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Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Fanfiction · #1405099
a script written about the poem pocket money for school
Pocket Money
Cast (in order of appearance)    Scene 1 (School Alley way)
Victim = Alex.J                             
Main Bully = Ben
Bully 1 = Jamie
Bully 2 = Kirby
Bully 3 = Callum
Bully Lookout = Chris
Fellow Victim = David
Victim's Dad = Alex.f

On the short cut to school there is an alleyway between two-abandoned warehouses, with old air vents and dustbins it's a prime place for bullies to hang out

Victim: (sighs), (walks)
Main Bully: (swaggers over to Victim, Stands in front of him, Spits in his face) Oi, mug where d'you think you're going!?
Victim: (gulps) (stays as still as he can)
Bully 1: (swaggers over, blocks victims left side) Yeah! Stop!!!
Bully 2: (runs over and blocks Victims right side) SCUM!!!
Bully 3: ( Slow, Dramatic, Frankenstein's Monsteresc waddle towards victim, blocks his back)( glares at Victim)
Bully lookout:(cautiously walks halfway to Victim) (peers back) All's Clear!!, Pound 'im!
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Punch Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Punch Victim ) (chew gum)
Main bully: give us ten pee or get another bash!!!
Victim: ( hands over a pound in the hope of stopping the next nine times) Ok, will you stop now? (he says this cheerfully, but with a hint of fear)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Spit chewed gum at victim)
Main bully: No!!!
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: SCUM!!!( punch Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: SCUM!!!( punch Victim)
Bully Lookout :(peers back) Somebody's coming! SCRAM!!
All other than Victim: (run off stage )
Bully lookout: (stops, runs back to victim, pushes victim over, runs off stage)
Victim: (desperately, pleadingly, sorrowfully, pathetically, bluberingly) I can't explain what happens to my cash. I can  but can't-not to my Mum or Dad. (impersonates bully) Give us ten pee or get another bash (reverts to norm) - that's where it goes. And though their questions crash like blows, and though they're getting mad, I can't explain what happens to my cash;
How can I tell the truth? I just rehash old lies. The others have and I'm the had : (impersonates bully) Give us ten pee or get another bash
Fellow Victim: (happy, jolly, willing to help)Alright there, need  a hand?(holds out hand)
Victim: yeah thanks. (gets up)
Fellow Victim: saw you getting roughed up, it's horrible isn't it?
Victim: (more cheerful now) yes (Bit perplexed)  Wait!! How d'you know!?
Fellow Victim: Simple I'm bullied.
Victim: What!! You!!!
Fellow Victim: yes.
Victim: ok, let's go.
Fellow Victim & Victim: ( walk  off side by side)
Scene 2 (Stair Well)

Just outside room H2 there is a stair well leading to room G2 and the playground. The staircase is that of the spiral kind, and is 25 foot high.

Victim: (sighs), (under breath)why oh why can't we learn trigonometry. (walks)
Main Bully: (swaggers over to Victim, Stands in front of him, punches his stomach)
Victim: oof!
Main Bully: Oi, mug where d'you think you're going!?
Victim: (gulps) (stays as still as he can) (worridly) Down the stairs!
Main bully: (punches Victims stomach)
Victim: doof!
Main bully :cheeky little nit aren't you.
Victim: (nods)
Main Bully: now let's get this perfectly clear, We're the bullies so you do as we say. Got that!?
Victim: (nods)
Bully 1: (swaggers over, blocks victims left side) Yeah! Do as we say!!
Bully 2: (runs over and blocks Victims right side) SCUM!!!
Bully 3: ( Slow, Dramatic, Frankenstein's Monsteresc waddle towards victim, fists held high, pummels Victims back) Or else!( glares at Victim)
Bully lookout:(cautiously walks halfway to Victim) (peers back) All's Clear!!, Get 'im!
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Punch Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Punch Victim ) (chew gum)
Main bully: give us ten pee or get another bash!!!
Victim: ( hands over a pound in the hope of stopping the next nine times) Ok, will you stop now? (he says this cheerfully, but with a hint of fear)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Spit chewed gum at victim)
Main bully: No!!!
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: SCUM!!!( punch Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: SCUM!!!( punch Victim)
Bully Lookout :(peers back) Somebody's coming! SCRAM!!
All other than Victim: (run downstairs )
Bully lookout: (stops, runs back to victim, pushes victim downstairs, runs downstairs)
Fellow victim: (finds the misshapen body of the Victim lying in a heap at the bottom of the staircase) Hello friend, I'll take you to the first aid tent, provided you get up, that is.
Victim: (gets up, Just) Boy am I glad to see you, they pushed me down the stairs, that is after, they gave me a few lumps to the chest.
Fellow Victim: ooh! Hurt did it?
Victim: you better believe it.
Fellow Victim: smeg, let's go.
Scene 3 (football pitch)

Just outside room G2 there is a playground and a football pitch with first aid tent for all the injured players
Victim: (sighs), (walks) owch!
Main Bully: (swaggers over to Victim, Stands in front of him, burps in his face) Oi, mug where d'you think you're going!?
Victim: (gulps) (stays as still as he can)(whispers under his breath) not now.
Bully 1: (swaggers over, blocks victims left side) Yeah! Pipsqueak !!!
Bully 2: (runs over and blocks Victims right side) not afraid!
Bully 3: ( Slow, Dramatic, Frankenstein's Monsteresc waddle towards victim, blocks his back)( glares at Victim)Are you!!!?
Bully lookout:(cautiously walks halfway to Victim) (peers back) All's Clear!!, Pound 'im!
Main bully & Bully 3: (repetitively punch Victim)
Bully 1 & Bully 2: (repetitively kick Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (chew gum)
Main bully: give us ten pee or get another bash!!!
Victim: ( hands over a pound in the hope of stopping the next nine times) Ok, will you stop now? (he says this cheerfully, but with a hint of fear)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Spit chewed gum at victim)
All Bullies: No!!! Course not!!
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: SCUM!!!( knee Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: SCUM!!!( elbow Victim)
Bully Lookout :(peers back) Somebody's coming! SCRAM!!
All other than Victim: (run off stage )
Victim:(picks up football)
Bully Lookout: (stops, runs back to victim, pushes victim over, kicks Victim slamming him in to the goal, runs off stage)
Bully Lookout: (hear voice from off stage) Yes! Goal! I Won!!
Fellow Victim: Smeg! Mate did you just get slammed into that goal by that lookout person?
Victim: Yep!
Fellow Victim: Crikey! Need a hand?
Victim: yeah, listen if you could just pull the net off me?
Fellow Victim: no Probs! (pulls net off Victim)
Victim: (gets up)(brushes his hands on his trousers) Thanks.
Fellow Victim: Don't mention it.

Scene 4 (School Alley way)

On the short cut to school there is an alleyway between two-abandoned warehouses, with old air vents and dustbins it's a prime place for bullies to hang out
Victim: (sighs), (limps)
Main Bully: (swaggers over to Victim, Stands in front of him, Spits in his face) Oi, mug where d'you think you're going!?
Victim: (gulps) (stays as still as he can) Home!
Main Bully: Oh! Wise guy huh! Well here's something to remember me by! (punches Victims stomach)
Victim: oof!!        Ahhhhhh. 
Main Bully: hey freak head! STOP!
Bully 1: (swaggers over, blocks victims left side) Yeah! Stop!!! (burps in Victims face)(puts Victims left arm in an arm lock)
Bully 2: (runs over and blocks Victims right side)DODO BRAIN!!! (puts Victims right arm in an arm lock)
Bully 3: ( Slow, Dramatic, Frankenstein's Monsteresc waddle towards victim, blocks his back)( glares at Victim)(grunts)
Bully lookout:(cautiously walks halfway to Victim) (peers back) All's Clear!!, Pound 'im!
Main Bully: (Punches Victims stomach)
Bully 3: (punches Victims Head)
Bully 1: (kicks Victim)
Bully 2: (knees Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
Main Bully: (Punches Victims stomach)
Bully 3: (punches Victims Head)
Bully 1: (kicks Victim)
Bully 2: (knees Victim)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Taunt Victim ) (chew gum)
Main bully: Give us ten pee or get another bash!!!
Victim: ( hands over a pound in the hope of stopping the next nine times) Ok, will you stop now? (he says this cheerfully, but with a hint of fear)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout: (Spit chewed gum at victim)
Main bully: What do you think? Of course we're not gonna stop. You're trash.
All other than Victim and Bully lookout:Trash!!!( Taunt Victim)
Victim: (crouches to avoid getting hit)
All other than Victim and Bully lookout:RUBBISH!!!( Headbutt Victim)
Bully Lookout : (peers back) Somebody's coming! LEG IT!!
All other than Victim: (run off stage )
Bully lookout: (Feeling ill he stops, runs back to victim, Vomits on victim, runs off stage)
Scene 5 (Kitchen)

In the Victims house there is a Kitchen. The Kitchen is small, has a breakfast bar, a state of the art fridge/freezer, a state of the art dishwasher and all the usual stuff.
Victim's Dad: So sonny what did you have to eat today?
Victim: For dinner Dad?  ooooh  just, eer, sausages and mash.
Victim's Dad: That shouldn't make you broke by Wednesday, lad.(freezes)
Victim: (turns to face audience) I can't explain. What happens to my cash - my friends all help themselves. I get the ash of fags I buy and give, get none. (impersonates main bully) Too bad. Give us ten pee or get another bash, for being you! (reverts to norm) And still I feel the thrash of stronger, firmer hands than mine. The sad disgust of living like a piece of trash. I can't explain what happens to my cash. (impersonates main bully) Give us ten pee or get another bash.
Scene 6 (School Alley way)

On the short cut to school there is an alleyway between two-abandoned warehouses, with old air vents and dustbins it's a prime place for bullies to hang out

Victim: (sighs), (walks)
Main Bully: (swaggers over to Victim, Stands in front of him, Spits in his face) Oi, mug where d'you think you're going!?
Victim: (gulps) (stays as still as he can)(under his breath)here we go again.
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