Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1404389-Jakes-Long-Awaited-Rocket-Day
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1404389
A little boy learns doing the right thing can be very rewarding.
              Jake’s Long Awaited Rocket Day     

Finally, the day had arrived. Six weeks ago (seems like six years), Jake had sent

away for a rocket that was advertised in one of his dad’s magazines. Jake jumped

out of bed and ran to the kitchen. “Mom I’m going to get the mail,” Jake

said. “Umm, Jake,” said mom. “You might want to put some clothes on.” Jake

looked down; all he had on was his Spiderman underwear. “Thanks mom.” he said.

Man that would have been embarrassing. Jake got dressed and headed out the

door. As usual the elevator was out of order.  He had four flights of stairs to go

down. He ran into Mrs. Garcia and her poodle. “Hi Sweet pea. Hi Mrs. Garcia.” said

Jake  “Good morning Jake. Is it rocket day?” asked Mrs.Garcia. “ Yep, I’m headed

to the mailbox now.”Jake replied “ Oh, could you do me a favor and let Sweet pea

out into the yard?” asked Mrs. Garcia. “Anytime.” replied Jake. Jake gathered up

sweet pea and headed down to the third floor. “Well hello rocket boy.” said Mr.

Lee. “Hello” said Jake. “I’m headed to get my Rocket.” “I guessed as much.” Said

Mr. Lee. Since You’re headed that way would you mind putting these letters in the

mailbox for me?” “Anytime,” said Jake. Jake got the letters and headed down to the

second floor. He saw Mrs. Feldman struggling with her garbage. “Let me help you

with that Mrs. Feldman.” said Jake. “Thank you.” Said Mrs. Feldman. “Anytime.”

said Jake. Jake stopped on the first floor to help Mr. Johnson with his groceries.

Thanks.” said Mr. Johnson. “Anytime.” said Jake. Finally Jake made it to the

mailbox. He reached inside and hurray! His package had arrived. He just had to

finish up these chores for his neighbors and he could go open his package. Just

then sweet pea spotted the terrier from down the block. In a flash her leash was out

of Jake’s hands and she raced down the street! Jake chased after her, he caught

hold of her leash but he didn’t see the boy on the bike headed straight for them until

boom! They crashed! Everyone was ok but Jake’s rocket was ruined. Jake spent

the rest of the day in his room trying to fix the rocket but no luck. He was really sad

He had waited so long. The next day Jake’s mother called him into the kitchen. He

was surprised to see all his neighbors there and a really big package on the

table. “Mrs. Garcia has something she wants to say to you,” said mom. “Jake you

are a very good boy who is always willing to help others. We chipped in and got

you something. Go ahead and open it.” Jake opened it and inside was the biggest

and best rocket he had ever seen. ”Thank you all so much.” he said.”  “Anytime”

they replied.

© Copyright 2008 Marybalfanz (marybalfanz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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