped lock the door.
I’ve had enough:  I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE!


ever onwards,
though we stumble,
though we fall.

ever onwards,
should we tumble,
should we crawl.

ever onwards,
it’s a jumble,
it’s a bawl.

Onwards, ever onwards,
and we think: we’re standin’ tall.

Out of Touch

Time keeps slipping by,
slipping through my fingers.
Five long years and I
know, I have to linger,
far from bluest sky,
sinking, like the sun.

I am lost, away from home,
some stray dog without a bone,
lost and hurting, all alone,
left a message on your phone,
send you letters every day,
guess I’m just too far away,
from home.
For you to touch.
My darling, how I
miss your smile so much.
We’re out of touch.

When I try to cry,
stone cold pride is stronger.
Almost want to die,
can’t take this any longer,
shut my aching eyes,
what have I become?

I am lost, away from home,
some stray dog without a bone,
lost and hurting, all alone,
left a message on your phone,
send you letters every day,
guess I’m just too far away,
from home.
For you to touch.
My darling, how I
miss your smile so much.
We’re out of touch.

Out of sight is out of mind,
what was lost I have to find,
something to help me carry on,
some kind of music for my song.
Sympathetic harmony,
feel it, deep inside of me.
Is there a reason?
Help me understand,
just where it all went wrong.

May be, we can try,
to see beyond the seasons.
Birds just want to fly,
They don’t need no reasons.
You just can’t deny:
I’m your only one.

I am lost, away from home,
some stray dog without a bone,
lost and hurting, all alone,
left a message on your phone,
send you letters every day,
guess I’m just too far away,
from home.
For you to touch.
My darling, how I
miss your smile so much.
We’re out of touch.

I just don’t know anymore,
bruised and broken on the floor,
baby, both our hearts are tore,
still, it’s you that I adore.

Out of sight is out of mind,
what was lost I have to find,
something to help me carry on,
some kind of music for my song.
Sympathetic harmony,
feel it, deep inside of me.
Is there a reason?
Help me understand,
just where it all went wrong.




Every one.



Moronic.  And I smell blood.


Baby, please just hold me,
Let me hold you,
Don’t ask why, I don’t know,
It’s just something I must do,
Right now, and for a little longer.

Darling, close your eyes,
I’m a man.  I can’t let you see me cry,
If you do, I’m afraid, I won’t stop,
Until I’m completely blind,
And I don’t want that,
So, please, just take my hand.

Angel, let me kiss you,
On your cheek, on your neck, on your brow,
But this ain’t some sexual thing,
Yes, I want you, always need you,
For this moment, let me show my love this way.

Honey, let me touch you,
Run my fingers through your hair,
Down your face,
Let them linger on your lips,
Breathe you in, breathing deep,
Tastes so sweet to have you by my side.

Sugar, I’ll just listen,
To your words, softly said,
Nothing else inside my head,
I won’t speak, let your voice,
Lift me higher than I’ve ever, ever been.

My love, always love you,
Never leave you,
This is all that I can do,
Let you know this old heart,
It is yours and will be forever true.


Homosexphobe homicide,
Yearnings that I have to hide,
Not for me the spurting seed,
Disgusted by their furtive need.
Slaughter, my illegal tender,
Blood-anointed, psycho-render,
Cut the pervert, fuck him up,
Over-flowing juicy cup.

Public service serial killer,
Ever-reaping, never tiller.

Hone my art with voyeurism,
Lurk, observing every schism,
Staking prey as fleshly bait,
Smiling silent, hate and wait.

Motivation?  I reveal,
Daddy loved to grip and feel,
Deep inside he had to go,
Cherry-kill, he died so slow.

Daddy’s secret stocking-filler,
Tangled visions make me chiller.

Am I seeking retribution?
With this lethal distribution?
Hack and slice and rip and hew,
Guard the children, pure and true.

I’m weeping, always in demand,
Idol work for busy hand,
Wonder, how long must I kill?
In my poor heart, I always will.

Psycho-dentist, eyeball-driller,
Dark confession blood distiller.

My blade is sharpened for the meat,
And once again, I smell the heat,
One more molester-target looms,
Ragged breath sings hellish dooms.

Self-justified in my own sin,
I know that only heroes win,
No black or white within the game,
Paedophile, I have your name!

Dancing’s ended, no more rhyme,
It’s come and pay the piper time.

the Rapture

His pure sentience knows no sentiments:
Merely orders, spiralling everdown,
Feathersoft, trailing stardust in betwixt,
Moon silvery strands: Archangel commands.

Brazen in fair hands, golden woven banns:
Seven Heaven seals to break, not bludgeon,
Roll and call, trumpeting vibration words,
Split Earth, seas on skies, roiling lows and highs.

Elemental wise, flame leaps out from eyes,
An end to walking sandwich earl of nighs,
Gaia’s offerings: soft fruit, full sighs,
Forlorn eloquence, reborn penitents.

The next trump is done.  Hail!  Setting sun,
Nothing yet is won, rainbows drip-drop run.

Rescue Me, Tenderly

My heart is aflame, burning, love, for you,
But there is no smoke – dark clouds, that is all,
They sometimes blind me to truth; this is true,
Muddle perspective, make great things so small.
I need you to rescue me, tenderly,
From this darkness, love, set my caged heart free.

My soul is afire, blazing, love, for thee,
With fierce, scorching heat – intense, not red; white,
It scares me, sometimes; I think what might be,
Should this wild inferno dance day and night.
I want you to rescue me, tenderly,
Shield me from this raging ferocity.

My mind is alight, searing, love, for us,
It roars, rampages – almost drives me mad,
Incendiary gift of Prometheus,
Sparks and ignites – sad and glad – good and bad.
I have you to rescue me, tenderly,
To soothe, with your love, my insanity.

Always, you can rescue me, tenderly,
My aqua vitae; my sweet destiny.

Sam and the Strong Man

Melancholy Monday morning,
Woke up late and you’re still yawning,
Fix some coffee, have a smoke,
Then Saturday comes flooding back,
That little girl whose heart you broke,
And your heart feels so black.

Run the water, shave your face,
Think about the time and place,
And all the wicked words you said,
Recognise what you did wrong,
Make it run inside your head,
Cause you can fix it, if you’re strong.

Motivate yourself with lust,
Resolve to do just what you must,
Make your way to where she’s at,
Swallow back that manly pride,
Tell her how you’re feeling, that,
Something in your soul has died.

Then you’re knocking on her door,
Open-mouthed, about to pour,
And tell your love how much you care,
Door swings open, heart goes bam,
Another man is standing there,
None other than your best friend, Sam.

So hard, so fast, so far, you run,
But you don’t need no loaded gun,
Find yourself in some dark bar,
And let the liquor wash away,
Every minute, every hour,
Cause you don’t know no other way.

Drink away the heartache,
Drink away the pain,
Drink for naught, but drink’s own sake,
Drink and drink again.

And when the drinking’s over,
When all the money’s done,
Do you still think you’re stronger?
No, man, your heart is done.

Seasons of Love

I love you in the springtime,
When the sun shines in your hair.

I love you in the summer,
When you dance without a care.

I love you in the autumn,
When your heart burns like a flame.

I love you in the winter,
When the cold wind sighs your name.

I love you every season,
I love you all year long,
I love you without reason,
Lovely love, my sweetest song.

Seeing Your Light

Until I met you, I was a dark man,
Until I saw you, I just didn’t care,
Until I loved you, I hid and I ran,
My life was my own, and I could not share,
I’d wandered the world for year after year,
Saw all kinds of people and places, that’s true,
I was lost, though, destiny was unclear,
And then came the miracle: I found you.

I painted myself as blackest night,
You gave me a beautiful rainbow,
Now, I create in colour and light,
I have such pictures to show,
I looked at myself, all I saw was bad,
You let me gaze into your eyes,
I saw my reflection, my soul was glad –
Those mirrors could tell me no lies.

I felt so alone, my heart was stone cold,
You gave me the warmth of your hand,
The ice inside melted, now, with you to hold,
I can finally know and understand.

When I take from you what you offer me,
I am myself giving, for true love comes free.

Seven Wonders

What spell might I weave, to show thee my love,
And touch the warm depths of thy gentle soul?

I could build a ship, tall, and wondrous fair,
Carved from Yggdrasil the World Tree’s white wood,
And harness proud swans in place of a sail,
(Lír’s cursed children, poor daughters and sons),
This craft I would guide, high into night sky,
During the journey, a net I would weave,
Diamond dust, starlight, thine hair’s silken strands,
To snare the bright Moon and boon her to thee.

From Unicorn horn, I might make a brush,
For bristles, hair plucked from fierce Griffyn’s tail,
Then, wrapped in a cloak, the great Golden Fleece,
Climb up to Bifrost, the cold Rainbow Bridge,
And fill seven vials with colourful light,
Spin my canvass from the Fates’ silver thread,
Then, in a dark room lit up by thine eyes,
Paint thee a vision, a magical dream.

From hard Lía Faíl, the Sovereignty Stone,
A grand statue sculpt, like Pygmalion,
My chisel would be the Destiny Spear,
Philosopher’s Stone to rub my work smooth,
The Emerald Heart to beat in the chest,
Thummin and Urim, the Ark-stones, for eyes,
A blind Gorgon’s kiss, to grant breath and life,
Thy slave, this Golem, thine image in stone.

Most potent potion, I might concoct thee,
Sun’s Gold Apples, picked, cored, peeled and squeezed,
One drop of Nectyr, a measure of Meade,
Four inky droplets, the Waters of Lethe,
Odin’s hot wine brewed from Kvasir’s heart’s blood,
My fermenting pot?  The Cauldron of Life,
Titania’s blooms, crushed, sprinkled and stirred,
Then, serve this to thee in Christ’s Holy Grail.

A necklace of light, I could craft for thee,
Smelt down Caliburn, the magical blade,
Prise out the ruby from it’s golden hilt,
Pluck seven bright stars from velvet night sky,
One brilliant diamond from Solomon’s Mines,
Three fabled black pearls from Captain Kidd’s hoard,
The turquoise Dream Stone from Kubla Khan’s crown,
Then place this around thy smooth, graceful neck.

I might compose thee a be-witching tune,
To scribe down the notes, a Phoenix-tail quill,
On parchment torn from the Lost Scroll of Songs,
For this melody, a fine orchestra,
The Pipes of Lord Pan and Uriel’s Harp,
With Rothchild’s Violin and Puck’s Silver Flute,
King Joshua’s Horn, the Lyre of True Tom,
This sweet music played for thine ear alone.

Yea, with all these things, I might show thee love,
But, more precious still, I give thee my heart.

Shades of You

Blue is the colour of the clear spring sky,
And my heart whenever I see you cry,
White is the hue of the clouds up above,
Of feather’s on an Angel’s wings, my love.

Red is the tinge of the blood in the vein,
Which I’d shed for you, without feeling pain,
Green is the tone of the field and the tree,
Where we’ll walk, joining hands, when I am free.

Black are the depths of the dark, lonely night,
Where I find my way by your soft star’s light,
Purple, the colour that you hold most dear,
Dreams of silk kisses, I wish you were near.

Gold glitters bright as the hot, blazing sun,
His dazzle pales against you, my sweet one,
Silver’s the sheen of our sister, the moon,
That gleamed in your hair when we met, last June.

Brown is the shade of your beautiful eyes,
Where I see eternity, never lies,
All of these colours, the rainbow and more,
Fade against you, love, the one I adore.

Silent Scream

This is Münch’s silent scream
A bell around her neck. Unclean!
Secrets that cannot be shared,
All alone and very scared.

Curled up in her bed at night,
Daddy comes to hold her tight,
Stubble rasps upon her back,
Eyes squeezed shut, she dreams of black.

Later, whispers in her ear,
On top of pain, a dose of fear
‘If you tell, I’ll say: you lie!
And then, my pretty, you will die.

It’s only that I love you so,
So this is how I let you know
That this is every Father’s right,
I’ll come, again, tomorrow night.’

When he has gone, the tears can come,
Aches are fading, she feels numb,
One last place for her to hide,
Razor blade and open wide.

They weep as she is lowered down,
The preacher wears a sombre frown,
Why would she damn her soul to hell?
They could not know; she did not tell.

But little sister understands,
She too has known her daddy’s hands.

Silk Road

beneath my fingertips
to trace the road of a life.

Though I might wander sometimes,
this seems to feel just like, destiny.

And these days I have a vision
kind of where I need to be.

Past the torments,
all the things that I hide,
to some heaven with you.

And I know that I won’t listen to those sirens,
steer my course straight and true.

Over the edge, into this:
our eternity.
© Copyright 2008 Jason (jasonthompson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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