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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1406874
A little peek in a family life filled with love......

No answer.....


Still no answer.

"There you are, Enya. Why weren't you answering?" asked the young girl who was babysitting Enya, her 4yr old neighbor.

"Because," answered the little girl, not looking away from her picture book.

"That is not an answer. Why didn't you answer me? I started getting worried when you didn't answer me." asked Kimmy, the babysitter.

"I don't like it when you call me Enya. That's why." Enya replied defiantly. "My name is Princess, the name mommy and daddy call me!"

Kimmy shook her head in disbelief and stared at the little girl sprawled on the bed, book in hand. Ever since she was a baby, Enya's parents had called her Princess and now she refused tp respond to her real name. It had been quite a mess when she didn't respond to her teacher at first when she started school. In the end, she conceded to allow only her teacher and school friends to call her Enya.

"Alright then. So come on now, Princess. Time for your milk and biscuits. Your mommy will be here soon."

Enya hopped off the bed and took Kimmy's hand. Kimmy was her favorite babysitter. She always took time to play with her and was always gentle. Some of her other babysitters were either strict or boring.

"Kimmy why can't you babysit me tomorrow? I don't want Miss Flowers to come. She doesn't let me watch TV at all. She says TV is for her to watch." Enya complained while following the 16yr old downstairs towards the kitchen. Kimmy chuckled on hearing the usual complaints about Miss Flowers. That woman was strict, everyone knew that.

"I've got important stuffs to do tomorrow Princess. I'll come another day alright?"

Enya pouted but nodded in acceptance knowing it would be of no help to argue.

She took her seat at the kitchen table and watched Kimmy bustle around the kitchen, taking out her biscuits and milk. As she handed them to Enya, the front door opened and Enya bolted from her chair and launched herself at the person who came through the door.

Allison opened the door of her house, grateful that another week at work was done with. Now awaiting her was a nice, wonderful and relaxing weekend with her husband and her daughter. She dropped her bag on the table at the entrance and barely had time to drop her keys next to her bag when a mop of black hair launched itself at her nearly causing her to lose balance.

Instead of shrieking in surprise or trying to free herself, she took a step backwards to prevent herself from falling, wrapped her arms around the little bundle of joy and closed her eyes in contentment, savoring the instant.

"Hello my little Princess. Had a good day at school?" Allison asked while planting a kiss on the child's forehead. Enya nodded energetically and started narrating her day to her mother. As soon as she reached her biscuits though, all thoughts of school were driven out of her mind as she took a biscuit and stuffed it in her mouth.

Allison smiled and turned to Kimberley, or Kimmy as everyone called her.
"Had a good day Kimmy?"

Kimmy nodded smilingly. "School was alright. I had training for nearly the whole day."

"Oh yeah, the finals is tomorrow right. I wish you luck." Allison said with a smile.

"Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get." Kimmy replied with a small worried frown.

"Aww come on Kimmy. You are good at volleyball. You are really good at it. I saw you play the other day." Allison said reassuringly. "You will be just fine ok. Don't worry."

"Thanks Mrs Clayton." Kimmy replied shyly.

"Anytime Kimmy." Allison said.

Kimmy looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was time for her to leave.

"I gotta go Mrs Clayton or I'll be late for practice."

"Alright Kimmy. Thanks for fetching Enya and keeping an eye on her for me. And good luck for tomorrow."

"Thank you Mrs Clayton. Goodbye." said Kimmy while grabbing her bag and keys from the kitchen table. "Bye Princess."

"Bye bye Kimmy." Enya replied, her mouth full of mashed biscuits. As she reached the entrance door, Kimmy smiled on hearing Allison lightly scold Enya for talking while eating. On opening the door, she found herself in front of a young looking man, with black hair and brown eyes and looks which made some of the neighboring girls dream.

"Oh hello Mr Clayton." Kimmy said with a smile.

"Hello Kimmy," Mr Clayton replied with a smile. "You are in a rush!"

"Well yes, I need to get to my practice session."

"Oh yeah the finals is tomorrow. Well good luck for tomorrow."

"Thank you Mr Clayton. Goodbye." said Kimmy with a smile before rushing outside.

Matthew Clayton smiled and stepped inside his house. On entering the kitchen, he saw his wife bustling around in the kitchen, preparing juice for them to drink and there was his daughter eying the glass of milk with apprehension.

"I know someone who still doesn't like milk," he said with a chuckle. Enya looked up from the hated milk and shrieked in delight on seeing her father. She hooked herself around his neck and kissed him while squealing "Daddy's home"all over again.

"I love you too, Princess. Now how about I give mommy a hug?"

" Ok daddy." Enya agreed and let go of her father to sit back in her chair.

Allison walked into the embrace of her husband. She was finally allowed to relax. After a while, she let go of him and handed him a glass of juice. He took it and sat next to his daughter. Allison took hers and sat on the other side of Enya. After some coaxing, Enya gulped down her milk and hopped off to the TV room.

Allison went upstairs while Matthew went to lock the front door to prevent Enya from wandering outside alone. She was very adventurous as a child and kept them on their toes constantly.

He went upstairs and found his wife, sitting on the edge of their bed, looking for something in her file organizer.

"What's up sweetie?"

"Oh Matt. Did you lock the front door?" Allison asked, not looking up from her file organizer.

"Yeah I locked it. So, what are you looking for with such fervor?" Matt asked again.

"I'm looking for a letter I got during the day. I didn't get the time to read it in work. But I don't know where I've kept it." she replied with a tinge of exasperation in her voice.

"Maybe you kept it in your handbag." Matt supplied helpfully.

"Maybe." Allison said, thoughtfully. " You are right. I'll go and check."

As she got up from the bed and headed for the door, Matt caught her by the waist and pulled her into his arms.

"You can check it out later. Right now, I'm looking forward to some quality time with my beloved. I'm wishing that said beloved will agree with me. Am I right in wishing this?

Allison turned in her husband's embrace to face him. " I think that you may be right," she replied with a smile, the letter forgotten.

Matthew smiled and lowered his lips to hers and started kissing her gently. After a while, he became more passionate and slowly guided her to the bed. As they fell on the bed, he reached for her blouse to unbutton it. Immediately, Allison's hand flew to his and stopped his progress.

"Not now honey. Enya is downstairs."

"She's watching TV honey. Come on. I want you!"

"No Matt. I need to cook dinner too. Later on maybe."

"Let's eat out today."

"Matt, you do know that it is not possible as we are eating out tomorrow. We cannot eat out two days. Besides Enya went to school today and she needs to do her homework. If we go out, we'll return late as usual. Then she won't do her homework..."

Matt held his hands up to show he's accepting defeat.

"Ok ok ok, I get the point, we are not eating out tonight. I'll help you with the dinner like I always do and we can have something simple. Like noodles! What do you think?"

"Noodles are hardly fit for a growing girl like Enya, Matt!"

Matt looked at her with his trademark puppy eyes which always softened Allison and made her waver in her decisions. "Please Allie....I want you.." he said in a whiny voice.

At that, Allison started laughing hard. "Puppy eyes is not working with me tonight Matthew. So you better quit before I pass out from laughing too much. Using this look while wearing your work clothes is too hilarious a scene."

Matthew feigned being affronted and mock glared at Allison. On seeing that, Allison decided to play along. She did an effort and stopped laughing.

"Oh my...you are angry. I shouldn't have laughed at puppy eyes. Please oh great husband of mine, tell me what can I do to be forgiven?"

Matt rubbed his chin with his pointer finger and feigned thinking. After a while he replied, " Hmm...I think you will have to kiss me if you wish to be forgiven."

Allison lifted her head from the bed, where they still were with Matt on top of her, and kissed him on the lips. Matt took advantage of it and returned the kiss. After a while, his hand started roaming around Allison's blouse again. Allison broke the kiss, to protest but Matt didn't give her any time and started kissing her on the neck.

Knowing that if she let him do, they will end up staying in the room for a long time. Deciding to take matters in hand, she started tickling him. Matt jumped a foot in the air as he was extremely ticklish. He looked at her reproachfully.

"That's not fair!"

Allison laughed and replied. "I had to free myself from you. All is fair in love sweetheart!"

"I'll get you for this," said Matt as he lunged for her hand. Allison got up just in time, threw pillows at him and ran out of the room, with Matt hot on her heels, fighting with a pillow case.

"You can't get very far Allie." Matt yelled after Allison when he got rid of the offending pillowcase.

Allison just laughed in response. Matt followed her till the living room. She stopped by one of the sofas and looked at him with mischief in her eyes.

Matt stopped on the other side of the sofa, eyes filled with an equal mischief. He tried to grab her but she avoided his grasp. Both started circling the sofa, like a predator and it's prey.

At some point, they could hear Enya's laughter as she enjoyed herself in front of the TV.

"Matt, we better stop this. Enya is nearby."

Matt grinned mischievously. "I'm not stopping...not until I have you in my arms."

"Then you are in this for a long time because you are not catching me. Think about it, love." Allison said, grinning.

"It's all thought out. I'm getting you by any means possible. It's you who should forget about it and surrender to me." Matt replied teasingly.

"Oh no Matthew Clayton....you are no match for me."

At that, she bolted from the living room and rushed upstairs, with Matt hot on her heels. Several times, Matt nearly grabbed her but she managed to escape with squeals of delight. Finally, she reached their room and ran for the bathroom and locked herself inside. Matt slowed down to avoid hitting the door. He knocked on the door, slightly out of breath and tried to persuade Allison to come out.

"Please baby. Come out. Please honey. Just open that door ok." he said pleadingly.

Allison giggled inside, and replied, "Oh no. As soon as I open the door, you will try to have your way with me again. I won't open the door."

Matt tried a few times more and then gave up. "Fine then Allie," he grumbled. "If you don't want to have fun, fine. I'm going. I just wanted you and me to have some moments of pleasure."

"Later tonight honey. I promise." Allison replies, still giggling.

"I'll hold you onto that promise Allie." Matt threatened.

Allie just smiled and heard Matt go away from their room, surely to go read the newspaper. She smiled at herself and marveled at her luck of having such a wonderful husband. Slowly, she set the tub to fill up and put in some bath salts before removing her clothes to soak a bit in the hot water.

Half an hour later, Allison was in the living room checking out the main titles while Matt was having a quick shower. Finding nothing that interesting in the newspaper, Allison left it on the table and went to the TV room.
There Enya was absorbed in her cartoon and didn't notice her mother's presence at all. Allison took the remote control and lowered the volume and reminded Enya that in a few minutes, she should go and have her shower. Satisfied when Enya agreed without complaining, Allison strode back to the kitchen to start on the dinner.

A few minutes later, Matt strode into the kitchen. He kissed his wife lightly and started preparing a salad for dinner while Allison was busy with the main course. They chatted lightly and joked around, all the while checking on Enya regularly.


"Enya, wash your hands before going."

The little girl sauntered back into the kitchen, washed her hands and rushed back to her room, spraying water everywhere. Dinner had been a joyful affair as little Enya was excited about eating out the following day...

"Sure she's excited huh." Matt remarked, while washing the dishes and giving them to Allison for her to wipe them dry.

"Yeah, she sure is," Allison said, grinning. "She's a kid after all."

"Come on, lets go to the living room. We'll be able to have some time for ourselves, before reverting back to parent mode." Matt said, washing his hands and grabbing Allison and dragging her to the living room.

They sat down on the couch, Allison snuggling next to Matt.
"So tell me. How was your day?," Matt asked, while rubbing Allison's back.

"It was ok. Lots of paperwork as always."
Matt was about to say something, when they heard someone knock on the door.

"I'll get it. You stay here and relax." Matt said and went to attend to the visitor.

Allison smiled at Matt's thoughtful considerations for her and relaxed as she was told to. Slowly, her mind drifted away from the present and she closed her eyes. Several memories came back to her, when she tried to remember when was the last time, she had stayed like that, alone in a room, only with her memories as companions....

Matt strode back to the living room, with a small smile. His smile faded when he saw Allison on the couch, her eyes full of unshed tears.

"Honey, what happened? Is everything alright?"

Allison head snapped up as if she was in a trance. "Oh Matt, its you. Who was it at the door?"

"No tell me first what happened to you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. Don't you worry."

"Allison, stop telling me not to worry. I'll always worry about you and Enya. You two are my life and thats it."

He sat down next to Allison and pulled her in his arms. She closed her eyes and allowed her head to rest on his shoulder, where she felt safe.

"Ok, now tell me. What happened? You were close to tears when I came in. Is anything wrong?"

"It's nothing really. I was just being stupid."

"Allie, please tell me. I don't like it when you are sad. Tell me what happened love. Please."

At this, Allison started crying. Matt, shocked at first, started rocking her and cooing soothing words in her ears and waited for her to calm down.

"I am so sorry Matt. It's just I miss my parents. We had so many hardships in life and now, when they refuse to talk to me, it becomes hard. I was their little girl just like Enya's mine. Just because I married you, they severed a relationship which is several decades old. Why? Why can't they see that we are made for each other?"

Matt suppressed a sigh and held her closer to his chest. This was dangerous as topic.

Her parents.

Her parents never agreed to their relationship and when Allison and him got married, they severed any link they had with her. Matt knew that this caused her a lot of pain and he felt angry at her parents for doing this to their daughter.

"Allie, honey, you know how they are. They have always wanted you to live by their rules and their ideals. You had no life of your own and you were feeling suffocated there. They are not ready to accept us as a couple and we tried several times to talk to them. The last time we tried, I had to stop myself from hitting your dad because he had slapped you. What will happen next time?"

"I don't know Matt. I just miss them. I miss them so much. Even though they were authoritative, they were loving parents. I miss them so much," Allie said, sobs mixed with her words.

Matt suppressed another sigh and started to stroke her hair.

"Alright honey. How about we call them? Let's see if they have changed decisions. If it seems fine, then we can visit them next weekend. What do you think?"

Allison looked up at him, tears still running liberally down her face.

"Will you do that Matt?"

"I will do anything I can for you to be happy honey. How about we call them now?"

Allison nodded. Matt went to fetch the cordless phone from the kitchen and handed it to her. As she dialed the number, Matt settled down next to her and waited. As it started to ring, Allie switched on the speaker. A few rings later, Allison's mother picked up the phone.


"Hello Mum...It's me...Allie."


"Ye...Yes..it's me mum. How... how are you?"

"I....I'm...I'm fine. And...and how about you?"

"I am fine mum."

"Oh...alright...And what about.... your husband?"

"Matt is fine mum. Enya is fine too."

"Good...that's good...all of you are doing well then?"

"Yes mum....we are doing just fine. How about dad?"

"Your father is ok....Does your daughter go to school now? I don't remember her age."

"She is four mum and yes, she does go to school. She loves it in fact."

"Yes...good...You used to love school too..."

"Yeah...I loved having friends."

For quite a while, they heard nothing from Allie's mother and Matt nearly thought that there was a problem with their speaker. Then, as he was about to reach for the phone to check it out, they both heard an unmistakable sob from Allie's mother. Matt's hand froze and he looked at Allie, who was staring at the phone in shock.


No answer...

"Mum are you okay?"

At that the sobs intensified...

"Oh Allie my baby...I miss you so much."

Allie started crying as she replied.

"I miss you too mum. I miss you and dad so much."

"My darling how did all this happen?...This doesn't matter now. I just want to see you and hug you like before...."

Matt stood up, kissed Allie slightly on her forehead and left her to talk to her mother in private. Maybe there was hope after all. Maybe they will change their decision and start talking with their daughter. He smiled. That was great news as he knew how much Allison loved them and missed them.


A couple of hours later, Allison found Matt in Enya's room. Their little princess was asleep, cuddled close to her father who had a storybook in his hands. Allison smiled at the scene. Matt was really a wonderful father and an amazing husband. She was glad at having stood up against her parents and got married to him. She would have regretted it all her life otherwise. No matter what her parents may have said about him before, Matt was someone wonderful and she felt lucky to have someone like him as husband.

Matt heard a noise and looked up to find his wife standing at the door, looking at him and their daughter with a smile.

"She's asleep," Allison stated.

"Yeas...tonight she wanted Cinderella. Your daughter puzzles me sometimes. One day it's a story full of pirates and the next is a story of princesses and princes," Matt responded.

Allison chuckled, watching as Matt tucked their little princess in.

"If I remember well, she's your daughter too," she replied when Matt finished tucking Enya.

Matt stepped forward and took her in his embrace. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest.

"Yes, she's my daughter and I will ever be grateful to you for giving me this wonderful gift. Enya is the best thing in our lives and she is here thanks to you. I love you Allie."

"I love you too Matt. I love you a lot even though I don't say it often."

"Let's go to bed too. We had a tiring day."

"You are right. I'll just go check that letter in my bag before I forget."

"No leave it. Look, I'll go downstairs to switch off the lights and I will bring your bag in our room. You go and get changed and try to relax. Alright baby?"

"Ok Matt. Don't be too long."

Promising that he won't be long, Matt pecked her lips and went downstairs and Allison headed to their room.

Once in the room, she took out her nightgown and went to the bathroom to change her clothes and get ready for bed. As she strode back in the room, Matt was coming in.

"Here there's your bag. I'll go get changed ok."

Allison just nodded in response and sat on the edge of the bed to search her bag for that letter.

As he came back in the room, Matt saw Allison sitting on the bed, tears running along her face, with a paper in her hand, probably the letter she had been looking for. Instantly worried, he sat down next to her.

"Hon, whats is going on? Why are you crying?"

He got no answer from her.

"Allie, tell me what is going on? What is written in that letter?"

Allison looked at him with a faint smile while still crying and handed him the letter. Matthew took the letter from her and stood up to read, proving how worried he was.
As he read on, his worried expression morphed into one of utter bewilderment.

He turned to look at Allison who was still sitting on the bed, watching him.

"Allie, is this true?"

She only nodded, not quite trusting herself to say anything for the time being.

"I mean, there cannot be a mistake right. Is this really true Allie?"

This time Allie nodded more vigorously and burst in laughter. She held her hands out to Matt and the latter pulled her to her feet and hugged her. Then he lifted her and started twirling her around in delight. Allie continued to laugh and enjoyed the moment.

After a few seconds, Matt put her down and kissed her on the lips. When they broke apart, he rested his forehead on Allison's and stared at her in the eyes, still unsure of the news.

"Am I really going to be a father Allie?"

"Yes you are Matt."


"Hmmm....again. Are you happy?"

"Happy? Happy doesn't even start to describe my feelings right now."

"I love you Matt."

"I love you too, Allison. I love you a lot. Thank you for everything. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for giving me a little gem like Enya. Thank you for the little bundle of joy you are giving me again. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and that's one thing I know I will never regret. That thing is my decision to keep you with me for life and even beyond. I love Allison Clayton."

Allison sighed in pleasure and tilted her head inviting Matt to kiss her again. Which Matt did happily. He led her to the bed and started undressing her. He made passionate love to her to celebrate the news. Allison gave herself completely to him like on their first time, leaving all her worries behind.

A few hours later, Matt was gazing at his sleeping wife, cuddled in his arms. According to him, she looked really peaceful when she is asleep. Just like an angel.

'....My angel....", he thought tenderly.

He tightened his hold on her, kissed her on the forehead before allowing sleep to claim his consciousness.

......THE END.....

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