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it's one of my stories..have a look and give me what u think ^_*

Story of a girl fell in love with a man but the end of her love hardest of anyone end..

Born with a girl aged 20 years to live the agony of love and ends at the end of sad ... knew this girl embraced its morals and good, but who loves her feeling involved easily and holds the honor of lover without any betrayal Stephanie ..... Studying at the University known in America and the author of privileges in the superiority and study in the day of days in a lecture from the usual hostess Dr. new student named ((Toure)) and welcomed him and sat behind Stephanie

Course of a single consideration of this young Stephanie was impressed by>> This is impressive may be a smile or a simple love and then turn easily maintained if the person on the border of admiration <<

The lecture started and began to describe Professor ended then said to be that of every two people share in the work of research and lend me next week and ended lecture.. Thereafter, every person looking for a colleague to the work of the search.. Torre not be delayed even went to Stephanie and asked to be colleague in the research, of course, Stefani had hoped to be the same thing Torre was accepted her immediately and then said Torre: what is ur Opinion about to go to the cafeteria discussing this subject that do not have a blocker course? answer: actually i have a lecture now sorry, Torre: Aha what you have after ?, Stephanie: I have an hour convenience ^ _ ^, Toure: nice so i will see u then?, Stephanie: We agreed, and then went to the hostess and Torre went to the cafeteria of the research on the topic of searching through his labtop even ended lecture Stephanie came to him and sat with him and starting identification and some of them are doing research until Stephanie said: ops has delayed the lecture must go, but I had the honor to know you Tori, Tori: Hahaha me more honor Stephanie see u tomorrow.

the Girl go to hostess, Torre stayed with his laptop doing research until the end ,Stephanie returned to her home and kissed her parents then they eat the dinner ,mother: How was the day ? Answered: okay usually like the same, Father: Stephanie i will be moved to another area for action and i will come between each period to see you , Stephanie: What!! Why not tell me before? Why u the only one who chose to moving?, Father: today they told me that and This proves I am the best in my career officer so they chose me to work outside the region and This proves their confidence in me and the ambition of every person achieve success for himself ^ - ^, Stephanie : I mean, there is no other solution? we will miss u and don't forget to send us ur news ok?, Father: ok, I told you i will come between each period to see u and your mother, mother: don't be sad stephanie because ur father is careful for us and he must work hard to make us live better , Stephanie: Yes, I know this, but this my dad i must miss him ,Father: Stephanie i'm not going to war it's just a simple work and then i will back , and then they had been finished dinner and went Stephanie to her room to sleep and began thinking about tori ((feeling impressive start thinking before going to sleep and dream of love wishful thinking)) then she sleep.

The next day she went to the University, entered the lecture and Torre sat behind, after the lecture they went to the cafeteria and talked even came on the extradition of research and provided all students including search and search Stephanie Torre , Dr. said: tomorrow will announce the better search group then the lecture ended ... Torre and Stephanie went to the university garden walking and talking then Torre taking No. Stephanie and told her: can i invited you to dinner tomorrow?, [[of course the heart of Stephanie can not prevent her from accepting the invitation because Torre became in it]] so she accepted.

On the following day, and at night she asked her parents to go to the supermarket and she was lying to don't make them know about the dinner ((the good heart defect when he love he lying and doing the impossible to reach for his love)) then she arrived to the restaurant and found Torre waiting ,she said: I wish I didn't getting late, Torre: Let me think u rich has a half minutes Hehehehe, Stephanie: half a minute did not affect Haha, and then they starting to take up the dinner and talk half .... In the modern Torre said: Stephanie Do your parents know about this dinner?, Stephanie: no .. Why u ask?, Toure: so they don't agree to see me, Stephanie: Haha if i want to wait their agreement so they will not agree to see any guy only when i married him, Toure: How u will know is this man is good for you or not?, Stephanie: don't ask me because i don't know about they thinking Hehehehe, Toure: What specifications of ur future husband??, Stephanie: hmm i want him to pile horse haha and the most important thing to take care of me and make me feel of his love , and that all I want ^ _ ^, Toure: don't u want him rich and charmed muscles like most girls wish, Stephanie: what will bring to me his muscle and money? i want a guy who can stay with me all the conditions and i can trust him all my life, Torre: It's good to find a girl like ur Thinking but of the story of the horse i don't think u will find Hahaha, Stephanie: Haha does not matter the horse but I want the rest of the specifications only ^ _ ^, Toure: did u loved before ?, Stephanie: No ,my friends say that it's hurt Hehehehe But I have not even tried, You?, Toure: i will lie to you If I said no .. Yes i loved only once, Stephanie: What happened to the relationship? how it ended?, Toure: Easily betrayed me and these is the quality of girls now so i left her , Stephanie: What was ur feelings then?? sorry to my question but I want to know the love that everyone is talking about if it nice or hurt?, Toure: ask as u want ,actually Stephanie i was Tickle at the time and I expected that at same time, but I found the parting is the best solution I have, Stephanie: Aha did she regretted and tried to back to u or did she left u and gone without anything?, Torre: she didn't regret unfortunately, I have not heard about her from that day , but it will come a day and she will love someone he doesn't love her and she will regret that the person who loved her had lost him with her hands , Stephanie: Is that the love? if i love that what will happen to me? it is a pain not love, Torre: Haha no requirement that what will happens to you like what happened to my love,,love depends on honor and loyalty and if u love care about u like u care about him so no fear of relationship and the most important thing presence of the openness you were not exist so be sure that your relationship large proportion it would not last and the most important thing choosing the right man and don't be stupid believing him in every word because the man is clever in these topics and can be easily deceived girls if they were not like him smart, Stephanie: actually nobody did say to me nice words and i didn't find anybody deceived me^_^, Toure: so the god loves u hahaha.

Then they continue talking even 11 p.m., Stephanie said: i must go now because i'm late and my parents waiting me now Thank you for dinner Torre i'm really enjoyed see u after the weekend ^_^,Torre: It is an honor for me frankly, I enjoyed too ,,have nice weekend ^-^ ,after that Torre delivered Stephanie to her car and said: Can I call u if you do not mind, replying: ok but not today because I am tired and i will go back and sleep immediately sorry. Torre: Take your comfort and happy dreams I was just happy to let you take that on the days you accurately next, Stephanie: Yes, i don't mind ^ _ ^, and then installed her car and went to the house and also tori returned to his home dancing because of the intensity of the joy of his relationship with her has become largest.

Upon arrival Stephanie entered the house and found her mother watching television, mother said: Is all that time u was in the supermarket ?, Stephanie: Yes, and then I saw my friend then she invited me to dinner in a restaurant and it's Embarrassing to say no, Mother: Why didn't u call me then and tell me that u will late will tell ?, Stephanie: i'm sorry mom i don't have balance, mother: Listen, I do not ask you these questions only because my fear of you and love my daughter and if u don't special to me u can find me now sleeping and don't know about u if ur late or not,, hope to understand that^_^ ,Stephanie: I know mom and I also love you More than u expecting and i'm sorry again , then she kissed her mother and went to sleep.

On the days the relationship between stephanie and toure began to grow and almost every night they talk by phone and see each other after the lectures during the day and sit in the university garden, Torre said: Stephanie I want to tell you something I expect that the appropriate time to say a word in my heart I am frankly Stephanie .. ... I love you, and then keeping her hand and said: Believe me stefane u r a different girl from the rest of the other girls and my sincere nor possible to betrayed u and my actions and statements will prove to you that but please give me a chance , and then stefane embarrassed and didn't know what to say , although it also loves him but when the love word came out from Tori she feels that he will be faithful with her and said: frankly I do not know what to say tori and also I like you because you are a good man and beautiful style but ...., Torre: Please stefane don't say ''but'' .. Please just give me a chance and u won't regret I promise you, Stephanie paused for a few moments and then said: Tore You do not need the chance and i trust u in every word u say and leave the time to determine our relationship ^ _ ^, Torre: You mean you also loves me?, Stephanie: I love you like my dear friend tori and don't be calves and let time is the one to determine our relationship, after, he picking a flower alongside them and submitted to her then she laugh and said: Haha You are not allowed to exceed the property of the State, Torre: any property it's just a beautiful rose made only to provide for the most beautiful girl in the world her name is Stephanie, she embarrassed and smiled and said: enough Torre ur words it's so sweet thanx , Torre: I shortened my words to you just by one, but I will not fulfilled all in the my heart whatever i say ,Stephanie u stolen my heart from my heart and u have my soul by your hands and u take my brain by ur eyes then interrupted, saying Stephanie : i'm late sorry i must go and Thank you for the beautiful words^ _ ^ but ur heart in ur body don't lie hahaha , Toure: what has left in my body it's just the parts of what u take from me ,also my heart it's not enough for u , Stephanie: i'm sorry but really i have to go see you tomorrow, I mean in the night i will call u Haha.

Then she installed her car and she was very happy from his talk and his recognition that he loves her then she gone home and sat with her mother and she said : mother tell me how did my father know about u? Mother: Hahaha Why u ask like this question , Stephanie: I do not know suddenly ,^ _ ^ did u study in same university with him then u know each other and make a relationship or what?, mother: Hehehehe Ask your father that he knew the answer more than me, Stephanie: haha no no i want the answer from u , Mother: Well Haha when i remembers the position i Laugh .. it's funny when u imagine your husband would expect that specific person and then another person stole u Suddenly and marry u, This call share, Stephanie: i want the story how did he know u ?, Mother: Okay, okay .. one day I was back home from the university and all of a sudden disruption under the car bombers waited for the repair did not infect me two minutes to come ur father Hahaha the white knight and stop to fix it and tried to Unflatteringly by his words, but i was also strong and have not been affected Haha, when returning home found that your beautiful father was our new neighbors However after few days we started talking and realize until we got to the stage of marriage and this whole story, and then enter the father said: Indeed, ur mother was wishing to marry her and I have not to broken her heart and said no so i married her but now i want to run from her hahaha, Mother: lie on the girl .. don't believe him because i was the most beautiful girl in the town and your father upon the witness, Father: Yes Yes she was the most beautiful between the ugliest hahaha, Mother: Enough George u know me goes sensitive in this topics, then they continue they dialogue then they have dinner then Stephanie went to her room then tori called her and they began to talk.

Then the Week of examinations has came, the first test came and sat waiting Stephanie Torre comes to entering the room with her, but he late then she entered the exam and he absent ,when she finished out of the hall did not wait a minute then she called him then he received, said: why u didn't come to the exam?, tori: I am a little tired and could not Arrival .. don't worry i will tested later and i will speak with the doctor, Stephanie: be careful baby what is ur disuses ? ,Torre: No ,change in the atmosphere and Ashe flu simple and abused, Stephanie: do u will come tomorrow?, he said: I do not know, honey, but I hope to be better than today, in order to attack the the rest of the exams, Stephanie: Well, my dear, the most important thing I listened to ur voice and i will call u you later, take care goodbye, then she returned to the House.

after, in Torre apartment.. his friend Bill came and income and said: hi the lover Hahaha did her love make u sick in ur bed Hehehehe, Toure: the love t is beautiful, Bill: Look who's talking Haha who was said the love is silly now he say love is beautiful Hehehehe strange, Torre: No, Bill this girl makes me really feel from her face that she the one who i looking for and do not look at her when she smiles u will feel that u began anew life without hurts, Bill: nice nice this words of the lovers start and then says the opposite filed The story ,Torre: who sees you now say that u did not love before and did not betray his girlfriend, Bill: You know which type of people i am .. I did not love from my heart that I enjoy my youth and girls know that so they must bears the love end , i don't know the love before marriage .. now everyone plays and deceive himself because he knows that it will not be guaranteed from this love until he married because marriage and share is not known so enjoy your life and don't care , Torre: what r u saying? Enjoy What is at the expense of others ?, Bill: I told you that girls i know they know that I do not intend to marry any of them and if they don't want that u didn't see them with me now .. Haha i like my life ^ _ ^ , Torre: actually Bill expressly You human has sold the life ,i didn't feel one day that u a romantic person, Bill: haha romantic!!. .. Where will I find romance just in Romeo and Juliet movie and Torre and Stephanie movie Hehehehe, Toure: do u flout me?, Bill: Haha, no, no just kidding i hope to last this love between u and her and don't be like ur X-girlfriend, Torre: Bill it's enough don't talk about that Traitors, Bill: I am sorry, you will come tomorrow to the university? Torre: I do not know , perhaps. then ,Bill went from the apartment and went to his house ,and torre lay on his bed, and thinking ,''do i must tell Stephanie what r in my heart or not? she's a good girl and i promised her to be Explicit, ,oh my god help me.

In tomorrow Stephanie like usual went into the room and waited her love, but he did not come so she entered the room and tested, in the half of the exam torre income late and sat behind her then they complete the solution of the exam until they had been finished and left the room and then went to a park of the university and started to talk ,in the half of conversation Stephanie said: Tore I want ask you a simple question. . has been almost a month on our relationship, but I sometimes say what is the end of this relationship? Are we will remain forever together like what we wish?, torre: Stephanie u know if i can marry u now u will see me in ur parents home now but u know everything needs money and u of course whatever i will give u I can't reach to ur wishes ,Stephanie: Tore i do not want Spinning i want the truth only please, Toure: Yes, this is the truth but i have nothing to do now ,u must wait a little and giveme some time to work then i will be the first man who will come to marry u i promise^_^ ,Stephanie: Tore I love you and I want to stay with you all my life but I'm afraid to leave me suddenly like what ur xgirlfriend did ,Torre: Hahaha Did I crazy to leave my heart and leave !tell me how i can live my life then ?baby i will not do to u what she did to me and do u think that i loved u to just revenge and make u the victim?, Stephanie: I do not know perhaps because I am loved u and i don't know how our relationship will continue, Torre: relax Honey i will not leave who i love and I love you from all my heart Come now let's eat something I feel hungry, and then they went to cafeteria and during eaten the lunch Torre said: Stephanie do u think ur parents will agree if i come to ur home to marry u?, Stephanie: of course, and why they will reject ?and they will accept any person come to marry me if that you or others Hehehehe, Toure: it is easily to trust the person who will marry u? Might be harmful to you or the person have a bad reputation, Stephanie: They want to see my children before they death, This is important but who told you that I will accept anyone ?.. I am educated girl and I know how to chose my life partner ^ _ ^, Toure: I promise if i grouted i will be the first man who comes to ur home and Here we are in last year and there's nothing left to grouted just make us continue our relationship and finished our study with high rate ^ _ ^ , Stephanie: My God Torre I love you I love you, Tori: Hahaha down ur voice We are in a general place and not alone and I also love you Honey.

after two weeks before the day of graduation at Toure apartment he Contact Bill ,said: Bell come to me quickly , and then he fell ,in the handset Bill says: Hello Torre response torre!! ... then he close the handset and came to the apartment quickly and income it then he found torre on the ground, he said to him: Toure Toure wake up! what happened to you, Toure: Uh, Bill , my heart, Bill: What the? Come Stand i will take u to the hospital, and then transported to the hospital and brought a state of emergency and after about an hour out of the emergency room, when the Dr get out from the room bill said: Tell me what happened to him ?, Dr.: who r u?, Bill: I dearest friend for him and I get him to here tell me what happened?, Dr.: i'm sorry to tell you that Torre he have a heart disease and his condition is very critical and we hope it Simple to live, Bill: What!!! what r u say Dr. i know Torre long ago and he did not say anything about this disease !how u tell me now that he will lose his life soon???! Dr.: I do not know how he didn't say anything about this disease but I think it was hide this thing from his friends . probably he wants to keep this thing to himself and I think ur friend was strong against his disease because he was apparently suffering from a long time ago but now immunity will not be charged more and he resisted including enough and heart disease known to be tolerated for a limited period only then fall by the patient can not resist more and die , from now I say to you that if you want anyone to see him before he died i think it's the best time. sorry i must go now and i'm sorry again to ur friend.... then bill Tears began to fell and he can't stop them then he stop at the door and watched Torre sad because he knew that the dearest friend parting had come and there's not more awful from friend parting..

In the Stephanie home she was celebrating with her mother to Graduation and to be ready for ceremony graduation and optimistic from arrival of marry from her love Torre, who promised her to marry but the disease don't Recognized for love and now he falls in the hospital awaiting the day of his death approaching .. this is life u love, think and optimistic, but u see reverse what u expects and u have strongest shock of your life when you leave precious love suddenly.

The day after the arrival at the graduation day Bill came to the hospital to reassure the Torre So it found him sleep and the subject of medical devices sat next to him and said: why u didn't tell me about ur disease? Why did u hide this thing from me? You know that I'm dearest friend to you and you dearest people I have, why u make me grouted alone and u lying here waiting for your death , then tears fell at the hands of Toure then torre opened his eyes a little and touch Bill and said: Bill i want from u a last favor please, I want to see Stephanie Please go and bring her to me, Bill: u wake up!! Well Well i will bring her now But please Be vigilant and tried to not sleep and keep your eyes open, and then quickly went to the University and began searching for Stephanie and that time Stephanie was held at the Tel Torre, but there's not respond because Torre left his phone in his home .... and after Bill went to the site of the graduation ceremony, when he entered Gallery stop honoring Stephanie privately voice calling for Struggle and then stood on the stage and took the honorary shield and I smiled for the camera .. poor girl did not know that these are may be the last smile, and after descending from the stage and left the hall quickly went to Bill and said: Stephanie Come with me quickly Toure in the hospital, Stephanie : What!!! Which hospital ?what happened?, Bill: Come with me now is not the time to talk .. then they took the car and went to the hospital when entering Stephanie kissed the head of Toure and caught his hand and said to him: What happened honey?, Torre : My dear Stephanie Thank God i saw u before I die, Stephanie: die!! What r u say ,, Tori: actually stefane i will say to you now everything and i won't hide anything because I am after a small distance from death Listen .. I am born with a heart disease and I hideout this from you and I know I promised that I would be Explicit with you along the relationship but i was afraid that if i told u about my disease u will leave me like my xgirlfriend did, because when she know about my disease she left me and gone to another guy so i didn't told u that but now i must be clear with u before i die , Stephanie: it is easily to leave me alone in this life?where's ur promise to marry me?do u want to leave me when uhave became all my life?do u want to leave me after u have became the best person in my life?do u leave me after u have became my heart , do u leave me when u have became all i have ?, then she started crying on his chest and says :tori Please take me with you I do not want to live this life without u Please do not die, then she crying, Bill: Please Stephanie This does not help ,u make him to be sad more , Torre eyes Full of tears say: Let her bill sooner or later I am dead today or tomorrow ,then he caught her hand and kissed her head and said: stefane Remember that you will be the only one in my heart always and u the one who teach me how the love is and please continue ur study and don't miss the hope ,this is the life when u see the shine side of it, then he hug her and she was crying, , saying: tori i won't love anybody after u,with u my love started and after u ends.. , and then she felt that Torre hands moved away from raising her hand then she saw torre with heart without Pulse then she start calling: Tore Torre woke up Tori Please don't die then she try to move it but there's not life for body without soul, , then the doctor came and his nurse tried to help recovery but not useful ,in this moment Torre said goodbye to his life but his heart didn't say the same for his love because he will keep her in it and make the rest of his life to her to live it but…

Two days after, Stephanie became crazy because she can not afford to live without her love torre then they Entered her to the hospital and nothing was in her mind only torre say it his name any time any place..
This is the pain of love when u leave ur love suddenly , and without any alert of his death then u shocked when u listen to his death news ...seeing him with ur eyes die and leaving u to live this life alone..
.. love have a beautiful meanings and sad meanings
.. and u have the option to live it or leave it away
... .. Stephanie living now in a psychiatric hospital and her mother visited her twice in the week , she didn't be ok until now and i don't think there's a cure to The Pain Of Love….

---- The End----
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