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Isles of Georgetown, Upgrading Everything
There is a normalcy for wanting a good living; not necessciarly a luxurious living. Being tormented from strife and, frugalness is seemingly ignored. Allow me to expose you quick mathetmatics and, reasonings, but first, consider this, if America is suppose to be the richest, and the most advanced nation for the world to follow. There is alot of domestic turmoil that has become an embarassment and, are a far stretch away from what role models supppose to be. There are credits and royalties that dominates our life. Celebrities is just another way of saying Royalty. By no means, I am proposing a luxury tax, because, of course, we all love our celebrities. Most of us have high respect those who have reached the status of affluence. We aren't lined up to kiss their butt as, these are the common assumptions. However, there is a logic that really bothers me.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet is known to have a combined fortune of over 140 billions dollars,and, how many people are there in America? about 300 million people... I am not saying these two billionares are bad people, but, thinking about it, maybe, I am might be having a problem understanding how cash work. How come 1% percent of the population have more money than everybody else in America combined? I just don't get it. Really. Let me think from the Math Perspective... if somebody has billion dollars stashed away, 300 million dollars could funded for Americans. This distribution could meant 1 million dollar for each American. Think About it.

This might cause a business term, "inflation" which means, the manufacturing of the dollar becomes overprinted. Most billionaires have in mind of the best interests for America, they could be called "Shepards". Although, shipping American jobs overseas might deter that expression the "Shepards". It is believed that most people overseas will work at a much lower pay than, in America. This is where politicans come in the picture and pretty much, kiss up to the wealthy to keep their fortune inside America. It is also, believed that sometimes, the greed from people on the top is hurting the people on the bottom, but really, is this food chain civilized? Is it civilized to walk over other people and, expect them to clean the mess? The Paparazzi is something that seems like institutional phemon in America. The gap between the extreme rich and the poor is widening needlessly and, are darkening the demeanor of civilization. This whole system is institutionalized for the benefits of the extreme rich, that art becomes 42 thousand dollars per a frame.

Where did the word Job come from? It is believed that word Job came from the Bible since it was the most earliest document, dating pretty much from the BC. I believe the Bible sorts of, have alots of connotations and relationships to today's events. It could be studied to witness parallels and, these prophets had really shook primitive civilizations with magntiude. It shows that an outspoken person's life could be in danger from being accused for blasphemy. Think Jeremiah. Anyway, studying the Bible could be just a hobby before the big game. Such examples are when the football team huddles to hear a Father or, a Catholtic Preist speak his prayers. The diet of each coursing albatross is what makes prayers become unhitched.

Brethrens of European descendants seem to yield advantages when it comes to social graces and, perks. There are many houses of race that it becomes a senistive subject to debate about. Sensivity is seemingly a very royal trait to have, but, being overly emotonal is kind of a sore. These lores of spirituality and, evolution is really like crack. The dragons in the clouds give people such rise that, it becomes martial arts which, is like a samaritan tea. The palace of peace is something operated like, the willpower of a brat. I am not trying to clamor, a "Dennis, the Mence" image, which is a classic grandeur of rascal's backyard. I was just being thematic with artistic rendezvouses.

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