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Rated: E · Other · Political · #1401308
When liberals think conservatively is when we need to start paying more attention.
              Geraldine Ferraros comments last week have polarized the left leaning community, forcing them to apply their intellect above their interests; to consider an idea that race is a huge part of this election. Is it because of racisms stigma and proximity in time to present day? Or that we, in this age of science and technology, mapped the human genome and sent knowledge collecting vehicles across our galaxy, may still have a sleeping giant of intolerance among us? When is it acceptable to stereotype? Is it ever? Is it unconsciously done? Have we, with the majorities  pure distaste and revulsion for racial discrimination, thrown the baby out with the bathwater, by making it an utter taboo to discriminate in any way, or by keeping our past transgressions interpreted as white over black,  slavemaster over slave, oppressor over the oppressed? The deeds done when slavery was legally recognized will be a stain on the front shirt of America in an area that we cannot nor should we tuck in.
         For the left side of politics, passion for all humanity is an essential and bittersweet part of what comes with the territory. Often classified as nuts, fanatical and/or over-zealous, liberals run the gamut between reality and fantasy. Unfortunately, there are many on both sides who believe they can individually combine the two opposites with their own principles, to create and exist with an ideology superior to those of their colleagues across the aisle.  Both parties are off their mark a majority of the time, while logical propositions and practical legislation seem to be a minority.
         Miss Ferraro articulates with her remark what most of us have thought or, at least, denied; that “Obama wouldn’t be in the position he is in if he wasn’t black”. On  NPR(National Public Radio), this statement has been a hot topic on many of the talk shows, as it exposes a rock that even the most unprejudiced of listeners  has to concede is in Americas great big, opportunity rife, debt riddled, self-righteous, enterprise driven garden.
         A sad thing about this situation is the circus of opinions, denial and rhetoric on tour in America. Think about it; the republicans don’t have to do a thing but sit back and watch the democratic party make asses of themselves. In fighting, snide comments, the sarcasm; all  forms of behavior that anyone would consider foolish, an incredible waste of time, and a gross misuse of public airwaves. The republicans are staying quiet, letting the Dems inability to stay unified amongst themselves degrade their credibility in the eyes of the electorate. Who knows how many undecided voters believe cynicism is a negative characteristic in their leaders.
         Now, denying the idea that a mans race has anything to do with his position in politics is assinign. With any luck, time and transformation, such an ideal will come to be common sense to everyone. Until that day, rejection by liberals that race is an issue will only retard important growth.
Accept that even the most auspicious of folks are not completely blind to race. Why can’t we see a black man running for president and say “right on, its about time.”, and know that alone is a huge step forward? Obamas politics; were they more progressive than Edwards? Does his past performance inspire us all to support him despite how short a time the mans been in politics? No, and the sooner everyone comes around to this, the sooner some kind of “working together for common good” can be addressed.
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