Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1405934-House-Loyal-Short-Story
by Sarge
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1405934
This is a short story with action and magic.
Bastion's Trial
Today Bastion sat by his dead father’s bedside not knowing what to feel. His father had always been strong and fearless, nothing like the shriveled old corpse that lie on the bed before him. The windows were open to let in the cool air and a chilling breeze blew in. Bastion pulled his red army regulation cloak tighter across his shoulders and put his hand on his sword, as he liked to do often when needing reassurance. He looked hard one last time at his dead father before getting up from the hard chair where he was sitting. He turned to leave and took a step back surprised to find his mother there frowning at him.
“What?” He asked thinking he sounded childish, even to himself.
“He did love you.” She said crossing her arms, “In the only way he knew how.”
“Well he sure had a funny way of showing it.” He wished he had not said anything when he saw the thunderclouds forming on his mother’s usually happy face.
“Your father was a soldier all his life. He sacrificed much so all of us may live a safer life.”
“Okay, mother. I did not mean to upset you.”
“But you did, Bastion.” She said anger still clouding her face. “Your father will be paid his proper respect. If not from his king he served for so long, then surely from his only son.” Bastion felt younger still as shame washed over him. Here his father lay in death. His father who had served the empire loyally and died forgotten in a room with only a small fire to keep him warm as death's grip pulled him to her cold embrace. The once greatest soldier of all of the Tiernen Empire will likely be buried in a pauper’s grave forgotten except in the corners of some dark and dingy ale house where a bard may sing his sad tale.
“I know he loved us both, mother.” He lied for at least his mothers’ sake. He saw his tall northern mother’s blue gray eyes become calm again. He could not help thinking that even his father’s temper, as bad as it was; he too never got past those icy eyes. Bastion smiled at her. She cocked her head as if to say ‘what is it’.
“I love you, mother.”
“I love you too, son.” She said smiling now and kissing his cheek. They both looked at each other, the only other members of their small family. “How are things as a foot soldier, Basty?” His mother asked sounding sad. She did not want a soldier’s life for him. But how could she convince the son of the greatest soldier who ever lived to not become a soldier himself? Bastion had always put a positive spin on things at the barracks to convince her he made the right decision. Though he was sure, she saw straight through his façade.
“Everything is going well in the king’s armies, mother.”
“Yes?” She asked cocking her head as she did sometimes when she didn't believe what she was hearing.
“Yes, absolutely-” He lied again. “-just fine in fact.”
“I’m so glad for you, Basty.” She smiled.
Bastion smiled back at his mother giving her a quick hug.
“You take care of your self - any way you need to, you hear?” She said in strange way. Bastion looked at her taken aback by the comment.
“Do you understand me?” She asked raising a brow waiting for an answer. “Any way you have to.”
“Yes, of course mother.”
“I love you.” She said smiling but looking sad.
“I love you too mother.” There was a crunching of the snow beyond the window. “I’m sorry mother but I have to go.”
“Yes-yes. A soldier’s life is something I am familiar with, my boy." She said disappearing into the small house again. Bastion turned and took one more hard look as his father who lie there motionless in death. “Goodbye, father.” He said at last not sure how he felt. He wondered if he ever really knew the man. Someone cleared his throat impatiently outside the window. Bastion sighed and headed for the door.
Outside the little house, the wind was blowing hard and the chill cut to the bone. The hard packed snow crunched under their feet as they walked. There were three guards waiting for him. Two with bright red cloaks with green sewed in the hems and the other in the middle with a dull red cloak that was to big for his young frame.
“Why don’t you give me that sword, boy?” One of them asked holding out a hand. “Please, she may still see us.” Bastion pleaded in a whisper.
“I think we have already given you far too many privileges for a boy in your position, heh?” Bastion did not say anything but quickened his pace to get out of eyesite of the little house he grew up in. The guards quickened their pace as well to keep up. When they went around the corner, one of the guards pulled Bastion’s cloak back and backhanded him hard, he was lifted into the air and landed hard on a snow bank on the side of the street.
“The sword, if you please son of Boris the Great.” The guard said using his father's name sarcastically. Bastion rolled over and pulled the sword free from its scabbard.
“Easy does it, laddy.” One of them warned as both started pulling their weapons free. “We would hate to take all the fun out of hanging you.” They laughed together as one pulled the sword from Bastion’s hands. “Come on now, boy.” One of them said pulling him off the snow bank by the arm “Enough sit'n around.”
Up the street, another guard waited for them with irons in his hands. “You let him take too long.” He hissed as he roughly clapped the irons around Bastion’s wrists and ankles.
“That’s going to slow us down if we got's to walk him like dat.” The soldier that had struck Bastion said frowning.
“The boy is a murderer and a traitor. We take no chances.”
“Say what you will.” Bastion said picking his head up to look in to the eyes of the man that carried the chains. “But I am no traitor.”
“You killed three men in your own squad. …your own men!” The man got close to Bastion’s face. “That makes you a traitor. TRAI-TOR.” The guard spat. Bastion felt the heat of anger he knew he had inherited from his father rise to the surface. He shot his head forward and felt the hot blood from the man’s broken nose splatter across his face as soon as he hit him.
One of the guards from behind him kicked his legs out from under him and he fell onto his back. His chained hands and legs did not help to catch him and he fell hard knocking the wind out of him.
“YOU BASTARD! YOU BROKE IT!” The guard said holding his nose with blood leaking out from his fingers. The furious man reached to his side and pulled his sword free.
“Hold on there, Dirk me boy.” Another guard said holding up his hands.
“Get out of the way!” The bleeding man screamed in pain and anger.
“No. We were told to bring him back by the Cap’n himself. You want to explain to him that you took away all 'is fun?” The crazed bleeding man paused and started to lower his sword.
“That’s it. Lets get rid of this rat and we can be off to the Battered Horse for cold Ale and hot stew, heh?” The man put the sword away frowning and wiping blood on his sleeve. “When he hangs - I get to pull the lever, yes?”
“Oh, yes you betcha, Dirk. You get to run the whole show.”
“You hear that, rat? I will be the last thing you see. Me!” Bastion noticed that the man said it without getting to close to him this time.

The Trial
Bastion stood in the center of the big room chained to a post. Few people sat in the podiums, as the day was cold and dark. It was the middle of the day but they had lit torches so they could see in the usually well-lit courtroom. .
“What are the charges?” A man cried out.
“Murder!” Another cried out right back at him. Bastion wondered when it would be his turn to speak.
“Does any speak for this man?” Bastion looked around but nobody would catch his eye.
“If there is none that-“
“May I speak?” Bastion put in meekly.
“You shut your dirty puckering mouth, boy!”
Bastion recognized his captain’s voice and looked to find him rising in the small crowd of people with a red face.
“The boy has no right to speak!” He shouted out with a fist in the air. Bastion did not know what what had come over the man. He had explained what had happened to his captain and he did not seem happy but also did not seem angry about it.
“But, sir-“Bastion tried but was cut off by his captain’s swearing and threats.
“Let him speak.” Came another voice from the darkness from behind where the official men spoke out from ahead of him. Bastion searched the darkness with his eyes squinting to see who it was. The room was now silent. They heard the match ignite as it struck and watched as it illuminated the prince as he sat in a chair obscure from them all. When the captain saw who it was, he sat immediately. The prince from his vantage point pressed his palms into his eyes and repositioned himself in his cushioned seat. It seemed he was waking from a long nap. He waved for Bastion to go on.
“Oh, sorry-yes…your…eh, majesty”
“You are being accused of murder. Did you do it?” The prince asked picking up a glass and taking a sip.
“Well…not exactly, your majesty.” The captain sneered and the prince gave the man a look that quieted him.
“Bastion is it?” The prince asked. Bastion nodded. “The son of Boris the Great?” Bastion nodded again. “Tell me exactly what happened.”
“Your majesty I must-“ The Captain tried again.
“One more word captain and you will be removed from this proceeding.”
“Yes, your majesty,” The captain said after a pause and with a heavy sigh.
“Start from the beginning, Bastion. Take your time.”
“Thank, you…your majesty.” Bastion took a deep breath and started.

Bastion’s Crime
The winter’s chill was coming to the Tiernen border. The autumn leaves were falling with just a few still holding on to the branches for dear life. Below the tree limbs was a wide clearing that had many tents set up. All them were white and looked identical each other. Bastion was new to the army and still learning how things were done. He walked back from the spot set up for relieving their bladders and forgot where his tent was set up. Everywhere he looked the tents were the same in the fading light. Even the landscape beyond the clearing was identical to the spot across from it. He searched around trying to remember where his tent was. He walked around trying to act as if he knew where he was going but after he passed the same soldiers several times the men started to catch on.
“You lose your momma, boy.” One of them shouted out and others started to laugh. “Look at the spawn of Boris the Great’s loins.” One of them shouted
“Yeah, turns out good ‘ole Boris got bashed too many times and spawned an idiot.” This sent an explosion of laughter throughout the camp. Bastion marched on trying to ignore them.
Finally by mere chance Bastion did find his tent, by then he was red faced and exhausted. He opened his tent to find someone had used it instead of the pits for relieving himself. Bastion took the prank in stride and started cleaning the waste but as he tossed it out of his tent, he did not notice his captain was standing outside.
Unintentionally he threw the excrement onto the clean bright cloths of the captain’s uniform. There was at first a silent shock as the soldiers looked on but soon the camp exploded into laughter. Bastion tried to apologize and even tried wiping off the uniform, which sent the men into a frenzy. The captain pushed Bastion away and stormed off red faced. Bastion could only go back into the sanctuary of the tent and put his head in his hands.
The next morning a big man with a wide smile poked his head into Bastion’s tent and told him to get dressed. He told Bastion that Captain Morgier wanted to see him right away. Bastion knew it had to have something to do with last night and dreaded every step through the camp towards the big tent in the center. Luckily, everyone else was still sleeping so he was able to make his way without any jeers or laughing from the other men. The tent flaps were open and Bastion did not know whether to step in or wait for an invitation. He timidly poked his head into the tent to see. The captain was inside alone looking over many maps. Bastion decided he had better get this over with and walked to stand in front of the entrance. Without looking up Morgier pointed to the space in front of his table. Bastion walked in and stood there at attention.
After what seemed an eternity Captain Morgier looked up to meet his eye. He looked over Bastion as a man would at market to buy the pig for the spring slaughter.
“You are the son of Boris?” Morgier asked with disdain in his voice.
“Yes, sir.” Bastion answered loud and crisp as he was taught.
Morgier stood and looked into Bastion’s eyes. “You are tall as Boris but I see something else.” Morgier smiled in a way that made him look like the boys did that had bullied him not long ago. “I see whore’s eyes in you, boy.” Bastion was used to these types of jibes and said nothing. The truth was his grandfather was a northerner. His grandparents disgraced each other’s families by falling in love and marrying. That was all he knew of them.
“Does this mean your mother is a whore?” Morgier asked still trying to elicit a response.
“No, sir.” Bastion saw that his lack of emotion to his jibes was annoying his captain. Bastion had heard all this many times before that he was becoming immune to them. He thought that perhaps he should act as if the words hurt him.
“Alright then, son of a whore. I have a job for you.” Morgier smiled. Bastion could see the cruelness that lived in the man through his eyes.
“We're running these disgusting northern bastards away from our boarders.” Bastion knew this but was getting worried about what was coming next.
“You will report to Snark, son of a whore. You will do exactly what you are told. Let us see if you can do what needs to be done with that northern piss blood in your veins, heh?” Morgier smiled again and pointed to the opening in the tent.
“Find Snark and the others at the back of the line there…son of the greatest soldier that ever lived.” Morgier added waving a hand in dismissal at him. “Now go and get out of my sight.”
“Tiernen!” Bastion called out and slapped his chest, as was the proper salute. Morgier pointed again for him to leave. Bastion turned and left without another word.

The Bottom Feeders
Bastion started on his way when the squad leader stood and stopped him.
“I am sorry, lad.” He said frowning.
Bastion turned to face him. “A soldier does what he is ordered to do.” The man said.
“Yes, sir.” Bastion responded not having any idea what he meant.
“Follow your orders and remember its not you doing those things it’s your officers doing it thru you.” He saluted and Bastion saluted back not knowing what the dark the man was talking about it.
Snark’s squad was a good distance away from the rest of the camp. Almost all the soldiers Bastion asked where to find Snark pointed and walked away or ignored him all together with a strange look in their eyes that he could not read. It was still early and the row of tents that a soldier indicated was quiet. Bastion looked around and saw the empty bottles and other debris discarded all around the site. He grew up in a military family and learned very early on to be clean and organized at all times. The sight of the small clearing between the tents instantly made him feel uncomfortable. It was if his father was there in his head yelling and lecturing about the ways of a good soldier. He would say ‘A good Tiernen soldier follows orders; he always portrays himself as a direct representation of Tiernen itself. Everything he does exemplifies his station with mother Tiernen. Foulness in act, or person, is intolerable!’ His father would have dragged these men out of their tent by their ankles and rubbed their noses in their own filth. He was surprised how much of his own thinking matched his father’s in that moment.
He detected movement out of the corner of his eye and saw one of the men was coming out of the tent. The man’s uniform looked almost new and had rich gold and silver buttons and clasps. Problem was however, it was also covered with food, drink and whatever else. The clear disrespect for the uniform made the blood rush to Bastion’s face.
“Who are you?” The man asked wobbling before brushing back his wild hair and focusing.
“I was sent here by orders of Captain Morgier.”
The man smiled and took a step to catch his balance. “Have you brought breakfast then?” He asked looking around Bastion.
“No.” Bastion answered a little too sharply.
The man stood straighter and winced because of it. “I am in no mood for games. Tell me why you are here. Now!” The last the man spoke as a warning.
“I am here reporting for duty to Lieutenant Snark.” Bastion announced sticking out his chest at attention. The man sneered and opened his pants. He began urinating where he was. He lost his balance and starting pissing on the tent next to him. Someone shouted inside and the man corrected his aim snickering. When he was done, he wiped his wet hand on his uniform and faced Bastion again.
“I am Snark.” He said. “And if you now report to me your first and most important mission will be to find me and my fellows’ here-“ Snark made a dramatic sweep with his arm and nearly fell to the ground. “-something to eat.” Snark crossed his arms across his chest trying to keep his balance. “Oh, and none of d’at gray slop the captain feeds the others here either.” Snark made a sour face. “We want the REAL food. Understand?” Bastion nodded his head as his father’s voice came to him again. ‘A good soldier follows orders.’ Bastion turned and went to find food without saying another word.
“And hurry the dark up!” Snark yelled at his back.
Later Bastion sat by the fire watching the others eat. There were three of them in Snarks group excluding himself. All of them wore richly ornamented uniforms that were filthy and sloppily worn. He thought they looked more criminals then soldiers. They ate in near silence eyeing him suspiciously from time to time. Sometimes they would speak but only in whispers so he could not hear them. The smallest of the three with a long white scar on his face that was covering one eye stood and passed wind before going back to his tent and lying back down.
“Did your good captain tell you what you were to be doing in my charge?” Snark asked between mouthfuls of food.
“Sir, he made no mention of duties. Only that I was to report to you.” Snark looked over at the other man and raised his eyebrows smiling. The man huffed a laugh as he reached for an abandoned bottle off the ground. He turned it upside down over his tongue.
“The captain made no reference to what he uses us for?” Snark asked carefully.
“No.” Bastion answered.
Snark shook his head. “Well, me boy. I guess you will be finding out soon enough.” He picked up a rock near by and threw it at the tent the short man had lied down in. The man swore back at him. Snark laughed spitting out food as he did. “Stop being a puckering lazy pig and get The Looker.”
“Not my turn.” The man answered back.
“Get him. NOW.” Snark commanded in a warning voice. The man groaned and slowly got up. “Everyone get ready. We leave in five.”
The looker turned out to be a deformed little monster. He rode on the back of the small man in a harness that seemed specially made for him. The creature was wrapped in a blanket that covered most of him but Bastion could see the lumps that protruded in all directions underneath it. However, it was not the displaced lumps that put Bastion at unease as he walked behind it. It was the glances the thing gave him when it looked back at him.
The Looker’s face was covered in boils and its lips were near non-existent. Wet slime dripped from its mouth over rotten brown teeth that disappeared into the darkness of the blanket. It wheezed as it breathed and the few strands of hair on its lumpy discolored head moved around as the breeze blew by. But even all that was not as uncomfortable as it's bright green eyes. When it looked back at Bastion, he saw the madness that lived in the creature plain as day. The thing was clearly insane. Most likely from the torment of living within that twisted misshapen body.
The creature reached out a hand that looked to have only one working long finger and pointed off the trail. It leaned in and whispered into the ear of the man carrying him. Bastion watched as some of the slime fell onto the man's neck and rolled under his collar. The site nearly made him stop in his tracks and wretch.
“It says-“ Before the man could finish the creature hissed in anger. The man looked back wide-eyed and frightened.
“Sorry-er, he says that its small but it has some valuables hidden throughout.” Snark turned off the trail and headed in the way the looker pointed.
Before long, they were stepping into a clearing that held a small village. It was midday and no sign of any life. Whoever had lived there had wisely left as the Tiernen army approached.
They were right on the border with the northerners and Bastions suspected it was northerners that had once lived here. He was curious to see how they lived. He walked enthusiastic forward before Snark grabbed him by the cloak pulling him back.
“Not so fast, kid.” He smiled. “There are few rules before you go helping yourself.” Bastion tried not to look over at the monster but felt those cold green eyes on him.
“Firstly.” Snark said holding up a finger. “Everyone splits the wares. Whatever you find we split up. Understood?”
“Find?” Bastion asked confused.
Snark shook his head. “Alright. Forget it. Stay with me and you will see. Try to remember rule number one, heh.” He turned and looked at the village with his sword in hand. “Check it out.” He told the tall man. The man ran forward holding his sword menacingly above him.
“Where do we start, looker ‘ole boy.” Snark asked the deformed man leaned in once again and whispered.
“He says that we should start there.” The man pointed to one of the huts.
“Then that is what we will do.” Snark said. “Just as soon as your brother comes out with the all clear.”
Inside the hut, Bastion saw everything strewn about as if whoever had lived there was in a big hurry to leave. Mice and rats everywhere took advantage of the abandoned spaces.
“He says in that room and under a board.”
“My dear, Gimbly. Could you ask your little friend to be a bit more specific?” Snark asked angrily.
“Yes, sorry.” The looker whispered something again and Gimbly walked into the room. Bastion was curious and followed. Gimbly counted off boards as he walked over them and stopped, bent down, balancing the looker as did, and pulled up a loose board. Inside he pulled out a sack that he quickly opened with the creature peering over his shoulder eagerly. Bastion stepped in close and saw coins inside the sack.
How could he have known that that was there? Has he been here before? Even if he had how did he know right where those coins were?
“How did he do that?” Bastion asked unable to contain himself any longer as the men went through the contents.
“Don’t worry about it, kid.” Snark said looking the coins over one by one. “What else?” He asked turning to Gimbly. No…not Gimbly. Snark was asking the monster on Gimbly’s back. How would that thing know where anything was? As if by answer, the creature turned to Bastion and its face contorted. Bastion at first did not understand what was happening as the crazed eyes got wide and the flesh pulled away from the gums. With horrified realization, Bastion stepped back away from it. He realized the horrible little monster was actually laughing at him.
Many times throughout the village, they found stashed valuables with the help of the looker. Bastion somehow knew what he was seeing but the whole understanding of it had not sunk in until the creature lifted its head in the air again and let its nightmarish green eyes roll back into its head. When the eyes came back, it always had another treasure to find. Bastion finally came to the realization that he was witnessing magic for the first time in his life.
The most feared and perverse thing in the Tiernen Empire is magic. It is said that at times babies are born with magic but never live longer then one to two years. It is also said that the magic ravishes the body and that the children that do make it to past birth are grotesquely deformed. It did seem some awesome force had twisted the monster on Gimbly’s back. Bastion surmised it could be only magic that could transform a person to a monster like the thing before him. Nevertheless, if that was true that meant magic exists once again in Tiernen. Bastion knew nothing good could come from that.

“This is nothing but pure fantasy and nonsense.” Captain Morgier yelled interrupting Bastion's telling of what happened that day. “Magic and monsters? Come now! How much of this do we have to be subjected to?” The captain asked spreading his hands looking to the people around him for support. Their eyes looked back at him doubtfully.
“You can’t tell me you believe anything this whelp is telling you?” Morgier whined. “Please. Listen to what he is telling you! Magic….in Tiernen! The boy is trying to lead you astray to the one fact that has brought him here.” Morgier pointed a long finger at Bastion. “He is a MURDERER!”
The crowd started talking and looking at Bastion. Morgier smiled thinking the people were coming back to his side. He looked over at the prince who was watching him with a cold gaze. The prince held up a hand and the announcers in the courtroom called for silence. When all was quiet, again the prince said:
“Do get to the said crimes.”
“But your majesty please…” Morgier pleaded realizing the prince meant for the boy to go on with his story.
“Captain.” The king said appearing from behind the prince like a specter. A shocked intake of breath filled the hall at his sudden appearance.
“If you interrupt my son again I will rip your head from your shoulders.” The king was a big imposing man even now in his later years. The captain said nothing but stared wide eyed at his king.
“Father. I did not anticipate you.” The prince said starting to stand. The king put a hand out pushing him back down into the chair gently.
“Whatever is happening here is your business. I am only an observer.” The king said moving behind the prince and putting his hand on his son’s shoulder.”
“Shall I fill you in?” The prince asked smiling up to the king.
“My son, I am the king. I make it my business to know what’s going on.” He said loud enough for all to hear. He leaned in whispering; “I’ve also been listening to the whole thing from the darkness. I came down to see if you were hungry. Who knew you would be doing something so interesting.” The king smiled winking.
Bastion’s keen ears heard the kind exchange between father and son and felt very sad. His own father is dead and they would never share a moment like this. He sighed and looked to the ground feeling the weight of it now. To make matters worst he was now most likely going to join his father in death. The greatest soldier of all time dies forgotten and his son the criminal follows soon after. Bastion feared how his mother would fare with no one around her. He wondered what she would do when he is gone. He tried to reach up to wipe the tears that were running down his cheeks but the chains stopped him rattling loudly in the hall. Bastion looked up to see the king and prince looking at him.
“Did you not hear?” The prince asked.
“I’m sorry your majesty-“
“You are Boris’s son?” The king asked interrupting him.
“I am your majesty.”
“Quit the mess your in, son of Boris. Is he here?” The king asked looking around. Bastion bit his tongue as his temper flared. The king and his realm were the only things his father loved and here the king did not even know his great soldier had died.
“He died two days ago, your majesty.” Bastion said between clenched teeth. Bastion had to admit however he saw what seemed to be real sadness pass before the king’s eyes.
“Father?” The prince asked looking up. The king padded his son’s shoulders reassuringly. “It’s an interesting story. Magic back in the world?” The king laughed. “That’s perhaps the one thing these old eyes haven’t seen.” The room exploded into laughter. The prince however did not laugh. Instead, he waved over a guard and whispered something into his ear. The guard saluted and walked briskly from the room.
“Finish it. All of it.” The king commanded with a hint of enthusiasm. Bastion cleared his throat and started where he left off.

They were all leaving the village and heading for the trail when the Looker turned his head back they way they had come. He looked back so quick spittle from his rotting mouth sprayed the trees around him.
“What is it?” Gimbly asked looking around. The Looker leaned in close to whisper to Gimbly but his eyes never left the village. Bastion watched as an evil grin spread across Gimbly’s face. Bastion did not like it at all.
“There is one more thing in the village.” Gimbly said smiling.
“Is it valuable?” Snark asked.
“Oh, yes.” Gimbly said winking at his brother.
“Ah…I see.” Snark said finally. “Let us go share the wealth, shall we?” The three set off leaving Bastion standing there confused. The looker looked back at him and winked with that grotesque smile on its face now. He was not invited to follow and he had no desire to spend any more time with them then he had to. So he sat on the ground and waited. He watched as they disappeared into one of the houses.
Bastion pulled his dagger out and starting sharpening it on a stone. That is when he heard the…screams. It was feint but he was sure he heard it. It was a woman’s muffled screams. Bastion put the knife away and went to investigate. The closer to the house the more he heard the woman's cries. He opened the door of the house but did not see anything. He walked to the window and saw through the window the men struggling with something. He went to the door and saw her.
Gimbly and his big brother Gurt were holding her arms. Snark was tearing at her cloths as she tried to kick him away from her. The woman kept exchanging terrified looks from Snark and the creature on Gimbly’s back that was bouncing up in down with excitement. The blanket surrounding it was convulsing with movement underneath. Bastion was sickened by the site of it but more than that, he knew he was in one of those rare moments that defined a person. His squad leader’s voice back at the camp came to him ‘follow orders and remember its not you doing those things it’s your officers.’ Snark turned and saw him standing there.
“Don’t just stand there, you idiot!” He said waving him forward. “This northern bitch has fire inside of her!" He said managing to escape a kick to his head. "You stupid northern whore! You’re going to die one way or the other todays…why fight it?” Snark got a hold of the inside of her dress and pulled. The dress split down the middle. The woman's eyes met Bastion's. The eyes were desperate, terrified…and nearly exactly as his own...as his mother’s.
“Stop.” He said faintly and unsure as he watched wide eyed... Snark looked over laughing pulling the woman to the ground. The creature on Gimbly's back was now worked into frenzy as it lifted up and down on Gimbly's back.
“Don’t worry, kid." Snark smiled. "We share everything, remember.” Bastion watched as tears ran down the woman’s cheek. He knew they would not listen to him. He heard his father’s voice ‘A good soldier follows orders.’
“Pucker that!” Bastion muttered as he pulled his dagger from his belt. The moment seemed to slow for him.
The woman's head popped up again as she fought and Bastion saw his mother's face there now. His mind went blank with single-minded rage. His feet felt as if they floated towards Snark rather moved. He raised his hand above his head as he approached. Nobody was even looking at him. That was until he plunged the dagger into Snark's skull with a heavy thud. The long blade sunk all they way to the hilt. Bastion let go and Snark fell over sideways dead.
They all turned to him with shock on their faces. Including the woman with her wide eyes still streaming tears.
“I told him to stop.” Bastion said staring at Snark's body.
He looked up and saw the creatures green eyes narrow with hate.
“You stupid little bastard! Do you know what you have done?” Gimbly swore still staring at Snark.
“I told him to stop…but he didn’t…I told him” Bastion looked down at his hand that had held the knife. Gurt was the first to let go of the woman and charge forward. The big man reached Bastion fast and crashed a fist into Bastion's face. Bastion felt his face explode with pain. Next thing he knew he was on the ground seeing lights in front of his eyes.
The woman saw an opportunity and crashed her fist into Gimbly’s face. The smaller brother fell backwards with a high-pitched scream coming from the looker from behind him as they fell together. She got up and ran off. Her ripped dress flapped behind her like a bird trying to take flight. Bastion suddenly felt hands on his throat squeezing like a vice.
His mind cleared fast as if knowing if he didn’t do something fast this would be the end of him. Bastion looked back and fourth for something to grab but there was nothing on the ground but hard packed dirt. He tried to get a handful of it but it was too hard packed.
The world was beginning to tilt and the sounds were getting further away. He struggled for air but the man’s grip was too strong. His vision starting narrow as the things around him turned black. He fought desperately at the hands around his neck but it was no use. The man squeezing the life out of him was too strong and he was losing strength by the second. There was no question now that he was going to die as he looked up. He started to feel calmer as he gave into it.
His vision narrowed even more and now all he could see is the long fancy buttons on Gurt's uniform. It looked to be gold. Most likely gold plated or. He thought them strangely shaped like a…nail…or…a knife!
Bastion reached for one of the clasps with that last of his strength. The big man watched him confused not knowing what he was doing. He pulled hard and it ripped off. He jerked it upwards into Gurt’s eye.
The big man screamed and rolled off him holding his face. Bastion got his first breath of air and it burned all the way down into his lungs. He rolled on his knees with his head pressed into the dirt coughing. He began worked his sword out of its scabbard with one hand and rubbed his throat with the other choked and gasped for air. He knew the big man would be coming back any second but could only move the sword a painful inch at a time. He spat and pulled again. Almost out…
He heard Gurt howled in rage like some giant mad beast. Bastion could only watch from the corner of his eye as the big man rose off the ground with froth coming from his mouth. White liquid oozed down his cheek where his eye once was. Gurt howled again and launched himself into the air above Bastion ready to tear him apart. Bastion let his weight carry him over sideways onto his back and prayed to the Lady of Light that his sword come free as he pulled. Bastion closed his eyes and strained his arms trying to hold his sword upright. Then the big man was on him.
Gurt's weight forced out any air that he was able to get into him. Bastion opened his eyes wide with the shock of the weight hitting him. He knew this was it. He was going to die in a northern village in the middle of nowhere. He closed his eyes and again waited. A great end to the son of the greatest soldier that ever lived. He wondered if his father would be waiting for him disappointed with his death as he was in his life.
When nothing happened, he opened his eyes again looking into the face of the man on top of him. Gurt's one good eye looked back at him blankly. Gurt too was now dead. Bastion realized he was still holding his sword that now was protruding from the man’s back.
“You stupid son of a bitch! You killed him! YOU KILLED HIM!” Gimbly yelled with shock in his voice. Bastion also heard a horrible raspy whisper. It was saying; “Kill-h-immm.”
Bastion tried to get out from under the big man but his strength had still not returned. Gimbly pulled his sword from his scabbard. The looker’s gray skin pulled back in a horrible grimace. “K-ill the-b-ooy.” It said in between wheezes for air. Bastion fought the big man’s heavy body that lay on top of him but his muscles were burning and his lungs still fought for air.
Gimbly stepped in front of the open door of the house to get in a better position at Bastion’s neck. Bastion knew he meant to separate his head from his body. He struggled with everything he had left but his body did not yet have the strength to push Gurt off him. Gimbly knew it too. He approached with an eerily similar grin that the deformed little creature on his back had. Out of nowhere, a long thin blade popped out of Gimbly’s throat. Both Gimbly and the looker stared down at it in surprise. The looker leaned back and peered behind him to see the northern woman on the other side of the blade. She pulled the sword back out with a jerk. Gimbly stared blankly at the place the blade had been as he fell face first on to the ground. The looker held a misshapen arm out in front of him as it crashed to the ground again.
Bastion jerked upward and finally felt the weight of the big man come off him. He sucked in the cool air.
“Thank-“ He tried to speak. The woman stepped into view now. He looked up and saw she was tall like his mother, with similar fair skin and of course the eyes. She cautiously helped Bastion to his feet.
“You are brave for one so young.” She said in a thick northern accent that sounded more familiar then foreign.
“I-“ Bastion coughed clearing his throat. “I-am-not…so young.” He got out. The woman smiled at him. Bastion noticed she was now wearing another dress only this time she wore bits and pieces of some strange wooden armor. She also had many different knives and other weapons tucked into various places.
“You-going to war?” He asked her starting to feel better.
She gave him a hard look. “This is my home. Would you not protect your home?” Bastion did not mean to make her angry. “I’m sorry. It’s just that-you are all alone.” Bastion noticed movement in the darkness of the house. The woman followed his gaze and beckoned with her hand towards the darkness. Out of the house, two children stepped out timidly. They were young but they too were carrying weapons in their small hands.
“Your people don’t want this land. They just do not want us to have it either. We wait until…until they leave.”
“I am one of them.” Bastion corrected her.
“Are you?” She asked seriously. That is when they sensed movement on the ground and one of the children squealed grabbing its mother leg.
The Looker hissed at them as it pulled itself towards the trees with its one good arm. With out the blanket they saw the rest of it. The limbs were twisted and fused into the body as if an intense heat had melted them there.
“What should we do with that?” The woman asked him.
“Let the rats have it.” Bastion answered putting a foot on the big man's chest and pulling free his sword free. The first kill by the son of the greatest soldier that ever lived is a fellow soldier from his own army. Bastion put his sword away shaking his head miserably. He started back the way they had come.
“You are not like them.” The woman called after him. Bastion turned back and looked at her.
“No." He said. "Not yet." He felt more as if he did not belong then he had ever before. "You do know. That more will be coming.” The woman put her hand on her thin sword she now had buckled to her waist.
“If a house gets destroyed you can always build another. There are some things that can not be rebuilt.” He said looking at the children.
“What makes you think things are better that way?” She said nodding her head to the north. Bastion thought on that a second but his head and body hurt. He wanted to get back to the camp and sleep. He turned back and started walking without another word.
On the path, he saw the bag full of valuables. He stared at it a moment and looked back. The woman and the children were still staring at him. Bastion picked up the bag and tossed it towards the woman.
“That’s yours.” He said. His eyes caught the looker disappearing into the thick brush. Two large rats were eagerly following his progress. He watched them as they lunged into the bush after him.
“Couldn’t have thought of a better end for that thing.” He muttered to himself as he turned and headed back to camp.

“Did you go to your captain to tell them of what had happened?” The king asked.
“Yes, your majesty.”
“And what was his response?”
“He seemed shocked by the others behavior and told me he was proud that I came to him first.” Bastion looked over and saw fire in captain Morgiers eyes. He remembered another thing the captain had said that made no sense. He did not know if he should mention it but thought this may be his last chance to say anything so he did.
“Captain Morgier said one other thing.”
“Yes, Bastion?” The prince asked curious. “Tell us everything he said and leave out nothing.”
“Yes, your majesty.” Bastion said trying to swallow. His throat was now dry and words were getting difficult to say.
“The captain said that I should speak to no one as to what happened as it could put my life in danger. But when I was back with the other soldiers it seemed as if they already knew.” Bastion gave the captain a confused look. “I don’t know how they found out. I swear I told no one.”
“I believe you.” The prince said giving the captain a dark look.
“Oh, one other thing…er, your majesty.”
“Yes, Bastion.” The prince answered back patiently.
“The captain wanted to know every detail of where I had last seen the looker. He seemed interested in capturing the thing to, what he said, answer for its crimes. I do not think he found it however as I asked him and he said that it must have never existed. But I swear that everything I tell you is the truth!” A guard came in and whispered into the prince’s ear in the silence. The prince whispered back. The king watched his son looking surprised and a little apprehensive.
“Captain. Do you have anything else to add?” The prince asked.
“Yes, your majesty, as a matter a fact I do.” Captain Morgier said standing. “This was a fine tale for an ale house with an audience of drunken soldiers. But surely not in front of an audience such as yourselves your majesties.” The captain bowed deep with respect. “I mean to say, come now! Magic users and fantastical creatures?" He said this giving the now crowded hall a look that made many snicker and shake their heads at Bastion.
"But what more could we expect from such a boy as this? A boy who has lived an easy sheltered life not knowing these things do not exist in the real world. Not in the world we all live in anyway.” The captain said smiling spreading his hands. The people started to laugh. “What we do have is plain to see. Despicable…but plain. What we have is a spoiled boy soldier that simply did not want to follow orders. We have an angry boy that sought vengeance for being reprehended for his lazy and inexcusable bad attitude towards the king’s army. In addition, let us not forget-“ Mogrier paused to catch everyone’s eyes. “-we have before us a boy that has murdered not only his officer…but two others that served as well. This villain-“ Morgier pointed an accusing finger at Bastion from where he stood with the others in the crowd. “-is a MURDERER OF THE KING'S MEN! He killed three good men!” Bastion shook his head not understanding why his captain had turned against him. The prince and king watched the captain without a word.
“Will that be all, captain?” The prince asked.
“Yes, your majesty. That boy speaks lies.”
“You are saying, captain, that everything this man said is lies?”
“Of course your majesty.” The captain said trying to gauge where the prince was going.
“Son?” The king said in a low confused voice.
“Father, please let me finish this.” The prince said looking up.
“All right." The king shrugged. "But things are looking cut and dry at this point.” The king said crossing his arms over his big chest. The prince found the guard with his eyes at the back of the room and waved to him. The guard went out the door and the crowd looked around confused. A moment later, the guard came back with a sack and dropped it on the floor near where Bastion was chained. The people were silent waiting to see what would happen next. The prince nodded and the guard opened the sack. He cautiously grabbed the bottom and shook out the contents. When what was inside fell out the guard took several steps back pulling his sword.

“Is this the creature you spoke of, Bastion?” Bastion looked to see the prince and king standing behind the chair.
“Yes, your majesty. This is what they called the looker.”
“You said it had what you thought were magical powers to find valuables.”
“Yes, your majesty.” Bastion said nodding his head.
“My dear captain. You will never guess where we found this thing.” The prince said trying to look around the chaos as people shoved to get a better look or leave the hall.
“Captain Morgier?” The prince shouted. There was no response. “Guards! Find him and bring him to my chambers. NOW!” The guards ran from the room happy to get away from the creature that was staring at them.
“Not you.” The prince said to the one who brought the creature into the room. “First unchain our friend here and then pack up the troll.” The looker hissed viciously at the prince. The guards took a step in front of the prince holding their swords out.
“Your majesty.” Bastion said. The looker snapped his head back and hissed at him. “I, eh- think I may be able to talk with it…I mean him.” Bastion added quickly. The looker peered at him curiously.
“This is an opportunity for us both to survive this day.” Bastion whispered down at the grotesque pile of flesh below him. To his surprise, the creature seemed to understand him and sat back a bit.

Bastion and the looker where brought to a smaller room off of the courtroom. There they were given water and bread, which Bastion dove into as soon as he saw it. The looker found a dark corner and sat silently watching. Bastion suddenly felt guilty and looked over.
“Do you…eh…want some of this?” He gazed uncomfortably at the lookers eerie green eyes. Bastion started to turn away when it finally spoke.
“Noo, Thank-you.” It said in a hissing voice. Bastion nodded and continued to finish the jar of water off. “Y-ou, said-oppor-tunity.” The looker asked.
Bastion looked over again. “Yes, for life.” He explained. “Your presence has helped people believe my story but it is still up to the prince and king what to do with me.”
“And-what of-me, then?” The looker asked his green eyes glowing in the dark corner of the room.
“You provided a service for those m-“
“My-bro-thersss.” The looker hissed angrily.
“Uh, yes. Eh-your brothers then.” Bastion said not missing the dangerous glare in the looker’s eyes. “Perhaps you may do the same for the king?” .
The looker closed its eyes and its body began to convulse then opened them again. “There-are-val-uables-everywherrrre.”
“Yes, I guess that makes sense here.” Bastion suddenly got a notion. “What about anything not necessarily valuable but maybe...magical…or blessed or something?”
The looker cocked his head sideways thinking on that. “Yesss, per-hapss.” It closed its eyes again and this time the body shook as if it were being thrown around violently. When its green eyes opened, it looked tired.
“Have you found something?”
“Something, yesss.”
“Well, what?” Bastion asked impatiently.
“Let-usss-speak-to-the-prince.” The looker said smiling.
The End
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