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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1405626
Orphans try to avoid a group of scientists that will do whatever it takes to capture them.
      I ran, and ran, and ran, not looking behind me to see those ugly faces, not listening to the deafening sounds of grenades, gunshots, and bombs and trying to ignore the yelling out of, "Get her!" and, "The little brat, don't let her get away!". Nope, I didn't have time for any of that right now, I was running for my life.
  I suddenly stopped. I could feel something wrapping itself around my feet. Crap. I hoped to God that it wasn't a snake or some new weird kind of animal. I also hoped that it wasn't the freaks chasing me. The last thing I needed to be was captured.

  I suppose you're wondering who I am, why is all this happening to me, and who are the 'freaks' chasing me. You'll learn about all of that later, I promise. But right now, I had to find out what was getting so tight around my feet. I looked down. It was a rope.

  Ugh,  I should of kept running. I shouldn't of let it distract me, because as soon as I found out it was a rope, I knew they had finally caught me. I could hear their laughter in the distance. It made me sick. I tried hard to break free from the rope, but I couldn't move my feet. I could hear those jerks' footsteps coming closer and closer.

  I closed my eyes, and decided not to hang my head. I wouldn't give them that much satisfaction. I heard a woman laughing and some snickering behind her. I opened my eyes and turned around. They were right behind me.

  Their  leader, the woman, her name was Kady. She looked down at my feet. "Amateur work," she said, turning around to the men. I was surprised that they weren't chauvinist enough to let a woman be their leader. "You could've done much better. Oh well, at least the insolent little brat has been captured." She smirked after saying this. I scoffed. She started talking again, ignoring the scoff but I swore I saw her give me a look. I smiled. "Bring her back to.." She lowered her voice a bit and continued, "You-know-where."

  I  thought to myself, What the hell. You honestly had to lower your voice to say, 'You-know-where.' I'm easily annoyed so it kind of ticked me off that I couldn't even know where I was being taken.

  Anyway,  a man came up to me, he was big and he even looked evil. I didn't even had to look at him to know he was glaring at me. He picked me up carelessly, almost dropping me. His arms were rough and he was squeezing me a bit. I didn't show my pain, or make any noise. I wasn't that weak.

  Thinking that the crackhead had me secured in his grip, one of those other boneheads untied the rope and took it off of my feet. Dumb idea. I kicked the 'crackhead' in the you-don't-wanna-know and he swore out loud, dropping me. Yes, score! I quickly began running again, this time faster than ever. I could hear Kady swearing and yelling. That just made my day.

  "Ha, suckers!" I yelled out. It felt so good to move, even if I was only caught for a while.

  I opened the door to my small house. Yes, MY house. I didn't live alone though. I lived with my band of merry men, yes my friends. We were all orphans. There are four of us, though with me being gone most of the day, everyone else says its more like three.
  Theres Abigail, who's thirteen years old and is usually called Abby by all of us, Ethan who's seventeen and the oldest, Joseph, also called Joe who's half-Asian, half-American and three, I know what you're thinking, how do you manage a three year old, he's smart, not much trouble, and quiet for a boy. Then, there's me, Sky, sixteen years old, providing a shelter and food for me and the three people I live for, my best friends.

  Abby  understood everything I said, not being too curious. She helps around A LOT, and even though she can be quite the girly girl, I still love her.
  Joe's usually tucked up in his room, doing God knows what. Probably trying to think of a way to blast us all, ha kidding. He's a good kid, and he has the voice of a little angel.
  Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. We would always get into the stupidest little fights. It was crazy, but after a while we realized that the other one wasn't so bad and became friends. He's also a trouble-making, malicious, devious little booger. 
  Well, I bet you're wondering how we lost our parents.

  Abby's parents left her on a doorstep. You could've even given her to an orphanage who'd ASSURE she'd get good parents. But a doorstep! Abby had been abused by her foster demons, and ran away from home. Did they bother looking for her? No.

  Ethan's parents died in a car accident. I felt so bad for him, when he told me the story. He was eight when they died. Didn't say much more about it.

  Joe never even knew his parents. It was so hard for him. He'd been picked on by some of the scum who lived on the streets. He had no siblings, and no friends. So you could imagine how he felt when we found him and took him in. I remember when he used to call Ethan 'dada', it was so cute.
  Me, my mom walked out on me and my dad. My dad was a good care-taker, but after a while he got confused. He started doing drugs, and drinking. And after a while, he couldn't take it anymore. I was only two when he died, yet I took care of myself for fourteen years. When I was ten, my mom came to the house for me. When she only wanted me, and wouldn't take everyone else, the answer for her offer was a smooth, No. Yes I had that much attitude with my mother. But how would you feel if your mom left you alone with your dad who slowly became a drug addict.

  Joe tugged on my shirt. "Sky, whats for lunch, I'm starved." he uttered out, silently. I smiled at him. He was only three and could speak in long sentences. "What do you want kiddo?" I asked, trying to sound cheerful. "A hamburger would be good." he said looking up at me and smiling. But as quick as the smile came, it left. "You're dirty, and you have lots of bruises and scars," he gave me a concerned look. "Oh it's nothing." I murmured. "Your, lying." he told me. Dang, that kid was smart. "I just ran into some.. trouble, No big." "Are you sure?" was his curious, concerned reply. "Sure. Now, let me make those hamburgers." He started smiling again and went off to his room yelling behind him, "Call me when the burgers are done." "Okay." I yelled back. I got out all the stuff and started preparing the food.

  "Mmm, watcha making?" I could hear someone behind me ask. It was Abby. "Yea, what are you making?" asked Ethan. "Burgers." I replied. "Yum!" was Abby's enthusiastic reply. "I'm going to do my hair, I just can't seem to deal with it today, ooh and then I'm going to put on that cute pink frilly skirt I have. So cute!" Abby said, then went off. I loved Abby, but sometimes she was such a girly girl. Oh well, I couldn't say I don't have MY girly moments at times. I mean every girl has a bit of 'girly girl' in them. Right?

  Ethan smirked. "I didn't know you could make burgers. Who asked for 'em?" I turned around to look at him. He was wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt, his brown hair messy as always. "Joe." "I see," his evil smile turning into a grin with malice in his eyes. "What are you up too?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Oh nothing.." "I swear if you do anything stupid I'll kill you." He grinned. "The burgers are burning." I turned around to see the beef almost burnt. I turned off the under-oven grill. Ethan ran off. Darn it.

  In about five-ten minutes, I had the burgers prepared. I called everyone, watching them as they walked in especially Ethan who looked at me innocently and smiled.
I had set the table so everyone just sat down waiting for their plates and food. I put a plate with a burger in it infront of every seat and sat down with everyone. We prayed, and dug in. Even though I thought they were burnt, they were actually just extra-crispy.

  When everyone was finished we just decided to chill out, well I decided to take a bath first and join everybody else in watching television when I was done with my shower. Hopefully Ethan didn't mess around with anything yet.
© Copyright 2008 M. Saunders (storybooks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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