Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1405300-Truth-or-Dare-12
Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #1405300
I haven't typed the rest of the story yet
I walked down the hall of my new junior high school.  It was the first day before school.  I went to the locker room and put my stuff in my locker.  My locker was right next to my bunk bed.  The boys and girls stayed in the same room because the school was way too cheap.  School started that night with a greeting game of Truth or Dare.  I was suppose to go first and pick a truth or dare.  I picked Truth. 
“Which boy in this room do you think is hot?” the girl asking the truth asked.  I looked at the boys sitting in the room. 
I turned to Her and promptly said, ” none.” 
“What?” one of the boys exclaimed. 
“You don't think any of the boys in this room are hot?” She asked. 
“No.” I said. 
“Fine, next person.” She said, looking at the boy sitting next to me, “truth or dare, Creg?” she asked. 
“dare.” he said.
“I dare you to go out with her for one week.” the girl said.  Half the boys burst out laughing the other half looked disappointed, and angry. 
“you're joking right?” one of the boys that was laughing asked. 
“No it's a dare.” the girl said. 
I was surprised at the dare but covered it up with a smile and said, “fine but only a week.”  The boy smiled weakly and whispered to the girl, “what do you mean Sasha?” 
When the girl was finished telling people what to tell the truth about and what stupid dares to do the  boy that was dared to go out with me and I left the area where every one was, and went to the bunk room.  “so what should we do?” he asked. 
“pretend were interested in each other and hold hands for the week.”  I answered.
“So what's your name?” He asked.
“I'm Anaiea” I said.
“I'm Creg.” He said.
“good night.” I said.
“good night Analiea.” Creg said.
I climbed up to my bed and went to sleep.  The next day I woke up and changed in to jeans and a tank top.  I went to the room that served as a kitchen dining room and a living room.  When it was a living room all the tables were pushed up against the walls and couches were pulled out.  They served pancakes and sausages. 
Creg casually walked up to me and said, “do we have to act?”
I gave him a glare and slipped my hand in to his sweaty palm to play the part. 
“Just pretend.” I said.  We walked to the befeatt, togather.  some people were starring at us.  I ignored them.  I got some food and sat down at a table and Creg sat next to me.  I quietly finished my food and started to get up to put the dishes away when Creg quickly got up and said, “Analiea let me get that for you.” Before I could say a word, he had picked up my dish and whispered in my ear, “Just pretend Analiea.”
Now more people were starring at me.  I smiled a little and mumbled to myself, “this is going to be a long week.”
“what?” Creg asked from behind me.
He startled me and I jumped up quickly.  “relax it's just me.” he said. 
Yea I barley know him that's going to make me relax so much.  He gently stroked my hair and I calmed down a little bit but was still not comfortable with him acting so well.  Or maybe he wasn't acting and he really liked me.  I was kindove worried but I covered it well.  Later that day Creg was still being nice to me and kindove creeping me out.  Especially when in the halls he would come up behind me and slip his hand in mine.  He would then walk me to my next class.  What relaxed me was that he didn't seem to be acting at all but really likening me.  I felt kindove weird because I had just met him a day ago.  Not even a day.  The only reason we were going out was because of a dare.  After all of our classes we had lunch, and again Creg slipped his hand in to mine, and whispered “just pretend Analiea.”  Yea use my words to make me feel better good going smart one.  I smiled and acted like I liked him for all lunch.  After lunch he whispered “meet me in the bunk room.”  I thought about it for a second and was about to interject but when I turned to see him he had already gone.  I quickly left the lunch room and headed for the bunk room like Creg had told me to.  When I got there, no one was there.  I stood around for a minute.  When I was about to leave, I turned around.  When he let go of me, his blue eyes sparkled as he saw me smile.  The world seemed brighter.  Every color wasn't blurred they were all real.  Creg's world seemed better than mine.  He had shown me what I needed to see, and I was happy.  I was in the world that Creg had seen me in all day.  I kissed him again.  It felt so weird earlier to be with him but now it felt normal.  Than I realized he was hot and that I actually did like him.  He was who I had been looking for without knowing it.  For the rest of the day we hung out together and enjoyed it, at least I did.  I watched his sparkling blue eyes.  They were like an ocean.  They engulfed me and I wanted to be swimming in them.  They sparkled whenever he looked at me.  When that happened I melted in to his eyes.  I wasn't in classes anymore I was in his eyes swimming, getting lost in a maze that I always wanted to be in.  When ever we got close my stomach started to bubble and I stared in to his amazing eyes.  They calmed my stomach and I wanted to kiss him again.  I felt like I was the only person in his world.  His shining bright amazing dazzling world.  I would never be alone again.  He would be there with me.  His big blue eyes would never desert me.  I was just floating in his eyes for the rest of the day.  That night I kissed Creg good night, and melted in to his gleaming blue eyes.
The next day I woke up to Creg kissing me.  I opened my eyes and saw those amazing, unmistakable eyes again.  He was starring in to my boring brown eyes, and stroking my hair.  I melted at the sight of his eyes.  “Let's go to breakfast.” he said.  I quickly got out of bed, and followed his to breakfast.  His hands were sweating like they were all yesterday. 
“relax.” I said.  He almost went limp after I said that.  When we walked in to the room everyone went dead silent.  I smiled at them.  Creg and I walked to a table with all eyes on us.  I felt some eyes glaring and some starring.  I followed Creg to a table and sat down.  He put his left hand on my right so I couldn't eat and had too look at him in the eyes.  I lifted my eyes to look at Creg's bright blue eyes.  I melted.  Creg had a look in his eyes that told me he wanted to kiss me.  I waited.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.  Every single person was starring at us.  I felt his strong arms around me.  I looked around to see peoples expressions.  Most of the girls looked mad.  The boys weren't paying attention.  Sasha was smiling so big I could barley tell it was her.
“So you two actually like each other?”  she asked.
”What do you think we just did?” Creg asked.
“Don't get cocky with me Creg.”  Sasha said, “I don't think I've introduced myself properly.  I'm Sasha.”
“Everyone knows who you are Sasha.” Creg said, “The most annoying, bossy, stuck up girl in the eighth grade.”
“I'm Analiea.” I said, smiling at Creg's joke.
“Just to let you know every one thinks your boyfriend is hot.” Sasha said.
“What ev.” I said annoyed.  I started to get up.
“Where are you going?” Sasha asked me in disgust, “I dared you to do something.”
“Yea and I'm doing that.” I said.
“What if I dared you to do something diffrent, would you do that?” She asked. 
© Copyright 2008 Amanda Panda (amandapanda99 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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