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by Lisha
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1400443
Doubt leads to suspense which leads to love.

The setting sun peaks through the metal arms of the ferris-wheel as it steadily rotated counter clockwise. Laughter and giddy comments floated to the ground from the seated passengers. A warm breeze picked up sending a few stray napkins running through the throng of people as they walked the crowded midway.

Distant screams can be heard as bodies go flying by on all sorts of fun looking contraptions. Some going around in frantic circles, while others are busy flipping upside down or thrashing patrons from one side to another wildly. Strong waves of corndogs, cotton candy, popcorn, and onion rings stain the air all around. Content couples sit on designated benches munching happily between idle chit-chat, caught in their own worlds. Excited hoots and hollers come from every side of the midway as guys try their best to show off and win a stuffed animal for their dates. One couple on the sideline seems to be arguing about something but the unhappy sounds are overpowered by the laughter.

This is how all carnivals are, and yet he is not happy. How could he not be? It was his idea to come here. He was the one to talk me into going out and had suggested this. “Have a little fun,” he’d said and yet he’s not having any.

“Maybe this was a bad idea?” I suggested, finally breaking the silence between us.

“No, no. We came to have a good time and that is what we’ll do.” He said, looking everywhere else but at me. “Lets go this way,” he continued after a short pause. Turning sharply to his left he cut through the crowd leaving me to follow in his wake. With a shake of my head and my shoulders slumped, I trailed after him.

Some fun, I thought to myself as I dejectedly followed after him. With ease I copied his zigzag pattern through the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone. That was the last thing I needed, to collide with some unsuspecting kid and have his ice cream cone smeared all over my brand new jeans. Ha! Maybe a little ice cream would do these jeans some good, since they are no help to me.

The memory of shopping for the outfit that hugged my body seemed like a waste of time and money now. Jeff had yet to notice the low-cut top in his favorite color blue, or the new snug jeans that helped to showcase what little curves I have. So, why bother? Maybe he’s not interested in me after all? Just then Jeff turns around, stopping suddenly, and looks back over at me.

“Come on, keep up.” He said in a hurried tone. Now suddenly he’s in a rush to go nowhere? What is his problem tonight? With an annoyed jerk of my head I quicken my pace until my strides are even with his.

“Where are we going?” I asked, tired of his attitude.

“Somewhere,” came his vague answer. The frustration billowed inside me as I held in the urge to strangle him. His pace slowed to a casual stroll as he took in his surroundings. This man was going to drive me to murder. One minute he’s in a rush and now he acts as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

We walk on in silence once again as the sun disappears below the far off horizon. The blinking lights on the midway take on a new life as they seem to light Jeff’s way. As we continued to walk the crowds started to thin and the paved midway ended, turning into a dusty dirt road.

“Seriously, where are we going?” My tone turning skeptical and a little hesitant. Where on earth could he be taking me, and why were the people vanishing from sight? My heart picked up its own pace as I bit down on my lower lip, a nervous habit Jeff has yet to realize. Soon, we were the only two on the road, the last group of people gone from our view, and my anxiety heightened. Did I even really know Jeff? Well enough for him to lead me to some desolate place without a second thought?

A quick shake of my head cleared the path in which my thoughts were following. It was ridiculous to think such things, and about such a nice guy. Jeff had yet to given me any cause to undermine his actions, I’m just being paranoid.

The dirt ended without my noticing and turned to lush green grass. The sounds of the midway slowly drifted from my ears and a lull settled around us. Reality seemed to fade right along with the sounds as Jeff lead me up to the crest of a small hill, stopping just at the top. Turning my gaze on him, I failed to notice anything else. The lights of the midway were gone and the shadow of evening encompassed his face. The sharply chiseled features were darkened, but that only added to his mysterious appeal. His brown eyes darkened to black as he fixed them on me making my breath catch in my chest. With one arm outstretched before him, I followed with my eyes until they stopped upon a neatly spread blanket and make-shift picnic basket.

“What is this?” I asked in astonishment.

“Just a little something I put together.” Was his simple reply.

“How? When did you do this?” I asked never taking my eyes from the sight before us. The dark expanse of sky above peppered with stars seemed like black velvet embroidered with diamonds, and I had to hold myself in check. The apprehension I felt before melted away to jittery butterflies fluttering about in my stomach. Never hand anyone done something like this for me and I felt as if I were up with the stars looking down on someone else. No, this wasn’t for me…couldn’t be.

“I made a couple arrangements. Come, lets sit. The show is about to begin.” His reply was simple and again the urge to strangle him crept up. How could he be so calm while my insides were doing a shuffle dance? I felt his cool hand overtake mine as he lead us the short distance to the prepared blanket.

Once seated he reached into the basket and pulled out two long stemmed glasses and a bottle of white wine. An assortment of crackers and cheese were soon to follow as he prepared everything for us. I sat watching his swift movements, noticing a grace about him I’m sure he didn’t even know he possessed. With a sound pop he opened the bottle of wine and poured us each a glass before handing one to me.

“Thank you.” I said taking the glass and mentally slapped myself for the lame response. “This is beautiful.” I continued without skipping a beat. With the sun gone and night settling, a chill crept up my spine.

“Are you cold?” He asked concerned.

“No, I’m fine.” I lied. Sipping the delicious liquid, I let it splash over my tongue and excite my taste buds. Show? I had nearly forgotten his earlier words and I turned more towards him. Legs stretched out before him and crossed at the ankles, wine glass in one hand the other beside him, he looked totally at ease.

“What show?” I asked sounding foolish to my own ears.

“The fireworks. Every year they end the carnival with a great display. I wanted to share it with you.” He answered as he looked into my eyes. Again my heart danced in my chest.

“Thank you.” Came my reply before sharply turning my head away. Could I become more of an idiot?

“You are more than welcome. Here, come here you are cold.” He said as he noticed my slight tremble. Complying, we both moved closer and more towards the center of the blanket. Pulling up the ends he wrapped the extra material around us. Body to body I could feel the heat radiating from him and I was grateful for it. The September air had a crisp chill to it, but it was soon forgotten once wrapped up next to Jeff.

The rich scent of his cologne drifted to my senses much like a distant band to my ears as he slipped his free arm around my lower back. A different chill ran up my spine, but I welcomed it this time. The feel of his hand splayed on my hip sent the butterflies back to work in the pit of my stomach.

Leaning forward he set his glass down and offered up the cheese and crackers. We ate in a comfortable silence, his arm never leaving its hold on me. Soon, a bang was heard in the distance and the first firework shot up illuminating the night sky with a burst of yellow. More quickly followed casting the velvet sky into a myriad of different colors. The wine, cheese and crackers were soon forgotten and set off to the side. His free hand took mine, linking our fingers together intimately. Taking my eyes away from the beautiful display of light I looked over to see Jeff’s eyes trained on me, my pulse fluttered rapidly.

“You’re beautiful.” He said as his eyes roamed my face. Heat flushed to my cheeks as I wanted to shake off his words for they couldn’t be true. Me? And Beautiful? In the same sentence, I think not. I started to turn my face away, but his eyes held mine and I couldn’t move. Panic began to rise within as I lost all ability to talk. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as I’m sure he could read my thoughts. I never did have a good poker face.

“You may not believe me, but you are. You are worth all of this and more, and I was blind not to see it sooner.” He voiced his thoughts with an ease I envied.

“You didn’t have to…” I started but my words were silenced as he brought his mouth down upon mine. The kiss was feather light at first, as he tentatively placed his lips to mine. My eyes drifted shut as he pressed forward increasing the touch. Slowly our mouths opened and our tongues entwined in a dance that was simply our own. With the fireworks bursting over head and our mouths intimately together, the world disappeared as I melted into the kiss.

Hesitantly he pulled his lips from mine and watched as I kept my eyes closed. Never had anything so beautiful happened to me, and I savored it all as if it were my last sip of water for the many miles to come. Reluctantly I opened my eyes, half afraid he had vanished as if in a dream, only he was still there. With a saucy smile he took his hand from mine to brush his thumb along my cheek.

The moment played over and over in my mind as Jeff’s eyes bore into mine. How could I have doubted him? He was everything my heart had ever wanted, and now there he was seated beside me. I knew when I first saw him the connection was reciprocated, and knowing I had doubted it made my cheeks heat with embarrassment. Brushing his thumb across my cheek again, I was sure he could feel my reaction and the smile deepened on his face.

Dropping a tender kiss upon my lips, there was no need for words, all had been communicated. Satisfied with a shared knowledge we returned our attention to the fireworks over head. The evening could not have turned out any more precious than it had, and we both were eager for what the future held.
© Copyright 2008 Lisha (xstarrynightx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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