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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1405752
Sometimes a woman can loose control and slip into habits of guilty pleasure.
Sam was relaxed, bathing in the hot sunshine next to the backyard pool, half sitting in a recliner on this beautiful July day. She reached for her lemonade and in doing so glanced over the fence top at the upper floor of the house next door. Barely discernable through the tinted glass of a second floor window, she saw that someone was either doing something inside the house in front of the window or, giving her the look over. Keeping normal movements, she settled back and kept watch, her eyes hidden by jet black lenses. After a few minutes, the figure moved closer to the glass, half hidden by the drapery. She suddenly realized it was the teenaged son of the neighbor next door and by the motions of his upper torso, he was yanking the hell out of himself while watching the voluptuos woman next door sunbathe. Sam sat up, picked up her glass, and walked back into the house, her stiletto heels clicking on the concrete pool deck, the sight of her retreating ass further adding to the visual delight of her young voyeur.
Very annoyed, she paced into the kitchen and placed the glass in the sink, removed and placed her sunglasses on the shining granite countertop. 'Little pervert' she muttered, gazing out at her ruined day. Ruined....why the hell should it be? With evil delight welling up, she said to herself, "You like looking hey, well, I'll give you something to look at".
Retreating to her closet, way in the back, she pulled out a box with 'summer clothes' scrawled across it in black marker. It was a collection of one time treasures she just couldn't part with for various reasons and began digging through it for something she remembered as being called 'eye popping' by her husband on a vacation they had had fifteen years earlier. After some fishing, she produced a white thong bikini and looking at it she wondered aloud, 'Was I ever this small?" Holding up the dainty pieces of fabric against herself she began to have doubts about the whole thing. Shedding her one-piece swim suit, she stepped into the thong and, pulling it up, turning to observe the results in the mirror. The waist strings hung on her hips sending the front plunging toward her crotch, ending in a low arc, the rear string disappeared between her ass cheeks and reappeared over her tailbone to meet the top. Next the upper was strapped on and secured as best as possible. It was a little tight on the back on the neck, the three inch wide fronts barely covered the nipples let alone contain her large firm breasts and were imbedded at least an inch over the fronts. Putting on the high heels again and looking at her reflection, she knew a sex temptress when she saw one. It would be innocent enough, after all, no one knew that she really knew she was being watched.
Stopping in the kitchen to renew her glass with ice and lemonade, she walked out back.
Unsure of her audience, she picked up the pool net and began walking around, netting imaginary debris, stealing glances toward the house next door, her tits bouncing slightly with every step. Pausing, she reached out and swept with the net, bending slightly with her parted ass pointed at the window in question. Leaning and pushing the net, the weight of her tits threatened to free itself from the feeble restraints. She straightened and turned toward the house, the motion of the drapery told her she was again under scrutiny.
Going back to the recliner, she lay on her hip with her behind for full viewing and just relaxed for a full five minutes. Then sitting up, she reached again for her drink and took out a half melted ice cube and began stroking her open lips and the exposed portions of her breasts sending rivulets on water cascading over her generous curves. Looking at the window all the time, she could see the actions of her observer becoming more frantic. To hell with it she thought........snapped off the top, picked up her drink, filled her mouth, leaned ahead and let the lemonade and ice mixture flow over her exposed mounds, then grabbed each and rolled them about in her hands, pinching and pulling on her nipples. A fleeting movement indicated the masturbater next door saw enough and dashed off with a shirt tail load of semen for his efforts. Mission accompolished, she retreated to the house, changed back into less revealing attire and resumed her earlier activity.
Settling back, she suddenly realized that was the most daring thing she'd ever done and it was a little unsettling to realize that she could be motivated in such a primal way. A way unknown before in her being. Concluding that her actions were harmless, relaxation again filled her world.
The day whiled away, turned into evening and found Sam in her excercise room pounding out reps on a bowflex. The plan of the evening was to order some supplies for the clinic, e-mail hubby in Afghanistan, maybe watch a movie and then turn in. She was content with just this as the weeks were very hectic at work and by Fridays, she was literally drained and looking forward to plain old r & r in the sanctity of her home.
Stepping out of the shower she headed for the bedroom, then sat indian style on her bed, naked, with lap top opened in front, and began the usual bi-monthly requests for medical supplies. The 'you've got mail' flag went up.
Opening the massage, it was from the on-line adult toy store she had purchased from, prying her fancies for repeat business. Intrigued, she explored further. Apparently, the offers were more or less based on her one and only purchase and portrayed sexual delights in the form of various things one might say were just a hair less than enormous in size. 'Christ, what are some women doing to their vaginas?, she thought. 'The same thing you did to yours two weeks ago", came the subconcious reply. Her vagina twitched, causing her nipples to expand. That experience had consumed her for days and literally wiped out her sexual needs or, so she thought. For a while after that she could still feel the enormous bulb of a head inside her which caused her some concern as it distracted her noticeably when concentration was of utmost importance in her work. Again, she thought about todays little exibition and wondered where all this sense of sexual liberation had suddenly sprang from. It troubled and delighted her at the same time. Could it be the result of years of so much concentration on her career coupled with long seperations from her husband, alone in a huge house and, getting older. Mother nature had taken extra time in creating her and there were times she felt her 'assets' were unused, unappreciated and, would deteriorate over time.
The ringing phone snapped her out of this analysis.....it was hubby. Surprised and tremendously happy over the unexpected call they chatted for a few minutes and then his tone dropped, she waited for the news.....he had been asked to extend his stay by six more months at the end of which he would be granted retirement with full pension. The brighter side, they could then begin to live life to the fullest together. Forcing out words of agreement, and 'Talk to you later, honey', she hung up, sank to the floor, and cried hard.
After a sleepless night, she dragged herself out of bed, showered, pulled on a black spandex outfit and hit the asphalt for a short jog. Running always had an exilirating effect for her and it was her hope it would help pull her spirits out of the doldrums.
It was Sunday morning with little traffic, which caused her to notice it more and also that every damned driver whether male or female cast her more than a casual glance as she loped along. Stopping at a red light and trotting on the spot, she saw her reflection in a building ground level window....with breasts heaving, curvaceous legs and ass sculpted by skin tight pants she realized just why everyone was looking. Heading back toward home, the alternating tug of her rolling tits and thighs whisping past each other turned her thoughts toward sex and, once again, the feeling of intense excitement which was becoming a regular emotion for her lately.
Bounding up the steps, she stopped on the landing at the front door to rest and stretch out before entering.
'Morning m'am", came a voice from behind her. It was her voyeur from the day before and his manner was as always, talking, never looking at her face but at everywhere else. "Morning", she replied, produced her key, and went inside.
Entering her bedroom, she began peeling off her excercise wear and stood in front of the mirror generally inspecting for signs of age and planning the rest of the day all the while with thoughts occupied by the building pressure in her crotch she had come to associate with being downright horny. And she was.
Acting as if under the influence of another mind, she dragged over the sitting chair in front of the mirror, sat down, lifted her legs and hooked each one behind ornamental wooden knobs on each armrest. Her gaping vagina was presented. She wetted two fingers and began circular motions on her clit and after several minutes it had turned into a fast side to side battering with spread fingers over the swelled, rubbery flesh.The familiar pressure began to build but she suddenly stopped. Leaning over to the beside table she yanked open the drawer and took out a large long roll of towel which concealed the proxy cock and lube that waited.
With lubrication on, she extended her arms down in front between her legs with the bent rubber dong pointed at her hole. Gently she began rubing the huge top orb up and down on her lips with excitement building. It slipped a little and lodged against her anus, sending a shock of excitement through her, totally unexpected. Turning it scrotum side up for leverage, she pushed the head against her cunt hole.
The slow penetration and the feeling of her vagina expanding to accompany the welcome intrusion was nearly overwhelming and subsided as the thickest part passed and the thing was literally sucked in. It was with some effort she began pushing the huge cock-like toy in and out faster, faster. She could feel and hear the rim of her stretched hole drumming on the ribbed, thick shaft. The repititions became even faster as she hauled out less and less, leaving the rolling knob ever deeper. Her abdomen and thighs began to shudder violently, the sight of herself with plugged cunt, tits bunched between her arms with enormous nipples, thin streams of fluid dribbling over her asshole and buttocks sent her torso into a spasmic series of downward crunches. The rubber dick flew out of her clapping shut vagina in a flood of liquid.
Breathing heavily, she clasped her head in both hands and slowly returned to Earth. For ten minutes she just stared at the spent dildo lying on the floor in a pool of clear fluid.
Her body was limp. The hot shower that followed completed the whole feeling of well being and armed her to face the coming week and anything else for that matter.

To be continued in Chronicle 3?
© Copyright 2008 The Badger (badgerman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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