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by LoNfan
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1405612
As things get worse, Aura realizes he likes Fri more then just a friend.
CHAPTER 6: Blackout? In The Secret Library!

         My eyes opened. I had a splitting headache. A bright light in the room didn’t help any either. I jumped up with a start when I realized I wasn’t in my room. The room was completely dark except for the small glowing orb in the center. Chills ran up my spine. The light coming from the orb wasn’t normal. It didn’t light up the room like a light should, it just was light. I can’t really explain it.
         I got up with a grunt. I stumbled and almost fell from my headache, and I couldn’t see the floor. My headache dissipated as soon as I stood up straight. I walked over to the light, which seemed to get further away the closer more I walked to it.
         “That’s no scary.” I said sarcastically, making aloud “gulping” noise. I Turned to go in the other direction, maybe I can find a wall, and “bingo” the orb was right in front of me. This close to it I could see it had a golden hue to it. It appeared to be solid. I reached for it, my hand went right into it. Like water. I tried to pull my hand out and it was stuck.
         “Oh dammit!” I shouted. I drastically tried to get it free. I wildly pulled and grunted, I’m sure it would all look funny on a video orb.
         What do you wish to know? Asked a voice. It echoed in the entire room, but I know it came from the orb.
         “Um, hello.” I said dumbfounded.
         What do you wish to know?
         I spent a moment mulling things over.
         “How do I get out of here?”
         Through the door.
         Okay, let me rephrase that.
         “Where am I?”
         You are in the Una B’d Estroy school. In the Juno region of-
         “Where in the school?”
         The area known as the “Secret Library” by Headmaster Porion Vander Drake.
         I paused taken aback.
         “I’m in the secret library?” I said bewildered.
         That is correct. The voice answered.
         “How did I get in here?”
         I cannot answer that. You were simply just here.
         “What? Oh well then, what are you? Where are all the books?”
         I am an ancient artifact, known by many names. I was lost for years before having the school built around me. I am the intellect of an ancient being. As for the books, there have never been any, I am all the collective knowledge of the ancient being and stored knowledge of the Witches.
         I was seriously awed. I felt my breath rush out of my body. I felt light headed. So this was the secret, there were no books, it was pure knowledge.
         “What can I call you?”
         My most recent name. The Bible.
         The Bible? I guess that wasn’t too bad, considering the situation.
         “What are you for, exactly?”
         I am nothing but the intellect and memories of the ancient being and the collective knowledge of the witches. Only they could use me, their spirits were on the same level as mine and fit perfectly in tune.
         “What do you mean?”
         The astral plane is split into many parts. The part where the souls of all beings that exist physically in this universe are on one plane. Beings such as the Devas and demon lords exist physically in the astral plane, so there souls exist in a different plane of the astral plane, one harder to get to. Elvish spirits exist on the same plane and a human, but on a different layer of that plane, a higher layer. Which is why they are more prominent with magic. The higher on a plane, the stronger the force of magic.
         The ancient being I was once part of, existed on the farthest astral plane on the highest layer, with the Devas. Witches whose creation is unknown even to me, existed on all planes and layers, so they could sync into my plane and become one with me, taking all the knowledge I posses. The Witches would also store their information within me.
         That was lengthy. So its used to pass on information, so in a way it is a library.
         “Where are the Witches?”
         They are no longer in existence. All I have are that they were destroyed by a great power.
         “That’s not good.”
         No it is not.
         “What can you tell me about the Witches?”
         They were a source of unimaginable power. Creation is unknown. They destroyed evil by becoming evil. They shared a collective power, when another was born, the power was spilt among them. To be powerful, they had to work together and channel each others power.
         So the more there was, the weaker each individual became, the less of them there was, the more powerful.
         “What would happen if there was only one Witch?”
         No such records exist. The outcome would be unpredictable. Too much power for one being.
         “Who did you use to be?”
         The water dra-
         A loud, ear piercing screech came echoing around the room. Everything was vibrating. I fell to my knees and put my arms around my head, trying to lessen the noise. It helped a little.
         A bright light blasted out of the Bible. It hit me and knocked me into the blackness, I lost sight of the golden orb. My back hit something cold. A large pressure was pinning me harshly to the cold wall I hit. I was sprawled eagle. With my eyes shut tight, I felt a deep pain drill into my temple. It hurt so bad I let out a scream, but I couldn’t hear it. After a few seconds of pain, a warm soothing sensation filled my head. In the darkness of my shut eyes, images and words flashed by so fast I couldn’t make sense of it.
         The last thing I remember is the image of a man with spiked black hair. His skin was light brown, unusual in these parts. He was standing with blazing white fire burning everything around him. People, houses and agriculture were all being destroyed.

CHAPTER 7: Sudden New Spells? The Psycho Arm and Healing Kisses!

         I woke up in my bed. The remnants of what happened last night echoed as images and voices in my head. I could remember if it actually happened, or I was dreaming. I sat up and my head felt like it was going to explode. I laid back down and let the pain fade away.
         I wasn’t going to class today if I got a headache whenever I stood up. I watched the ceiling with discontent. I never realized how much I hate the little protruding designs on the ceiling. That might be the headache talking though. Minutes passed, maybe even hours, but I couldn’t find the strength to lift myself out of bed.
         I couldn’t even find the strength to talk. I just kept groaning and sighing. When I got to sweaty on one side I rolled over to the other. I was so uncomfortable. Then I heard my door open. I really wished I could open my eyes.
         Who’s there? I thought since I couldn’t talk, but it’s not like I was going to get an answer.
         Whoever it was sat down beside me on the bed. I could tell by how much the bed sank that it was an adult. They gently rubbed the side of my face with their hand, then touched my chest.
         They’re feeling my chest? I thought, not fully aware of what was going on.
         Then the person rubbed their hand through my hair and whispered in my ear.
         “I will not let any harm befall you.” I don’t know if it was because of my semi-conscious state or some kind of magic, but I couldn’t tell if the voice was a man or woman. It was like words just appearing from nowhere.
         Then  I felt it. The soft, wet feel of someone’s lips, on mine. They kissed and I found myself kissing back. The taste was, well, I can’t explain, it was like I was at peace. There was a flash of light and I jolted up like waking from a bad dream. No one was present and I had all my strength back. I got out of bed and turned on my shower, now that I was able to do that without flooding the place.
         I rested in the soother bath for half an hour or so and put on my plain clothes that Porion had gave me. I raced down to the Dinning Hall and found it was lunch.
         Man! I hope I don’t have to got to my afternoon classes. I was feeling much better, but I wanted to mull over all that had happened. I wasn’t in the mood for Archery or Enchantment class.
         I grabbed my food, roasted chicken and sweet potatoes. I spotted Spay and Fri so I ran over to them.
         “Where were you?” Fri asked, finishing off his potato.
         “I didn’t feel well this morning.” I said taking a bite from my chicken.
         “Rough night, huh? Utrab’s wasn’t in class this morning either. We had a substitute, Marlyn I think his name was.” Spay said mouth full of mush.
         I just continued eating. I couldn’t keep my mind off what the Bible had said. Witches were powerful, and Porion said I was a Witch. I caused the earthquake and the fire at the orphanage. I almost killed the Colonel. It’s because I am the only Witch in existence, even the Bible said that would be too much power for a singular being.
         Am I evil? The Bible said Witches became evil, to destroy evil. I am so confused. And who kissed me, did that even happen or was it a hallucination? I’ve never kissed anyone so how would I know how it feels? It was amazing, I never felt so alive or at peace.
         “Are you okay?” Fri asked, breaking me out of my train of thought.
         I snapped out  with a slight daze, forgetting where I was.
         “I’m fine.” I said returning to my meal.
         Fri wasn’t having that though, he knew something was wrong. Elves and their intuition.
         “I know something is wrong. Can I help?”
         I gave him a friendly smile, “No. I think it’s something I have to do on my own.”
         Spay gave his two cents.
         “I know what’s wrong. You and Utrab are worried about the school finding out about your ‘friendship.’” he said, doing the quotation marks with his fingers.
         “And because you’re so young you don’t know if you should give yourself to him.” the scary thing is he said all this completely serious.
         “Is that true?” Fri asked curiously.
         I felt my anger rise. I marched over to Spay and clonked him on the head.
         “I don’t need you spreading any rumors.” I said between my teeth, people staring at us.
         “Ouch that hurt.” Spay said and rubbed his head.
         Fri was smiling, trying to hold back his laughter.
         “You shouldn’t try to hide who you really are.” Spay said knowing on a chicken bone.
         I sighed. People were listening now. Dammit, Spay is going to ruin Ruse’s career.
         “There is nothing going on between us. Ruse is my teacher and that’s all!” I shouted a little too loud.
         “Then why do you call him by his first name?” some random kid shouted.
         Everything was quiet, and I was caught off guard. I never really thought about it. I just started calling him Ruse, he hadn’t told me not too.
         “I… I don’t know.” I whispered.
         “You see they are fu-” the kid was about to say something inappropriate when Ruse suddenly appeared.
         “Off with you all!” he said harshly.
         Everyone skid addled out of there so fast I felt gusts of wind. Ruse and I were the only ones left. He walked up to me and stared at me with his piercing eyes.
         “Are you feeling well?”
         That nearly knocked me off balance, I was sure I was in some kind of trouble. Now his features took a more sensitive tone. His eyes softened.
         “Yea.” I managed, horribly.
         Our eyes were locked.
         “That’s good. I expect to see you for advanced training tomorrow.” he said returning to normal.
         “Of course.” I SAID returning to normal.
         He walked off and I marched back to my room. That’s funny.
         “I don’t remember telling him I was sick.” I said, remembering the feeling of the kiss.

         A monster, who was now more human like and able to comprehend was watching from afar. His enhanced sight made it easy for him to spy on the lovely boy from a mountain top. He saw the man with dark piercing eyes and immediately felt angered and raged.
         The boy belonged to it and no one else. He jumped off the mountain and ran with inhuman speed to its cave.
         “Mine.” it’s groggy voice echoed.

         I was spacing during class, it was boring now that I was reading books meant for after school training. The problem was I was in class with Ruse and if he found out I was spacing, he’d punish me. I found myself staring out the window, so I immediately snapped back to Ruse’s attention. He was going on about magical strategy. For instance, using a wind spell to increase the effectiveness of a fire spell.
         “So Mr. Maika, how would one go about making a rune circle capable of trapping and incinerating your enemy?” Ruse asked me, he knew I had been spacing. Fortunately I read about this a while ago, somewhere I think. I don’t know, ever since the encounter with the Bible everything’s jumbled and I can’t recall where I got some of my information.
         “Just remove the rune Jum’lla and replace it with K’eri. Switch Lore and O’piom and place F’lar in the center. Then cast an activation spell.” I answered matter-of-factly.
         “Yes, good. I see you’ve been studying. Except for the fact that your circle has a high risk of exploding and incinerating everyone within a ten foot radius.”
         “I forgot the Yule symbol to bind the circle!” I added with such haste I made a fool of myself. I feel like a dork.
         I heard some snickering and laughter in the back.
         “Yes. Which is what I was going over when you were off in La-La land.” Rise said with a hint of anger.
         He’s been getting angrier in class since he found out I’ve been casting spells for personal training.  He caught me casting a moderate level black magic spell to blow up a tree.
         “I’d like to see you after class.” he said with a flash of cruelty in his eyes.
         “Okay.” I said with equal fierceness. I wasn’t a push over any more.
         I could sense the thoughts of the other students buzzing with scandal. That was the other thing, I now found I could sense peoples presences and thoughts. When I told Fri he said I was empathic. I had the ability to feel other peoples emotions, thoughts and auras. He also said I could heal people is I learned to control my empathy. He also said that if I didn’t learn to control it the empathy could kill me.
         Feeling to much at one time could kill anyone, Fri had said.
         The bell rang and I waited while everyone else stormed out, some of them gazing back and looking at me. Probably imagining what Ruse and I did together. As soon as the last person was out I mentally slammed the door shut.
         “You shouldn’t be using magic.” Ruse said, this time his eyes soft.
         I hated how he always changed. When he was with me alone he was usually kind and the coolest person in the world. I actually learned a lot about him in our talks during training. He went to the best school for magical training and sword mastery and graduated at a very young age. He had a wife about ten years back and a daughter that lives with her mother.
         “I know.” I said down heartedly. “I just couldn’t wait and it really helped with my stress.”
         “I guess a little magic won’t hurt, but promise me no more high leveled magic.”
         “I promise.” I said with a devious smile.
         “Or moderate level magic.” he added, breaking my countenance.
         I puffed up and stormed out.
         “Bye.” I mumbled on the way out. I’m not sure why.

         “I’ll never let any harm befall you.” said the man in the brown suit. As the young witch stormed off in anger, looking ever so lovely. He wasn’t really the man the witch thought it was.

         The image of Utrab was playing on the small video orb. Porion sat in his office, a few hundred miles away from the school Una B, which is what most people called it for short.
         “His powers seem to be growing at an unprecedented rate. Before he was only able to make objects shatter and brake, but now he is able to close doors and levitate objects. It also seems that he has been using magic as powerful as a Gaa Spark. I caught him shattering a tree.” the image of Utrab smiled with amusement.
         “His anger is much more under control and he no longer is causing trouble from the astral side. Most of the other students are weary of him, with all that happened to the barbaric swords master teacher. Most of the students have resorted to spreading rumors of him and I.” he smiled even more amused.
         Porion raised his brow to that, he felt the slight pleasure Utrab found in the rumors. Porion knew what the rumors were, everyone did at the school, even if they didn’t say it aloud. Porion had no idea if they were true and didn’t really care. What two people did behind closed doors was their business.
         “He seems to keep his social circle to two other students. One of them is a Sprig named Spay, not too bright, but extremely talented in archery, sword study and alchemy. I think they have a kind of familial bond. The other student is an elf named Fri. He seems well rounded and posses great skill in magic, as all his family has. I think they may have a more, personal bond.” Utrab hesitated, confirming Porion’s own theory.
         Porion shut off the orb with the image of Utrab. He slide open a drawer and grabbed a similar looking orb and placed it on a small black three legged stand. A flash of green light emitted from the orb.
         “That is all very good news. Keep a close eye on him using magic and do nothing to lose his trust. Let me know how the search is for that experiment of Franks’ is doing. By the way, Frank is going to visit for a little bit as the new alchemy teacher.” Porion tapped the orb and it disappeared with a purple flash.
         “Let’s just hope they boy doesn’t actually get into the library.” Porion said to himself, trying to build his confidence.

         I snuck out later that night with Spay and Fri. They were all excited to be breaking the rules. I was glad to be away from Ruse. I don’t’ know why he made me so angry today. It was like he was someone else. I was almost positive he wouldn’t mind me using magic if I felt I was ready. Then he goes and treats me like a kid again.
         Maybe I’m just blowing this out of proportion?
         “I’d say.” Spay giggled and danced off.
         I turned bright red. Was I thinking out loud?
         “You know you should learn to keep you thoughts to yourself.” Fri said patting my shoulder and running off with Spay.
         I stood stunned for a minute, then caught up to the pair. We walked to a spot I found a few day back perfect for casting spells and practicing my bow.
         It was a small clearing shaped close to a perfect circle. Tree grew on the rim of the circle, like a boundary. The trees had some arrow shafts stuck in them and scars of wear I attacked them with spells.
         “This is it.” I said, proud of my little area.
         “Whoa! This place is kind of cool.” Spay mumbled and went off to climb a tree.
         “This is great.” Fri said, resting his arm on my shoulder.
          I felt like butterflies were swarming in my stomach. Why was he touching me, like this? I noticed me looking at me. Part of me wanted to turn and meet his eyes, but like a coward, I didn’t.
         He turned away and started examining a tree. I sighed.
         Time to blow of some steam!
         “Gaa Spark!” Purple lightening formed in between my palms and shot forward into a tree, leaving a scorch mark and some missing bark. I wasn’t attacking with all my strength, I didn’t want to burn down the forest after all.
         “When did you learn that?” Fri asked attacking a tree with a fireball.
         “Somewhere, in a book I think.”
         “You read WAY too much.” Spay said hanging from a branch.
         “Maybe you should read more.” I mumbled.
         “What was that!”
         “Oh nothing.” I waved it off and turned to my tree. I could see Fri hiding a smile behind his hand.
         “Bomji Wind!” Air gather above my upturned palm. It quickly turned into a fierce disk of wind capable of slicing like a sword.
         I shot the spell at the tree and left a long scar across it’s.
         Ouch! I imagined it hitting someone. It didn’t turn out too well for the person.
         “That would hurt if it hot somebody.” Fri said wide eyed.
         He’s so adorable! Why the hell did I just think that?
         As much as I would have liked to explore why I had thought Fri was adorable, a sharp growl interrupted our playtime in the forest.
         “Stay close.” Spay whispered. He managed to get behind us without us noticing. “I can sense a demon beast.”
         “So it’s not a wild… animal?” I whimpered.
         Damn! Why am I whining?
         The three of us huddled into a circle, keeping our eyes open for attack. I prepared a spell, Spay let out his claws. Apparently his finger nails turn into talon-like claws. Fri un-sheathed his sword and held it at the ready. My heart pounded hard in my chest, I could tell it was the same for the others. I felt something warm and soothing on my hand, it was Fri’s hand.
         “Don’t worry.“ he whispered so that only I could hear it.
         This made my heart beat even more, but I’m not sure it was from fear or… something else. From the tree above us a giant silver wolf with glowing silver eyes leaped down and tried to get my head, which would have taken it clear off if I hadn’t dodged. Fri and Spay rolled out of the way and readied themselves so that they were facing the demon beast. By the time I turned to face it, the monster was already up to my face. I quickly released the spells I readied.
         “Explosion!” I placed the spell to close to myself and went flying into a tree, but so did the demon.
         Everything was blurry, probably head trauma. I heard the demon howl and saw a blurry figure swiping at it. Then the figure was struck and sent flying into the ground. It stood up and ran on all fours to the demon, I assumed it was Spay.
         I heard Fri’s voice next to me. I looked over and he had his hand out to help me up. After stumbling slightly I cast a healing spell and was good as new in a few minutes. Spay kept the demon busy and he was doing pretty good, although he couldn’t get any hits in because the demon could easily knock him to the ground again.
         “Ready?” Fri nodded. I replied with a nod.
         Fri ran up to the demon and dodged an attack, elves have supernatural speed, agility and strength. With a slash the beast howled and slashed Fri a good one.
         “Fri!” I screamed and sent a wave of magic energy towards the demon. The force slammed it harshly into a tree and managed to break the tree in two.
         I looked dumbfounded, so did Fri and Spay for a second at least. I ran to Fri and started a healing spell on his chest. I couldn’t see the wound to well, so I tore off his shirt.
         “Holy mother of the flow of life. Lend your child your blessing and give us the gift of life.” the chant was flawless.
         Spay was healing himself and keeping a watch for the demon. The wound healed nicely but the blood was still there. So I tore a piece of Fri’s shirt and soaked it with a water spell. I washed off his chest. I realized that he was quite built.
         “Look out!” Spay warned.
         I quickly cast a shield spell. “Barrier!”
         An invisible bubble formed around Fri and me and the demon ran into it. The force of the tackle on the shield sent stabbing pain through my head. I almost let the shield down. I wasn’t used to actually using magic in battle situations, so that explains my crappy tactics.
         “Thanks.” Fri mumbled, opening his silver white eyes.
         “No problem.” I grunted, holding off swipes from the demon. Each one sending pain through my brain.
         Spay dashed and dropped kicked the demon into a tree. Then slammed an upper cut into its belly. The demon bite and tossed Spay into a tree with its mouth. The demon then opened it’s mouth where a small org of light formed and shot out like an arrow. The light penetrated Spay, passing though him.
         It was a spell that attacked a persons spirit directly, astral magic. That was going to make things very interesting.
         “Spay!” I shouted.
         “I’m- I’m fine.” he replied weakly.
         The demon turned it’s attention to Fri and me. It shot multiple arrows of light at my shield. These attacks hurt like HELL! I let the spell down, I had to or I would pass out. Fri sat up holding his sword. The moon light shone on his smooth skin as he waited in stance for the demon to come.
         I wasn’t going to just stand by and let this demon kill my friends. Just then I felt something change in me. Something in my eyes, flashes of images and words. People talking and spells being casts. Wars and a man standing surrounded by white fire, and then a woman. Whispering something I couldn’t understand, yet I knew what she was telling me.
         Autonomously I placed my left hand on my right arm. I started chanting words that seem to spill from my lips.
         I call upon you, lord of minds.
Let your energies flow into me.
Gather ‘round my arm and rip apart me nemesis.          

         I could feel the energy fiercely spinning around my arm. Somehow the violent maelstrom of psychic energy didn’t harm me. I went with it. While Fri was holding off the demon, I sent a warning for him to move, although he probably could not tell why. The energy was invisible.
         So I mentally pushed him aside and ran up to the demon. It sent a blast of energy at me, I blocked with my arm, it perfectly deflected the demons attack. I got In close and slashed up. I guess it sensed my attack and jumped back, but I still nailed it good. Blood gushed and sprayed all over me.
         The demon fled into the forest and took off running with a limp. I let out a sigh.
         “Damn that was fun.” I said sarcastically.
         I caught Fri laughing away while he helped Spay to his feet.

Chapter 8: Two Boys? Assault!
         The wounded demon ran as fast as it could through the forest, fearing that the boy who nearly slashed away its head was following. It stopped to drink water by a near by river and when it did a smaller, yet more powerful creature jumped down from a tree and landed on its back. The demon sent blast of light from its mouth into the other creatures face, but with no effect.
         The other creature smiled maliciously and grabbed the demon by its snot. It pried the demons mouth open and ripped its head in two, the demon did have a chance to howl. Then the creature squeezed the demons stomach so hard its long, bony fingers penetrated the skin. In seconds the two beings merged in a nasty process. The creature’s teeth became sharpened and its eyes now glowed white silver.
         The creature howled into the night, at the moon. Beams of white energy shooting from its mouth.
         “No harm.” the creature gargled.

         When we got back to the boy’s dormitory Fri and Spay were curious to what spell I had cast. I didn’t feel like lying anymore so I told them the truth. All of it. What Porion and Ruse told me about being a witch, causing the earthquake (Spay already knew that) and about the Bible and the blackouts.
         Surprisingly they took it very well. Fri wanted to examine me and study me, he said that if I was they last witch I was a remarkable specimen. And I don’t think Spay fully comprehended what he heard because he went to sleep soon after. Fri and I stayed up a little later talking about the events that had transpired earlier. We were in the Social room, the fire place was still lit.
         “Thanks for healing me and for the barrier.” he shot out so fast it was almost like he was embarrassed.
         “I told you it was nothing, you would have done the same for me.” I said, my heart pounding. Then I remembered what I had thought about Fri in the forest. I thought he was adorable. I sat lost in thought, looking into the fireplace.
         “No you were amazing out there. I couldn’t think that fast on my feet. I didn’t get one spell in; I couldn’t think of any.”
         I looked up, into his silver eyes.
         “I wasn’t thinking to well either. I only used the spells I could think of. I didn’t even think of using any of the astral magic spell I know, and that would have hurt the demon a hell of a lot more.” I said, honestly.
         “Yea but you had the one spell you almost sliced its head of with.” Fri said admiringly.
         I smiled, “Yea, but I have no idea where it came from or how I knew it.”
         “I was thinking about that actually. You said the Bible was a vast source of knowledge right?”
         I nodded in agreement.
         “Then is it possible that maybe when you came into contact with the Bible you absorbed the knowledge, maybe that’s how it works?”
         I mulled it over. It did make sense on how I knew so much lately and couldn’t remember where I got the information.
         “I didn’t think of that. It makes sense now that I think of it. Your wonderful!” I said in a thankful tone.
         I lost myself in the fire again, and I didn’t notice Fri move over to the couch I was on. When he sat down beside me, it brought my attention back. I looked over at him and our eyes met.
         He placed his hand on top of mine. My heart was beating faster, so fast it almost hurt. I wanted him to get closer.
         Argh! These thoughts are killing me!
         Fri may as well have been a mind reader, because he leaned in closer. I felt light headed. I know what was happening, and at the same time I had no idea what to expect.
         “Fri.” I said softly.
         He smiled. He leaned close enough for me to feel his breath. It sent chills up my spine, good chills. I leaned in and with that he brought our lips together. It was electric, the fire in the fireplace erupted and light orb in the social room grew brighter and brighter until it exploded. Shards of rained down, but we ignored it. Our lips pressed hard and our tongues touched sometimes.
         I had no idea what was going on, only that I wanted this more then anything. It finally stopped when Fri thought he heard something and we pulled away from each other. We sat in silence for at least half an hour before speaking.
         “How long?” I finally built the courage to ask.
         “How long what?” Fri replied, not looking at me.
         “How long have you been attracted to boys?”
         I think I caught him off guard with that. He looked at me with a look of stupor. He smiled and his face was the face I knew so well, I could feel things returning to the way it used to, well not the exact way of course.
         “Well, with my people its frowned upon severely. We’re going extinct more of us are losing the ability to reproduce. So if my family found out im as good as dead. But I’d say for about thirty years.”
         My face must have been priceless because he smiled wider the I have ever seen.
         “So since you were fifteen? So have you been with a lot of… people?” I asked with a pause.
         “Yea. Boys and girls. I am forty-five after all and we do start maturing the same age as a human child so it’s no surprise.”
         “Right..” I said down-heartedly.
         “You’ve never been with anyone have you?”
         I looked down to the floor. I sighed, “Nope.”
         “I thought that kids in orphanages did stuff like that all the time?”
         He caught me by surprise.
                “They do, I never did though. Are you saying I look like that kind of person who would just do something like that just to do it!” I said offended.
         I must have startled him, because he started apologizing immediately. I smiled, “So are we, um, boyfriends?”
         “I believe so, I mean only if you want to I don’t want to force you into anything.” he said so gentlemanly I couldn’t help but smile brightly.
         “Of course.” I leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

         Outside the school, in the forest, on a tree, was a large humanoid creature, watching the elegant boy with shaggy black hair. He kissed another boy with spiky black hair and silver eyes. The creature howled in anger and jealous rage. It jumped down from the tree and snapped another one on half with hits bare hands.
         The creature shot a power white energy blast and eliminated a dozen trees in one blast. With a howl, the creature took on a human form of a man with deep brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. The naked man ran with supernatural speed and agility and leaped onto a window ledge and snuck into the office of the man he was posing as.
         “Your mine.” he whispered in the dark. “Only mine.”

         With the visit to Dalmort this weekend, Spay and I focused a lot of our free time at the archery range. Fri watched us with pleasure, often mocking us when we missed, which wasn’t often. It was all good fun though. Things were good between Fri and me. We met a few time privately to hang out and do other things. I’m still a virgin though, I do have some class you know.
         Ruse started acting weirdly distant, he didn’t want to talk anymore an he canceled our weekend training classes, which was fine with me because I was training in the forest, regardless of the demons that inhabited it.
         We also found the more students were going missing and some students were being pulled out of the school. Rumors started up that it was a ghost that was taking the students and eating their souls, or something like that. I didn’t believe it, but I also couldn’t deny the fact that students were going missing.
         I shot an arrow into the bulls eye cleanly. I jumped with joy and did a little dance. Spay congratulated me and continued to shoot a bulls eyes as well.
         “Good job you two!” Fri shouted from the benches beside the field.
         “I’m better!” I replied jokingly, Spay was way more skilled then me.
         “Oh yea?” Spay mumbled. The shot five arrows so fast I didn’t have time to count them all until they struck their targets. He hit five different targets, even one in mine.
         “Show off.” snapped.
         “Lets see you do better?” he teased, then his face fell sharp. I noticed that Fri started yelling at Spay.
         “Why the hell did you say that!” Fri panicked.
         Oh, they know me too well.
         I quickly chanted a spell and released it on all the targets on the field. They all went up in flames and were reduced to asked.
         “Muahahaha!” I laughed maniacally.
         The other students on the field turned and looked at me strangely with stunned faces, then the all backed away in silence.
         We didn’t return to the dorms until night time. The hall were empty, students were afraid to stay out late anymore for fear of being taken by the so called ghost. The three of us laughed and marched back to the social room with fully belies from dinner.
         Spay was telling us a funny story about his sister, who was apparently a prodigy in white magic and was already attending the best school for Holy and white magic and she was only ten. Any way the story was about when she and her brother were playing with a shovel and he accidentally whacked her in the face with it.
         Spay started laughing when he got to that part, but Fri and I were kind of shocked.
         “Was she okay?” I asked horrified.
         “She’s still my sister ain’t she Lulo?”
         Fri snickered.
         A horrible sounding howl echoed in the boys dormitory. We turned around and saw a large humanoid thing quickly dashing towards us. Fri pulled out his sword and Spay readied his claws.
         “Becareful, I couldn’t even sense it, and I still can’t hear its foot steps. This thing isn’t normal, be extra careful.” Spay warned through his teeth.
         The creature leaped toward Fri and stretched out its hand that had large bear like claws. Fri blocked with his sword and countered with a slash, the creature dodge and slammed Fri into the wall with his head.
         A loud thud and Fri was out cold. Spay ran up to the crearue and got in a few good swipes, but the wounds healed immediately.
         “Balas Shot.” I chanted. Thin wire like strands of light appeared from my palms and hit the creature, piercing through its body. I threw my arms at a wall and the wires act as I did, slamming the creature into the wall.
         Spay rolled back and quickly got out his bow and arrows. He shot five arrows quickly managing to nab the thing in the eye with one. It let out a loud cry and emitted some sort of energy that canceled out my spell, the white wires dissipated like smoke. Then the creature shot out a blast of white energy from its mouth, like that demon from before.
         Spay and I quickly chanted a barrier spell and placed it in front of u sin the shape of a wall. The blast of light hit it and shattered the barrier, although the blast was negated, it still shattered our barrier, which left us nearly unconscious.
         The creature slowly made its way towards Fri.
         “No.” I sighed, almost passed out. I placed my left hand on my right arm and fell on my side.

I call upon you, lord of minds.
Let your energies flow into me.
Gather ‘round my arm and rip apart my nemesis.          

         The force of psychic energy around my arm , which was resting on the ground, eroded the stone floor. I stood up, nearly falling over and with great difficultly ran towards the monster. The creature looked at my arm and growled, sensing the power around it.
         “Take this!” I shouted, slicing through the creature vertically. A large rip from where its privates should have been and to neck bled like crazy and I could see its insides. The creature pushed me and sent me into the wall behind me. It then stood up, losing more blood and jumped out a window in the hall.
         I sighed and finally passed out.

         Chapter 9: Dalmort! The Heroic Pact!

         The sun was shining brightly today as we entered the city of Dalmart. It was quite large, bigger then anywhere I’ve been. All the building were built with the same patterns and designs. The tallest buildings were no more then four stories, except for a large, and I mean LARGE dome shaped building which was eight or nine stories tall at its highest point.
         “What is that?” I asked in awe.
         Ruse looked at me like I was stupid. He’s been acting weird and distant lately like he’s mad at me, I guess the whole using magic thing affected him more then I thought.
         “It’s the Sphere.” he replied coldly.
         “The sphere?” I said confused.
         Fri looked up from a book he was reading about the city. “It’s an arena for fighting. You fight for money and people pay to see the fights.”
         “Since you seem to know everything Mr. Durag’nosh Elps’it Troash, you can lead your friends around the city.” he said harshly. “And I expect you three to be back by sunset.” he smiled darkly.
         Ruse walked away coolly. I almost choked from the lameness of it all. I sighed and looked at my two friends. Spay hadn’t been paying attention like usual.
         “So where is the shooting competition at?”
         “Um, somewhere.” Fri said half-hearted, examining the map of the city. “I marked down before we left. Ah, I see here on the other side of town.” he looked up from the map, with the cutest expression on his face.
         I rolled my eyes at the scene. “Okay, so we should get moving. Spay are you-”
         Great, Spay was gone.
         Damn you Spay!
         “If I know Spay,” Fri started.
         “He’s looking for food!” we both concluded.
         Since there was like a billion food stands and a zillion restaurants, we decided to split up. I would take the east, and Fir the west, If we found Spay we would go to the place where the shooting competition was at. After about an hour of looking I got fed up and found a bench to sit on. Then I pull out some ingredients I carry with me in a small sack just incase I need to cast a spell.
         I set the spell contents on the ground. Some ginger, fire sand and some magnetite stones. I couldn’t wait until I could cast a spell of this caliber without the ingredients to help me channel the magic. I used a piece of chalk to draw a magic circle with some choice symbols and runes. I placed the ingredients in their proper places.

Lord of the light tower.
Mistress of the Woods.
Send us your guide to take us where we desire

         With that the spell was complete. A small org of light appeared and hovered at face height. It was a will’o’whisp, a servant to the lady of the woods. They could lead people to treasure, but if you didn’t offer them something in return, they would lead you to death.
         “Please help me find my friend Spay.” I pleaded. “If you do I’ll give you this.” I pulled a small golden bead out of my sack. It was a solid bead of honey I made for this situation. Will’o’whisps were fairies and fairies like shiny and sweet things. It flew over the bead of honey and I guess ate it, since the bead disappeared.
         The orb floated in a figure eight shape and made a chirping noise. Then it flew off down the street. I quickly gathered my things and ran after it. I chased it for minutes until it froze and exploded.
         “Okay?” I said in both shock and confusion. Then I looked over and saw Spay and Fri, gorging on food like a couple of pig.
         I stormed over and gave them a look that made them drop what they were holding.
         “What the hell!” I shouted, making a scene.
         “Um?” the both said, trying to find an excuse.
         “We got distracted.” Fri said apologetically.
         I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Fri.
         “Besides we got you this.” Spay said with a full mouth and pointed to a platter of delicious looked food.
         My eyes lit up with joy and my cheeks blushed from happiness. I forgot all about my anger and chowed down on the food. When I was finished I let out a long sigh.
         Fri placed his hand on mine under the table. He gave me a truly apologetic look.
         “It’s okay.” I whispered. I would have kissed him if we weren’t in public.
         “I knew it! You guys are fu-” I shot Spay the evil eye and the space beneath him exploded, sending him flying.
         “Oops. Hee-hee.” I smiled childishly.
         “So I guess he knows.” Fri quipped.
         We got to the shooting range just in time to sigh up for the contest. Turns out the contest worked in teams. Spay and I were team 10. Both teammates shoot and then they add up total points based on how close you get the the bulls eye and how far the target is.
         I pulled back the string and let the arrow fly into the bulls-eye. The crowd cheered and I heard Fri yelling something about being the best. Spay hit a target from a farther distance then me, but I got more bulls-eye’s. In the end we had about two thousand points. About four hundred points less then first place.
         “We almost won, at least we got this trophy.” Spay hissed.
         The trophy was about a foot tall and made of silver. It was a an arrow flying through an apple. After the competition, the first place team got some kind of new weapon. It was something that looked like a miniture cannon that could fit in someone’s hand. It had a small trigger that could be activated by squeezing your index finger.
         I think the contraction was called a gun, or pistol, I think I heard someone say. It fire way faster and more effective then a bow. Spay fell absoluly in love with it, even though he was pouting over losing, only because he didn’t get the gun.
         “Next year.” I assured him. The sun was still in the middle of the sky, we had several hours left to explore then town.
         Ha! That’ll show Ruse.
         “How ‘bout we watch a match at the arena, sounds fun.” I added to break the silence.
         “Yea.” Fri agreed.
         “I guess.” Spay said sadly.
         “Come on! Cheer up, don’t you like violence or something. Come on!” I said running towards the Arena.
         When we got to the entrance to the arena there was a large crowd. People were screaming and gasping. I noticed several people crying as well.
         “What happened?” I asked myself more then anything, but a kindly man took it upon himself to answer.
         “There’s been a murder. I young girl was strangled.” he said like it wasn’t that bad.
         “Oh my god! Did they find out who did it?” I said shocked.
         I could tell Fri and spay were just as surprised.
         “No, I’m afraid not. The strange thing is none of the temples priests or priestesses can find any trace of living beings or demonic beings at the sight.”
         That is a problem. Every living thing leaves a trace, because everything has an astral body only something soulless wouldn’t leave a trace, even so, a demon leaves miasma where its been, no matter how small a temple priest or priestess could find it.
         “That is weird.” Fri replied.
         I guess he figured it out too. I looked back at the crowd and managed to see through a small space that the girl had long blonde hair. She was wearing a plain white dress. I felt my heart drop even more at the discovery; she looked so, innocent. We left the scene, down hearted from the news. I couldn’t help but picture the poor girl pale with a blue face with large bruises on her neck. I actually never seen her face, but that didn’t stop my imagination from over reacting.
         We got to small empty park. All the kids were probably inside with the news of the dead girl quickly spreading. Fri and Spay sat on a bench, I stood enjoying the breeze. None of us had seen a dead body before, or even been so close to a dead body. What if we had gotten to the arena earlier, would we have seen the murderer.
         I could sense how depressed Fri and Spay were. I walked over the the bench, behind Fri and placed my arms around him. I rested my head on his shoulder.
         “It’s okay. They’ll find who did it.” it was the only thing I could think of and I think it was more to make myself feel better then Fri.
         “I know.” he said blankly and kissed me on the cheek.
         Spay looked at us in shock.
         I guess we never really did stuff like that in front of him before.
         “Oh sorry.” I said quickly.
         “Its no problem. I’m just gonna go throw-up somewhere.” he said with a faint smile.
         I smiled in response and we all just sat there in depression. Then I came up with the best idea yet. I thought about the thing that attacked Fri. If we hadn’t been able to defend ourselves, we would have been dead and no one would have known what did it. Not Fri’s parents, not Spay’s sister. No one. I couldn’t let that happen to anyone.
         “Lets find the bastard that did this. Then we’ll make him pay.”
         Fri looked at me like I was crazy. So did Spay.
         “That’s crazy.” Fri stated, Spay nodded in agreement.
         “I know, but I was thinking about when you got attacked by that monster in the hall way-”
         “You mean the one that no one believe we saw even though I have the bruises to prove it?” Fri added sarcastically.
         “Yes that one.” I continued. “If we hadn’t been able to stop it, we’d be dead and on one would know why or by who. I can’t let that happen, so whether you help or not, I’m going to find the bastard.”
         They looked at me expressionlessly.
         “I cant let you go by yourself, you like a cousin to me.” Spay said randomly.
         “And you’re my boyfriend. I have to protect you.”
         I smiled brightly and kissed Fri, I even added a little tongue to mess with Spay. He looked away and I swear he turned a light shade of green.
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