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what love can do to a young mans mind |
hello this is my first story i have wrote i would love some reviews plezz!!!...yes i did not know who to take my story from Word and put it on this so the spacing is off The Dark Side of Love The sky was dark all the lights on the street were out except for one. Inside that room let with only one candle was a boy of sixteen looking at a picture crying. The picture was of two people a boy and girl of about 14 kissing next to a big green tree. It all started four years ago it’s the start of seventh grade and a boy is being shaken “Wake up Tommy, wake up” said a voice that he could not make out “Just five more minters” “No its your fist day of junior High and you don’t want to be late now get up” said the voice as it kept shaking him “ok ok I’m up” said Tommy as he jumped up out of his bed onto his messy floor. He shucks his head trying to shake the sleepiness out of his mind as he walked to the shower to get ready for school. As he looks in the merrier at him semi naked body he can’t help thinking he is ugly. Now Tommy was tall for his age at 5’9” but was too skinny for his size he had short blond heir and green eyes a lot of people told him he looked good but he did not see it like that at all. After he got dressed he want down the steers to the kitchen to get some food before their was none left cause you he had a big family their was him his younger brother Jake, younger sister Lusy and his older brother Victor and his mom and her boyfriend Bill so you see eating was always first come first serve. Tom came into the kitchen to kind all the food was already gone “what the fuck” Tom spat. This was not starting off as a good first day. So Tom left to for the bus stop down the street it took half an hour for the bus to get there to take him to his new school. When the bus came to its last stop and lat him off he got his first look at his school for the next two years. As he want on his way he seen a few of his friends but did not say much to them he was not having a good day and did not think it was going to get any better. So he got his class list and headed of to first period. At lunch he set with his friends not talking because he was still mad and his classes so far did not help. He had two teachers that were dicks and none of his friends were in any of his classes. After the bell rang he want to his next class thinking it was just a waste of time and he cant wait to get out of here so he could go to his friends house and smoke some weed. As he walked in just before the bell rang their was only one set left right in front of the class so he walked up and set down pissed of not noticing anything that was going on around him just thinking that he wants to leave the stupid place till a voice toke him out of his thinking “excuse me but do you have a pencil I can use” it was the sweetest voice he had ever heard. He looked up and seen it was the girl that set right next to him on the some table. And as he looked he seen her face and stopped dead she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen she had long blond heir and the cutest face. He could don’t think he knew she asked him something but for the life of him he could not think of what it was all he could think was she has the most beautiful eye ever “excuse me but do you have a pencil I can use” she repeated “what am…y-y-yeah right here” he stetted as he gave her his pencil “thinks” all throw class he just kept looking at her when the bell rang she turned to him “thanks for the pencil, by the way my name is Gabrielle but you can call me Gab” Gab said as she gave him his pencil back “yeah my name is Tom” “well Tom its nice to meet you” “yeah nice to meet you to” Tom said As the day want by all he could do was think of her. As the last bell rang and the kids at the school made their way to their lockers before heading to their buses one of toms best friends stopped him and asked hem if he was coming over to smoke some weed but he turned him down for some reason he just did not feel like smoking that day. At his locker he put his books away but as he closed it his short got stock in the locker so he had to reopen the lock and get his short untangled. It was 3:45 by the time left his locker and made his way out side but when e got their he found the buses had already left that mat he had to walk all the was home it was a 2hour walk so he was pissed before he left he want back inside to use the restroom. As he left the restroom he seen the clock and noticed it was now 4:00 god he thought I’m not going to get home until 6 something he was so mad as he turned the corner he did not see the person that was standing their ran right into them they both fell to the ground he on top of the other person as he look down ready to beat this guy up he noticed it was not a guy at all but none other the Gab his anger subsided completely as he jumped up and reached down to help her up “I’m so sorry I did not even see you their” “its no prob, its not like you did it on purpose” Gab said “why are you still here” Tom said “oh I had to help one of the teachers for ex. Credit” said Gab “it’s the first day of school why would you need ex. Credit now” Tom said , suppressing a laugh. “hey its never to early to get ahead” said Gab offensively “ok if you say so” “well I do say so, the only thing that sucks is that now I have to walk all the way home” “oh so do I, where do you live?” “Way out on shamen””get the fuck out so do I” “you do? Do you want to walk together” Gab asked. “am yeah id like that beats the fuck out of walking all that way by my self””you know you should stop all the swearing its not becoming of you” and so they set off on the way they talked about all kinds of things Tom found she just moved to town last week and that she doesn’t know to many people. He found out her dad died and that her mom left her when she was a baby and that she moved there to live with her aunt and uncle. Tom felt so bad for her as she told him this he could see that this was the first time she talked to anyone about this things he could see as she talked she was at the point of crying and he would do any thing to make her feel better. He thought what happening to me I’m not supposed to feel these feeling I’m supposed to be mean and angry all the time not sad. But he know there was just something about this girl that he would do anything for if she but asked. “How did your dad die?” Tom know right after them words left him mouth that that was the wrong thing to ask because Gab broke out into tears “I’m sorry I did not mean to say that” “no its ok I need to talk about it” and so she told him all about how her dad blow his brains out and how she was the one who found him soaked in his own blood. She told him how she had no one left and was all alone. He did not know what made him do it but he look her right in the eyes and said “you got me and I would never leave you” she looked at him like he was just saying that but as she looked she know he was not lying and that he did mean it she was about to say something when out of no were tom bands down and kisses her so deep she thought she might get lost in him. And so it want for the next 4 years they never leave each others side they were both so deep in love over the years she changed him for the better no longer was he the pot head, fuck school liked to swear kid he was all them years ago. And she no longer the lonely girl either. But like all good things it would come to and end. One day Tom got up it was a Sunday so he did not have to go to school as he want to the living room to watch tv she got a phone call from one of his friends he told tom that he had to come over that he had something to show tom. So tom want to his house he was wondering what he was going to get see but what he found out was worst then anything he could image for he seen on his friends phone a picture of Gab kissing some men of about 20. Tom was devastated he ran home as fast as he could fight up to his room where he sat crying all night liking at his favorite picture of him and Gab all day long. He felt lost he loved her and she did this to him he would have killed himself for her she was his everything and now he had nothing he could not go on like this he had to get out he had to leave this place for ever so he want out to the shed out back and got a hatchet if he could not be happy no one was going to be so he want back inside up to his room and set for to hours thinking thing that no one should ever think if some could see him right know they would think he was demented the look on his face could kill but no one could see him cause it was 3:00 am. Tom got up and want to the room next door witch was his baby sisters room and set on her bad look at her face for a few minutes until she woke up “Tom what are you doing her” she asked “its going to be ok now its all over” “ tom what are you talking about” then she seen that look on his face and she started to get afraid “ its ok its going to all get better now no more pain its all going to be good now” “ Tom you scaring me” as she said that the hatchet got lifted into the air she seen that and screamed as that blade want down and a splash of blood hit the wall and the life less body of lusy hit the ground never to move again. As Tom got up and made his was out the room his older brother stopped him to find out if he know why Lusy screamed he did not see the hatchet until it was to late and the blade want into his neck and dark crimson blood shot out of it as Viktor fell to the ground. Next he went to his older brother’s room and told him its going to not hurt anymore and put the blade into his chest. Then he went to his moms’ room and killed them both without even waking them up. After all his family was killed he walked to the bath room on the first floor and started the water for a bath he added the bobbles and watched it as it filled then he got into the water and put a note that he made earlier that day on the sink he took the knife he got from the kitchen and put it t his skin he held their then slowly as if to cause as much pain a he could pushed it in as he moved the blade over his soft white skin a thick drop of the crimson blood fell into the virgin water and dyed a soup bubble red then anther drop and anther till the once perfect water was dyed a light color of red. A steam of blood hit the floor it found a crack in the tile it rolled do it till it made a little puddle. As the blood dropped from Toms body and his life was slowly going out he closed his eye and seen the face and loved for so long. Gab walked over to toms house to find out where he was he was supposed to pick her up to go on a date that night and he was not in school that when she got their she knocked and no one answered so she want in she called for tom but again no answer so she thought she would just wait till some one got their as she made her way to the living room she decided to go to the restroom as she opened the door she seen it the body of the person she loved more then anything dead in pool of his own blood she fell to the floor crying. Then she seen the note baby I love you so much how could you do that to me you hurt me so bad you where every thing to me and without you I have nothing I have no reason to keep on living with you gone from me but even after what you did to me I still love you I’m sorry I could not keep my promise to stay with you forever. For always and forever. Tom. Gab did not know what she did but she know she could not keep on living without him so she picked up the knife and cut her self as the blood dropped onto the floor and want into a creak until it met the puddle of blood that was toms and the to peoples blood mixed together Gab leaned in and said “now we can be together for ever” and kissed Tom on his cold dead lips and the life faded from her. Back at tom’s friend’s house hey said the boy that showed tom the picture “do you think we should go tell Tom the picture was not real” The end |