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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Experience · #1408942
Excerpt "This Song" PulbishAmerica, B.Dalton, Barnes & Noble, Borders & Waldenbooks
This is an excerpt from "This Song", by : Cathy Davis Gibson ISBN #1-4241-9863-1

Words in ALL CAPS were spoken by the Holy Spirit

"The Angel of the Lord"
    I spent the night on the cold concrete floor of an old abandoned men's restroom at a closed-down Indian Reservation Campground (the ladies' room was locked) in order to share the following testimony with the 1st Baptist CHurch of Hominy, Oklahoma.  The Holy Spirit had WITNESSED TO me to share it with the Baptists.  I got into town late with nowhere to stay.  All of my belongings (which simply consisted of a backpack and sleeping bag) were stolen from me earlier that day.  All I had to cover up with was a small blue handkerchief, but I made it through that hard, cold night, and yes, I obeyed Him and shared this testimony there.
    Afterwards, I headed to the town of Cleveland, Oklahoma.  A Wal-Mart was on the way, so I was able to obtain a new sleeping bag, backpack and a few necessary items.  Later that night, I went camping at my favorite spot... an old concrete highway bridge that points right into the water.  It's my favorite because of the way God speaks to me in many different ways in a place like that.  IT'S WHY YOU LOVE THE GREAT OUTDOORS.  I mean not only His Audible Voice, but through His beautiful artwork--the earthrise for instance (I can't bring myself to call it a sunset because that's not what it is--the sun stays still and the earth revolves around it), birds, the sounds of water, cool breezes, the trees swaying, noises in the brush in answers to questions at just the right moment.  Let me show you what I mean...
    I lay down to sleep, but of course I said my prayers first.  I was praying for all of my oldest friends.  They are from my 1st school, my 1st neighborhood and my 1st church (that I can remember) and that is Texas Avenue Baptist of League City, Texas.  Then I simply fell to sleep.  The Voice of the Holy Spirit woke me and He said in His Audible Voice, "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!"  I woke up and sat straight up and said in mind only to God, "What?  Because of my prayers?"  Then He said in His Audible Voice again, "YOU'RE AN EVANGELIST!"  I said, "Who, me?  At that moment a huge, beautiful flock of extremely large white birds arrived in formation overhead and landed flapping on the water... "Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap"... a huge resounding, "Yes!"  YES, I SAID YES!  I love those times!  YOU BET I SPEAK THAT WAY!  Camping with God!  I took it all in--smiling and then I lay back down--in my sleeping bag--on the hard concrete.  Then He said in His Audible Voice again, "BECAUSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY."  So, now I share it with you.  God treats me very special; He calls me His Darling Daughter and His Virgin Bride.  You He will also!
    I share this testimony with you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.  My name is Cathy Gibson.  The living Word of God dwells in me richly in all wisdom.  I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit.  Not only has the Lord opened my spiritual ears, but my spiritual eyes as well, so I see Angels and I see Visions from the Lord.  Today, I want to tell you about a very special ANgel and a very special Vision.  Not long ago, I lived in Checotah, Oklahoma, where from my kitchen window, God sent to me a messenger from Heaven.  I saw the "Angel of the Lord" just as sure as I see you.  He had extremely long legs; He was pure, white and shiny!  He was looking me right in the eyes and He was smiling at me!  Then, I noticed that He was holding a Book in His Hands.  I thought or asked, "What?  Key of the Kingdom?"  (A Catholic prayer book which thing I love), "Pray?  Read Bible?"  He just kept smiling at me and maintaining eye contact with a knowing look.  You see... I know Jesus is coming soon.  During the past few years the Holy Spirit has told me, "THE KING IS COMING!"  "HERE I COME" and "JESUS IS COMING AGAIN!"  I thought the "Angel" was the one seen in Revelation 10 proclaiming that there should be time no longer.  I'M SMILING AT THE WHOLE BODY OF CHRIST.  I AM NOT THE ANGEL IN REVELATION 10.  I AM THE LORD!  Most recently, He called me the "Prophet of Hope."  He means the Blessed Hope!  In cast there is someone here who does not know what all of this means--it means when Jesus will come in the clouds with His Holy Angels and take His people up to Heaven... the Rapture of His Church!  This reminds me of the special Vision I saw in the sky in the year 2001.  I saw Angels and Saints coming down from the sky.  THEY WERE KINGS AND PRIESTS.  And then I saw Jesus in a fabulous, glorious King's Robe!  He showed me ahead of time just how that's going to be.  YES, YESHUA SHOWED YOU AHEAD OF TIME.  So, if you haven't made the decision--do it today!  Don't Delay!  Please just believe me, believe His other preachers, believe the Holy Bible, believe the Lord!  There is so much undeniable proof that Jesus is coming soon!  Besides, knowing the Lord now on the earth the way I do (the way we do) well, you will never regret it.  THAT'S WHERE THE PEOPLE SAID, "AMEN."  On the day I testified.  YES, ON THAT DAY.  Please come forward during the invitation and accept the fact that Jesus is the Lord!  He's the "boss," so to speak.  Accept Him as your "boss."  PLEASE DON'T CALL ME THE BOSS.  YOU MAKE ME SOUND LIKE AN EMPLOYER.  I AM THE LORD.  (But I had said that on that day.)  Accept Him as your Lord and Savior.  Read the Holy Bible, pray and tell everyone about Him.  He loves you very much and He wants to do so much for you and through you.  Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share this knowledge with you BECAUSE NO PROPHECY IS OF A PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.
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