Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1407326-Die-Rezept-fr-Sex
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1407326
Bill finds the perfect recipe and wants to share it.
"Ha-ha sucker. Your ass is mine!! BOO YA! I win!," Tom yelled out in triumph, squirming around on the floor, as his own car forcefully smashed Georg's against a concrete wall, causing it to erupt into flames, thus ending the game and declaring him the winner. Tom jumped from the flattened pillow he'd been sitting on and preceded his victory dance on foot.

"Ya, ya. Ok, you won! But you won't be so lucky next time, Thomas!" Georg snapped, throwing the sweaty controller down at his feet, standing up clumsily, shaking his leg to awake it from slumber.

Tom stopped moving immediately and tackled Georg onto the floor. Pinning him down, he held a tightly clenched fist above his head. "Call me Thomas, ONE MORE TIME, and you won't live to see 21!!" he growled, his voice coming off more jokingly than serious.

"Tomi, can you quit beating on Georg. I need to see him for a second... er ... maybe two..." Both boys, crumpled on the floor, stared up to see the younger of the Kaulitz twins posed at the doorframe; one hip jutted out, a hand resting on it gently, and the other bracing the wooden frame.

Reluctantly, Tom lowered his fist and slowly released Georg from where he lay crushed against the shag. Georg got up sprightly before he could be launched into the jungle-like carpet once more.

"Don't worry, I'll be here to kick your ass later, Listing," Tom smirked, perching himself on the edge of his bed and grabbing the television remote. Georg chuckled lightly to himself, threw on his sweater and followed Bill out the door, shutting it hard behind him, staying behind to check to see if it had locked –Can't have any fan-girls sneaking in. Though there's no doubt that Tom wouldn't mind.

Bill had already pushed ahead, leaving Georg behind fiddling with the door, but paused in the middle of the hallway noticing Georg wasn't close behind. A smile played on Bill's lips and he gave the appeared-to-be-empty corridor the once-over before heading back to meet Georg, pushing him gently up against the wall, and pinning him in place with his knee.

Swooping in on a now beaming Georg, Bill pressed firmly against his band-mate, suckling and licking at the crease of Georg's juicy lips. Pulling back, he looked nervously both ways once more, before turning back to Georg, breathing heavily.

"I've got something for you," Bill clutched Georg's hand pulling him from the wall, and led him further down to where the door to his room was located. Letting his grip loosen momentarily on the bassists hand, Bill slipped a hand into his tightened jeans and pulled out his key-card, wasting no time slipping it through the slot.

The light turned neon-green, signaling entrance was now enabled. Georg was pulled through the small space at lightning speed, and the door closed tightly afterwards. Despite Bill's neat public appearance – behind closed doors – the atmosphere was as far as you could get from systematic.

Clothing cluttered chairs and tables, spread out to the fullest on every inch, mainly so Bill could see just how they looked before he made his final decisive move. Accessories of all shapes, sizes, and colours filled a variety of differently sized boxes, in the cramped sitting area of the tiny hotel room.

Bill gestured towards the far end of the room; to the only thing remaining clean, and uncluttered: The bed. Without another word Georg flew over to the bed, launching himself into the soft sheets, eager to find out what Bill had in store for him tonight.

Scurrying around the room, snatching up sweaters here, and setting them down there, and picking up boxes there and relocated them here, Georg watched quietly as Bill scanned the room –Seemed like he was looking for something.

"Need any help?" asked Georg, about to get up.

"No!" Bill pressed his palm to Georg's chest, pushing him back down to comfort. "I'll find it.... Ahh! There," Bill transported himself to a small white cupboard in the corner of the room; Smaller than the average bookshelf, but bigger than the mini-bar. Back towards the bed, Bill pulled something out and closed the door again.

"Close your eyes," Georg obeyed, immediately shutting his peepers tightly. He felt the bed shift beside him as it ajusted to Bill's weight. "Hold our your hands... No no no, like this ... no .. Cup them together," Bill instructed Georg until he held the correct position, his palms upright, fingers twitching. He felt something being lowered over his fingers and his heart jumped in excitement and anticipation.

"Alright, you can open them," There, lying in the bassists hands was a book. Georg was never much of a reader, but coming from Bill, it had to be something important.

"Oh .. uhm .. it's ... it's a book, Bill," answered Georg, a little less than enthusiastically.

Bill's smile brightened. He hadn't looked close enough. "Aww baby, You don't like it??" Bill sniffled, putting on a fake pout and pulling the puppy-dog look out of early retirement.

"Uh no, Bill .. I mean yes, no I like it. but I ... Yes, yea I like it. T-thank you," stuttered Georg. This wasn't exactly what he expected for their 1 year anniversary, but anything from Bill was better than nothing at all. Everything from Bill was special.

"Read the title, G," giggled Bill, dropping his saddened act. Georg looked confused, but looked down all the same and re-scanned the hardcover book. The edges were torn, charred slightly along the spine as if temporarily set on fire. In bold, italic lettering read 'Das Rezept für Sex'. Wide-eyed Georg stared back up, into the eyes of his lover who hovered over his shoulder.

"Borrowed it from Gustav," Bill grinned, "He had a bit of an accident with it the last time. The whole candle thing obviously didn't work for him," Bill grinned, pointing out the charcoal spine.

"Wanna' ..." Bill cleared his throat and leaned in closer, resting his hand on the worn cover, "... try it out?" Georg raised his eyebrows and smiled, quickly turning a bright red as Bill glared downwards at the sudden intrusion he tried desperately to hide, brushing against the singers thigh. "I'll take that as a 'Yes'"

Bill snatched the book in both hands, bringing himself to a seated position on Georg's lap. Opening the book, he began to rifle through the crispen pages. The vocalists tongue peeked through his lips in concentration as he looked for the right one.

"We're just going to skip right to the good stuff,"

Georg grinned and sat back to let the master work. The younger of the twins, straddling his middle, pushed him to the bed and began to rock back and forth, up and down, on his crotch gently; applying just the right amount of weight, humping the bassist, sending jolts throughout his body. A sudden moan escaped Georg's lips as Bill proceeded propelling his hips.

Unanticipatedly, Bill stopped and got off the bed, without saying a word to his lover and headed towards the bathroom. Georg pulled up from where he rested flat on his back and held himself up on his elbows.

"Bill? What are you doing?"

Bill poked his head out of the bathroom door moments later, a grin plastered on his face, and then came bounding back to where his band-mate waited on the cotton bedding. He held out a small plastic bottle, held shut tightly with a brown cork. The liquid inside swirled and bubbled happily; blue liquid splashing against the sides as Bill set it on the bedside table. Georg watched as it temporarily stained the container a faint blue before slipping down the confined sides into the pool at the base.

"...Do you mind?" Bill positioned himself back overtop of the adrenaline pumped man he'd been friends with since first grade, and held his fingers over the button of his jeans --Either waiting for the okay, or waiting to be aided. Georg lifted his fingers and brushed Bill's from the connector keeping him from his prize. With calloused digits, he swiftly pushed the button through the slit; pulling down the zipper with his other hand.

Thrusting two fingers through the opening Georg rubbed his hand down the Bill's clothed length; an aroused moan hitting his ears from the singer over top of him, from just even the slightest touch.

Bill glanced over at the book, laying open on the bed next to them. "Step One: Remove all clothing," he read word for word, squinting slightly to read the fine print.

"Bill, I don't need a book to tell me when to do that," exclaimed Georg, pushing the tight tee up Bill's chest, revealing his tight, flat stomach, then instructing the singer to raise his arms. Pulling the shirt over Bill's head he tossed it to the ground.

Bill leaned backwards slightly, rubbing his ass against Georg's prominent erection, jutting through his jeans. Lifting his legs slightly in the hair the two set to work on Bill's jeans; yanking them down his thin frame until they too accompanied the shirt in a pile on the carpet. Georg got to work on his own clothes, tearing them from his body.

Soon the friends both lay naked over the slightly dampened sheets. Nothing major had happened, but what had was enough to make both men wet. The sweat beaded up and rolled down Bill's back as Georg rolled over to top him, suspending himself on his arms.

"My turn ..." Georg turned the page with trembling hands, half of him wanting to abandon the book entirely and just screw Bill senseless, but the other, curious as to what the book would tell him next. "Preparation!"

Bill smiled and gently nudged Georg over, pulling his legs up over his chest, presenting his rear to the man that now sat at the foot of the bed. Georg reached for the plastic bottle, forgotten on the table. Leaning down he licked a trail up Bill's crease, providing his own lubrication.

Lifting up again he uncorked the bottle and dipped a finger into the cloudy liquid. Bill grabbed the book and held it up for Georg to see.

"Fuck the book Bill. My recipes' from scratch," Georg plunged his finger into Bills opening, stretching it slightly bigger than its original size.

"Ooohhh ohhh baby ohhh ...." Bill groaned, clenching his toes. Georg chuckled and continued to swirl his finger around in the vocalists body, rubbing the interior with the pad of his index finger. "Ohh fuck yea ...."

Georg laced his fingers into Bills as he worked, pushing his digit deeper and deeper teasingly. He pulled out momentarily to prep two fingers this time. About to uncork the bottle once more, but Bill stopped him, grabbing his wrist.

"Just do it. I need you inside me before I explode. Inside me now. Please," Bill's voice hitched in his throat, and Georg's eyes darted to his other hand which was furiously pumping his slick cock. Desperate to reach climax.

"Are you su--"

"Yes I'm fucking sure!!!! NOW GEORG!" Bill bellowed.

Bill's take charge attitude was normal in front of the press, but in bed it was even more of a turn on. Georg spread Bills legs apart as far as he could without hurting him and positioned himself closer to the singer on the bed. Bill fisted furiously, waiting for the bassists intrusive entrance.

"Georg just ... OH MY ... OHHH GODDD! Ohhhh ," Bill moaned loudly as Georg, without warning, thrust his dick deep into Bills ass. Pain spread through his rear but Bill ignored it, holding strong for the pleasure he was to feel after. It wasn't long before Georg thrusting motion had Bill rambling gibberish and flailing around on the sheets.

"Oh god, oh fuck .... I'm.. I'm," Bill's cock emptied out its heated contents onto his hand, spilling all down his fingers. Georg followed soon after, shooting his seed into his lovers small body. Pulling out harshly, he collapsed next to Bill panting heavily. Bill heaved, causing his whole body to shake.

"Try again tommorow?" suggested Bill, as Georg pulled the sheets up over the two of them, cloaking their nude forms and the messy sheets. Bill nodded.

"But this time ...." Bill brushed a strand of sweat-soaked hair from Georg's face, "You bottom!"
© Copyright 2008 HarrahTia (harahhtia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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