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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #1404789
A group of teenagers are out to fix the world's problems, by means of reality change.
The Chaos Empire: The Miracle


Truly all humans live solely to attempt to improve their society, is this not everyone's goal? Is not one of the greatest threats to society war? That force that tears apart lives as humans duel for supremacy, families, countries and all else falls apart. What are wars over is there a sole reason? Yes, they like the people below them have governments run by different people with contradicting opinions and these occasionally result in battle. So how is it that one may prevent war with so many variables and so many possible contradictions from land to governing style? I will tell you, only when the world is under a single banner will world peace truly be accomplished. This means there must be no more borders, no more countries. However logically the governments of the world will not willingly surrender power and some of the members of the country would also appose such a measure. Truly government and law is the greatest enemy of the people. Perhaps this is chaos I am unsure, but a world at chaos is not at war, and soon the entire world shall see it the correct way and hoping to improve the whole world soon all shall work for the worlds assistance. This means one simple thing: the only way to stop the greatest scourge of the world is through that same scourge, a true glorious revolution to free all the world from the evils of warfare, to unite them under a single person. The only question now is how...

Brown eyes peered from behind some rounded glasses over the journal entry from four years ago. Curly brown hair that was beyond taming raged for control of the boy’s vision. His long and very skinny body causing his legs to stick out off his computer chair for several feet under the desk causing them to rest on the wall beyond. At the young age of sixteen Matt had long been a thinker, and this great goal of his was his driving force since he was twelve. He looked to the keyboard and at last hit the backspace button removing two of the last three dots. In their place Matt typed, I have found this how. I have made a machine that shall allow me and several who I have found who agree with this theory, to lead this world into a glorious revolution. These others shall be my crusaders, and we shall turn the world to our logic and when that is done, true world union will occur leading to truly reformed society through which all other reforms shall follow until perfection is achieved. Truly in our current state of reality this is not a possibility, so I shall fix that, I shall create a new reality and turn the world to it. Perhaps we were all onto something when comic book characters and superheroes were invented, is it bizarre that humans are drawn to having supernatural abilities? Truly it must be a hint and I shall use it.

Matt turned his chair on its wheels as he hit enter putting the statement into the journal. He placed his hand onto a small globe that floated seemingly of its own accord in the darkened room. It had taken him forever to create this, he found he had a gift for higher technology though, he couldn't say that about his social life though, but those who intended to create the greatest goods for the world didn't have time for that sort of thing. His globe that swelled with a light from dark purple veins was sort of like a reversed virtual reality object, this object would cause changes to people all over the world that would've been beyond possibility with the old laws of physics. By reversing it he would allow it to become reality to everyone rather than just one as the type of device had been in the past, thus truly changing reality into the form he wanted. He knew what he was doing in taking this risk, the ones he was about to put in power, himself included, would have powers supernatural in the current world, and any could use them to the detriment of society or his mission. He had attempted to limit such a danger, but there was no way to be sure. Secondly the force to use the machine required one of the greatest sacrifices available, life. He needed allies, but he had them. It was time to call them, to truly bring about this new order.

He turned to a different machine he'd also made, this one drew those who consented and had given him a particular identity. He had spent four years searching the Internet trying to find them; he had rallied a rather tiny group from all over the world under his command. All were teenagers like he who saw the truth. His "Chaos Empire" (referring to its anarchic ideals) was headed by him mainly, but he had selected an Elite Circle to be the ones to lead this revolution with him. They would share with him the burden and the responsibility of being controllers of the Miracle, his name for the world reality machine. He punched in a few buttons on the machine, he trusted only two with the title of Elite Circle though he had little idea what their devotion levels were as he knew them only over the Internet, his machines had validated they were who they said they were, but he could not yet tell thoughts. He entered the codes for homing on their DNA, and pressed enter.

Beyond the machine the two platforms where he had prepared the two to come out through as a sort of portal began glowing. Matt turned off his monitor and attempted to remove light sources, there was no telling how they would respond to being plucked out suddenly. There they're atoms began to materialize, on the left a large guy, several inches taller than even Matt, and quite a bit wider at the shoulder, and on the right a girl of the medium height and skinny variety began to materialize. As the process went on the details improved. The boy also had glasses but his were thinner than Matt's and he had greenish eyes. His hair was a blonde and straight. The girl had beyond her shoulder brownish-black hair and a freckled face along with brown eyes. As she materialized in the only light other than the guy's it became evident that she had a tan and that he was very whitish in color. As the process completed both of them took a sudden sharp breath and fell to the ground as the sequence didn't allow you to breathe while it went on. "Welcome, the time has come my friends." Matt spoke from the darkness.

The girl was quick to catch her breath and asked, "You finished it Matt? At last!"

The guy was slower to catch as he seemed a little less in shape and he merely stated in a slightly more annoyed tone, "A little forewarning would be appreciated though."

"Indeed Jess I have," Matt responded right away, glad that she had caught on fast rather than wondering where she was, then he looked to the guy and stated, "Thomas you seem rather negative for such a glorious day."

The guy stared straight into the darkness at Matt, "This gadget better be what you cracked it up to be Matt."

"What's the matter with you today Thomas?" Jess asked in a sort of concerned voice.

Looking aside as though not wanting to tell anyone anything Thomas spoke, "Nothing," he stated it plain and simple to show that he had no intention of telling anyone any more so it was pointless to bother.

Matt allowed a little more light into the room so that he could be visible and then he stated, "Alright here it is." He lifted the globe off its platform and held it out towards them. Being a distance away both of them had to first come forward to stand on either side of the glowing purple sphere. They both stood at it for a little while. Thomas raised a hand and held it over the orb feeling the energy inside.

"How does it work?" Jess asked Matt quickly.

"That's where you two come in. It relies on the great power of life to run it, I need the two of you to offer part of your lives to power it and then I'll manipulate the program for it while adding my own share to cause it to give us the power over the world, while at the same time changing reality, by granting us abilities that will make us impossible for any opposition to defeat, it should erase all political countries and truly bring us into power so we can make the world the way it should be." Matt explained.

"Reality control. Brilliant." Thomas offered the praise this time.

Jess instead of praising was caught in part of Matt's statement, "So this offering life to it, first off that won't be permanent will it? And secondly do we have to do anything special?"
"No it will not be permanent Jess do not worry and also it is programmed to draw the energy out of you as long as you place your hands on the orb." Matt explained.

All three hesitated for a long moment as all had run out of things to say now that the moment had arrived. Until Matt finally spoke, "So shall we get to this or are we going to stand around while the world rots?" Matt while looking at the two of them thoughtlessly accessed a program on his computer which was to be the programming that supposedly would be the new programming for reality.

Understanding that it was time Thomas and Jess both decided against words. Thomas raised his hand first and held it about an inch in front of the orb, a second later Jess had her hand opposite his and was also waiting, and then Matt held his hand an inch below the orb and waited.

"One..." Jess began the countdown.

"Two..." Thomas spoke with anticipation.

"Three." Matt finished and all three hands covered the distance of one inch and all came in contact with the orb. The purple glow flooded over their hands and up onto them until it covered all three bodies. Thomas visibly cringed, but his hand could not move, and realizing this he made no more movement. As though surprised Jess made a visible effort to pull her hand free twice before she was devoured, there was no way to move the hand though and soon she too gave in. Matt who understood the Miracle's workings did not move at all. The purple glow covered all three of them and soon the lights combined across the air. Each could feel as though the very energy in their bodies was being drawn to the Miracle. As the glow combined into one big sphere a bright light shone out of the very center of the Miracle.

Controlling the Miracle from his computer, Matt called out though he was invisible now being devoured by the light, "its working! It is beginning to manipulate the world to our will! Truly we shall soon have all the power in the world to make it better as we see fit!" As though offended by this though suddenly the bright light in the center turned black. Electricity flew around the orb despite it having no electrical connections. Thomas, Jess, and Matt could not move their hands still and each yelled out in pain as small electrical currents struck them in the arms.

"What's wrong Matt?" Jess called out over a now rising background noise that shook the ground itself.

"The miracle seems to be partially rejecting the demands for some reason." Matt called back as he stared at a flooding wall of data on his computer screen. "Wait a minute; some of my programs are being changed by the Miracle!" As Matt desperately moved to try and stop the changes of his programming his computer screen suddenly exploded and he had to use his one free hand to shield his face from the blast.

All three yelled out as the Miracle took more of their energy for a second and a sharp spike of pain headed through them. It was panic, all three tried desperately to break free, and all knew there was nothing controlling it anymore. Then as though finally appeased a flash of a dark light traveled out in a wave from the Miracle and headed out through the walls and around the world as the Miracle took effect, all three collapsed to the ground with a number of new scars each, for a long time they lay there unable to tell that they now had gained the powers that Matt had suggested, but something had gone wrong.

Four hours later they were all finally able to stand again and began feeling better. They examined the area the Miracle had once been, the light was gone, and it was just a shell of its old self now, a relic. Its old casing didn't glow with the energy anymore. "What happened?" Thomas demanded of Matt shortly after seeing the destroyed orb.

"I'm not sure," Matt began and then began digging through his desk looking for some cables and such as well as a small handheld backup laptop. Matt tapped on the Miracle with a glove and opened a panel on the old Miracle. Amazingly there was some nonsense codes going around on an interior screen on the Miracle, Matt decided to leave this question for later. Instead Matt inserted a cable into both his laptop and a small jack in the interior of the Miracle, near the bottom of the crazed screen. After tapping a few keys he got a screen open, "It’s a record of the Miracle's actions." Matt stated somewhat surprised at his own device. He turned to show them all the report and its changes were shown on screen. Strangely all were phrased so that the three would understand them despite being not very detailed.

- Chaos Empire is led by Matt, Jess, and Thomas
- Chaos Empire is the primary country of the world.
- Person location randomization process activated, all humans have been for the most part moved about away from old loved ones.
- Power distribution process activated. Approximate number receiving powers: 1000
- Made no changes to personalities of any humans.
- Historic modification aborted, human memories intact.

"It worked!" Jess spoke aloud after reading through the list. Forgetting the difficulty Jess was about ready to dance around with joy.

Then Matt spoke up, "No it’s a disaster, our attempts have only done most of the job. The Miracle has granted the remaining world a chance to resist us."

Thomas wandered off for a second thinking and inadvertently reached the window of the room, almost immediately he hopped backwards and exclaimed, "We're in a tower of some sort."

The other two rushed to the window and looked out. "Well it did say we were in command of most of the world now." Jess began, "I bet this is our capitol building now."

"Looks to be so," spoke Matt as he examined the outside from the window. He could see a town on all sides of it, and a wall surrounding it with people below toiling to perform some task. The tower was circular from what he could tell and they were about twenty stories up.

The other two looked at Matt as though waiting for him to say something.

Realizing what they were inferring Matt took command, "Well it looks like it’s up to us to create this glorious revolution of ours. Remember it said there were one hundred out there with powers now. Though the three of us and maybe a few others from the international CE are among those one hundred, there are almost certainly going to be some people trying to do the noble thing and overturn us, we must be ready with these powers we have."

"How do you know we even got them though Matt?" Thomas asked skeptically.

Without saying anything Matt lifted his hand and snapped his fingers, an orb of black darkness formed, it crackled with the same purple energy as the Miracle's old light. Realizing that Matt had early on figured out he had powers the other two decided to test to see if they also had any powers. As though acting on an impulse Jess raised her hands in front of her and held them about a foot apart, in response a large lightning bolt jumped between the two. Deciding to test out her powers Jess began drawing in the air with the lightning bolt; she had an incredible ability to manipulate energy. Then out of the blue Thomas spoke aloud, "Very." At which both Jess and Matt gave him very skeptical looks and he commented, "What Jess said it was cool, I thought it was a fairly easy to understand response." Still Jess and Matt stared at him. "What?"
"Thomas I didn't say anything, I thought that." Jess responded.

"So somehow I've become like a sort of psychic or something?" Thomas asked rhetorically. Then he looked at the others and seemed to focus for a second, "I can feel the life in people for some reason." He explained.

"Aye and I can feel natural energies really well. Wait a second." Jess began explaining and then snapped her fingers and a small fire immediately ignited itself. She chuckled to herself at the newfound powers.

"I suspect my powers come directly from the Miracle," Matt explained then continued, "I do not know what use that may have someday, but I do know that this power feels amazing I think there must be some way to use it for any application."

All three of the Elite Circle nodded at their own new discovered powers and grinned at their new challenge. The game was on and they knew it.

© Copyright 2008 Chust Tabehere (baxit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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