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Episode 1 A biography from a unique perspective as Beings of Light |
It began in the darkness. It always seems to begin in the darkness, though, of late, I wonder if there really is a beginning. Or an end. Just the circle. I sense the presence of another, very close, very warm and comfortable. All pink and crimson and fuscia; the ever present bump-bump, bump-bump. I am greatly comforted by this sound. I also detect my own rapid pip-pip, pip-pip. There are also pleasant chirps and cooings entering my awareness. I detect other murmurings and buzzings close by. I seem to be inside the pink light and there is another light always close by, a blueish color. I am now aware of passing time. Before, there was no time in The Light; everything was always just perfect everywhere and everywhen. Now all is dark and there is... time. Too much time. After what seems a small eternity, I am ejected into the light, and the cold. I am now in a new light, artificial, harsh, not natural, not loving. I scream in terror. Why must I be subjected to these horrible feelings. I have done nothing to deserve this cruel treatment. Who has done this to me? Yet... there is a familiarity to them. Presently, I realize that I have survived this before. Many times. Slowly I begin to feel warm again, the terror subsides. The chirpings and cooings and the murmurings and buzzings are still around me but they sound different now, sharper and more distinct. My awareness is soothed and everything goes dark. I rest. My awareness returns. I scream in agony. I am experiencing great discomfort somewhere inside my existence. Why must it be this way? Has no one any compassion for me? Many other lights are around me, watching me like I was the main attraction in a circus. Wait! How do I know... circus? I cannot determine the source of this knowledge. I shall consider this situation for a while. The pink light returns with the blue light by its side, I feel warm and comforted as it offers me nourishment which I take ravenously. The darkness returns and I rest. This cycle continues for a larger eternity. Agony. Nourishment. Rest. Again. And again. I can now move around on my own, no longer having to be transported by the pink or blue light. I go from thing to thing, seeking knowledge. But the pink light takes things from me. How can one learn if things are taken away? I scream in frustration. Why is this happening? Why couldn't I have just stayed in The Light. Everything was so perfect there. Oh, to be able to go Home again. Home? How do I know... Home? Where is this Home place? I must think about this. I do this think until the darkness comes once again. I have learned that darkness comes in two forms. One is a personal darkness that one needs on a daily basis to regenerate our energy. Our resting period. The other comes as a function of this place to which I am confined. For most lights these two periods occur at the same time. For others they are opposed. They rest during the light which I find very strange. I am told that this place is a very large ball shaped object that rotates around itself with a big light object at one astronomical unit distance. I am told this is a VERY long way off. As this ball place rotates, the big light thing appears to rise above us on one side, giving us light and heat. Then it goes down on the other side half a rotation later, plunging us into the darkness and cold, thus beginning our rest period. It then comes back up again in the other half of the rotation. Why can't they just leave it in one place. Then no one has to suffer the dark and cold period? I am puzzled by this. More thinking and learning is required here. I will attend to it. On this ball place of confinement there is yet another place of even greater confinement. There is a large structure that is subdivided into cubicles of yet smaller dimensions into which many young lights are crammed along with an elder light. Each of the young lights positions itself on a resting structure, all facing the elder light, itself positioned in front of a large flat, black surface on which it draws lines and curious squigglings. I am told that this is a place of learning and that the elder light is the one who is teaching us. We must listen to the elder light drone on and on about something that is said to be important to us for our future existence. After an excruciating period of time we are sent to another confining cubicle to listen to a different elder light. This happens several times during each rotation. We do this for five rotations then we get two rotations to stay at our beginning place. I have been told that 365 rotations constitutes one cycle which they have divided into twelve units each of which are further divided unto four sub units. Each subunit lasts for seven rotations. We must be in the confining structure for nine units then we get to rest for three units. Maybe the rest units are actually a test to see if we retain any of the learning from the confining learning structure. These elder lights seem to be very diabolical. We do this for a total of thirteen cycles. I have heard that some of the young lights actually volunteer to go to another confining structure for an additional four to eight cycles to get more learning. If we were back in The Light we could learn at our leisure and the Elders would teach us one on one. What can we learn on this ball place that we cannot learn in The Light? I find this all very odd. More learning is needed. During my period in the learning structure I have been shown a miniature replica of the ball place on which I have been confined. They call it globe, or world, although I have heard it referred to by some as earth. Some even call it mother earth. I am not sure which term to use but I am somewhat comforted by the sound of the mother earth name. Something about the mother... a term that I find very comforting. I think that I shall use that one. Finally I am free of the learning structure. I am now able to move freely on mother earth, to pursue my learning quest. But this poses a greater question, what am I questing to learn? I know there is something that I must seek out and learn but I don't know exactly what it is. I just know that it is there. What's worse, I don't know how it is that I know. Just how is it that I have all this special knowledge without the learning? This puts me in a great dilemma. I can see that there is much more learning ahead of me. I have had the good fortune to meet other lights who face the same situation and we discuss these things together. We ask: where do we come from; where are we going; why are we here? And more. These lights have been here a bit longer than I have so they have gained more knowledge than I, and I realize that this is the start of my real learning. These light friends inform me that we always come to mother earth with a special goal but we usually don't know what it is. They tell me that the information is within us and we must look inside of self to find it. They say that it is very special to journey within to discover our true selves. I think that I shall have to undertake this special journey sometime. We also come here, I am told, with other lights that guide us and watch out for us. I am told that the lights that guide us are called spirit guides and the lights that watch over us are called guardian angels and that we all have them. I don't know about that for I have seen nothing of these other lights, these guides and angels. I wonder if they are trying to make fun of me, or just lying. I absolutely hate ones that lie. They tell me that very few can actually see or hear them but that most of us can usually feel them by way of a chill when there is no reasonable cause for a chill. These lights say that it is their way of communicating with us. One of my many mystery questions have been answered without even being asked because I have felt these unreasonable chills during times when I have felt very alone. I now believe they were trying to comfort me and to let me know that I am truly not alone. I greatfully accept their explanation. I think that I have much to learn from these lights and I eagerly await the knowledge. I am informed by my light friends that in order to exist on this ball globe mother place that we must enter a corporeal host form referred to as a body. And that these bodies are fragile, imperfect and hard to maintain properly. They break or get dysfunctional very easily. They will wear out and expire, at which time we are ejected from them. But they are absolutely necessary to accomplish our goal here. When we get ejected, are we free to go back to The Light? They tell me that not only are we free to go but that it is a requirement to return to The Light. And if we haven't accomplished our goal this time around, we will be sent right back here to start all over again in another body. I don't like the sound of that. I am learning that the lights that inhabit this earth mother use a form of exchange to acquire what one needs. It involves almost everything and the lights seem to place a very great value on it. It is the subject of many personal fights and disagreements. Yet it remains a necessity for existence. Without this exchange media one cannot acquire what one needs to survive here. One needs it to get shelter, transportation, nourishment and the protective wrappings for our host form. In order to get this media stuff one must submit to menial labor at the command of another, something these lights call work. Almost nothing is available without the exchange media. Many lights tell great lies in order to amass huge amounts of the exchange media. It seems to give them great power and it gets them into the ruling group of lights that run everything. They exchange large amounts of the media in order to acquire anything they desire and they can use the media to force other lights to do anything they want them to do. Copious amounts of fluid erupt from my visual organs. I scream in despair at the way the good lights are treated by the ruling lights until the darkness overtakes me once again. For the purposes of following my quest, I am forced to engage in some of this work. This is a make things type of society so there are lots of things that have to be spread about for other lights to acquire. I have been fortunate enough to secure a position as transporter of these things. I get to move about mother and have the opportunity to meet other lights. Many of them have thoughts and questions similar to mine. Needless to say this provides for some very interesting conversations. Plus, I get a good amount of exchange media and I am well able to provide for myself. I now have my own personal shelter structure and transport mechanism. I have encountered another pink light to whom I am very strongly drawn, a female of the species. I find this light to be very attractive but there is something else that draws me. I cannot place exactly what it is yet, but there is something special about this one. Even if this one were not attractive I would be drawn to it, like some sort of familiarity, like maybe we have met somewhere before. We get to know each other and decide to partake of the bonding ceremony common to the lights of this mother and spend tens of cycles together. My period of tenure with this pink light turns out to be my greatest time of learning. Both of us, by bonding, have embarked on an amazing journey of personal discovery. Not all the learning is good, though. For instance, we have, unfortunately, learned that we do not have a lot in common. We have many more dislikes than likes, yet we still manage to get along well. No fights or quarreling, just times where we just agree to disagree . The things we do agree on are most significant in our lives. Like the supreme being, The Light, who watches over all of existence, the trust we have in each other, the presence of guides and angels and having our own personal goals. Our relationship together is just so wonderful. I scream at the overwhelming joy of it all! One amazing thing I have learned about the lights that inhabit mother earth is that they color code their societies according to the color of the outer tissue covering that encases these host forms. They subdivide themselves in many ways but color is one of the main ones. They have divided themselves into red, yellow, black and white and brown. Color has been the source of many conflicts for thousands of cycles. Full blown wars have broken out because of a different color. Many lights claim their color is superior to any other. My bonded one and I believe all colors are equal. They also divide themselves by their belief in a supreme being. We know that there is only one supreme being but these lights go to war over the difference in their belief and in the name that they use for the deity. Why can't these lights see the truth in these matters? Why can't they see that on the inside we are all beings of light, all equal in The Light's eyes. This upsets me greatly and I want to scream in frustration. This globe place is covered with great areas of blue fluid. Also there are very large dry solid areas that are called continents. The history of this place shows that there have been large groups of lights, called tribes, that they say are indigenous or something like that. As a whole they were referred to as Natives and these old lights all lived under a common belief of one supreme deity that treated everyone equal and all lights were all equal to one another. They also had great respect for the mother earth; they never took from mother more than they needed and gave back what they could. They traded things for things instead of using exchange media. No one fought over names or color. All worked together toward a common goal, service to others and survival. And they did so with great honor and respect. When a group went out to hunt for food, what was brought back was shared with the entire village with preference given to the elderly and the infirm. No one ever said this is mine, go find your own. Everyone shared with everyone. Every time the big light rose and set they offered prayers of thanks for everything they received. And they did that for over 25,000 cycles. What a wonderful existence that must have been. Even with all the hardships they faced. I must study these Natives in greater depth. Through all my research of these Native lights I have come upon a marvelous discovery. Both my bonded one and I are, in one form or another, descended from these Natives. I spent one or more existences in the Lakota nation but my bonded one's host form actually was genetically descended from the Cherokee nation. I have also learned that this is the familiarity I felt when we first met. I am ecstatic that we both are connected to such gentle lights. One thing I found especially interesting is that they had no word for goodbye. They felt that it sounded too permanent because they all knew that they would eventually see each other again, either on mother or in the Light. So they used the word Gowamen which just means see you later. A dreaded time has come to my existence. My original pink light and its mate have been ejected from their host forms, unable to maintain any longer, and have returned to The Light. I scream at the lonliness that I feel, not realizing that this could ever happen. I always thought that those pink and blue lights would always be here with me. I am informed by a wise elder light that this is the normal path of existence for lights on mother, that no one can exist forever in their corporeal form but the light being inside us does continue forever once it returns to The Light. I am also informed that when my time comes to return to The Light that I will be reunited with my original pink light and its mate. I am very comforted by this. As the cycles pass, my bonded mate and I have come together to produce two offspring, two males of the species, the first of which has become a transporter of things like myself. First One has come together with its mate to produce three offspring and Second One has come together with its mate to produce four offspring. My mate and I now have a very fine family. I scream in joy at the love we all share together. Life is good after all in spite of all the woe to be found on mother. I sing praise to The Light, that wonderous, life giving Light, to which we owe everything. A great many cycles have passed and I lie on my final resting pad. My visual and auditory organs have almost completely stopped functioning, I am mostly cut off from communication with the lights that hover near me in these final moments of my existance on mother. I sense that many other visual organs are erupting with large amounts of fluid. I know that this is in response to the love and the impending loss that they feel for me. I have had a very good existence here. I have loved and have been loved well. I have no regrets because I have demonstrated my love for them at every opportunity and I know they have been expecting this. But that doesn't make it any easier for them, although they know that I will be going to a better place in The Light and that I will greet them when their turn comes. I only ask now that instead of mourning their loss, that they celebrate life and the love and good times we all shared together. These are the good things to remember and keep in our hearts. For a period I rest, silently going back over my time here on mother earth, remembering the various significant occurrences that have shaped my existence and molded my character. My visual organs leak fluid as I realize how much love I have shared with other lights. Most especially with my bonded one and my offspring. For the first time I am feeling the loneliness I experienced at my beginning, even though my angels and guides are with me and I will soon be reunited with the bonded pair that produced me. To put it in the language of these lights, I am going to miss them all so very much. My only consolation is the fact that eventually we will all be together in The Light. I smile as I let the final darkness overtake me. And then there was Light. A bright, warm, beautiful Light. As I rise up from my resting pad, I feel a lightness and a freedom I have not felt since... I don't know when. Too many cycles to count now. I look back and I hear them scream in the agony of their loss but I know that within a number of units or maybe a full cycle they will recover and continue with the remainder of their existence on mother. I know that they will carry on bonding and producing offspring and crying at the loss of their elder lights until The Light decides otherwise. I move to my offspring to embrace them one last time, to let them know that I am okay now. They shiver slightly as if in a chill. First One looks at Second One and says he's here. Second One says I know. They bid me a good trip. As I look upward I see in the distance the pink and blue lights that brought me into this existence, I move somewhat reluctantly in their direction. I pause momentarily, glancing back at Mother Earth and my loved ones. Farewell, my family, until we meet again. Gowaman. Not The End Episode 2 to be released soon. Stay tuned |