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Rated: E · Fiction · Supernatural · #1401431
May is transferred to Ardeur High after being attacked by an animal,
  I always thought the night was the safest part of the day. Now I see it's actually the safest part of the day, well for everyone but the mortals. It's so peaceful at night, not so many cars, less people, except for the ones out to part, 'work', and the chance for my friends and I to go out and have fun. Thought we love the daylight we can't stand the people, pushing and shoving to go here or go there. Not stoping to look at what all they have created; a wonderful yet deadly world. My teachers have begun to see the world in a "different light" I guess you can say. Tonight I learn of the jobs my kind can do without getteing blamed for something happening to others and we can do them a lot better as well. The job's are like all other jobs, but i'll let Professor Jake Walden think I know know nothing...shh
                                                                Sincerly, Rosemary
  May closed the diary and looked at the colored pencil drawing across from her bed. The poster was of a girl curled up on her windowsill. She sat with her arms hugging her legs to her chest and rests her head created. Behind the young child like girl the moon covered the upper right corner of the window. The angle was sketched from underneath giving a feeling the girl was being watched. She showed no signs  of tears, but the dark sketching of the pencil lines and shading told a different story.
  She lifted herself up off the bed. At the sound of the door opening she swung around to meet Able, the second headmaster. Able looked like a bodyguard; he wore black shirt, pants, and had broad shoulders, chest, and arms. Short brown ear length hair and brown eyes that were almost the color of black made him desirable to May. He made her fell she had to breath deep to keep her breath. Her feet moved two steps and she stopped herself before she moved closer to him. May Found her voice, "Able! Um, can i help you with something?"
  "Master Conner wishes a word with you." Able said. His voice matched the rest of him oh so very desirable. It was a soft, luxurious, heart pounding voice. She turned around and spoke loud enough for Able to hear here. "I will be there in just a moment." Able turned and left. She grabbed the diary and hid it.
  She knocked on the door and waited for Conner to open it. The mirror behind her showed unbrused hair and her face paled. She forced the color back into her cheeks and fidgeted with her hair.
  The mirror gave her a clear view of what had changed, not physically, just with her life. All it had been at Ardeur High School was two weeks, her soon to be new permanent school. It was a private school located in New York. The rules for applying at thisa school were different. You would have to go to the school for two weeks before the school year starts. 'Very strange these school rules' May had told herself. The only good thing was that now May was a junior in high school and one year closer to graduating.
  She looked back at the doors and continued with her hair; her nerves had gotten to her. May examined the two doors infront of her. She guessed the doors and the rest of the building were made in the seventeeth century. A lion and leopard statue were placed to her right and to her left. They were made from stone except for the eyes. The lion's eyes glimmerend blue and the leopard's were a beautiful deep green. 'Well master Conner is a big fan of cats,' May assumed. She looked back at the doors and was suddenly calm. It wasn't the doors that had made her nerveous it was the fact that Conner had asked to see her. As far as she could remember she had behaved herself during the first two weeks of school.
  The door opened and Mike, another student, stepped out. She felt some kind of pressure pushing down on her. The only thing she could think to call it was chakra, a form of energy from living beings. The energy flung threw the air, thick with his anger. Normally his eyes would have been blue, but the color had changed to aurburn. His hair was the same as hers, long jet-black. Mike's hair was twice as short, which made it shoulder length. Her eye's glowed a brighter dark green in responce to his energy pressing on her body, a challenge she would gladly fight. May couldn't understand why she was feeling his energy.
  Mike didn't look at all like Able. He looked more like a person you could run to for comfort, thought he doesn't have the temper for it and that goes double at the moment. He glared at her and the emotions in his eyes changed from anger to embarrassment to pain. Mikes chakra changed with his emotions, pulling it back to keep it from pressing on her. He had not meant to not be in control of his anger. He didn't stay to chat; instead he left with his head down  and eyes facing the ground. Miked looked back once he rounded the coner. May's body moved with a slight swing to her hips. Did she do that normally or had she known he would look back at her? Natural it had to be natural. Her Tripp pants curved around her hips and upper legs thean flowed loosely down to her ankles. She wore a tube top that laced up the back and tied around the front like a belt, exposing her back. Mike watched her with great care. With each step she took his eyes followed until the door closed behind her. He leaned back against the wall. Jasmine, his ex, ran up to him and flung herself at him, making sure he had to catch her. He rolled his eyes in responce. She was short, propable about five-two or so. Her slim body figure was no bigger than most models you would see on TV. Her hair was long and dyed strawberry-blonde and her eyes sparkled hazel. The skirt was short enough that if she bent down her panties would flash. Most of the boys drooled when they could get glimpses and the girls just gagged. She started the conversation off, but it was always one sided. "Mike I'm so glade I found you. Today has been so awful. First the gym teacher made me actually run and now i stink and my hair is a mess." Jasmine looped her arm around his and waved the other one as she talked. In about five minutes Mike had had enough and took her arm out of his. That quieted her down and made her ask what's wrong.
  I don't feel like chatting right now," he said. Mike left her standing in the hallway by herself.
  For three minutes or so she sat across from Headmaster Conner and waited for him to finish the phone call he had had to make. She stood up and moved behind the comforter chair she had been sitting in. She examined the room as she waited. May first noticed that the ceiling chandelier was a seventeenth century Venetain-style, with scrolling leaf and flower motifs.  The painting on the ceiling was of little angels playing musical instrument dancing in the clouds. The room was designed to be like a mini Roman Catholic cathedral. His desk was a nineteenth century Chippendale Mahogany Pedestal desk.
  Master Conner, as everyone at school called him, propped himself up on his desk. His hair was short, spiked, and light brown with tips colored red. Sunset, sunset was the only thing May could think of to describe Conner's eyes. His face was square shaped and put together Conner Del's features. He had tattoos on his shoulder and neck, and an ear piercing. His style of clothes was a mix of Old Navy and Zummies. The style he had put together actually worked for him.
  "Hello Mis. Cape. I apologize for my rudeness." He said, holding out his hand. "My name is Conner Del, the Headmaster. Sorry it has taken so long for me to meet with you. New school year, meaning having to deal with parents and concerns, though you probably didn't care to know that."
  May Stared at him, having know idea what to say. She said the only thing she could she could think of "Am I in trouble?" and are you insane? she asked.
  "Of course not?" Conner paused. "I actually have a few questions for you, if you don't mind? May shrugged in response. "They may seen weired, but I feel I need to ask them."
         "Just ask them already!" she said, annoyed with him and his incoherent babbling.
         He stared at her, stunned by her forwardness "Very well."
         "Your parents must have told you something to get you to agree to come to this school. What did they tell you?" Conner asked, May was after all, the one who had told him to just ask.
         "Not much after I was attacked they sent me here and told me this place would make me better." She dug her nails into the chair so hard that she punctured the leather of it. "What did they mean 'make me better'?
         "Attacked by what? Do you know?"
         May shook her head, she wasn't going to give Conner anything to use until he told her what was going on. Besides, she didn't even know.

         He sighed, sat down in his chair and rummaged through somw files. He found her folder and pulled it out. she glanced over at the file and at first couldn't read what it said. A few moments of staring at the papers, her eyes focused in on the writing.
         'Doctor's note:
                   'Sever cuts and gashes to the arms legs, and back, an Oblique fracture of the left scapula made by unidentifiable bite wound, Compund fracture to the right ulna. Health improved in three days. Completely healed in two in a half weeks.'
         She looked away from the report and to the floor. Had the attack really that bad? Damage so incredible that she shouldn't be alive. 'But I have no scars what so ever.'
         Conner closed the report and looked up at May. "Ms. Cape? I Know you saw the report; you know what the doctor wrote. I am going to send you to our nurse to do a blood test and after that you are to go to the libray. She will give you a folder with a subject in it, I want you to do research on it. This might seem pointless, but there is a purpose to all of this. Afterwards when you have acquired the knowledge of what is happening to you; return here and I will give you more information." He handed her a folder. "Give this folder to the nurse."
         The nurse had been nice enough and the same for the librarian, but when she asked questions they avoided them. The librarian pointed her to this section of the library. May read the tittles of the books on the shelves. She spoke to herself "All this stuff is about lycanthropes, they're just mythological creatures. What does this have to do with me?"
         She felt someone lean over her shoulder before they spoke "I see their finally making you look up the stuff." She turned around and came a little above vhin length to him. He wore a black tie and white button up shirt with black dress pants. If he was a teacher, she didn't recognize him.
         "Yes, but i don't understand what all this has to do with me." She waved her hand  in the direction she was talking about, while she spoke. "I mean it's not like their real. Scientifically its not possible; our blood and animal blood don't match and they shouldn't. If it was possible then it would have been done, right?"
         "Why does everything said by scientist have to be right? Can't something's be left unexplained? Here...," He picked up a book a few rows down and brought it to her. "read this book it will explain a lot. If you want we can read it together? That way I can help you."
         May looked up at him and smiled a little, "Are you flirting with me professor?" Her smile faltered when she ment his eyes. They were the darkest oceans blue with a hint of green. Her blood pulsed loud in her ears. She wanted to taste his neck on her lips and his blood in her mouth. The images of what she wanted to do flashed through her mind with such strength. She felt as if her legs might collapse from right under her. She looked passed him at the mirror at the end of the room. She was panting heavily; Prickles of sweat were built up on top of her forehead. Yellow cat eyes stared back at her and the taste of hunger filled her mouth; her two canines appeared longer.
         "Professor? I'm not a teacher. I really do look it don't I?"
         Her hand flung to her mouth. It had only been seconds, but it had felt like minutes. She froze from embarrassment from both reasons. Her cheeks were almost red and the air in her throat seemed to be caught in it. "I'm so sorry for that, you look like a proffesor with the way you were dressed and all. Did you see that?" She held his shoulders and leaned farther to the side. "See what?" he looked at the mirror. She pointed to her face and mouth. "MY eyes they were yellow and shaped like cat eyes. Then my... my canine teeth they were longer. I was like i was a whole different person, bit I wasn't a person at all. I'm going insane, I really am. I need to get out of here." She started to walk away.
         "No it's ok. Don't go." He held her shoulders and turned her back around. "Let's just read this book in your hands and I will try to explain everything I can. We, other students, are not supposed to help the new ones figure out 'The Big Secret', but." he smiled "that doesn't mean I can't guide you in the right direction."
         Lets start over, names Adam."
         "May" she blurted out, She felt so stupid like she just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. While she was in her own mind Adam had found a collection of four chairs; they all faced inward making a square. May sat in the one on Adam's right. She took off her shoes and curled her legd up under her. She opened the book. "Where do you want me to start?"
         Go to the index and look up the chapter "Truth of the first Lycan' and read it.
         "Can I read it out loud?" She felt like a child asking, but that's how she reads and understands better. He noded.
                   May fliped threw the pages. "In ancient times before Christ when the Goddess Demeter along with many others of great importance ruled; Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft. Though she has many other names was the only one of the ancient Titans whe Zeus allowed to keep their authority once the Olympians took control. When Hades kidnapped Persephone, Demeter's daughter, it caused Demeter a broken heart. She wondered, the earth, looking for her daughter until the All-Seeing God told Demeter what had happened.
         Demeter angery with drew herself. With out her the earth became fertile. Zeus sent Hermes down to Hades to make him return his and Demeter's daughter. He agreed, but was not happy. Before her leave he gave her a pomegranate. when she ate it later, it bound her to the underworld and she had to live there one-third of the year. The other months were spent with her mother. Hecate became her confidante when she was in the underworld. Hades thankful for their friendship, honoring her as a prominent and permanent guest in the spirt world."
         "Stop here for a second," He turned the bages a bit. "Ok read from here."
         "Because Hecate wanted to do her job of protecting  newborn babies. She created creatures inlike any other to do her bidding, half-man and half-animal. She took one mortal for each animal that was worthy if being a protector or gaurdian in someway. She gave each of them the ability to shapeshift into the animal and back or both at once and even in animal form. The two things Hecate forgot were that mortals wern't that smart. Most used their newfound gifts for revenge and any other evil deeds possible. And the second is that any ability needs to come with a price for reasons such as the good of heart turned to bad. So as the mortals that she chose began their evil reign everyone they scrached and bit bacame just like them. Hecate did the only thing she could think of. She put a curse on the creatures she created.
         'For every full moon the change from human to beast is a must with no choice to the matter and ye shall eat like the animals you are.'
                                                                               So mote it be. So mote it be.'"
         "And so the curse was put on all our kind." Adam finished the last off for her. She looked up confused by the words 'our kind.'
         "But that's not..." She trailed off.
         "I think you get the jest now. If not think real hard about all that has happened and put the puzzle together." She did not miss the sarcasum in his voice. He gets up and puts the book back.
         "I don't feel any different." She looked at the ground and didn't care if he heard the worry in her voice. "But... this itn't logical. The book is just words and there is nothing for me to believe that this is real." She ran her hands threw her hair.
         "Come on let's go." He held out his right hand.
         "where are we going?"
         "Getting some ice cream."

         May Closed her bedroom door and glanced over at the clock on the wall. Three pm, half an hour until her next class With Professor Gabe.
         Journal Entry 13,
                   Gabriel Thinks that because he can now be apart of the fight that he is all big and bad. Hum... let him try that with me i'll tare him up so fast he wont even get a chance to rethink it. All the candidates this year I think are decent, I hope know one dies. Gabriel Will probably try to kill someone and I think I know who that someone is, Erin Walden, Professor Walden's son. Those two and Derick are the only real major competition for each other. The girl's fight is going to be interesting. Like hell if I am going to take part in it theres no way i'm going to throw myself at him, though he is cute! Angela is so mean, she swears to the Summerlands and Underworld that she is going to win. Let her try to beat Mimi. Now I think Mimi would be the perfect leopardess to be queen. She has the best temper I have seen, Than there is the way she handles situations. Oh well time to go to class                                                                                                                                                                    Toujours,                                                                      Rosemary
         Ps:Look I've learned a little french. It means always.
         May was supposed to be heading to class, but the information she had just learned still played in her head like a broken record. 'For every full moon the change from human to beast is a must with no choice to the matter and ye shall eat like the animals you are.'
         She know understood that the first two weeks before school starts is so the students could refresh their minds and to learn and adjust to the idea of what they are. May had learned why she had been sent to this school and she had already remembered last years school classes,so there was no real reason for her to go to class and she needed to clear her mind. May made her way to Lake Park, a block away. The park was beautiful, a way walk, for runners and bikers, surrounded the lake. Tree after tree outlined the path all the way around, but for a few spots here and there. The forest was a few yards back to the west side of Lake Park entrance. Shadows loomed in the trees where the sun could not reach them. It reminded her of fairy tail story forests, when it is peaceful and butterflies fluttered in the forest.
                May walked through the forest, midway she laidback on a fallen tree that was caught three-fourth the way down between to others pressed closely together towards the bottom. Staring up at the sky in between the branches the best she could she felt at peace. Like no one could touch her not even heaven or hell. Her mind trailed deeper into her thoughts. She played what had happened to her in her head.
                The last of day took its final course as the rising darkness took the rest of day. The backpack straps pressed hard on her shoulders from school, which was in the center of town, to the library, which was on the left end of town than back home. Its easy if you have a car, but not so much if you have to walk. The path May took home was filled with dead ends and ally ways.  The street lights were out on Summer Street. The shadows danced around her in a constant motion. The air smelled thick of rotting food from the trash bens and wet dog from the rain that had come and gone. She glanced around for the dogs, but none were insight. She increased her pace with longer strides. Human paws wrapped around her stomach and mouth drawing her into a  collection of fur. He nuzzled her; May could hear him smelling her. She knew he was memorizing her sent, like animal. Making a mental imprint that he would not forget. The blood pulsed, like a heartbeat, below filling him with raw need. His groin rose pressing into her jeans and butt, he was unclothed. She finally began to really struggle she wasn't about to let anyone rape her and make her feel weak, defiantly not a human that wasn't a human at all. She Kicked her leg back and up hopeing she would hit her target, her foot landed home. A snarl escaped from his throat loosening his grip from her stomach and completely from her mouth. She ducked her head and twisted to the right out of his grip. She kicked him up high into his ribs, with her left leg, sending him backwards onto his butt. She took off full speed in the direction she had been walking. She glanced back and saw him get up, she quickened her speed. The backpack kept slowing her down. She shrugged off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. the relief came quickly and the pressure she had been feeling was gone. She heard footsteps or claws clinking on the ground behind her. His paws smashed into her back knocking her to the ground. The claws dug and racked down her back ss she went down. They felt like knives tearing all at once threw her coat and skin not stopping till she was flat on the ground. She pulled herself away from him the best she could. His paws grabbed her arms clawing and pulling them a little ways back down to her sides. The canine teeth crushed her caller bone; he shook his head from side to side with her shoulder and neck still in his mouth. She had already been screaming, but that tore scream after scream from her throat.He scratched at her inner thighs ripping and shredding her clothes. When she tried to pull herself forward again he stepped on her right arm leaning forward, she felt a bone break in her arm. She tried to open her eyes, but blood blurred her line of sight. She did her best to see infront of her. A long flat metalshape laid nest to a parked car. She felt the weight of his body on hers, but his muzzle was lapping up the blood on the ground. She watched him out of the corner of her eye. He pulled back his muzzle growled and showed his teeth. she looked across the street and saw the figure of a blonde male staring un-amazed at the animal. The creature dashed across the street towards the man and the blone male took off. She ignored the pain the best she could and crawled to the thin bar by the car. Someone must have been trying to steal the car when they herd the noise and fled. She stood with the bar in her hand and walked as fast and slow as possible. He returned only seconds later after she had started to walk. She turned and found him lunging at her from the air. He fell on her in one perfect movement. The creature laid still on top of her. With a scream snd moan she pushed him off of her. The metal bar stuck out of him at a perfect angle. With out even thinking she had put the bar out infront of her and from the angle she had just missed the rib cage by an half inch. She rammed it up futher hitting his heart. He took his last breath and fell still. She stood and cried with every step or breath she took. Her body screamed for her not to move. Her right arm hung limp by her side. The blood from her head flowed once again in front of her eyes. A police car was coming. The sirens and lights looked far away, but she knew they were right next to her. She collapsed in the officer's arms.
         Ok she was atacked three weeks ago, but by what kind of lycan? The book said each human was given an animal form for each animal that would be able to protect the newborn babies. That means the animal has to be strong, can defend its self, and protect the child. She closed her eyes and sang.
         "I thought you were a goody, goody always following orders." The voice made her jump and almost fall off of the tree, but she caught herself and looked up to see Mike standing over her.
         "What are you doing here?" She said surprised and annoyed all at once. Though was kind of glade to see him, but kept that emotion away from her face and voice.
         "Icould ask you the same question!" he said "But I probably already know the answer. You found out didn't you?"
         May sat up and Mike sat down next to her. "I still don't know what to think."
         "Do you know which one you are?"
         "No." she leaned back and looked up at the trees. "How many kinds are there?"
         "I don't Know for sure wolves, leopards, lions, and hyenas are among the most common. The ones that i know and are uncommon are tigers, snakes, cheetahs, bears, jaguars, there is probably more, but I don't know for sure what they are."
         "Wow which one am I?"
         "She looked at Mike there was something different about him right now, but she couldn't tell what. He seemed so... wonderfully and strangely beautiful at the moment. She bit her lip and smiled just a little. Mike had been talking and she hadn't heard a word. The noise from the animals and trees faded into the background. May covered his mouth and listened to the forest. She could hear voices in the distance, two of them with deep voices. By their breathing she could tell one was a little on the heavy side and the other was tall with some meat. The thought made her very hungry and crave to feel his flesh in her mouth. The men were at least seven miles away.
         Mike grabbed May and dragged her off the tree and helped her run with him as fast as they could to get away from the men. He heard her breathing heavy after a ways and stopped running. "what is going on?" She said, but Mike didn't reply he just listened for the two men's voices. Mike felt a hard blow land across his cheek. He looked at her shocked by her sudden out burst. "I have been trying to get your attention for the last three minutes. Tell me what the hell is going on!"
         "Those two men were farmers." He said it like that would explain everything.
         "What does that have to do with us?"
         "Lately someone or something has been killing live stock and the bodies have been found in the forest. The farmers are to the point that if they catch anyone or a coyote, they will blame it on who or whatever they can. So we, meaning all of us, have to be careful."
         "Well next time warn me when you are  going to do that."
         "He stared at her wondering if he had heard her right. She had said next time did that mean there will be a next time.
         They laid down under a big tree and talked for a bit. Mike learned that May was a Cancer in the Zodiac. She was an active animal rights activist. She told him some more about her and than he told her about himself. He kept finding reason after reason to like her more. He could not describe it something just felt right. She was his and he knew it or at least his heart told him and silently prayed to Demeter that May would be his mate.
         The halls wew quite ehen they returned, it was noon meaning, it was lunch and the halls should have been full of students. The halls felt eerie and Mike didn't like the uneasy atmosphere. He looked at May and she looked content with it all. A few students raced passed them down the hall towards the fance gym. They followed them and pushed the doors open enough to see in. All the students were assembled and a few upper classmen. Conner and Able were standing on the floor.
                   Conner's voice carried over the gym. "You all known why you were sent to this school and you have probably all slowly been gaining your extra senses. You are all shapeshifters like it or not. You can either abide by our laws, which you will learn here at this school or recive final sentence."
         "When Able or I directed you to the library you read the book 'The Goddess and her Creations'. It told you of what and why we are this way. We are no longer those idiotic shapeshifters that you read about. Law one applys applies to all, we do notuse are abilities to harm or kill a human unless for self defense, but we are strong enough to where we do not have to kill them to stop or restrain them. To murder a human is death once you are eighteen." Conner scanned the stands. Mike and May stayed where they were. "You are all required to take take the basics of shapeshifting class. This will teach you what you need to know and prepare you the best we can for when you first shift. Which will be in two weeks."
         May watched Conner with great care. There was something that made her uneasy. She couldn't tell if it was good or bad though. "There is not much more to say besides you are all officially welcome to Ardeur High School. One more thing that is important every pack or pard has his or her own set of rules to follow and in this school we are Pard and as such we will act like one. Enjoy the pep rally and next Monday the class starts." Conner's eyes fell on May. She closed the door as quickly and as quietly as possible.
         May turned around and bumped into Mike who stood right behind her. She stared at him almost expressionless. May felt a new knid of energy  pouring from him. It made her body shiver and the hairs on her arms stand up. Her body reacted to Mike's aura pushing down on her. She stared at his blue eyes because so much emotion showed threw them it was not hard to see what Mike wanted, it was written to plainly on his face. May's heart beat loud in her chest, she pushed her aura ontro him and made him gasp. She rushed passed and ran down the hall to the bathroom.
         She let out a breath that she had been holding in. She wasn't physically attrackted to Mkike, so why did he make her heart race? She knew the answer it was the animal that was now apart of her. Just like it was the animal that heard and wanted those men's flesh in the forest.
                   May heard the students in the hallway and knew the bathroom would start to fill up. Three of the first girl to walk in were cheerleaders. Bridget was the head cheerleader; she had brown shoulder length curly hair that bounced when she walked. Her figure was perfect by popularity standards, it was like an hourglass. HHer skirt barely covered her ass when she would bend down, but the top gave a perfect flash of her breasts. The two othe girls that followed her in were Joy, a five foot girl with black hair, a petite body and Amber, who was five foot seven with blonde hair and very ditzy, which has nothing to do with her being blonde.
         Bridget stopped and stared at May waiting for her to flinch or give some sign she gives up. May never moved or looked away they stayed that way for what seemed forever, but was only a few minutes. Joy and Amber shrank back hopeing not to be noticed by wither one of them.
         "You two better stay where you are!" Bridget said with a low growl in her throat and kept her eyes on May.
         "They have minds of their own. Leave them alone thay can do what they want." May said clam and collect. She stepped forward a couple of steps. She knew how packs worked, well she hoped. he only things she had to go on was the books and movies of lycanthropes. They both heard teachers coming into the bathroom and both glanced at the door and than back at each other.
         Bridget looked away first. "Well finish this next time!"She turned and stormed out pushing one of the teachers to the ground.
         "One thing will never change in any human or animal a bitch is a bitch."
         May made sure the teacher was alright. The teacher flinched under her touch and finally stood up the two of them thanked her and May walked away. "No problem!"
         She walked down the hall and most of the students moved out of her way, but everyone stared at her. She heard most of their hearts beating fast and other just did not care. She over heard a girl talking with her group of friends. "Can you beleive she put Bridget in her place and still defended her puppet dolls." Word sure spreads fast, she didn't stop to talk. She also over heard two guys that were watching her closely. "Can you feel her energy, it's still so thick."
         May remembered when Mike  pulled beck his aura. She tried, but it only made her mad and her energy grow. She ran down the hall to Conner's office. She slammed on the doors cracking the hinges on it. She stared  and than moved back a couple of steps, she turned to leave.
         "Come on in May, don't be shy." Conner called from inside. She made her face almost completely blank, but a little of her anger seeped through, May was more afraid than angry now. She opened the door slowly, almost errie like, and stared directly at him. The ticking clock on the wall slowed and time itself seemed to not exist and have no hold over life or death. Every feature on his body came to her full attention. She heard his veins loud beating in her ears. They were thick and very noticeable under the surface of his neck. She could since his muscles flexing under his shirt pulling at the stiching. He wasn't flexing them his body was naturaly that way. His cologne clung to his clothes and neck. Underneath was Conner's own body smell of lavender flowers and strangely spring water.
         The knot in her stomach crumbled and spread through every inch of her body, even the untouchable. The tough of him crawled on her skin and her neck hairs stood on end. Conner waved her to enter, not seeming to notice. May closed the door and pressed her back against the door. She wanted distance, no needed distance. She must have stood there to long because he walked towards her. His eyebrows were wrinkled with concern on his face. He was speaking, but she did not hear a word he had said.
         "No, please don't," She whispered, "please." May did not bother to hide the face she was scared. She clung to her pentagram that hung around her neck. Conner stopped just out of reach, she though she heard ask if she was alright, but didn't have time to answer. His energy that rolled off of him crawled, no purred was a better term, along her skin. He was trying to calm her down by soothing her energy, the way he was taught to do. It didn't work though, it was like a weight had just been dropped on to her chest. She tried to breath past the breath past the pain. Conner had surprised her with his little display of power. Accident or not May didn't care. She glared up at him and took a step forward. That part of her that saw him as a lust object and made her scared grew to anger as she watched him very closely. From lust to anger she felt it flare to life in the center of her stomach, but much deeper, The core of her entire being. It felt new, unfamiliar and it surged through her body, but it, this didn't scare her. She was enjoying the essence of herself. She now knew that this energy was her, she was the power. The creature that was inside her was a part of her was still a beast. She bathed in its warmth and flung it around her like a blanket, a warm blanket that smelled like home. She lashed it out at Conner and pushed him enough for him to stumble a few steps back. A growl low in the back of her throat escaped from her lips. She felt the power forming in to the creature, her beast. Her beeast grew and she gave way to its needs.
         Conner watched her posture change from a scared submissive to an aggressive dominant. She used that energy in her stride and hips. Her hand dropped from her neckless, limp by her side like the other one. Though they wern't exactly limp they held energy, as did the rest of her, and helped make May complete. Her nostrils took in every smell in the room from the desk wood to the newly dried paint in the room. She could taste his sent instead of just being able to smell him. May's eyes played peek-a-boo threw her hair.
         He stood stiff as she stalked towards him. She looked up at him and reached out with her right hand to touch his face. A hand closed around her wrist she managed to brush her fingertips along Conner's Cheek. He closed his eyes and May had enough enough time to feel him shudder under her touch.
© Copyright 2008 Flower Moon Wolf (earth_goddess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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