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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1402489
Zaila finds new friends, more people to hurt when the truth is known
Chapter 3
         It has been two weeks since Anoka and I left the prison, I told him what Malaki said about me being a killer and an elemental, all he said was ‘really.’ He was hiding something. But we all had secretes that the other does not know. We camped in a forest of some kind last night, it’s growing colder, winter is coming, or my heart is the cold thing… another week and we are in Cavalla, one more week and I have to kill Demetri. Why did I say ‘consider it done,’ that wasn’t me…was it?
         Anoka looks at me, all I have been doing was staring at the flames of are camp fire, watching it dance, it almost looks like a gypsy dancing…it’s so beautiful. It looks like I could almost join her, all I want to do was dance and forget about Demetri. Why did I have to dream about him, his eyes a pretty green, almost like a forest, those flames… closer and I could…
“Zaila!” Anoka pulls me back, “What are you thinking, you could have been in flames!”
“Sorry, I didn’t realize.” I look at the flames, the gypsy is looking right at me, leading me on.
“Forget it, it’s time for bed.”
He puts out the flames, I which my dancing gypsy die. He doesn’t say a word to me, all he does is climb into his bed sack. What’s wrong with me? I almost did dance in the flames, if I am an elemental, could I? What else could I do?
         Who are these people? The big dark man doesn’t seem powerful, but the girl with the dark hair, the way she looked at the flames… her hand was it in and it didn’t go in flames. I look down at my wolf, his white fur moves in the fall wind. I have to which these two, more the girl.
“Artemis, what are you looking at?”
“Nothing, Rena. It’s just I found some others traveling to, I guess, Cavalla.” I turn to Rena, the water princess in a way, her dark brown hair and her brown and blue eyes. She was second born, so in other words sister will be queen and she is to be married off, sad but Artemis will stay with her, they have been friends since birth, she was Rena‘s guard.
“ Great, I am sleepy, are you coming.” I can’t stop looking at her, power, there is power in her. I believe she will help… someway. “Stop it, they are going to see you. Fine I will make you come.” I turn to her, oh no!
“Rena don’t.” She closes her eyes, blue light comes from her skin, then blue signs.. The water sign...oh great. Her eyes open.. Her pupils are blue. I look back at them.. Three, two, one..
“Oh… Anoka it’s raining. Anoka, wake up!”
“That wasn’t nice.”
“Funny through. Come on, lets go to sleep.”
“Ok, I am coming.” I turn back to them, running around in the rain, power I feel it again, our eyes meet, power so much. I turn, but not helping them first, I know Rena, her rain will last all night. I close my eyes, and open them, the trees go together, they have cover.

         â€œ Well last night was fun!” The sun has came up, the freak rain storm last night. “So, how much longer until we get to… Anoka? What is it?” I look to the road, two girls are there, one stood tall, skin white and long dark brown hair and eyes that are brown yet blue. She was in a blue dress with a sword and the other in a brown leather skirt and top, looked like a hunter outfit, she was short with brown hair that was cut to her ears. She had green eyes. On her shoulder was a bow and arrow. And what made me really go all the way behind Anoka was they had a wolf and big white wolf, two wolves. The other was a blue gray one. Who are they?
“Hello.” The Blue dress one said “On your way to Cavalla?”
I don’t like her, for some reason I don’t like her. I look at Anoka, what do we do? He takes the lead, but before he makes the move, he pushes me behind him more.
“ Yes, we are.”
‘WHAT the hell are you doing? Don’t tell them!’
“Really, we are too.” It was the hunter girl, her wolf looks at me, his eyes are brown.. No gold.
‘what do you want?’
“Maybe we should…travel together?” Both the blue girl and I look at her. Anoka looks at me, then looks back at them, ‘oh great! He is going to say yes.’
“Sure, ladies, why not. My name is Anoka and this is Zaila.”
‘Stupid man, now we are going to get eaten by there dogs.’
“My name is Artemis, and this is Princess Rena”
“Oh a Princess, how lovely.” Anoka hits me a little, “Sorry. It slipped out.” She gives me a look, why would a princess be traveling with just a women? We start to walk again… all of us. I really take a look at the women, they have swords, they can fight, they have wolves… big ones. Who are they? Sure one was a princess, but who are they?
“So, Anoka why are you two going to Cavalla?”
“Nothing really, Artemis, just never been there.” Wow, he really made that off the top of his head… come on ask them. “Why are you two?” Yes,  now lets get somewhere. I look at them, we are walking in a line, Princess and I on the ends. We make eye contact, if looks could kill.
“Well, Rena is to be married to Prince Demetri.”
I stop dead, my prince.
They all look at me and stop walking. I look at each face, but stay longer at Rena’s. A princess, a beautiful princess, perfect hair, perfect everything… and I… am just Zaila, a slave, who doesn’t know anything about her family, just a killer and a elemental, what ever that is. Oh, and I have to kill my love, the one person I have ever loved. Wow, I have no chance. What was I thinking, I didn’t come here to kill him, I really believed that he could save me. I felt something on my face, I put my hand to my face, water, I am crying…perfect.
I start to walk again, hiding my face. Anoka gets behind me, I am leading, don’t know where but I am.  I feel someone by me, I look through my hair, and see a short women.. Artemis. And right beside her was a big white wolf.
“So… Zaila, what’s your story?”
“Don’t have one.”
“Really, everyone has a story. How about I tell your mine and you tell me yours?”
“No, I just can’t…” I turn to her, “I can’t, it’s very hard one to tell in one minute of getting to know you. How about you tell me and I might let you in a little.” 
“Well… lets see, where to start? Rena and I have been friends since… well ever. Like yours, my story is very long.” We start to laugh, I have forgotten about laughing.
“Well, try, how about a question.”
“Ok…go.” My eyes go to the wolf, “Oh, yes he was a gift. Both of them, my father gave them to us, before he… before he went away.” she smiles, but it was a sad one. “Well, his name is Amadeus, and her wolf name is Calder…wild water, yes the water princess names her wolf after some sort of water.”
“Well, some little idea about your life, and some of…hers.” Artemis looks at Rena, and takes a guess. Not hard really, I did look at her.
“You don’t like her, do you?”
“I don’t know, it’s hard.” I look up to the sky, it’s growing dark, night soon. I look at Anoka, he knows it too.
“ Lets make camp.”
Artemis takes me away to get wood, I try not to look at her.
“Why don’t you like her? I took note that when you heard that she will marry the prince you stopped… so going out on a guess here, you have meet the prince and like him.”
I look away.
“You love him! Wow this is perfect. Rena is going to be so happy!”
“What? Happy?”
I looked at the short hunter, what did she mean?
‘Happy? Rena not wanting to be with Demetri.’
“What do you mean? Artemis...hello tell me.”
         All she did was smile at me and walk away. Does Rena not want to be with Demetri? What is going on? I can’t do this, I have a mission…to kill him, I can’t love him. No matter what I can’t fall in love.
         We get back to the campsite, Artemis smiles, Rena has the same of look, like me, on her face... no idea what is going on. We sit down and start eating the rabbit Anoka killed. I eat a little, if I don’t Anoka will give me that look, I start thinking about things. Mostly these past few weeks, finding out that I was a lone-elemental, and a killer. And some how having to kill my Demetri. Wow, my life is great. I look around at the people who I am traveling with. Anoka, a dark skin man from the desert with blue tattoos all over, and somehow knows me more. Artemis, a hunter, short and knows a lot, I believe. And then there is Princess Rena… of the water. Tall and beautiful. Why won’t Demetri marry her. There is also there big wolves. Odd… all very odd.

Chapter 4
‘Take her Anoka! You must!’ the women puts the girl into the mans arms, so small and powerful. To grow up away from her mother, power flows thought the little girls blood, power that could kill one person in a second.. ‘If Malaki gets her… she will die. Not her life, her soul, he will control her. I have already bleed for her sister, I will not see Zaila control. I rather die. Go, now.. Please.’ her eyes told of her love for both of them. To let go of the one thing you loved most was hard, but needed.
         The women looked at the door, the moon was her only light. Anoka couldn’t go but he had too. His mission was to protect the blood, even if one of them should die. The one women he loved most. He looked down at the little girl, maybe 6, so small. He couldn’t let her fall into Malaki’s hands. Zaila was the last of the Aethers, the lone- elementals, the ones who could control all. There was some elementals, but so very few. Because to come forward was a death. Malaki and his army would kill you.
         Footsteps! He is coming. Anoka looked into the women’s eyes, this was the one he loved but could never be with. The Guards of the Aether couldn’t be with the ones they protect. Anoka looked into Lallya’s eyes, his only one. Zaila was all she had, she wanted her girl to live, her last child. Zaila’s sister Aelayna was killed, the circle, god men, believed her to have the Aether blood. Her blood was shad because of there sickness for power, Malaki’s sickness. They believed this because she was the first female born to King Malcolm, Malaki’s brother and the king. To have the Aether’s blood fall on to the holy stones would give the killer the power, non-came. Aelayna’s death was for nothing. Knock at the door, they are here!
‘I will come back for you, my love.’ He kisses her softly on the lips, there last one until goddess knows when. Zaila is awake now, her eyes know what is happening. So young and yet so old. Accepting what is happening to her. She is placed on the floor, Lallya’s kisses her last child. The knocks are louder, they know she won’t let them take Zaila.
‘Go now!’
The doors fly open, Malaki is in the front, blue fire in his eyes, and on his hands. The room grows cold, Anoka can see his breath. Zaila hides behind him, shaking with fear. He puts out his Battle Ax, ready to fight to the death if need be. Lallya’s hands turn to root and green, her eyes are all green and her skin has the symbol of a earth binder. She is ready to kill.
‘Relax, my dear.’ He walks about the room. His voice is like a snake, his fingers are ice blue ice steam falls from them. ‘We are not going to kill Zaila, no I will not repeat like last time.’ Lallya’s power falls, not really listening, no, more watching…for weak points.
‘Zaila will never be yours. Not as long as I breath.’ Lallya was a warrior, like a mother lion.
‘Yes, that is a bit of a problem. You see, my dear beautiful queen.’ He is right to her cheek. Anoka looks at them, he sees blood dripping down Lallya’s pale green dress, Malaki walks away and Lallya falls with a ice sword in her chest. The green symbol of earth fades of her skin and falls out along with her blood. Zaila runs to her mother.
‘Mother! Wake up. I need you.’ The little girl cries on her wound, she is close to death to weak to left her head to kiss her child.
‘Zaila, my little princess.’ the queens voice is so quiet, ‘be brave, never…never lose hope.’ Death is right at her shoulder,’ I love you. Take this.’ She gives her necklace to Zaila. A gold one with an eye, the eye of the goddess, of all the elementals, wrapped so beautifully with a gold and sliver band. As soon as Zaila has it in her small hands, the queen dies. Anoka walks forward, the guard stop him, he knows he just lost everything.
‘Take that man to the prison.’
‘Let go of me!’ They take is ax away, and bet him. Malaki walks to him, right to his ear.
‘She is Mine!’

         In another part of time, Zaila is a awoken by a dream.
My dream, a women, who was she? And why was Anoka in it? My life is gone a different place, no more waking up in a cold dark cell, hoping to stay alive, just to do it all again. I look around our campsites and see everyone was asleep, sound and running in there dreams. I awake by Malaki standing over a body of a queen. I take in a heavy sigh, one of letting go and forgetting my nightmare and breathing in the cold night. I look around at my sleeping friends. Anoka, a man I would trust with my life and yet I don’t know much of him, but he, I believe, knows things about me. Artemis, a hunter and a fighter. A little spirit that has became my friend in a short time. And her charge, Princess Rena, a beautiful lady who is to be married to Demetri. I dislike her but I trust her. My eyes go to there wolves, odd ones. Big and powerful full of knowledge. There eyes which me, following every movement.
         I look up to the sky, a full moon, the winter cold is coming, I feel it. The fire is still in the wood. Just enough light to see the dark woods. I start playing with the fire, hoping for a new flame. A noise, leaves breaking, someone is near. I look up, I see nothing, the wolves hear the noise. They start to stand.
“Stay doggie‘s.” I stand, as do they, they don’t listen. I grab Anoka’s ax, somehow knowing what to do with it. I stay low, I look over the woodpile, the woods are dark, but I know I am being which. I walk to the end of the campsite, I hear the noise behind me, I turn. Rena is awake, just want I need trying to stop someone from killing me and keep the little princess alive. We make eye contact. My finger goes to me lips, ‘don’t speak.’ Calder goes to her, her sword in her hand, she is beside me. Everything goes quite, nothing, not even the wolves are making a noise.
“Drop your weapons.” Out of the woods is a man, and behind him are what looks to be guards. The man is tall and a little tan, with eyes like fire, his hair like the ash of odd flames. On his arms and hands are covered with bans. I look to his fingers they look like embers. I look at Rena, she is smiling. What is going on, her wolf walks right to this man, Calder is acting like a big puppy.
© Copyright 2008 S. Langman (sileny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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